Browsing by Author "West, Anne E"
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Item Open Access Core and region-enriched networks of behaviorally regulated genes and the singing genome.(Science, 2014-12-12) Whitney, Osceola; Pfenning, Andreas R; Howard, Jason T; Blatti, Charles A; Liu, Fang; Ward, James M; Wang, Rui; Audet, Jean-Nicoles; Kellis, Manolis; Mukherjee, Sayan; Sinha, Saurabh; Hartemink, Alexander J; West, Anne E; Jarvis, Erich DSongbirds represent an important model organism for elucidating molecular mechanisms that link genes with complex behaviors, in part because they have discrete vocal learning circuits that have parallels with those that mediate human speech. We found that ~10% of the genes in the avian genome were regulated by singing, and we found a striking regional diversity of both basal and singing-induced programs in the four key song nuclei of the zebra finch, a vocal learning songbird. The region-enriched patterns were a result of distinct combinations of region-enriched transcription factors (TFs), their binding motifs, and presinging acetylation of histone 3 at lysine 27 (H3K27ac) enhancer activity in the regulatory regions of the associated genes. RNA interference manipulations validated the role of the calcium-response transcription factor (CaRF) in regulating genes preferentially expressed in specific song nuclei in response to singing. Thus, differential combinatorial binding of a small group of activity-regulated TFs and predefined epigenetic enhancer activity influences the anatomical diversity of behaviorally regulated gene networks.Item Open Access Deconstructing olfaction using models, molecules, and mammals(2022) Vihani, AashutoshOlfaction, the sense of smell, is one of the least well understood sensory systems. Central to the lack of understanding has been an inability to reliably control the stimulus, odorants. Here I developed analytical frameworks to further our understandings of how to quantify odor molecules based on responses elicited from olfactory receptors. I also identified a novel subset of olfactory receptors which displayed sexual dimorphism, plasticity, and served to respond to semiochemicals in mice. Finally, I identified a single candidate rabbit olfactory receptor to respond to a rabbit mammary pheromone.
Item Open Access Developmental Regulation of H3K27me3 Drives Excitatory Synapse Maturation and Social Behavior(2022) Chan, UrannDuring brain development, chromatin regulation determines how and when genes are transcribed, making sure that the right genes are turned on and the wrong genes are turned off. Previously, we have identified a role for the Jumonji-C lysine-specific histone demethylase Kdm6b in cerebellar granule neurons (CGNs) in mediating the induction of a mature gene expression program. More specifically, this program of gene expression contains a variety of synaptic genes, crucial for the post-synaptic differentiation of CGNs and the overall cerebellar circuit. Consistent with this, we report that neurons without Kdm6b have smaller and less complex dendritic claws, structures that contain most of the synaptic inputs onto the cells. Additionally, we show that proper claw formation is dependent on the enzyme’s catalytic activity. CGNs lacking Kdm6b have increased distribution of excitatory synapses on their smaller claws, suggesting that normally, Kdm6b works to develop these claws so the cells can properly distribute synapses. Interestingly, mice lacking Kdm6b activity show deficits in social novelty and discrimination, highlighting a possible behavioral consequence linked to chromatin misregulation. Whether this aberrant phenotype is specifically due to synaptic defects associated with loss of demethylase activity remains to be resolved. However, these results defined a novel role for Kdm6b in regulating synapse formation and have expanded our knowledge on how chromatin regulation contributes to neuronal maturation and ultimately, social behavior.
