Browsing by Author "Schmitt, Daniel"
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Item Open Access A Mechanical Analysis of Suspensory Locomotion in Primates and Other Mammals(2016) Granatosky, Michael ConstantineFor primates, and other arboreal mammals, adopting suspensory locomotion represents one of the strategies an animal can use to prevent toppling off a thin support during arboreal movement and foraging. While numerous studies have reported the incidence of suspensory locomotion in a broad phylogenetic sample of mammals, little research has explored what mechanical transitions must occur in order for an animal to successfully adopt suspensory locomotion. Additionally, many primate species are capable of adopting a highly specialized form of suspensory locomotion referred to as arm-swinging, but few scenarios have been posited to explain how arm-swinging initially evolved. This study takes a comparative experimental approach to explore the mechanics of below branch quadrupedal locomotion in primates and other mammals to determine whether above and below branch quadrupedal locomotion represent neuromuscular mirrors of each other, and whether the patterns below branch quadrupedal locomotion are similar across taxa. Also, this study explores whether the nature of the flexible coupling between the forelimb and hindlimb observed in primates is a uniquely primate feature, and investigates the possibility that this mechanism could be responsible for the evolution of arm-swinging.
To address these research goals, kinetic, kinematic, and spatiotemporal gait variables were collected from five species of primate (Cebus capucinus, Daubentonia madagascariensis, Lemur catta, Propithecus coquereli, and Varecia variegata) walking quadrupedally above and below branches. Data from these primate species were compared to data collected from three species of non-primate mammals (Choloepus didactylus, Pteropus vampyrus, and Desmodus rotundus) and to three species of arm-swinging primate (Hylobates moloch, Ateles fusciceps, and Pygathrix nemaeus) to determine how varying forms of suspensory locomotion relate to each other and across taxa.
From the data collected in this study it is evident the specialized gait characteristics present during above branch quadrupedal locomotion in primates are not observed when walking below branches. Instead, gait mechanics closely replicate the characteristic walking patterns of non-primate mammals, with the exception that primates demonstrate an altered limb loading pattern during below branch quadrupedal locomotion, in which the forelimb becomes the primary propulsive and weight-bearing limb; a pattern similar to what is observed during arm-swinging. It is likely that below branch quadrupedal locomotion represents a “mechanical release” from the challenges of moving on top of thin arboreal supports. Additionally, it is possible, that arm-swinging could have evolved from an anatomically-generalized arboreal primate that began to forage and locomote below branches. During these suspensory bouts, weight would have been shifted away from the hindlimbs towards forelimbs, and as the frequency of these boats increased the reliance of the forelimb as the sole form of weight support would have also increased. This form of functional decoupling may have released the hindlimbs from their weight-bearing role during suspensory locomotion, and eventually arm-swinging would have replaced below branch quadrupedal locomotion as the primary mode of suspensory locomotion observed in some primate species. This study provides the first experimental evidence supporting the hypothetical link between below branch quadrupedal locomotion and arm-swinging in primates.
Item Open Access Biomechanics of Vertical Clinging and Grasping in Primates(2012) Johnson, LauraPrimates and many other animals that move in an arboreal environment often cling, sometimes for long periods, on vertical supports. Primates, however, face a special challenge in that almost all primates bear nails on the tips of their digits rather than claws. Squirrels and other arboreal animals possess claws and/or adhesive pads on their digits in order to hold their weight on vertical substrates. Assuming the ancestral primate was arboreal and lost claws prior to the radiation of primates this paradox has important implications and raises a significant question about living primates and early primate evolution: how can primates maintain vertical postures without claws and how did early primates meet this challenge? Primate vertically clinging and grasping postures (VCG) have been studied in the wild and theoretical models of VCG postures have been described. This dissertation builds on this work, by studying the biomechanics of VCG postures in primates. Based on mechanical models, it was hypothesized VCG posture in primates will vary in three ways.
Hypothesis 1: Species with different morphological features associated with different locomotor modes will vertically cling and grasp in different ways.
Hypothesis 2: As substrate size increases, primates will place their arms to the side of the support and adjust posture and muscle recruitment in order to maintain a necessary tangential to normal force ratio to resist gravity.
Hypothesis 3: On substrates of the same relative size, larger animals should be less effective at maintaining VCG postures due to scaling relationships between muscle strength and body mass.
