Kim, JungsangSpivey, Robert Fulton2022-09-212022-09-222022<p>Ion traps are a leading candidate for scaling quantum computers. The component technologies can be difficult to integrate and manufacture. Experimental systems are also subject to mechanical drift creating a large maintenance overhead. A full system redesign with stability and scalability in mind is presented. The center of our approach is a compact cryogenic ion trap package (trap cryopackage). A surface trap is mounted to a modified ceramic pin grid array (CPGA) this is enclosed using a copper lid. The differentially pumped trap cryopackage has all necessary optical feedthroughs and an ion source (ablation target). The lid pressure is held at ultra-high vacuum (UHV) by cryogenic sorption pumping using carbon getter. We install this cryopackage into a commercial low-vibration closed-cycle cryostat which sits inside a custom monolithic enclosure. The system is tested and trapped ions are found to have common mode heating rate on the order of 10 quanta/s. The modular optical setup provides for a couterpropagating single qubit coherence time of 527 ms. We survey a population of FM two-qubit gates (gate times 120 μs - 450 μs) and find an average gate fidelity of 98\%. We study the gate survey with quantum Monte Carlo simulation and find that our two-qubit gate fidelity is limited by low frequency (30 Hz - 3 kHz) coherent electrical noise on our motional modes. </p>Quantum physicsAtomic physicsOpticscryogenicIon TrappingoptomechanicsQuantum computingquantum gatestwo-qubit gatesA Compact Cryogenic Package Approach to Ion Trap Quantum ComputingDissertation