Item Open Access Editing the Neuronal Genome: a CRISPR View of Chromatin Regulation in Neuronal Development, Function, and Plasticity.(Yale J Biol Med, 2016-12) Yang, Marty G; West, Anne EThe dynamic orchestration of gene expression is crucial for the proper differentiation, function, and adaptation of cells. In the brain, transcriptional regulation underlies the incredible diversity of neuronal cell types and contributes to the ability of neurons to adapt their function to the environment. Recently, novel methods for genome and epigenome editing have begun to revolutionize our understanding of gene regulatory mechanisms. In particular, the clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats (CRISPR)/Cas9 system has proven to be a particularly accessible and adaptable technique for genome engineering. Here, we review the use of CRISPR/Cas9 in neurobiology and discuss how these studies have advanced understanding of nervous system development and plasticity. We cover four especially salient applications of CRISPR/Cas9: testing the consequences of enhancer mutations, tagging genes and gene products for visualization in live cells, directly activating or repressing enhancers in vivo, and manipulating the epigenome. In each case, we summarize findings from recent studies and discuss evolving adaptations of the method.Item Open Access Elucidating Slit-Independent Mechanisms of Robo Receptors Regulating Neural Circuit Formation and Head Morphogenesis in C. elegan(2018) Chen, Chia-HuiRobo receptor is a central component in multiple stages of neural development. Accumulating evidence also suggests that it functions in organogenesis, regulation of stem cells, and cancer. Despite its diverse functions, all of the reported functions of Robo rely on binding with its canonical ligand, Slit. However, it has long been known that in C. elegans, which has only one Slit (slt-1) and one Robo (sax-3) gene, mutants of Robo exhibit more severe phenotypes than Slit mutants, suggesting that Robo has Slit-independent functions. This proposal aims to explain some of the Slit-independent Robo mutantphenotypes: 1) defects in formation of the RME circuit, a head motor neural circuit, and 2) notched head in C. elegans. Preliminary results suggest that SAX-3 acts as its own ligand in mediating RME circuit formation. More surprisingly, the extracellular domain of SAX-3 can rescue the notched head phenotype. The proposed work is an essential step towards comprehensive understanding of Robo receptors and may provide insights in understanding
human genetic diseases.
Item Open Access Functions of the histone linker protein H1.4 in neuronal development and intellectual disability(2021) tremblay, martineIn the following document, I will describe three distinct projects which together provide information to better understand the genetic basis of autism spectrum disorder (ASD) as well as the genetic and molecular basis of Rahman syndrome. Specifically, the majority of my thesis focuses on how the gene H1-4 can contribute to intellectual disability (ID). First, in Chapter 2, I will provide an early project in my graduate career, which provides an illustration of the need to better understand the relationship between epigenetics and ASD. My work studying the DNA demethylase, TET1, highlights the effects that epigenetic dysregulation can have on ASD-like behaviors. Utilizing a novel Tet1 knockout mouse, we have shown that lack of TET1 results in reduction of the Oxytocin receptor (Oxtr) gene transcript. These Tet1 knockout animals display abnormal splicing of the Oxtr transcript, increased aggressive behaviors, decreased maternal care, and altered firing in neurons. This work sheds light on how two ASD implicated genes (TET1 and OXTR) interact to generate abnormal gene products and functions that relate to ASD-like behaviors. Second, in Chapters 3 and 4, I will present evidence to better understand how frameshift mutations in the histone linker, H1-4, contribute to pathogenicity of Rahman syndrome (RMNS), a syndromic form of ID. My work here utilized a combination of multiple approaches including review of clinical data, use of RMNS patient derived cells, and ex vivo neuronal cellular cultures to determine the effects of frameshift H1.4 (H1.4fsRMNS) on cellular transcription and function. I investigated transcriptional dysregulation in RMNS patient derived cells, as well as the effect of exogenous expression of H1.4fsRMNS on neuronal structure and function. My work in these chapters provide the first evidence for aberrant function of H1.4fsRMNS in post mitotic neurons of the brain. These data also help to better understand the role this mutant protein plays in creating an ID related phenotype. Of specific interest to this thesis, literature searches for these experiments highlight a gap in the literature with regards to what is known about the function of wild-type (WT) H1.4 in the brain. Finally, in Chapter 5, I characterize the expression of H1.4 as well as H1.2 and .3 throughout murine brain development. I show that these “replication-dependent” histones are actually expressed and present in mature post-mitotic neurons. I utilize a combination of transcriptional investigation, microscopy, top-down proteomics, and endogenously tagged H1f4 mouse model to systemically track expression of H1.4 throughout development, in multiple brain regions, and within a single, specific cell type (the CGN). My characterization of H1s during murine brain development together affirm that there is little known about distinct expression and function of individual somatic replication-dependent H1 proteins. Specifically, in a spatiotemporal specific manner in the brain. My work is the first to systemically interrogate the expression and binding of H1.4 in vivo in mature neurons. Further, I show that expression and post-translational modification of individual H1 subtypes is developmentally dependent and may have an effect on gene expression. My thesis sheds light on the molecular function of H1.4 within the brain. My work is useful for not only laying the foundation of how frameshift mutant H1.4fsRMNS leads to RMNS. But also, in understanding the function of the WT endogenous H1.4 protein. Together, this data lays the foundation to better understand the relationship between H1.4 function and brain development. Better understanding the expression of both the WT and frameshift mutant H1.4fsRMNS, will be useful in providing a basis for future studies and potential gene therapy strategies for RMNS.
