Shestopalov, Alexander AClark, Robert LToone, Eric J2011-06-212010-01 report a new inkless catalytic muCP technique that achieves accurate, fast, and complete pattern reproduction on SAMs of Boc- and TBS-protected thiols immobilized on gold using a polyurethane-acrylate stamp functionalized with covalently bound sulfonic acids. Pattern transfer is complete at room temperature just after one minute of contact and renders sub-200 nm size structures of chemically differentiated SAMs.en-USAcrylatesCatalysisDNAMaterials TestingMetal NanoparticlesMicroscopy, Atomic ForceMicroscopy, Electron, ScanningNanotechnologyOxygenPolymersPolyurethanesSulfhydryl CompoundsSulfonic AcidsSurface PropertiesTemperatureInkless microcontact printing on SAMs of Boc- and TBS-protected thiols.<resourceType xmlns="" resourceTypeGeneral="Other">Journal article</resourceType><alternateIdentifier xmlns="" alternateIdentifierType="eissn">1530-6992</alternateIdentifier>