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Item Open Access Activation properties of ambient aerosol in the Netherlands(ATMOSPHERIC ENVIRONMENT, 1996) Khlystov, A; Kos, GPA; Ten Brink, HM; Kruisz, C; Berner, AA cloud chamber has been used to study the cloud activation of ambient aerosol in The Netherlands. The large dimensions and throughput of the chamber allowed unperturbed collection of aerosol and droplets with cascade impactors and on-line measurements with cloud monitors (FSSP) inside the facility. The study provided maxima for the number of man-made aerosol acting as cloud nuclei in marine clouds in The Netherlands. Emphasis was given to the investigation of cloud formation in marine air, since sensitivity studies had shown that such clouds are most effectively influenced by the (extra) anthropogenic aerosol particles. For this reason the supersaturations in the study were low (on average 0.12\%), similar to those in actual marine stratus. The effect of the anthropogenic aerosols on cloud formation was determined by comparing the number of droplets formed in `'clean'' arctic marine air to the number of droplets formed in `'polluted'' marine air (air which had travelled over the U.K.). Air masses with the total aerosol number concentration of the order of 100 cm(-3) were considered as `'clean'' marine air. Air masses with higher aerosol concentrations were divided into `'moderately'' and `'heavily'' polluted with total aerosol concentrations of the order of 1000 and 10,000 cm(-3), respectively. In the clean marine air all potential cloud nuclei (particles lar er than the threshold size of the smallest reference particles that were activated al given supersaturation) were activated and the number of cloud droplets formed was on average 45 cm(-3). In the moderately polluted air 72\% of potential cloud nuclei were activated and the average droplet number was 190 cm(-3). The difference in the actual cloud droplet number and the number of potential cloud nuclei could be explained by the presence of water-insoluble particles which do not activate. In the heavily polluted air the average droplet concentration was around 320 cm(-3) which is, on average, 24\% of the number of potential cloud nuclei. Copyright (C) 1996 Elsevier Science LtdItem Open Access An algorithm for combining electrical mobility and aerodynamic size distributions data when measuring ambient aerosol(AEROSOL SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, 2004) Khlystov, A; Stanier, C; Pandis, SNAmbient aerosol particles vary in size from a few nanometers to several micrometers. No instrument is currently available to cover such a wide size range, and so a combination of several instruments is usually used. One such combination is that of electrical mobility classifiers and an aerodynamic sizer. Because of the differences in measurement principles between the instruments, difficulties arise in the combination of the measurements into a single size distribution. Here we report a simple algorithm that was developed to combine aerosol size distributions measured with commercially available scanning mobility particle sizers (SNIPS; TSI Inc.) and an aerodynamic particle sizer (APS; TSI Inc.). This algorithm was tested during July 2001 in the Pittsburgh Air Quality Study. The aerosol during the study had both urban and regional origin and is characteristic of urban atmosphere in the Northeastern U.S. The integrated volume concentrations from the SMPS-APS showed a good correlation with PM2.5 mass concentration measurements using a TEOM. The relation of the aerosol mass to its volume is an ``effective{''} density, a ratio of the bulk aerosol density to the shape factor. As a result of the comparison with the TEOM the ambient aerosol in the Pittsburgh area was found to have an effective density of 1.5 +/- 0.3 g cm(-3). Given that the aerosol during the study was found to always contain water, the particles are expected to be spherical and thus the shape factor may be assumed to be 1. This assumption has been supported by a comparison with the MOUDI, using the aerosol density of 1.5 g/cm(3). It should be noted that the estimated aerosol density and the shape factor are applicable to this study only and may be different in other locations.Item Open Access An approach to monitor the fraction of elemental carbon in the ultrafine aerosol(Atmospheric Environment, 2005-10-01) Ten Brink, H; Hoek, G; Khlystov, AAttempts were made to measure the fraction of elemental carbon (EC) in ultrafine aerosol by modifying an Ambient Carbonaceous Particulate Monitor (ACPM, R&P 5400). The main modification consisted in placing a quartz filter in one of the sampling lines of this dual-channel instrument. With the filter all aerosol and EC contained in it is collected, while in the other line of the instrument the standard impactor samples only particles larger than 0.14 μm. The fraction of EC in particles smaller than 0.14 μm is derived from the difference in concentration as measured via the two sampling lines. Measurements with the modified instrument were made at a suburban site in Amsterdam, The Netherlands. An apparent adsorption artefact, which could not be eliminated by the use of denuders, precluded meaningful evaluation of the data for total carbon. Blanks in the measurements of EC were negligible and the EC data were hence further evaluated. We found that the concentration of EC obtained via the channel with the impactor was systematically