Rowland, Gary2023-03-232023-03-232023-03-23 Rowland, a UNCG MLIS capstone intern with the Duke Libraries’ Assessment & User Experience Strategy Department, conducted a usability study to test students’ feedback regarding Duke’s Interlibrary Requests page and ILLiad webpages, as well as their perceptions of Duke’s interlibrary loan webpages compared to NC State’s Tripsaver page. The study gathered impressions of these pages and asked participants to perform two tasks: requesting a book and an article from Duke’s interlibrary loan. The test included four pre-test questions and lasted approximately 15-20 minutes. The study was developed by Gary Rowland with guidance from Dr. Angela Zoss and Thomas Crichlow.en-USAUX - usability testInterlibrary Loan usability test - March 2023Report