Item Open Access Genetics and epigenetics approaches as a path to the future of addiction science.(Molecular and cellular neurosciences, 2023-08) West, Anne E; Day, Jeremy JItem Open Access Genome-wide identification of calcium-response factor (CaRF) binding sites predicts a role in regulation of neuronal signaling pathways(PLoS ONE, 2010) Pfenning, Andreas R; Kim, Tae-Kyung; Spotts, James M; Hemberg, Martin; Su, Dan; West, Anne ECalcium-Response Factor (CaRF) was first identified as a transcription factor based on its affinity for a neuronal-selective calcium-response element (CaRE1) in the gene encoding Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor (BDNF). However, because CaRF shares no homology with other transcription factors, its properties and gene targets have remained unknown. Here we show that the DNA binding domain of CaRF has been highly conserved across evolution and that CaRF binds DNA directly in a sequence-specific manner in the absence of other eukaryotic cofactors. Using a binding site selection screen we identify a high-affinity consensus CaRF response element (cCaRE) that shares significant homology with the CaRE1 element of Bdnf. In a genome-wide chromatin immunoprecipitation analysis (ChIP-Seq), we identified 176 sites of CaRF-specific binding (peaks) in neuronal genomic DNA. 128 of these peaks are within 10kB of an annotated gene, and 60 are within 1kB of an annotated transcriptional start site. At least 138 of the CaRF peaks contain a common 10-bp motif with strong statistical similarity to the cCaRE, and we provide evidence predicting that CaRF can bind independently to at least 64.5% of these motifs in vitro. Analysis of this set of putative CaRF targets suggests the enrichment of genes that regulate intracellular signaling cascades. Finally we demonstrate that expression of a subset of these target genes is altered in the cortex of Carf knockout (KO) mice. Together these data strongly support the characterization of CaRF as a unique transcription factor and provide the first insight into the program of CaRF-regulated transcription in neurons. © 2010 Pfenning et al.Item Unknown Input-Specific Metaplasticity by a Local Switch in NMDA Receptors(2009) Lee, Ming-ChiaAt excitatory synapses, NMDAR-mediated synaptic plasticity occurs in response to activity inputs by modifying synaptic strength. While comprehensive studies have been focused on the induction and expression mechanisms underlying synaptic plasticity, it is less clear whether and how synaptic plasticity itself can be subjected to regulations. The presence of "plasticity of plasticity", or meta-plasticity, has been proposed as an essential mechanism to ensure a proper working range of plasticity, which may also offer an additional layer of information storage capacity. However, it remains elusive whether and how meta-plasticity occurs at single synapses and what molecular substrates are locally utilized. Here, I develop systems allowing for sustained alterations of individual synaptic inputs. By implementing a history of inactivity at single synapses, I demonstrate that individual synaptic inputs control synaptic molecular composition homosynaptically, while allowing heterosynaptic integration along dendrites. Furthermore, I report that subunit-specific regulation of NMDARs at single synapses mediates a novel form of input-specific metaplasticity. Prolonged suppression of synaptic releases at single synapses enhances synaptic NMDAR-mediated currents and increases the number of functional NMDARs containing NR2B. Interestingly, synaptic NMDAR composition is adjusted by spontaneous glutamate release rather than evoked activity. I also demonstrate that inactivated synapses with more NMDARs containing NR2B acquire a lower induction threshold for long-term synaptic potentiation. Together, these results suggest that at single synapses, spontaneous release primes the synapse by modifying its synaptic state with specific molecular compositions, which in turn determine the synaptic gain in an input-specific manner.