lower than that in the filter-line. The average ratio of the concentrations was close to 0.6, which indicates that approximately 40% of the EC was in particles smaller than 0.14 μm. Alternative explanations for the difference in the concentration in the two sampling lines could be excluded, such as a difference in the extent of oxidation. This should be a function of loading, which is not the case. Another reason for the difference could be that less material is collected by the impactor due to rebound, but such bounce of aerosol is very unlikely in The Netherlands due to co-deposition of abundant deliquesced and thus viscous ammonium compounds. The conclusion is that a further modification to assess the true fraction of ultrafine EC, by installing an impactor with cut-off diameter at 0.1 μm, would be worth pursuing. © 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.Item Open Access Chemical and biological applications of digital-microfluidic devices(IEEE Design and Test of Computers, 2007-01-01) Fair, RB; Khlystov, A; Tailor, TD; Ivanov, V; Evans, RD; Srinivasan, V; Pamula, VK; Pollack, MG; Griffin, PB; Zhou, JThe advent of digital microfluidic lab-on-a-chip (LoC) technology offers a platform for developing diagnostic applications with the advantages of portability, reduction of the volumes of the sample and reagents, faster analysis times, increased automation, low power consumption, compatibility with mass manufacturing, and high throughput. Moreover, digital microfluidics is being applied in other areas such as airborne chemical detection, DNA sequencing by synthesis, and tissue engineering. In most diagnostic and chemical-detection applications, a key challenge is the preparation of the analyte for presentation to the on-chip detection system. Thus, in diagnostics, raw physiological samples must be introduced onto the chip and then further processed by lysing blood cells and extracting DNA. For massively parallel DNA sequencing, sample preparation can be performed off chip, but the synthesis steps must be performed in a sequential on-chip format by automated control of buffers and nucleotides to extend the read lengths of DNA fragments. In airborne particulate-sampling applications, the sample collection from an air stream must be integrated into the LoC analytical component, which requires a collection droplet to scan an exposed impacted surface after its introduction into a closed analytical section. Finally, in tissue-engineering applications, the challenge for LoC technology is to build high-resolution (less than 10 microns) 3D tissue constructs with embedded cells and growth factors by manipulating and maintaining live cells in the chip platform. This article discusses these applications and their implementation in digital-microfluidic LoC platforms. © 2007 IEEE.Item Restricted Chemical composition and aerosol size distribution of the middle mountain range in the Nepal Himalayas during the 2009 pre-monsoon season(Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 2010-12-15) Shrestha, P; Barros, AP; Khlystov, AAerosol particle number size distribution and chemical composition were measured at two low altitude sites, one urban and one relatively pristine valley, in Central Nepal during the 2009 pre-monsoon season (May-June). This is the first time that aerosol size distribution and chemical composition were measured simultaneously at lower elevations in the middle Himalayan region in Nepal. The aerosol size distribution was measured using a Scanning Mobility Particle Sizer (SMPS, 14-340 nm), and the chemical composition of the filter samples collected during the field campaign was analyzed in the laboratory. Teflon membrane filters were used for ion chromatography (IC) and watersoluble organic carbon and nitrogen analysis. Quartz fiber filters were used for organic carbon and elemental carbon analysis. Multi-lognormal fits to the measured aerosol size distribution indicated a consistent larger mode around 100 nm which is usually the oldest, most processed background aerosol. The smaller mode was located around 20 nm, which is indicative of fresh but not necessarily local aerosol. The diurnal cycle of the aerosol number concentration showed the presence of two peaks (early morning and evening), during the transitional periods of boundary layer growth and collapse. The increase in number concentration during the peak periods was observed for the entire size distribution. Although the possible contribution of local emissions in size ranges similar to the larger mode cannot be completely ruled out, another plausible explanation is the mixing of aged elevated aerosol in the residual layer during the morning period as suggested by previous studies. Similarly, the evening time concentration peaks when the boundary layer becomes shal-low concurrent with increase in local activity. A decrease in aerosol number concentration was observed during the nighttime with the development of cold (downslope) mountain winds that force the low level warmer air in the valley to rise. The mountain valley wind mechanisms induced by the topography along with the valley geometry appear to have a strong control in the diurnal cycle of the aerosol size distribution. During the sampling period, the chemical composition of PM2.5 was dominated by organic matter at both sites. Organic carbon (OC) comprised the major fraction (64-68%) of the aerosol concentration followed by ionic species (24- 26%, mainly