Goron, CoralineKhatri, Jasmine2024-04-292024-04-292024-04-29https://hdl.handle.net/10161/30632Biodiversity loss is one of the key environmental issues of our time, with species declining at their fastest rate in human history and numerous key biomes under threat. Yet the gap in biodiversity financing remains vast, at USD $830 billion. Private sector approaches have been fast growing in order to meet this demand, with biodiversity credits being the latest market initiative to emerge. This report takes a deep dive into the current state of the biodiversity credit market and its regulatory tools, and whether the direction of the market is commensurate to the problem it is trying to solve. Using a mixture of content analysis and in-depth interviews with key market stakeholders, the report provides a critical analysis of the market state and offers pertinent recommendations that encourage a re-evaluation of market foundations.en-USBiodiversitybiodiversity creditsnature marketsEcologyProspects and challenges in regulating the emerging global biodiversity credit market