Item Unknown Mechanisms of Specificity in Neuronal Activity-regulated Gene Transcription(2017) Chen, Liang-FuThe ability to convert sensory stimuli into long-lasting changes in brain function is essential for animals to interact with and learn from their environment. This process is achieved by encoding sensory stimuli into temporal patterns of neuronal activity, which in turn modulate the connectivity and strength of neural circuits in the brain. These long-term plastic changes in the brain are known to depend on the neuronal activity-regulated transcription of new gene products. My dissertation research sought to elucidate how the timing and level of transcriptional responses following neuronal activity can be precisely regulated to form proper neuronal connections. In the first part of this dissertation, I investigated the role of the developmentally regulated GluN3A subunit in NMDAR-induced transcription. I observed that neurons lacking the transcription factor CaRF showed enhanced NMDAR-induced expression of Bdnf and Arc both in cultured neurons and following sensory stimulation in the developing brain in vivo. I identified GluN3A as a regulatory target of CaRF and found that neurons lacking GluN3A showed selective enhancement of NMDAR-induced transcription. GluN3A limited synaptic activity-induced transcription by inhibiting both NMDAR-induced nuclear translocation of the p38 MAP kinase and activation of the transcription factor MEF2C. These data demonstrate that GluN3A negatively regulates NMDAR-dependent activation of gene transcription and reveal a novel mechanism that regulates the level of NMDAR-induced transcriptional response in the developing brain. In the second part of my dissertation, I examined the role of enhancer histone acetylation in neuronal activity-regulated gene transcription. I applied quantitative single-molecule fluorescence in situ hybridization to measure neuronal activity-induced gene transcription at the single neuron level, taking advantage of the intrinsic stochasticity of transcription to quantify the effects of enhancer regulation on the dynamics of promoter state transitions. Locally-induced enhancer histone acetylation by CRISPR-mediated epigenome editing was sufficient to increase Fos mRNA expression both under basal conditions and following membrane depolarization in primary hippocampal neurons, via a mechanism that involves enhancer recruitment of Brd4, increased transcriptional elongation by the release of paused polymerase, and prolonged activation of Fos promoters. These data indicate that enhancer histone acetylation plays a causative role in the induction of neuronal activity-regulated gene transcription and open up the possibility to specifically control the level and timing of the neuronal activity-induced transcriptional response. Taken together my dissertation works elucidate mechanisms that control the specificity, timing, and amplitude of transcriptional responses to neuronal activity, revealing novel information about the dynamic range of this fundamental cellular process.
Item Unknown Mechanisms of specificity in neuronal activity-regulated gene transcription.(2012) Lyons, Michelle RenéeIn the nervous system, activity-regulated gene transcription is one of the fundamental processes responsible for orchestrating proper brain development–a process that in humans takes over 20 years. Moreover, activity-dependent regulation of gene expression continues to be important for normal brain function throughout life; for example, some forms of synaptic plasticity important for learning and memory are known to rely on alterations in gene transcription elicited by sensory input. In the last two decades, increasingly comprehensive studies have described complex patterns of gene transcription induced and/or repressed following different kinds of stimuli that act in concert to effect changes in neuronal and synaptic physiology. A key theme to emerge from these studies is that of specificity, meaning that different kinds of stimuli up- and down regulate distinct sets of genes. The importance of such signaling specificity in synapse-to-nucleus communication becomes readily apparent in studies examining the physiological effects of the loss of one or more forms of transcriptional specificity – often, such genetic manipulations result in aberrant synapse formation, neuronal cell death, and/or cognitive impairment in mutant mice. The two primary loci at which mechanisms of signaling specificity typically act are 1) at the synapse – in the form of calcium channel number, localization, and subunit composition – and 2) in the nucleus – in the form of transcription factor expression, localization, and post-translational modification. My dissertation research has focused on the mechanisms of specificity that govern the activity-regulated transcription of the gene encoding Brain-derived Neurotrophic Factor(Bdnf). BDNF is a secreted protein that has numerous important functions in nervous system development and plasticity, including neuronal survival, neurite outgrowth, synapse formation, and long-term potentiation. Due to Bdnf’s complex transcriptional regulation by various forms of neural stimuli, it is well positioned to function as a transducer