SO2-4 and NH +4 ). Elemental Carbon (EC) compromised 7-10% of the total composition and 27% of OC was found to be water soluble at both sites. The day-to-day variability observed in the time series of aerosol composition could be explained by the synoptic scale haze that extended to the sampling region from the Indian Gangetic Plain (IGP), and rainfall occurrence. In the presence of regional scale haze during dry periods, the mean volume aerosol concentration was found to increase and so did the aerosol mass concentrations. © 2010 Author(s).Item Open Access Comparability of three spectrometers for monitoring urban aerosol(ATMOSPHERIC ENVIRONMENT, 2001) Khlystov, AThe comparability was tested of three aerosol ``spectrometers{''}, used in a program for monitoring the spectra of fine and ultrafine particles in three European cities. Droplets of sebacate, solid ammonium sulfate and agglomerates of elemental carbon were used in the tests, representing the major chemical and structural types of particles encountered in urban aerosol. Particles in the ultrafine range (10-100 nm) are sized by electrical mobility (SMPS, DMPS and EAS) and the ``spectrometers{''} gave very similar size distributions for these aerosols. The integrated number concentrations were on average within 20\% of the directly measured total number concentrations. Particles with a size between 0.1 and 2.5 mum, in which most of the volume/mass is concentrated, are being differently classified in the three ``spectrometers{''}, respectively, with a low- and a high-flow LAS-X, and field charging in the EAS. The agreement between the three instruments in this size range was less good, which was partly caused by signal overload in the high-flow optical sizer, which was solved using a larger threshold. A complication occurred with the elemental carbon, which was composed of highly agglomerated entities. Particles, sized by the mobility instrumentation as being in the range of 100-400 nm, were not detected by the optical sizers. Volume (spectra) for ammonium sulfate deduced from the number spectra were compared with the mass (spectra) obtained with cascade impacters. The comparison was good for the LAS-Xs; the EAS overestimated volume/mass. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.Item Open Access Concentrations of ultrafine, fine and PM2.5 particles in three European cities(ATMOSPHERIC ENVIRONMENT, 2001) Ruuskanen, J; Tuch, Th; Ten Brink, H; Peters, A; Khlystov, A; Mirme, A; Kos, GPA; Brunekreef, B; Wichmann, HE; Buzorius, G; Vallius, M; Kreyling, WG; Pekkanen, JTotal number concentrations, number concentrations of ultrafine (0.01-0.1 mum) and accumulation (0.1-0.5 mum) particles, as well as mass concentration of PM2.5 particles and blackness of PM2.5 filters, which is related to Black Smoke were simultaneously monitored in three European cities during the winter period for three and a half months. The purpose of the study was to describe the differences in concentration levels and daily and diurnal variations in particle number and mass concentrations between European cities. The results show statistically significant differences in the concentrations of PM2.5 and the blackness of the PM2.5 filters between the cities, but not in the concentrations of ultrafine particles. Daily PM2.5 levels were found to be poorly correlated with the daily total and ultrafine number concentrations but better correlated with the number concentration of accumulation particles. According to the principal component analysis airborne particulate pollutants seem to be divided into two major source categories, one identified with particle number concentrations and the other related to mass-based information. The present results underline the importance of using both particle number and mass concentrations to evaluate urban air quality. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.Item Open Access Fate of products of degradation processes: consequences for climatic change.(Chemosphere, 1999-03) Slanina, J; ten Brink, HM; Khlystov, AThe end products of atmospheric degradation are not only CO2 and H2O but also sulfate and nitrate depending on the chemical composition of the substances which are subject to degradation processes. Atmospheric degradation has thus a direct influence on the radiative balance of the earth not only due to formation of greenhouse gases but also of aerosols. Aerosols of a diameter of 0.1 to 2 micrometer, reflect short wave sunlight very efficiently leading to a radiative forcing which is estimated to be about -0.8 watt per m2 by IPCC. Aerosols also influence the radiative balance by way of cloud formation. If more aerosols are present, clouds are formed with more and smaller droplets and these clouds have a higher albedo and are more stable compared to clouds with larger droplets. Not only sulfate, but also nitrate and polar organic compounds, formed as intermediates in degradation processes, contribute to this direct and indirect aerosol effect. Estimates for the Netherlands indicate a direct effect of -4 watt m-2 and an indirect effect of as large as -5 watt m-2. About one third is caused by sulfates, one third by nitrates and last third by polar organic compounds. This large radiative forcing is obviously non-uniform and depends on local conditions.Item Open Access In situ concentration of semi-volatile aerosol using water-condensation technology(Journal of Aerosol Science, 