Busch, WolfgangBenfey, Philip N2011-06-212010-04https://hdl.handle.net/10161/4171Plants exhibit different developmental strategies than animals; these are characterized by a tight linkage between environmental conditions and development. As plants have neither specialized sensory organs nor a nervous system, intercellular regulators are essential for their development. Recently, major advances have been made in understanding how intercellular regulation is achieved in plants on a molecular level. Plants use a variety of molecules for intercellular regulation: hormones are used as systemic signals that are interpreted at the individual-cell level; receptor peptide-ligand systems regulate local homeostasis; moving transcriptional regulators act in a switch-like manner over small and large distances. Together, these mechanisms coherently coordinate developmental decisions with resource allocation and growth.en-USArabidopsisAutomatic Data ProcessingGene Expression Regulation, PlantPlant DevelopmentPlant Growth RegulatorsPlant Physiological PhenomenaPlantsQuercusTranscription, GeneticInformation processing without brains--the power of intercellular regulators in plants.<resourceType xmlns="http://datacite.org/schema/kernel-3" resourceTypeGeneral="Other">Journal article</resourceType><alternateIdentifier xmlns="http://datacite.org/schema/kernel-3" alternateIdentifierType="eissn">1477-9129</alternateIdentifier>