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Item Open Access Age trajectories of physiological indices in relation to healthy life course.(Mech Ageing Dev, 2011-03) Arbeev, Konstantin G; Ukraintseva, Svetlana V; Akushevich, Igor; Kulminski, Alexander M; Arbeeva, Liubov S; Akushevich, Lucy; Culminskaya, Irina V; Yashin, Anatoliy IWe analysed relationship between the risk of onset of "unhealthy life" (defined as the onset of cancer, cardiovascular diseases, or diabetes) and longitudinal changes in body mass index, diastolic blood pressure, hematocrit, pulse pressure, pulse rate, and serum cholesterol in the Framingham Heart Study (Original Cohort) using the stochastic process model of human mortality and aging. The analyses demonstrate how decline in resistance to stresses and adaptive capacity accompanying human aging can be evaluated from longitudinal data. We showed how these components of the aging process, as well as deviation of the trajectories of physiological indices from those minimising the risk at respective ages, can lead to an increase in the risk of onset of unhealthy life with age. The results indicate the presence of substantial gender difference in aging related decline in stress resistance and adaptive capacity, which can contribute to differences in the shape of the sex-specific patterns of incidence rates of aging related diseases.Item Open Access Age, gender, and cancer but not neurodegenerative and cardiovascular diseases strongly modulate systemic effect of the Apolipoprotein E4 allele on lifespan.(PLoS Genet, 2014-01) Kulminski, Alexander M; Arbeev, Konstantin G; Culminskaya, Irina; Arbeeva, Liubov; Ukraintseva, Svetlana V; Stallard, Eric; Christensen, Kaare; Schupf, Nicole; Province, Michael A; Yashin, Anatoli IEnduring interest in the Apolipoprotein E (ApoE) polymorphism is ensured by its evolutionary-driven uniqueness in humans and its prominent role in geriatrics and gerontology. We use large samples of longitudinally followed populations from the Framingham Heart Study (FHS) original and offspring cohorts and the Long Life Family Study (LLFS) to investigate gender-specific effects of the ApoE4 allele on human survival in a wide range of ages from midlife to extreme old ages, and the sensitivity of these effects to cardiovascular disease (CVD), cancer, and neurodegenerative disorders (ND). The analyses show that women's lifespan is more sensitive to the e4 allele than men's in all these populations. A highly significant adverse effect of the e4 allele is limited to women with moderate lifespan of about 70 to 95 years in two FHS cohorts and the LLFS with relative risk of death RR = 1.48 (p = 3.6 × 10(-6)) in the FHS cohorts. Major human diseases including CVD, ND, and cancer, whose risks can be sensitive to the e4 allele, do not mediate the association of this allele with lifespan in large FHS samples. Non-skin cancer non-additively increases mortality of the FHS women with moderate lifespans increasing the risks of death of the e4 carriers with cancer two-fold compared to the non-e4 carriers, i.e., RR = 2.07 (p = 5.0 × 10(-7)). The results suggest a pivotal role of non-sex-specific cancer as a nonlinear modulator of survival in this sample that increases the risk of death of the ApoE4 carriers by 150% (p = 5.3 × 10(-8)) compared to the non-carriers. This risk explains the 4.2 year shorter life expectancy of the e4 carriers compared to the non-carriers in this sample. The analyses suggest the existence of age- and gender-sensitive systemic mechanisms linking the e4 allele to lifespan which can non-additively interfere with cancer-related mechanisms.Item Open Access Beta2-adrenergic receptor gene polymorphisms as systemic determinants of healthy aging in an evolutionary context.