2005-07-01) Khlystov, A; Zhang, Q; Jimenez, JL; Stanier, C; Pandis, SN; Canagaratna, MR; Fine, P; Misra, C; Sioutas, CThe effect of concentrating semi-volatile aerosols using a water-condensation technology was investigated using the Versatile Aerosol Concentration Enrichment System (VACES) and the Aerodyne Aerosol Mass Spectrometer (AMS) during measurements of ambient aerosol in Pittsburgh, PA. It was found that the shape of the sulfate mass-weighed size distribution was approximately preserved during passage through the concentrator for all the experiments performed, with a mass enhancement factor of about 10-20 depending on the experiment. The size distributions of organics, ammonium and nitrate were preserved on a relatively clean day (sulfate concentration around 7μg/m3), while during more polluted conditions the concentration of these compounds, especially nitrate, was increased at small sizes after passage through the concentrator. The amount of the extra material, however, is rather small in these experiments: between 2.4% and 7.5% of the final concentrated PM mass is due to "artifact" condensation. An analysis of thermodynamic processes in the concentrator indicates that the extra particle material detected can be explained by redistribution of gas-phase material to the aerosol phase in the concentrator. The analysis shows that the condensation of extra material is expected to be larger for water-soluble semi-volatile material, such as nitrate, which agrees with the observations. The analysis also shows that artifact formation of nitrate will be more pronounced in ammonia-limited conditions and virtually undetectable in ammonia-rich conditions. © 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.Item Open Access Organic nitrogen in PM2.5 aerosol at a forest site in the Southeast US(Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 2010-03-10) Lin, M; Walker, J; Geron, C; Khlystov, AThere is growing evidence that organo-nitrogen compounds may constitute a significant fraction of the aerosol nitrogen (N) budget. However, very little is known about the abundance and origin of this aerosol fraction. In this study, the concentration of organic nitrogen (ON) and major inorganic ions in PM2.5 aerosol were measured at the Duke Forest Research Facility near Chapel Hill, NC, during January and June of 2007. A novel on-line instrument was used, which is based on the Steam Jet Aerosol Collector (SJAC) coupled to an on-line total carbon/total nitrogen analyzer and two on-line ion chromatographs. The concentration of ON was determined by tracking the difference in concentrations of total nitrogen and of inorganic nitrogen (determined as the sum of N-ammonium and N-nitrate). The time resolution of the instrument was 30 min with a detection limit for major aerosol components of ∼0.1 mu;gm-3. Nitrogen in organic compounds contributed ∼33% on average to the total nitrogen concentration in PM2.5, illustrating the importance of this aerosol component. Absolute concentrations of ON, however, were relatively low (lt;1.0 mu;gm-3) with an average of 0.16 mu;gm-3. The absolute and relative contribution of ON to the total aerosol nitrogen budget was practically the same in January and June. In January, the concentration of ON tended to be higher during the night and early morning, while in June it tended to be higher during the late afternoon and evening. Back-trajectories and correlation with wind direction indicate that higher concentrations of ON occur in air masses originating over the continental US, while marine air masses are characterized by lower ON concentrations. The data presented in this study suggests that ON has a variety of sources, which are very difficult to quantify without information on chemical composition of this important aerosol fraction.Item Open Access The continuous analysis of nitrate and ammonium in aerosols by the steam jet aerosol collector (SJAC): extension and validation of the methodology(ATMOSPHERIC ENVIRONMENT, 2001) Slanina, J; ten Brink, HM; Otjes, RP; Even, A; Jongejan, P; Khlystov, A; Waijers-Ijpelaan, A; Hu, M; Lu, YClassical methodology based on the application of filters for sampling, followed by extraction and analysis, introduces severe artifacts for semi-volatile compounds like ammonium nitrate. These filter methods do not meet the requirements for the assessment of the impact of aerosols on acidification, air quality and especially on the radiative balance, in terms of required speed, detection limits and selectivity. These artifacts are avoided by using a steam jet aerosol collector sampler, based on scavenging of aerosols by droplet formation, in combination with on-line analytical techniques such as ion-chromatography for nitrate and membrane separation followed by conductivity detection for ammonium. The SJAC sampler combines very low blanks with high efficiency of collection of particles. The ammonium detector and the IC system, based on 1-point internal standard calibration in combination with correction for curved calibration graphs, enables detection of ammonium and nitrate at background conditions, the detection limit is about 0.02 mug m(-3) of ammonium and nitrate. Accuracy is, depending on ambient concentration, in the order of 5-10\% relative, at a range of 0.05-50 mug m(-3). The: time resolution is 15-120min, depending on required detection limit, and is short enough for continuously monitoring the chemical composition of aerosols. Quality assurance and quality control experiments and intercomparison experiments with classical filter methods, thermo-denuder systems, denuder difference methods and other continuous monitoring techniques have shown that the results are reliable. The instrument has successfully been employed in field campaigns in Europe and the US. