Browsing by Author "Fitzpatrick, David"
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Item Open Access Distortions in Perceived Direction of Motion Predicted by Population Response in Visual Cortex(2009) Wu, WeiThe visual system is thought to represent the trajectory of moving objects in the activity of large populations of cortical neurons that respond preferentially to the direction of stimulus motion. Here I employed in vivo voltage sensitive dye (VSD) imaging to explore how abrupt changes in the trajectory of a moving stimulus impact the population coding of motion direction in ferret primary visual cortex (V1). For motion in a constant direction, the peak of the cortical population response reliably signaled the stimulus trajectory; but for abrupt changes in motion direction, the peak of the population response departed significantly from the stimulus trajectory in a fashion that depended on the size of the direction deviation. For small direction deviation angles, the peak of the active population shifted from values consistent with the initial direction of motion to those consistent with the final direction of motion by progressing smoothly through intermediate directions not present in the stimulus. In contrast, for large direction deviation angles, peak values consistent with the initial motion direction were followed by: a small deviation away from the final motion direction, a rapid 180° jump, and a gradual shift to the final direction. These departures of the population response from the actual trajectory of the stimulus predict specific misperceptions of motion direction that were confirmed by human psychophysical experiments. I conclude that cortical dynamics and population coding mechanisms combine to place constraints on the accuracy with which abrupt changes in direction of motion can be represented by cortical circuits.
Item Open Access Distribution and diversity of intrinsically photosensitive retinal ganglion cells in tree shrew.(The Journal of comparative neurology, 2017-12-14) Johnson, Elizabeth N; Westbrook, Teleza; Shayesteh, Rod; Chen, Emily L; Schumacher, Joseph W; Fitzpatrick, David; Field, Greg DIntrinsically photosensitive retinal ganglion cells (ipRGCs) mediate the pupillary light reflex, circadian entrainment, and may contribute to luminance and color perception. The diversity of ipRGCs varies from rodents to primates, suggesting differences in their contributions to retinal output. To further understand the variability in their organization and diversity across species, we used immunohistochemical methods to examine ipRGCs in tree shrew (Tupaia belangeri). Tree shrews share membership in the same clade, or evolutionary branch, as rodents and primates. They are highly visual, diurnal animals with a cone-dominated retina and a geniculo-cortical organization resembling that of primates. We identified cells with morphological similarities to M1 and M2 cells described previously in rodents and primates. M1-like cells typically had somas in the ganglion cell layer, with 23% displaced to the inner nuclear layer (INL). However, unlike M1 cells, they had bistratified dendritic fields ramifying in S1 and S5 that collectively tiled space. M2-like cells had dendritic fields restricted to S5 that were smaller and more densely branching. A novel third type of melanopsin immunopositive cell was identified. These cells had somata exclusively in the INL and monostratified dendritic fields restricted to S1 that tiled space. Surprisingly, these cells immunolabeled for tyrosine hydroxylase, a key component in dopamine synthesis. These cells immunolabeled for an RGC marker, not amacrine cell markers, suggesting that they are dopaminergic ipRGCs. We found no evidence for M4 or M5 ipRGCs, described previously in rodents. These results identify some organizational features of the ipRGC system that are canonical versus species-specific.Item Open Access Neural Correlates of Attention and Motivational Value in Parietal Cortex(2007-05-02T15:48:22Z) Bendiksby, Michael S.Area LIP has long been considered to be heavily involved in controlling transformations of visual stimuli into oculomotor behavior, as well as being an integral part of the extensive cortico-cortical network that controls covert visual attention. Neurons in LIP have been shown to respond to shifts in spatial attention as well as changes in the reward contingencies associated with visual stimuli, leading to the hypothesis that this area is involved in the selective processing of behaviorally relevant visual stimuli. However, the effects of attentional and motivational processes on neuronal activity in LIP have not been fully dissociated from each other. In one experiment I found that changing the reward contingencies in a peripheral visual detection task sytematically modulated visual responses in LIP, and that these changes in activity were correlated with the reaction time costs of re-orienting attention. In a further experiment, I manipulated the motivational state of rhesus macaque monkeys by varying the reward value associated with successful completion of a cued reflexive saccade task, and was thus able to study the neuronal