(Mech Ageing Dev, 2010-05) Kulminski, Alexander M; Culminskaya, Irina; Ukraintseva, Svetlana V; Arbeev, Konstantin G; Land, Kenneth C; Yashin, Anatoli IThe Gln(27)Glu polymorphism but not the Arg(16)Gly polymorphism of the beta2-adrenergic receptor (ADRB2) gene appears to be associated with a broad range of aging-associated phenotypes, including cancers at different sites, myocardial infarction (MI), intermittent claudication (IC), and overall/healthy longevity in the Framingham Heart Study Offspring cohort. The Gln(27)Gln genotype increases risks of cancer, MI and IC, whereas the Glu(27) allele or, equivalently, the Gly(16)Glu(27) haplotype tends to be protective against these diseases. Genetic associations with longevity are of opposite nature at young-old and oldest-old ages highlighting the phenomenon of antagonistic pleiotropy. The mechanism of antagonistic pleiotropy is associated with an evolutionary-driven advantage of carriers of a derived Gln(27) allele at younger ages and their survival disadvantage at older ages as a result of increased risks of cancer, MI and IC. The ADRB2 gene can play an important systemic role in healthy aging in evolutionary context that warrants exploration in other populations.Item Open Access Biodemographic Analyses of Longitudinal Data on Aging, Health, and Longevity: Recent Advances and Future Perspectives.(Adv Geriatr, 2017-06-02) Arbeev, Konstantin G; Akushevich, Igor; Kulminski, Alexander M; Ukraintseva, Svetlana V; Yashin, Anatoliy IBiodemography became one of the most innovative and fastest growing areas in demography. This progress is fueled by the growing variability and amount of relevant data available for analyses as well as by methodological developments allowing for addressing new research questions using new approaches that can better utilize the potential of these data. In this review paper, we summarize recent methodological advances in biodemography and their diverse practical applications. Three major topics are covered: (1) computational approaches to reconstruction of age patterns of incidence of geriatric diseases and other characteristics such as recovery rates at the population level using Medicare claims data; (2) methodological advances in genetic and genomic biodemography and applications to research on genetic determinants of longevity and health; and (3) biodemographic models for joint analyses of time-to-event data and longitudinal measurements of biomarkers collected in longitudinal studies on aging. We discuss how such data and methodology can be used in a comprehensive prediction model for joint analyses of incomplete datasets that take into account the wide spectrum of factors affecting health and mortality transitions including genetic factors and hidden mechanisms of aging-related changes in physiological variables in their dynamic connection with health and survival.Item Open Access Biogenetic mechanisms predisposing to complex phenotypes in parents may function differently in their children.(J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci, 2013-07) Kulminski, Alexander M; Arbeev, Konstantin G; Christensen, Kaare; Stallard, Eric; Miljkovic, Iva; Barmada, Michael; Yashin, Anatoliy IThis study focuses on the participants of the Long Life Family Study to elucidate whether biogenetic mechanisms underlying relationships among heritable complex phenotypes in parents function in the same way for the same phenotypes in their children. Our results reveal 3 characteristic groups of relationships among phenotypes in parents and children. One group composed of 3 pairs of phenotypes confirms that associations among some phenotypes can be explained by the same biogenetic mechanisms working in parents and children. Two other groups including 9 phenotype pairs show that this is not a common rule. Our findings suggest that biogenetic mechanisms underlying relationships among different phenotypes, even if they are causally related, can function differently in successive generations or in different age groups of biologically related individuals. The results suggest that the role of aging-related processes in changing environment may be conceptually underestimated in current genetic association studies using genome wide resources.Item Open Access Birth Cohort, Age, and Sex Strongly Modulate Effects of Lipid Risk Alleles Identified in Genome-Wide Association Studies.(PLoS One, 2015) Kulminski, Alexander M; Culminskaya, Irina; Arbeev, Konstantin G; Arbeeva, Liubov; Ukraintseva, Svetlana V; Stallard, Eric; Wu, Deqing; Yashin, Anatoliy IInsights into genetic origin of diseases and related traits could substantially impact strategies for improving human health. The results of genome-wide association studies (GWAS) are often positioned as discoveries of unconditional risk alleles of complex health traits. We re-analyzed the associations of single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) associated with total cholesterol (TC) in a large-scale GWAS meta-analysis. We focused on three generations of genotyped participants of the