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.Item Open Access The effects of roadside structures on the transport and dispersion of ultrafine particles from highways(Atmospheric Environment, 2007-12-01) Bowker, GE; Baldauf, R; Isakov, V; Khlystov, A; Petersen, WUnderstanding local-scale transport and dispersion of pollutants emitted from traffic sources is important for urban planning and air quality assessments. Predicting pollutant concentration patterns in complex environments depends on accurate representations of local features (e.g., noise barriers, trees, buildings) affecting near-field air flows. This study examined the effects of roadside barriers on the flow patterns and dispersion of pollutants from a high-traffic highway in Raleigh, North Carolina, USA. The effects of the structures were analyzed using the Quick Urban & Industrial Complex (QUIC) model, an empirically based diagnostic tool which simulates fine-scale wind field and dispersion patterns around obstacles. Model simulations were compared with the spatial distributions of ultrafine particles (UFP) from vehicular emissions measured using a passenger van equipped with a Differential Mobility Analyzer/Condensation Particle Counter. The field site allowed for an evaluation of pollutant concentrations in open terrain, with a noise barrier present near the road, and with a noise barrier and vegetation present near the road. Results indicated that air pollutant concentrations near the road were generally higher in open terrain situations with no barriers present; however, concentrations for this case decreased faster with distance than when roadside barriers were present. The presence of a noise barrier and vegetation resulted in the lowest downwind pollutant concentrations, indicating that the plume under this condition was relatively uniform and vertically well-mixed. Comparison of the QUIC model with the mobile UFP measurements indicated that QUIC reasonably represented pollutant transport and dispersion for each of the study configurations. © 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.Item Open Access THE STEAM-JET AEROSOL COLLECTOR(ATMOSPHERIC ENVIRONMENT, 1995) Khlystov, AA new principle of sampling aerosol particles by means of steam injection with the consequent collection of grown droplets has been established. An air stream free of water-soluble gases is rapidly mixed with steam. The resulting supersaturation causes aerosol particles to grow into droplets. The droplets containing dissolved aerosol species are then collected by two cyclones in series. The solution collected in the cyclones is constantly pumped out and can be on- or off-line analysed by means of ion chromatography or flow injection analysis. On the basis of the new sampling principle a prototype of an aerosol sampler was designed which is capable of sampling particles quantitatively down to several nanometres in diameter. The mass sampling efficiency of the instrument was found to be 99\%. The detection limit of the sampler for ammonium, sulphate, nitrate and chloride ions is below 0.7 mu g m(-3). By reduction of an already identified source of contamination, much lower detection limits can be achieved. During measurements the sampler proved to be stable, working without any assistance for extended periods of time. Comparison of the sampler with filter packs during measurements of ambient air aerosols showed that the sampler gives good results.Item Open Access Water content of ambient aerosol during the Pittsburgh air quality study(JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-ATMOSPHERES, 2005) Khlystov, A; Stanier, CO; Takahama, S; Pandis, SNThe aerosol water content and volumetric growth factors of fine particulate matter were measured during July-August 2001 and January-June 2002 in an urban park about 6 km from downtown Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Most of the aerosol during the study was transported to the region from other areas, and its composition and concentration were characteristic of the regional particulate matter in the northeastern United States. During the summer months the ambient aerosol practically always contained water even when the relative humidity ( RH) was as low as 30\%. In contrast, during the winter the aerosol was dry below 60\% RH. The spring months were characterized by a transitional behavior between these two states. The observed seasonal behavior can be explained by the aerosol acidity. The summer aerosol was acidic and retained water at low RH. The winter aerosol was neutral and became wet when the relative humidity reached the deliquescence point of ammonium nitrate. The observations during July 2001 were compared with the predictions of the thermodynamic Gibbs Free Energy Minimization (GFEMN) model and the aerosol inorganics model ( AIM), neglecting the organic aerosol contribution to water absorption. The models under-predicted water concentrations by about 35\%, but no clear correlation between organic mass and the excess water was observed. On average, the contribution of the organics to water absorption appeared to be higher during the afternoon hours and when the aerosol was presumably more oxidized.