Krolik, Jeffrey LNolte, Loren WSoli, Jonathan Boyd2015-01-282016-01-212014<p>The Slow-time Costas or "SLO-CO" Continuous Active Sonar (CAS) waveform shows promise for enabling high range and velocity revisit rates and wideband processing gains while suppressing range ambiguities. SLO-CO is made up of non-recurrent wideband linear FM chirps that are frequency staggered according to a Costas code across the pulse repetition interval. SLO-CO is shown to provide a near-thumbtack ambiguity functions with controllable sidelobes, good Doppler and range resolution at high revisit rates. The performance of the SLO-CO waveform was tested using the Sonar Simulation Toolset (SST) as well as in the shallow water Target and Reverberation Experiment 2013 (TREX13). For both the real and simulated results, the performance of the SLO-CO is compared to the conventional CAS waveform. Amplitude-Range-Velocity (ARV) processing of SLO-CO experimental trials reveal that relatively high direct blast sidelobes mask the target peak. Methods of suppressing the direct blast are discussed including adaptive filtering and re-designing the waveform.</p>Electrical engineeringAcousticsContinuous active sonarCostasDetectionLocalizationwaveform designNon-recurrent Wideband Continuous Active SonarMaster's thesis