Framingham Heart Study (FHS). We show that the effects of all ten directly-genotyped SNPs were clustered in different FHS generations and/or birth cohorts in a sex-specific or sex-unspecific manner. The sample size and procedure-therapeutic issues play, at most, a minor role in this clustering. An important result was clustering of significant associations with the strongest effects in the youngest, or 3rd Generation, cohort. These results imply that an assumption of unconditional connections of these SNPs with TC is generally implausible and that a demographic perspective can substantially improve GWAS efficiency. The analyses of genetic effects in age-matched samples suggest a role of environmental and age-related mechanisms in the associations of different SNPs with TC. Analysis of the literature supports systemic roles for genes for these SNPs beyond those related to lipid metabolism. Our analyses reveal strong antagonistic effects of rs2479409 (the PCSK9 gene) that cautions strategies aimed at targeting this gene in the next generation of lipid drugs. Our results suggest that standard GWAS strategies need to be advanced in order to appropriately address the problem of genetic susceptibility to complex traits that is imperative for translation to health care.Item Open Access Coordinated Action of Biological Processes during Embryogenesis Can Cause Genome-Wide Linkage Disequilibrium in the Human Genome and Influence Age-Related Phenotypes.(Ann Gerontol Geriatr Res, 2016) Culminskaya, Irina; Kulminski, Alexander M; Yashin, Anatoli IA role of non-Mendelian inheritance in genetics of complex, age-related traits is becoming increasingly recognized. Recently, we reported on two inheritable clusters of SNPs in extensive genome-wide linkage disequilibrium (LD) in the Framingham Heart Study (FHS), which were associated with the phenotype of premature death. Here we address biologically-related properties of these two clusters. These clusters have been unlikely selected randomly because they are functionally and structurally different from matched sets of randomly selected SNPs. For example, SNPs in LD from each cluster are highly significantly enriched in genes (p=7.1×10(-22) and p=5.8×10(-18)), in general, and in short genes (p=1.4×10(-47) and p=4.6×10(-7)), in particular. Mapping of SNPs in LD to genes resulted in two, partly overlapping, networks of 1764 and 4806 genes. Both these networks were gene enriched in developmental processes and in biological processes tightly linked with development including biological adhesion, cellular component organization, locomotion, localization, signaling, (p<10(-4), q<10(-4) for each category). Thorough analysis suggests connections of these genetic networks with different stages of embryogenesis and highlights biological interlink of specific processes enriched for genes from these networks. The results suggest that coordinated action of biological processes during embryogenesis may generate genome-wide networks of genetic variants, which may influence complex age-related phenotypes characterizing health span and lifespan.Item Open Access Do gender, disability, and morbidity affect aging rate in the LLFS? Application of indices of cumulative deficits.(Mech Ageing Dev, 2011-04) Kulminski, Alexander M; Arbeev, Konstantin G; Christensen, Kaare; Mayeux, Richard; Newman, Anne B; Province, Michael A; Hadley, Evan C; Rossi, Winifred; Perls, Thomas T; Elo, Irma T; Yashin, Anatoli IWe used an approach of cumulative deficits to evaluate the rate of aging in 4954 participants of the Long-Life Family Study (LLFS) recruited in the U.S. (Boston, New York, and Pittsburgh) and Denmark. We used an array of 85 health-related deficits covering major health dimensions including depression, cognition, morbidity, physical performance, and disability to construct several deficit indices (DIs) with overlapping and complementary sets of deficits to test robustness of the estimates. Our study shows that the DIs robustly characterize accelerated rates of aging irrespective of specific of deficits. When a wider spectrum of health dimensions is considered these rates are better approximated by quadratic law. Exponential rates are more characteristic for more severe health dimensions. The aging rates are the same for males and females. Individuals who contracted major diseases and those who were free of them exhibited the same aging rates as characterized by the DI constructed using mild deficits. Unlike health, disability can qualitatively alter the aging patterns of the LLFS participants. We report on systemic differences in health among the LLFS centenarians residing in New York and Boston. This study highlights importance of aggregated approaches to better understand systemic mechanisms of health deterioration in long-living individuals.Item Open Access Effect of the APOE Polymorphism and Age Trajectories of Physiological Variables on Mortality: Application of Genetic Stochastic Process Model of Aging.