Promoting Decent Work in Global Supply Chains in Latin America and the Caribbean: Key Issues, Good Practices, Lessons Learned and Policy Insights

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The report is based on a desk-based review, drawing upon existing studies of global supply chains (GSCs) to examine their impacts and implications for the development of domestic firms, their contribution to productive transformation and structural change and their impacts on the quantity and quality of jobs in the LAC region. It situates the expansion of GSCs in the region within an analytical framework that recognizes both the economic and social upgrading dimensions and the impacts on firms and workers. Special attention is given to the mechanisms for governing the terms and conditions of engagement between firms and between firms and workers in GSCs, with the aim of identifying ways to jointly pursue the goals of raising competitiveness and of promoting productive employment and decent work.







Gereffi, G, P Bamber and K Fernandez-Stark (2016). Promoting Decent Work in Global Supply Chains in Latin America and the Caribbean: Key Issues, Good Practices, Lessons Learned and Policy Insights. Retrieved from



Karina Fernandez-Stark


Karina is an expert on global value chain analysis, with more than 15 years of experience leading numerous research projects related to economic development and competitiveness around the world. Her consulting is action-oriented, focused on leveraging academic research into tangible sustainable development outcomes and building capacity of policymakers around the world. She has consulted for the World Bank, Inter-American Development Bank, OECD, UNCTAD, ECLAC, and the African Development Bank amongst others. Karina's areas of expertise cover a wide range of economic sectors including agriculture, manufacturing, mining and services. She is a globally recognized specialist in policy development for trade, competitiveness, skills development, gender and SMEs contributing to more gainful participation of developing countries in the global economy.

Karina authored the highly-cited book “The Global Value Chain Analysis: A Primer” and together with Gereffi & Bamber, she recently published the edited volume "China's New Development Strategies: Upgrading from Above and Below in Global Value Chains." She has published widely on industrial upgrading and social and economic development. Her research continuously brings a policy focus, advising governments on different continents. Karina has conducted numerous Global Value Chains workshops in Africa, Asia and the Americas both online and in-person. She designed and developed a GVC manual in Spanish for economic development researchers in Latin America. Karina is Chilean and holds a Bachelor’s degree in Journalism and Political Science and a Master’s degree in International Development Policy from Duke University.

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