Samei, EhsanJohnson, Joshua2012-05-252012-05-252012<p>Recently, there has been a lot of effort placed on monitoring patient dose from medical procedures. The majority of people's concern has been focused on computed tomography because of the higher amounts of patient dose associated with CT exams. Our institution currently has dose monitoring programs for CT, nuclear medicine, and digital projection radiography. However, there is currently no established way to track patient dose for computed radiography. The current method of tracking computed radiography is to track exposure indicators which are not directly meaningful to patient dose. In order to address this issue, I have expanded on the exposure indicator tracking by adding a conversion for estimated patient effective dose in computed radiography.</p>Medical imaging and radiologyComputedDoseDosimetryEffectiveMonitoringRadiographyA Dose Monitoring Program for Computed RadiographyMaster's thesis