(Scientifica (Cairo), 2012) Arbeev, Konstantin G; Ukraintseva, Svetlana V; Kulminski, Alexander M; Akushevich, Igor; Arbeeva, Liubov S; Culminskaya, Irina V; Wu, Deqing; Yashin, Anatoliy IWe evaluated effects of the APOE polymorphism (carriers versus noncarriers of the e4 allele) and age trajectories of total cholesterol (CH) and diastolic blood pressure (DBP) on mortality risk in the Framingham Heart Study (original cohort). We found that long-lived carriers and noncarriers have different average age trajectories and long-lived individuals have consistently higher levels and less steep declines at old ages compared to short-lived individuals. We applied the stochastic process model of aging aimed at joint analyses of genetic and nongenetic subsamples of longitudinal data and estimated different aging-related characteristics for carriers and noncarriers which otherwise cannot be evaluated from data. We found that such characteristics differ in carriers and noncarriers: (1) carriers have better adaptive capacity than noncarriers in case of CH, whereas for DBP the opposite situation is observed; (2) mean allostatic trajectories are higher in carriers and they differ from "optimal" trajectories minimizing mortality risk; (3) noncarriers have lower baseline mortality rates at younger ages but they increase faster than those for carriers resulting in intersection at the oldest ages. Such observations strongly indicate the presence of a genetic component in respective aging-related mechanisms. Such differences may contribute to patterns of allele- and sex-specific mortality rates.Item Open Access Evaluation of genotype-specific survival using joint analysis of genetic and non-genetic subsamples of longitudinal data.(Biogerontology, 2011-04) Arbeev, Konstantin G; Ukraintseva, Svetlana V; Arbeeva, Liubov S; Akushevich, Igor; Kulminski, Alexander M; Yashin, Anatoliy ISmall sample size of genetic data is often a limiting factor for desirable accuracy of estimated genetic effects on age-specific risks and survival. Longitudinal non-genetic data containing information on survival or disease onsets of study participants for whom the genetic data were not collected may provide an additional "reserve" for increasing the accuracy of respective estimates. We present a novel method for joint analyses of "genetic" (covering individuals for whom both genetic information and mortality/morbidity data are available) and "non-genetic" (covering individuals for whom only mortality/morbidity data were collected) subsamples of longitudinal data. Our simulation studies show substantial increase in the accuracy of estimates in such joint analyses compared to analyses based on genetic subsample alone. Application of this method to analysis of the effect of common apolipoprotein E (APOE) polymorphism on survival using combined genetic and non-genetic subsamples of the Framingham Heart Study original cohort data showed that female, but not male, carriers of the APOE e4 allele have significantly worse survival than non-carriers, whereas empirical analyses did not produce any significant results for either sex.Item Open Access Explicating heterogeneity of complex traits has strong potential for improving GWAS efficiency.