Dennis, Emily LDisner, Seth GFani, NegarSalminen, Lauren ELogue, MarkClarke, Emily KHaswell, Courtney CAverill, Christopher LBaugh, Lee ABomyea, JessicaBruce, Steven ECha, JiookChoi, KyleDavenport, Nicholas DDensmore, Mariadu Plessis, StefanForster, Gina LFrijling, Jessie LGonenc, AtillaGruber, StaciGrupe, Daniel WGuenette, Jeffrey PHayes, JasmeetHofmann, DavidIpser, JonathanJovanovic, TanjaKelly, SineadKennis, MitzyKinzel, PhilippKoch, Saskia BJKoerte, IngaKoopowitz, SheriKorgaonkar, MayureshKrystal, JohnLebois, Lauren AMLi, GenMagnotta, Vincent AManthey, AntjeMay, Geoff JMenefee, Deleene SNawijn, LauraNelson, Steven MNeufeld, Richard WJNitschke, Jack BO'Doherty, DanielPeverill, MatthewRessler, Kerry JRoos, AnnerineSheridan, Margaret ASierk, AnikaSimmons, AlanSimons, Raluca MSimons, Jeffrey SStevens, JenniferSuarez-Jimenez, BenjaminSullivan, Danielle RThéberge, JeanTran, Jana Kvan den Heuvel, Leighvan der Werff, Steven JAvan Rooij, Sanne JHvan Zuiden, MirjamVelez, CarmenVerfaellie, MiekeVermeiren, Robert RJMWade, Benjamin SCWager, TorWalter, HenrikWinternitz, SherryWolff, JonathanYork, GeraldZhu, YeZhu, XiAbdallah, Chadi GBryant, RichardDaniels, Judith KDavidson, Richard JFercho, Kelene AFranz, CarolGeuze, ElbertGordon, Evan MKaufman, Milissa LKremen, William SLagopoulos, JimLanius, Ruth ALyons, Michael JMcCauley, Stephen RMcGlinchey, ReginaMcLaughlin, Katie AMilberg, WilliamNeria, YuvalOlff, MirandaSeedat, SorayaShenton, MarthaSponheim, Scott RStein, Dan JStein, Murray BStraube, ThomasTate, David Fvan der Wee, Nic JAVeltman, Dick JWang, LiWilde, Elisabeth AThompson, Paul MKochunov, PeterJahanshad, NedaMorey, Rajendra A2023-11-012023-11-012021-081359-41841476-5578 growing number of studies have examined alterations in white matter organization in people with posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) using diffusion MRI (dMRI), but the results have been mixed which may be partially due to relatively small sample sizes among studies. Altered structural connectivity may be both a neurobiological vulnerability for, and a result of, PTSD. In an effort to find reliable effects, we present a multi-cohort analysis of dMRI metrics across 3047 individuals from 28 cohorts currently participating in the PGC-ENIGMA PTSD working group (a joint partnership between the Psychiatric Genomics Consortium and the Enhancing NeuroImaging Genetics through Meta-Analysis consortium). Comparing regional white matter metrics across the full brain in 1426 individuals with PTSD and 1621 controls (2174 males/873 females) between ages 18-83, 92% of whom were trauma-exposed, we report associations between PTSD and disrupted white matter organization measured by lower fractional anisotropy (FA) in the tapetum region of the corpus callosum (Cohen's d = -0.11, p = 0.0055). The tapetum connects the left and right hippocampus, for which structure and function have been consistently implicated in PTSD. Results were consistent even after accounting for the effects of multiple potentially confounding variables: childhood trauma exposure, comorbid depression, history of traumatic brain injury, current alcohol abuse or dependence, and current use of psychotropic medications. Our results show that PTSD may be associated with alterations in the broader hippocampal network.BrainHumansStress Disorders, Post-TraumaticAnisotropyAdolescentAdultAgedAged, 80 and overMiddle AgedFemaleMaleYoung AdultDiffusion Tensor ImagingWhite MatterAltered white matter microstructural organization in posttraumatic stress disorder across 3047 adults: results from the PGC-ENIGMA PTSD consortium.Journal article2023-11-01