Uellendahl, J. E.Heckathorne, C. W.2011-10-042011-10-041997From "MEC 97," Proceedings of the 1997 MyoElectric Controls/Powered Prosthetics Symposium Fredericton, New Brunswick, Canada: August, 1997. Copyright University of New Brunswick.https://hdl.handle.net/10161/4892Over the past ten years, the Prosthetics Clinical Services Department of the Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago has treated thirty-six (36) persons with bilateral arm amputations. Of these, twenty-three had sustained high-level bilateral limb loss. High-level is defined as the absence of a functional physiological elbow joint. In some cases the anatomical elbow is present, but the joint is impaired and non-functional necessitating a prosthetic elbow joint. This accumulated clinical experience has been augmented by significant input fiom the Northwestern University Rehabilitation Engineering Research Program in Prosthetics and Orthotics. Guided by a fitting philosophy that has evolved over this period, our combined efforts have resulted in considerable success in the rehabilitation of this most severely impaired group of persons with arm amputations.Management Of The Person With Bilateral Arm High-Level Amputations