(Sci Rep, 2016-10-14) Kulminski, Alexander M; Loika, Yury; Culminskaya, Irina; Arbeev, Konstantin G; Ukraintseva, Svetlana V; Stallard, Eric; Yashin, Anatoliy ICommon strategy of genome-wide association studies (GWAS) relying on large samples faces difficulties, which raise concerns that GWAS have exhausted their potential, particularly for complex traits. Here, we examine the efficiency of the traditional sample-size-centered strategy in GWAS of these traits, and its potential for improvement. The paper focuses on the results of the four largest GWAS meta-analyses of body mass index (BMI) and lipids. We show that just increasing sample size may not make p-values of genetic effects in large (N > 100,000) samples smaller but can make them larger. The efficiency of these GWAS, defined as ratio of the log-transformed p-value to the sample size, in larger samples was larger than in smaller samples for a small fraction of loci. These results emphasize the important role of heterogeneity in genetic associations with complex traits such as BMI and lipids. They highlight the substantial potential for improving GWAS by explicating this role (affecting 11-79% of loci in the selected GWAS), especially the effects of biodemographic processes, which are heavily underexplored in current GWAS and which are important sources of heterogeneity in the various study populations. Further progress in this direction is crucial for efficient use of genetic discoveries in health care.Item Open Access Genetics of aging, health, and survival: dynamic regulation of human longevity related traits.(Front Genet, 2015) Yashin, Anatoliy I; Wu, Deqing; Arbeeva, Liubov S; Arbeev, Konstantin G; Kulminski, Alexander M; Akushevich, Igor; Kovtun, Mikhail; Culminskaya, Irina; Stallard, Eric; Li, Miaozhu; Ukraintseva, Svetlana VBACKGROUND: The roles of genetic factors in human longevity would be better understood if one can use more efficient methods in genetic analyses and investigate pleiotropic effects of genetic variants on aging and health related traits. DATA AND METHODS: We used EMMAX software with modified correction for population stratification to perform genome wide association studies (GWAS) of female lifespan from the original FHS cohort. The male data from the original FHS cohort and male and female data combined from the offspring FHS cohort were used to confirm findings. We evaluated pleiotropic effects of selected genetic variants as well as gene-smoking interactions on health and aging related traits. Then we reviewed current knowledge on functional properties of genes related to detected variants. RESULTS: The eight SNPs with genome-wide significant variants were negatively associated with lifespan in both males and females. After additional QC, two of these variants were selected for further analyses of their associations with major diseases (cancer and CHD) and physiological aging changes. Gene-smoking interactions contributed to these effects. Genes closest to detected variants appear to be involved in similar biological processes and health disorders, as those found in other studies of aging and longevity e.g., in cancer and neurodegeneration. CONCLUSIONS: The impact of genes on longevity may involve trade-off-like effects on different health traits. Genes that influence lifespan represent various molecular functions but may be involved in similar biological processes and health disorders, which could contribute to genetic heterogeneity of longevity and the lack of replication in genetic association studies.Item Open Access How the quality of GWAS of human lifespan and health span can be improved.(Front Genet, 2013) Yashin, Anatoliy I; Arbeev, Konstantin G; Wu, Deqing; Arbeeva, Liubov S; Kulminski, Alexander M; Akushevich, Igor; Culminskaya, Irina; Stallard, Eric; Ukraintseva, Svetlana VItem Open Access Inter-chromosomal level of genome organization and longevity-related phenotypes in humans.(Age (Dordr), 2013-04) Kulminski, Alexander M; Culminskaya, Irina; Yashin, Anatoli IStudies focusing on unraveling the genetic origin of health span in humans assume that polygenic, aging-related phenotypes are inherited through Mendelian mechanisms of inheritance of individual genes. We use the Framingham Heart Study (FHS) data to examine whether non-Mendelian mechanisms of inheritance can drive linkage of loci on non-homologous chromosomes and whether such mechanisms can be relevant to longevity-related phenotypes. We report on genome-wide inter-chromosomal linkage disequilibrium (LD) and on chromosome-wide intra-chromosomal LD and show that these are real phenomena in the FHS data. Genetic analysis of inheritance in families based on Mendelian segregation reveals that the alleles of single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in LD at loci on non-homologous chromosomes are inherited as a complex resembling haplotypes of a genetic unit. This result implies that the inter-chromosomal LD is likely caused by non-random assortment of non-homologous chromosomes during meiosis. The risk