Barr, JustinIngold, RachelBaker, Jeffrey P2024-06-112024-06-112023-030022-50451468-4373 history of medicine has only unevenly been integrated into medical education. Previous attempts to incorporate the subject have focused either on the first year, with its already over-subscribed curriculum, or the fourth year in the form of electives that reach a small minority of students. Duke University provides an alternative model for other universities to consider. At our institution we have overcome many of the curricular limitations by including history during the mandatory third year clerkships. Reaching 100% of the medical school class, these sessions align with clinical disciplines, providing students a longitudinal perspective on what they are seeing and doing on the hospital wards. They are taught in conjunction with a medical history librarian and rely heavily on the utilization and interpretation of physical artifacts and archival manuscripts. The surgery, obstetrics/gynecology, and pediatrics rotations now feature successful and popular history of medicine sessions. Describing our lesson plans and featuring a list of both physical and online resources, we provide a model others can implement to increase the use, the framing, and the accessibility of history in their medical schools.HumansPhysical ExaminationMedicineCurriculumStudentsEducation, MedicalEducation, Medical, UndergraduateSchools, MedicalHistory of MedicineChildHistory of Medicine in the Clerkships: A Novel Model for Integrating Medicine and History.Journal article