Dulbecco, RenatoNuttle, Xander2009-12-072009-12-072006-11-17https://hdl.handle.net/10161/1564The interview was a project of the Center for Public Genomics (http://www.genome.duke.edu/centers/cpg/).Renato Dulbecco, along with David Baltimore and Howard Temin, received the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 1975 for his work in virology. He was an early advocate of sequencing the human genome.16526336 bytes2936832 bytes88489 bytesaudio/x-mpegaudio/x-mpegapplication/pdfen-USCenter for Public GenomicsRenato DulbeccoHuman Genome Projectsequence analysisXander NuttleInterview with Renato Dulbecco by Xander Nuttle, November 17, 2006Recording, oral