allele haplotypes can be subject to dominant-negative selection primary through the mechanisms of non-Mendelian inheritance. They can go to extinction within two human generations. The set of SNPs in inter-chromosomal LD (N=68) is nearly threefold enriched, with high significance (p=1.6 × 10(-9)), on non-synonymous coding variants (N=28) compared to the entire qualified set of the studied SNPs. Genes for the tightly linked SNPs are involved in fundamental biological processes in an organism. Survival analyses show that the revealed non-genetic linkage is associated with heritable complex phenotype of premature death. Our results suggest the presence of inter-chromosomal level of functional organization in the human genome and highlight a challenging problem of genomics of human health and aging.Item Open Access Joint Analyses of Longitudinal and Time-to-Event Data in Research on Aging: Implications for Predicting Health and Survival.(Front Public Health, 2014) Arbeev, Konstantin G; Akushevich, Igor; Kulminski, Alexander M; Ukraintseva, Svetlana V; Yashin, Anatoliy ILongitudinal data on aging, health, and longevity provide a wealth of information to investigate different aspects of the processes of aging and development of diseases leading to death. Statistical methods aimed at analyses of time-to-event data jointly with longitudinal measurements became known as the "joint models" (JM). An important point to consider in analyses of such data in the context of studies on aging, health, and longevity is how to incorporate knowledge and theories about mechanisms and regularities of aging-related changes that accumulate in the research field into respective analytic approaches. In the absence of specific observations of longitudinal dynamics of relevant biomarkers manifesting such mechanisms and regularities, traditional approaches have a rather limited utility to estimate respective parameters that can be meaningfully interpreted from the biological point of view. A conceptual analytic framework for these purposes, the stochastic process model of aging (SPM), has been recently developed in the biodemographic literature. It incorporates available knowledge about mechanisms of aging-related changes, which may be hidden in the individual longitudinal trajectories of physiological variables and this allows for analyzing their indirect impact on risks of diseases and death. Despite, essentially, serving similar purposes, JM and SPM developed in parallel in different disciplines with very limited cross-referencing. Although there were several publications separately reviewing these two approaches, there were no publications presenting both these approaches in some detail. Here, we overview both approaches jointly and provide some new modifications of SPM. We discuss the use of stochastic processes to capture biological variation and heterogeneity in longitudinal patterns and important and promising (but still largely underused) applications of JM and SPM to predictions of individual and population mortality and health-related outcomes.Item Open Access Optimal Versus Realized Trajectories of Physiological Dysregulation in Aging and Their Relation to Sex-Specific Mortality Risk.(Front Public Health, 2016) Arbeev, Konstantin G; Cohen, Alan A; Arbeeva, Liubov S; Milot, Emmanuel; Stallard, Eric; Kulminski, Alexander M; Akushevich, Igor; Ukraintseva, Svetlana V; Christensen, Kaare; Yashin, Anatoliy IWhile longitudinal changes in biomarker levels and their impact on health have been characterized for individual markers, little is known about how overall marker profiles may change during aging and affect mortality risk. We implemented the recently developed measure of physiological dysregulation based on the statistical distance of biomarker profiles in the framework of the stochastic process model of aging, using data on blood pressure, heart rate, cholesterol, glucose, hematocrit, body mass index, and mortality in the Framingham original cohort. This allowed us to evaluate how physiological dysregulation is related to different aging-related characteristics such as decline in stress resistance and adaptive capacity (which typically are not observed in the data and thus can be analyzed only indirectly), and, ultimately, to estimate how such dynamic relationships increase mortality risk with age. We found that physiological dysregulation increases with age; that increased dysregulation is associated with increased mortality, and increasingly so with age; and that, in most but not all cases, there is a decreasing ability to return quickly to baseline physiological state with age. We also revealed substantial sex differences in these processes, with women becoming dysregulated more quickly but with men showing a much greater sensitivity to dysregulation in terms of mortality risk.Item Open Access Pleiotropic Meta-Analyses of Longitudinal Studies Discover Novel Genetic Variants Associated with Age-Related Diseases.