Browsing by Author "Myers, Barry S"
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Item Open Access Pediatric Head and Neck Dynamic Response: A Computational Study(2011) Dibb, Alan ThomasTraumatic injuries are the leading cause of death to children between the ages of one to nineteen years in the United States. The primary source of these traumatic injuries is motor vehicle traffic, with the head being the primary region of the body to suffer injury. While the pediatric neck is also prone to injury, it is particularly notable since it governs head excursion and acceleration, thus influencing head impacts and injuries. Pediatric fatalities can be prevented through safety improvements to vehicle compartments and child restraints by way of advanced biofidelic pediatric anthropomorphic testing devices (ATDs) and a more complete understanding of pediatric biomechanics. Computer models of the pediatric head and neck provide a valuable tool to combine results from pediatric postmortem human specimen (PMHS), radiological, and human volunteer studies to investigate the dynamics of the pediatric head and neck. The current study produced the first validated computer model of the pediatric head and neck which were created using the framework of a validated adult model. Radiology studies were conducted to determine pediatric cervical muscle cross sectional areas, vertebral anthropometry, and vertebral inertial properties. The results of these studies were combined with available pediatric PMHS properties to create the six and ten year old models. The models were validated against pediatric volunteer low speed frontal impacts and were then used to simulate higher rate and injurious inducing loading scenarios. The six and ten year old flexion bending stiffnesses were found to be 36% and 45% of the adult bending stiffness, respectively. The pediatric tensile stiffnesses were found to be 67% and 76% of the adult tensile stiffness. The tensile failure tolerance of the six year old was between 1490 and 2300 N and of the ten year old between 2040 and 3170 N. The adult and pediatric Hybrid III ATDs were found to be on average 2.5 times stiffer in flexion bending than the computer models. Biofidelity corridors were created with the models to be used to guide future ATD designs. Overall, the pediatric models provide a general tool that can be used to assess the safety of children during motor vehicle crashes.
Item Open Access Studies of the Human Head from Neonate to Adult: An Inertial, Geometrical and Structural Analysis with Comparisons to the ATD Head(2011) Loyd, Andre MatthewChild head injury is a very costly problem, both in terms of morbidity/mortality and direct medical costs. In fact, it is the leading cause of death and disability for those in the United States under age 18-years-old. Currently, head injury in children ages newborn to 19-years-old is responsible for 7500 deaths per year--30% of all childhood deaths in the United States. Given its importance and effect on the population, the study of pediatric head injury is greatly hindered by the lack of available pediatric post mortem human specimen (PMHS) data. As a substitute for PMHS testing, anthropometric test devices (ATDs) and finite element models (FEMs) have been developed to model the head. However, there is a dearth of data for the design and validation of these models.
The goal of this study was to use pediatric PMHSs to both advance the study of pediatric head injury and to provide validation data for ATD and finite element head models. 14 pediatric heads, 8 adult heads, and 6 ATD heads were studied to obtain geometrical, inertial, structural stiffness, and impact properties. The computational tomography (CT) method was used on pediatric heads to get inertial properties, and clinical CT scans were used to develop average head and skull contours for 12 different age groups. To obtain impact properties, the heads were dropped onto a rigid plate from 15cm and 30cm, and the acceleration-time pulses were analyzed to obtain acceleration HIC and other impact properties. The heads were then placed between two aluminum plates and compressed at four different rates to obtain structural stiffness values. Using the PMHS results, the ATD heads were compared against age-matched human heads, and the scaling rules used for ATD production were tested for accuracy.
The study found that between the ages of 5-months-old and 22-months-old, the human head was susceptible to fracture from drops as low as 15cm. The structural stiffness of the human head was shown to increase by three orders of magnitude from neonate to adult. For the impact properties, the human head's peak acceleration and head injury criteria increased with age, while the human head's pulse duration and coefficient of restitution decreased with age. The 50th percentile Hybrid III head was found to adequately model the response of the adult head for multiple head impact locations, while the 3-year-old Q3 child ATD was found to be too stiff during impact. Overall, this study provides novel data that can be directly applied to pediatric head injury curves, and pediatric ATD and finite element head models.
Item Open Access The Biomechanics of the Perinatal, Neonatal and Pediatric Cervical Spine: Investigation of the Tensile, Bending and Viscoelastic Response(2012) Luck, Jason FrederickPediatric cervical spinal injuries are associated with high morbidity and mortality. Cervical injuries observed in the pediatric population appear to be age dependent with younger children experiencing more upper cervical level injuries compared to increased lower level cervical injury patterns to older children. The majority of pediatric cervical spinal injuries are motor vehicle crash related. Current progress in child occupant protection, including increased and proper restraint usage continues to reduce serious injury and fatalities to child occupants. However, improper restraint usage and incorrect child seating location, especially with children transitioning from rear-facing child restraints to forward-facing restraints is still a concern. Continued reductions in serious injury and fatalities to child occupants in survivable motor vehicle crashes will be based on continued education and improvements in child anthropometric test devices, child computational injury models and child restraint system design. Improvements in all of these categories are dependent on an improved understanding of the developmental biomechanics of the human cervical spine. Currently, limited data exist on human child neck biomechanics and none of the current cadaveric work has evaluated the biomechanical response over the entire age spectrum from birth to young adulthood. Numerous surrogate studies exist and have formed the basis of child injury criteria and developmental biomechanics, but have not been assessed in relation to the response of the pediatric human cervical spine. The current work investigates the biomechanics of the osteoligamentous human cervical spine from birth to young adulthood under tensile and bending loading environments. Tensile low-load and load-to-failure stiffness, load-to-failure, and flexion-extension bending stiffness increased with age. Tensile normalized displacement at failure and total bending low-load range of motion decreased with age. Viscoelastic rate effects are present in the pediatric cervical spine and are modeled with quasi-linear viscoelasticity. Peak load and loading energy increases with increased loading rate, while hysteresis energy is rate insensitive at lower loading rates, but increases at higher rates of loading. These data establish structural response behavior and injury thresholds for the osteoligamentous cervical spine by age. Additionally, they provide human data to assess the appropriateness of current surrogate models and current scaling techniques associated with these models. Finally, these data provide human response by age useful in progressing the biofidelity of computational and physical models for child occupant protection.