The sample consisted of multiple individuals from eight strepsirrhine species at the Duke Lemur Center. The sample varied in locomotor mode--habitual vertical clinging and leaping (VCL) compared to less specialized arboreal quadrupeds--and body mass--100 to 4,000 grams. Subjects were videorecorded while holding VCG postures on substrates of increasing size. Substrate preference data were calculated based on frequency and duration of VCG postures on each substrate. Qualitative kinematic data were recorded for a maximum of thirty trials per individual, per substrate. Angular data were calculated for forelimbs and hindlimbs from these videos for ten trials per individual per substrate. In addition, kinetic data from an imbedded force transducer were collected for two species that vary in locomotor mode, but not body mass.
There are several significant and relevant results from this study that address both primate functional anatomy and locomotor evolution. Hypothesis one was supported by hand and hindlimb joint postures, shown to be highly sensitive to locomotor mode. VCL primates exhibited deeply flexed limbs and more hand grasping (wrapping around the substrate) versus parallel hand postures and use of bowed finger postures compared to less specialized primates. Kinetically, species were shown to bear the majority of their weight in their hindlimbs relative to their forelimbs. The forelimb joints and foot showed little variation by habitual locomotor mode. Hypothesis two found support in that species tend to prefer smaller substrates, clinging less frequently for shorter durations as substrate size increases. Hand posture changed as size increased, as primates (except for the slow lorises) in this study grasped with their pollex on smaller substrates, but the pollex disengaged in grasping on larger substrates. Hypothesis three was not supported; body mass did not influence VCG postures.
Taken together, the finding that the forelimb held a wide range of postures on each substrate size for all species and played a limited role in weight-bearing suggests the forelimb free to move (to adjust posture and or forage). The hindlimb plays a more specific role in weight-bearing and is more sensitive to variations in primate anatomy. Additionally, these findings lead to hypotheses concerning the relatively short pollexes of primates, and that the ancestral primate was smaller than 100g and preferred small substrates as found in a fine-branch niche.
Item Open Access Foot for Thought: Identifying Causes of Foot and Leg Pain in Rural Madagascar to Improve Musculoskeletal Health(2018-04-25) Tasnim, NoorIncidence of musculoskeletal health disorders is increasing in Madagascar. Foot pain in the Malagasy may be related to daily occupational activities or foot shape and lack of footwear. Our study tests hypotheses concerning the cause of foot pain in male and female Malagasy populations and its effects on gait kinematics. The study was conducted in Mandena, Madagascar. We obtained 89 participants’ height, mass, and age from a related study (n male = 41, n female = 48). We collected self-report data on daily activity and foot and lower limb pain. A modified Revised Foot Function Index (FFI-R) assessed pain, difficulty, and limitation of activities because of reported foot pain (total score = 27). We quantified ten standard foot shape measures. Participants walked across a force platform at self-selected speeds while being videorecorded at 120 fps. Females reported higher FFI-R scores (p = 0.029), spending more hours on their feet (p = 0.0184), and had larger BMIs (p = 0.0001) than males. Strong linear relationships were examined between participants’ self-selected speed and force curve peaks and loading rates. No significant differences were found in force curve parameters between participants with foot/ankle/knee pain and lack thereof. Males showed higher values of force curve parameters and steeper slopes when relating velocity to the same parameters. The higher foot pain and lower force peaks in females may be related to the combination of higher BMI, small feet relative to BMI, and the amount of time they are on their feet. Results suggest that a combination of BMI, foot size, and occupational factors influence foot pain in this community leading to long term injury and limitations on work. These results will help guide future interventions that promote engagement in leisure/work activities.Item Open Access Hand and foot pressures in the aye-aye (Daubentonia madagascariensis) reveal novel biomechanical trade-offs required for walking on gracile digits.(J Exp Biol, 2010-05) Kivell, Tracy L; Schmitt, Daniel; Wunderlich, Roshna EArboreal animals with prehensile hands must balance the complex demands of bone strength, grasping and manipulation. An informative example of this problem is that of the aye-aye (Daubentonia madagascariensis), a rare lemuriform primate that is unusual in having exceptionally long, gracile fingers specialized for foraging. In addition, they are among the largest primates to engage in head-first descent on arboreal supports, a posture that should increase loads on their gracile digits. We test the hypothesis that aye-ayes will reduce pressure on their digits during locomotion by curling their fingers off the substrate. This hypothesis was tested using simultaneous videographic and pressure analysis of the hand, foot and digits for five adult aye-ayes during horizontal locomotion and during ascent and descent on a 30 degrees instrumented runway. Aye-ayes consistently curled their fingers during locomotion on all slopes. When the digits were in contact with the substrate, pressures were negligible and significantly less than those experienced by the palm or pedal digits. In addition, aye-ayes lifted their hands vertically off the substrate instead of 'toeing-off' and descended head-first at significantly slower speeds than on other slopes. Pressure on the hand increased during head-first descent relative to horizontal locomotion but not as much as the pressure increased on the foot during ascent. This distribution of pressure suggests that aye-ayes shift their weight posteriorly during head-first descent to reduce loads on their gracile fingers. This research demonstrates several novel biomechanical trade-offs to deal with complex functional demands on the mammalian skeleton.Item Open Access Mechanisms for the functional differentiation of the propulsive and braking roles of the forelimbs and hindlimbs during quadrupedal walking in primates and felines.