(Front Genet, 2016) He, Liang; Kernogitski, Yelena; Kulminskaya, Irina; Loika, Yury; Arbeev, Konstantin G; Loiko, Elena; Bagley, Olivia; Duan, Matt; Yashkin, Arseniy; Ukraintseva, Svetlana V; Kovtun, Mikhail; Yashin, Anatoliy I; Kulminski, Alexander MAge-related diseases may result from shared biological mechanisms in intrinsic processes of aging. Genetic effects on age-related diseases are often modulated by environmental factors due to their little contribution to fitness or are mediated through certain endophenotypes. Identification of genetic variants with pleiotropic effects on both common complex diseases and endophenotypes may reveal potential conflicting evolutionary pressures and deliver new insights into shared genetic contribution to healthspan and lifespan. Here, we performed pleiotropic meta-analyses of genetic variants using five NIH-funded datasets by integrating univariate summary statistics for age-related diseases and endophenotypes. We investigated three groups of traits: (1) endophenotypes such as blood glucose, blood pressure, lipids, hematocrit, and body mass index, (2) time-to-event outcomes such as the age-at-onset of diabetes mellitus (DM), cancer, cardiovascular diseases (CVDs) and neurodegenerative diseases (NDs), and (3) both combined. In addition to replicating previous findings, we identify seven novel genome-wide significant loci (< 5e-08), out of which five are low-frequency variants. Specifically, from Group 2, we find rs7632505 on 3q21.1 in SEMA5B, rs460976 on 21q22.3 (1 kb from TMPRSS2) and rs12420422 on 11q24.1 predominantly associated with a variety of CVDs, rs4905014 in ITPK1 associated with stroke and heart failure, rs7081476 on 10p12.1 in ANKRD26 associated with multiple diseases including DM, CVDs, and NDs. From Group 3, we find rs8082812 on 18p11.22 and rs1869717 on 4q31.3 associated with both endophenotypes and CVDs. Our follow-up analyses show that rs7632505, rs4905014, and rs8082812 have age-dependent effects on coronary heart disease or stroke. Functional annotation suggests that most of these SNPs are within regulatory regions or DNase clusters and in linkage disequilibrium with expression quantitative trait loci, implying their potential regulatory influence on the expression of nearby genes. Our mediation analyses suggest that the effects of some SNPs are mediated by specific endophenotypes. In conclusion, these findings indicate that loci with pleiotropic effects on age-related disorders tend to be enriched in genes involved in underlying mechanisms potentially related to nervous, cardiovascular and immune system functions, stress resistance, inflammation, ion channels and hematopoiesis, supporting the hypothesis of shared pathological role of infection, and inflammation in chronic age-related diseases.Item Open Access Polymorphisms in the ACE and ADRB2 genes and risks of aging-associated phenotypes: the case of myocardial infarction.(Rejuvenation Res, 2010-02) Kulminski, Alexander M; Culminskaya, Irina V; Ukraintseva, Svetlana V; Arbeev, Konstantin G; Akushevich, Igor; Land, Kenneth C; Yashin, Anatoli IMultiple functions of the beta2-adrenergic receptor (ADRB2) and angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) genes warrant studies of their associations with aging-related phenotypes. We focus on multimarker analyses and analyses of the effects of compound genotypes of two polymorphisms in the ADRB2 gene, rs1042713 and rs1042714, and 11 polymorphisms of the ACE gene, on the risk of such an aging-associated phenotype as myocardial infarction (MI). We used the data from a genotyped sample of the Framingham Heart Study Offspring (FHSO) cohort (n = 1500) followed for about 36 years with six examinations. The ADRB2 rs1042714 (C-->G) polymorphism and two moderately correlated (r(2) = 0.77) ACE polymorphisms, rs4363 (A-->G) and rs12449782 (A-->G), were