activity in LIP while attention and motivation were independently controlled and manipulated. LIP responses to visual targets showed that directed visual attention systematically increased activity in neurons coding the attended location, suggesting spatially specific selective processing of that part of the visual field. In contrast, increasing motivation multiplicatively enhanced the response to visual targets irrespective of their location, suggesting a spatially non-specific enhancement of processing. The effects of attention and motivation on LIP activity were both predictive of changes in saccadic reaction times. These results suggest that attention and motivation exert distinct influences on visual representations in LIP, but that they both contribute to the preferential processing of behaviorally relevant visual stimuli. The data thus support the hypothesis that area LIP encodes a salience map of the visual world.Item Open Access Neuroethology of Social Attention in Primates(2008-11-11) Shepherd, Stephen VincentTo solicit the attention or determine the intentions of another, we use our eyes. While many animals appear to use eyes as an important behavioral cue, for humans, these cues are especially critical. The power of the eyes to attract and direct attention shapes human behavior from an early age and likely serves as a foundation for social skill acquisition, ranging from simple, friendly eye contact to complex, spoken language, even to our almost mystical ability to empathize and "see the world through another's eyes". Humans have transformed our environment through our economic alliances and military competitions, and our individual successes and failures depend critically on social skills built on a foundation of shared attention. When these abilities break down, as in autism, pervasive social awkwardness can challenge the close relationship of individuals with their friends, family, and community. Nonetheless, we know almost nothing about the brain mechanisms that have evolved to process social cues and convert them into a rich experience of shared attention. To investigate this process, we explored the ability of human and nonhuman primates to follow the attention of other individuals. First, we characterized natural gaze-following behavior using a novel telemetric device in socially-interacting prosimian primates, and later in monkeys and humans responding to gaze cues in the lab. Finally, we examined the neuronal responses to gaze cues in a macaque posterior parietal area implicated in attention control--the lateral intraparietal area, LIP. Our findings suggest that gaze-following abilities may be widespread in social primates, relying on conserved, homologous brain pathways; and that they may not be informationally-encapsulated reflexes, but rather are densely interwoven with diverse social processes. Indeed, we found gaze cues influenced neurons in LIP, part of the dorsal frontoparietal attention network. Finally, we report that "mirror" neurons in parietal areas may thus play a role not only in representing perceived bodily actions, but also perceived mental states such as observed attention.
Item Open Access Neurophysiology and Neuropharmacology of Decisions(2009) Long, ArwenNegotiating the complex decisions that we encounter daily requires coordinated neu-
ronal activity. The enormous variety of decisions we make, the intrinsic complexity
of the situations we encounter, and the extraordinary flexibility of our behaviors
suggest the existence of intricate neural mechanisms for negotiating contexts and
making choices. Further evidence for this prediction comes from the behavioral al-
terations observed in illness and after injury. Both clinical and scientific evidence
suggest that decision signals are carried by electrical neuronal activity and influenced
by neuromodulatory chemicals. This dissertation addresses the function of two puta-
tive contributors to decision-making: neuronal activity in posterior cingulate cortex
and modulatory effects of serotonin. I found that posterior cingulate neurons respond
phasically to salient events (informative cues; intentional saccades; and reward deliv-
ery) across multiple contexts. In addition, these neurons signal heuristically guided
choices across contexts in a gambling task. These observations suggest that posterior
cingulate neurons contribute to the detection and integration of salient information
necessary to transform event detection to expressed decisions. I also found that
lowering levels of the neuromodulator serotonin increased the probability of making
risky decisions in both monkeys and mice, suggesting that this neurotransmitter con-
tributes to preference formation across species. These results suggest that posterior
cingulate cortex and serotonin each contribute to decision formation. In addition, the
unique serotonergic pro jections to posterior cingulate cortex, as well as the frequent
implication of altered serotonergic and posterior cingulate function in psychiatric dis-
orders, suggest that the confluence of cingulate and serotonergic activity may offer
key insights into normal and pathological mechanisms of decision making.