(J Exp Biol, 2017-11-23) Granatosky, Michael C; Fitzsimons, Aidan; Zeininger, Angel; Schmitt, DanielDuring quadrupedal walking in most animals, the forelimbs play a net braking role while the hindlimbs are net propulsive. However, the mechanism by which this differentiation occurs remains unclear. Here we test two models to explain this pattern using primates and felines: (1) the Horizontal Strut Effect (in which limbs are modeled as independent struts), and (2) the Linked Strut Model (in which limbs are modeled as linked struts with a center of mass in between). Video-recordings were used to determine point of contact, mid-stance, and limb protraction/retraction duration. Single limb forces were used to calculate contact time, impulses, and the proportion of the stride at which the braking to propulsive transition (BP) occurred for each limb. We found no association of the occurrence of the BP and mid-stance, little influence of protraction and retraction duration on the braking-propulsive function of a limb, and a causative relationship between vertical force distribution between limbs and the patterns of horizontal forces. These findings reject the Horizontal Strut Effect, and provide some support for the Linked Strut Model, although predictions were not perfectly matched. We suggest that the position of the center of mass relative to limb contact points is a very important but not the only factor driving functional differentiation of the braking/propulsive roles of the limbs in quadrupeds. It was also found that primates have greater differences in horizontal impulse between their limbs compared to felines, a pattern that may reflect a fundamental arboreal adaptation in primates.Item Open Access Ontogenetic changes in foot strike pattern and calcaneal loading during walking in young children.(Gait Posture, 2018-01) Zeininger, Angel; Schmitt, Daniel; Jensen, Jody L; Shapiro, Liza JThe assumption that the morphology of the human calcaneus reflects high and cyclical impact forces at heel strike during adult human walking has never been experimentally tested. Since a walking step with a heel strike is an emergent behavior in children, an ontogenetic study provides a natural experiment to begin testing the relationship between the mechanics of heel strike and calcaneal anatomy. This study examined the ground reaction forces (GRFs) of stepping in children to determine the location of the center of pressure (COP) relative to the calcaneus and the orientation and magnitude of ground reaction forces during foot contact. Three-dimensional kinematic and kinetic data were analyzed for 18 children ranging in age from 11.5 to 43.1 months. Early steppers used a flat foot contact (FFC) and experienced relatively high vertical and resultant GRFs with COP often anterior to the calcaneus. More experienced walkers used an initial heel contact (IHC) in which GRFs were significantly lower but the center of pressure remained under the heel a greater proportion of time. Thus, during FFC the foot experienced higher loading, but the heel itself was relatively wider and the load was distributed more evenly. In IHC walkers load was concentrated on the anterior calcaneus and a narrower heel, suggesting a need for increased calcaneal robusticity during development to mitigate injury. These results provide new insight into foot loading outside of typical mature contact patterns, inform structure-function relationships during development, and illuminate potential causes of heel injury in young walkers.Item Open Access Scaling Patterns and Ecological Correlates of Postcranial Skeletal Robusticity in Canis and Ursus: Implications for Human Evolution(2009) Doyle, Sara KathleenThere has been a trend toward decreasing skeletal robusticity in the genus Homo throughout the Pleistocene, culminating in the gracile postcrania of living modern humans. This change is typically attributed to changing tool technologies and subsistence patterns among human groups. However, other mammalian groups also experience a similar change in their postcranial strength over the same time period. It is proposed in this dissertation that ecological variables are correlated with measures of postcranial strength and may be a better explanation for Holocene skeletal gracilization in humans, as well as in other mammalian genera. This hypothesis is investigated through a close examination of the scaling patterns in two extant genera, Canis and Ursus, and a comparison of scaling patterns and relative strength of different species of Canis, including a fossil species that provides information about temporal change. Measurements of limb length, joint surface area, bone diameter, and strength measurements derived from radiographic images of long bone midshafts of North American specimens of Canis, (including the fossil Canis dirus) and Ursus were collected. Scaling patterns of the cross-sectional variables on limb length and joint surfaces were analyzed for the interspecific and intraspecific samples.