significantly associated with risks of MI in this aging cohort in multimarker models. Predominantly linked ACE genotypes exhibited opposite effects on MI risks, e.g., the AA (rs12449782) genotype had a detrimental effect, whereas the predominantly linked AA (rs4363) genotype exhibited a protective effect. This trade-off occurs as a result of the opposite effects of rare compound genotypes of the ACE polymorphisms with a single dose of the AG heterozygote. This genetic trade-off is further augmented by the selective modulating effect of the rs1042714 ADRB2 polymorphism. The associations were not altered by adjustment for common MI risk factors. The results suggest that effects of single specific genetic variants of the ADRB2 and ACE genes on MI can be readily altered by gene-gene or/and gene-environmental interactions, especially in large heterogeneous samples. Multimarker genetic analyses should benefit studies of complex aging-associated phenotypes.Item Open Access Protective role of the apolipoprotein E2 allele in age-related disease traits and survival: evidence from the Long Life Family Study.(Biogerontology, 2016-11) Kulminski, Alexander M; Raghavachari, Nalini; Arbeev, Konstantin G; Culminskaya, Irina; Arbeeva, Liubov; Wu, Deqing; Ukraintseva, Svetlana V; Christensen, Kaare; Yashin, Anatoliy IThe apolipoprotein E (apoE) is a classic example of a gene exhibiting pleiotropism. We examine potential pleiotropic associations of the apoE2 allele in three biodemographic cohorts of long-living individuals, offspring, and spouses from the Long Life Family Study, and intermediate mechanisms, which can link this allele with age-related phenotypes. We focused on age-related macular degeneration, bronchitis, asthma, pneumonia, stroke, creatinine, low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C), high-density lipoprotein cholesterol, diseases of heart (HD), cancer, and survival. Our analysis detected favorable associations of the ε2 allele with lower LDL-C levels, lower risks of HD, and better survival. The ε2 allele was associated with LDL-C in each gender and biodemographic cohort, including long-living individuals, offspring, and spouses, resulting in highly significant association in the entire sample (β = -7.1, p = 6.6 × 10(-44)). This allele was significantly associated with HD in long-living individuals and offspring (relative risk [RR] = 0.60, p = 3.1 × 10(-6)) but this association was not mediated by LDL-C. The protective effect on survival was specific for long-living women but it was not explained by LDL-C and HD in the adjusted model (RR = 0.70, p = 2.1 × 10(-2)). These results show that ε2 allele may favorably influence LDL-C, HD, and survival through three mechanisms. Two of them (HD- and survival-related) are pronounced in the long-living parents and their offspring; the survival-related mechanism is also sensitive to gender. The LDL-C-related mechanism appears to be independent of these factors. Insights into mechanisms linking ε2 allele with age-related phenotypes given biodemographic structure of the population studied may benefit translation of genetic discoveries to health care and personalized medicine.Item Open Access Pure and Confounded Effects of Causal SNPs on Longevity: Insights for Proper Interpretation of Research Findings in GWAS of Populations with Different Genetic Structures.(Front Genet, 2016) Yashin, Anatoliy I; Zhbannikov, Ilya; Arbeeva, Liubov; Arbeev, Konstantin G; Wu, Deqing; Akushevich, Igor; Yashkin, Arseniy; Kovtun, Mikhail; Kulminski, Alexander M; Stallard, Eric; Kulminskaya, Irina; Ukraintseva, SvetlanaThis paper shows that the effects of causal SNPs on lifespan, estimated through GWAS, may be confounded and the genetic structure of the study population may be responsible for this effect. Simulation experiments show that levels of linkage disequilibrium (LD) and other parameters of the population structure describing connections between two causal SNPs may substantially influence separate estimates of the effect of the causal SNPs on lifespan. This study suggests that differences in LD levels between two causal SNP loci within two study populations may contribute to the failure to replicate previous GWAS findings. The results of this paper also show that successful replication of the results of genetic association studies does not necessarily guarantee proper interpretation of the effect of a causal SNP on lifespan.