Gehrt, Tine BBerntsen, DortheHoyle, Rick HRubin, David C2019-06-222019-06-222018-110272-73581873-7811 Centrality of Event Scale (CES) was introduced to examine the extent to which a traumatic or stressful event is perceived as central to an individual's identity and life story, and how this relates to Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) symptoms. In addition, the CES has been examined in relation to a range of other conditions and dispositions. We present a systematic review of the correlates of the CES. Results from 92 publications resulted in 25 measurement categories in the six theoretical domains of trauma, negative affect and distress, autobiographical memory, personality, positive affect, and gender. The mean weighted correlations of the 25 measurement categories ranged from -.17 to .55, with standard errors from .01 to .02, allowing us to distinguish empirically among effects. Consistent with the theoretical motivation for the CES and predictions predating the review, the CES correlated positively with a range of measures, correlating most highly with measures related to trauma, PTSD, grief, and autobiographical memory. The findings show that the CES probes aspects of autobiographical memory of broad relevance to clinical disorders, and with specific implications for theories of PTSD.Autobiographical memoryCentrality of eventPTSDSystematic reviewPsychological and clinical correlates of the Centrality of Event Scale: A systematic review.Journal article2019-06-22