The first hypothesis tested was that Canis scales with geometric similarity of cross-sectional variables on bone length and body mass, and the Ursus scales with elastic similarity. Larger Canis have relatively stronger postcrania than smaller Canis. The primary way in which this strength is achieved in larger individuals is through a relatively shortening of the bone length. The second hypothesis tested was that postcranial strength is correlated with ecological variables. To investigate this hypothesis, scaling patterns of different species of Canis were compared, including the fossil dire wolf. The results show that the dire wolf is relatively stronger than its living congenerics. There is also a strong relationship between the ratio of prey body mass to predator body mass and relative strength for these species. Carnivores that are hunting animals much larger than themselves must have postcranial skeletons that are strong enough to withstand the loading of the skeleton that occurs during hunting, taking down, and processing large herbivores.
Item Open Access Step type is associated with loading and ankle motion in tap dance.(PloS one, 2024-01) Polascik, Breanna A; Jiang, Yue; Schmitt, DanielTap dance generates forces and joint motions that can lead to injury; however, little is known about the magnitude of load across different tap steps. The purpose of this study was to calculate peak vertical forces, average vertical foot velocities, and maximum/minimum ankle angles produced by tap dancers with different levels of experience performing the toe cannon, heel cannon, flap, and cramp roll. This prospective cross-sectional study included 14 female tap dancers aged ≥18 years with varying tap experience. Participants were recorded by three cameras while performing a choreographed tap combination containing four steps of interest on a force platform. Adjusting for experience and dancer-level clustering, we identified the steps-cramp roll and toe cannon-that had the highest peak vertical ground reaction force, angles, and velocities compared to flap and heel cannon. There was no effect of experience. The results supported our hypothesis and provide new insights into step production. Over time, the larger forces associated with these steps could pose an increased risk of injury to bones and joints when compared to smaller forces, which may suggest the importance of adjusting routines to reduce or avoid injury.Item Open Access The Bent Hip and Bent Knee Gait and its Possible Role in the Evolution of Modern Human Bipedalism(2010) Wilson, Megan PruetteThe relatively stiff gait of modern humans minimizes the muscular work done to move the lower limbs and the center of mass. Nonhuman primates, and perhaps our earliest ancestors, use a form of bipedalism in which the hip and knee are held in a flexed position. This thesis follows up on other studies examining loading and energetic costs of these compliant walking gaits by examining the effects of increased hip and knee flexion on kinetic, kinematic, and energy exchange variables. The bipedal gait of twelve human subjects using normal and bent hip and bent knee gait were compared. The subjects walked along force plates embedded in the ground while 3D kinematic data was simultaneously gathered. The data was then processed using EvaRT, Orthotrak, and Matlab to evaluate the variables used. During the bent hip and bent knee bipedal locomotion subjects demonstrated lower peak vertical and parallel ground reaction forces, much higher ankle flexion, less hip extension, and less energy recovery during a full stride. These data provide novel insight into the nature and costs of locomotion in bipedal primates and the earliest human ancestors.
Item Restricted Whole body mechanics of stealthy walking in cats.(PLoS One, 2008) Bishop, Kristin L; Pai, Anita K; Schmitt, DanielThe metabolic cost associated with locomotion represents a significant part of an animal's metabolic energy budget. Therefore understanding the ways in which animals manage the energy required for locomotion by controlling muscular effort is critical to understanding limb design and the evolution of locomotor behavior. The assumption that energetic economy is the most important target of natural selection underlies many analyses of steady animal locomotion, leading to the prediction that animals will choose gaits and postures that maximize energetic efficiency. Many quadrupedal animals, particularly those that specialize in long distance steady locomotion, do in fact reduce the muscular contribution required for walking by adopting pendulum-like center of mass movements that facilitate exchange between kinetic energy (KE) and potential energy (PE). However, animals that are not specialized for long distance steady locomotion may face a more complex set of requirements, some of which may conflict with the efficient exchange of mechanical energy. For example, the "stealthy" walking style of cats may demand slow movements performed with the center of mass close to the ground. Force plate and video data show that domestic cats (Felis catus, Linnaeus, 1758) have lower mechanical energy recovery than mammals specialized for distance. A strong negative correlation was found between mechanical energy recovery and diagonality in the footfalls and there was also a negative correlation between limb compression and diagonality of footfalls such that more crouched postures tended to have greater diagonality. These data show a previously unrecognized mechanical relationship in which crouched postures are associated with changes in footfall pattern which are in turn related to reduced mechanical energy recovery. Low energy recovery was not associated with decreased vertical oscillations of the center of mass as theoretically predicted, but rather with posture and footfall pattern on the phase relationship between potential and kinetic energy. An important implication of these results is the possibility of a tradeoff between stealthy walking and economy of locomotion. This potential tradeoff highlights the complex and conflicting pressures that may govern the locomotor choices that animals make.