through which altered neural activity states can lead to changes in neuronal physiology and synaptic function. In this dissertation, I show that different families of transcription factors, and even different isoforms or splice variants within a single family, can specifically regulate Bdnf transcription in an age- and stimulus-dependent manner. Additionally, I characterize another mechanism of synapse-to-nucleus signaling specificity that is dependent upon NMDA-type glutamate receptor subunit composition, and provide evidence that the effect this signaling pathway has on gene transcription is important for normal GABAergic synapse formation. Taken together, my dissertation research sheds light on several novel signaling mechanisms that could lend specificity to the activity-dependent transcription of Bdnf exon IV. My data indicate that distinct neuronal stimuli can differentially regulate the Calcium-Response Element CaRE1 within Bdnf promoter IV through activation of two distinct transcription factors: Calcium-Response Factor (CaRF) and Myocyte Enhancer Factor 2 (MEF2). Furthermore, individual members of the MEF2 family of transcription factors differentially regulate the expression of Bdnf, and different MEF2C splice variants are unequally responsive to L-type voltage-gated calcium channel activation. Additionally, I show here for the first time that the NMDA-type glutamate receptor subunit NR3A (also known as GluN3A) is capable of exerting an effect on NMDA receptor-dependent Bdnf exon IV transcription, and that changes in the expression levels of NR3A may function to regulate the threshold for activation of synaptic plasticity-inducing transcriptional programs during brain development. Finally, I provide evidence that the transcription factor CaRF might function in the regulation of homeostatic programs of gene transcription in an age- and stimulus-specific manner. Together, these data describe multiple novel mechanisms of specificity in neuronal activity-regulated gene transcription, some of which function at the synapse, others of which function in the nucleus.Item Unknown Monoaminergic Regulation of MeCP2 Phosphorylation in Mouse Models of Psychiatric Disease(2011) Hutchinson, Ashley NicoleActivation of monoaminergic receptors is essential to the mechanism by which psychostimulants and antidepressants induce changes in behavior. Although these drugs rapidly increase monoaminergic transmission, they need to be administered for several weeks or months in order to produce long-lasting alterations in behavior. This observation suggests that it is likely that molecular mechanisms downstream of receptor activation contribute to the effects of psychostimulants and antidepressants on behavior.
Recently, we and others have demonstrated that the methyl-CpG-binding protein 2 (MeCP2) contributes to both neural and behavioral adaptations induced by repeated psychostimulant exposure (Deng et al, 2010, Im et al, 2010). Psychostimulants induce rapid and robust phosphorylation of MeCP2 at Ser421 (pMeCP2), a site that is thought to modulate MeCP2-dependent chromatin regulation (Cohen et al, 2011), and this phosphorylation event is selectively induced in the GABAergic interneurons of the nucleus accumbens (NAc). In order to understand the signaling pathways that contribute to the pattern of pMeCP2 we observe, I characterized the monoaminergic signaling pathways that regulate pMeCP2. I found that activation of dopamine (DA) and serotonin (5-HT) transmission is sufficient to induce pMeCP2. The novel finding that drugs that activate serotonergic signaling induce pMeCP2 suggests that pMeCP2 may be involved in serotonergic mediated behaviors.
To determine the requirement of pMeCP2 in serotonergic mediated behaviors, I utilized mice that bear a knockin (KI) mutation that converts serine to alanine at 421 (S421A) (Cohen et al, 2011). After characterizing the behavioral phenotype of these mice, I conducted tests to assess anxiety- and depression-like behavior. I found that the KI mice do not display heightened anxiety in several assays. However, the KI mice exhibit depression-like behavior in the forced swim and tail suspension but show no differences compared to wild-type (WT) littermates in the sucrose preference test, suggesting that pMeCP2 may be implicated in the behavioral response to stressful stimuli.
Because we are interested in examining the role of pMeCP2 in the behavioral adaptations to chronic monoaminergic signaling, I then put the KI mice and their WT littermates through chronic social defeat stress, a behavioral paradigm in which repeated exposure to aggressive mice causes social avoidance that is reversed by chronic but not acute antidepressant treatment. Although the WT mice show an increase in social interaction following chronic imipramine treatment, the KI mice fail to show a behavioral response to chronic treatment. These data suggest that pMeCP2 may be implicated in the antidepressant action of chronic imipramine. Finally, investigation of the brain regions in which pMeCP2 may be contributing to the behavioral response to chronic imipramine treatment revealed that chronic but not acute imipramine treatment induces pMeCP2 in the lateral habenula (LHb), a brain region involved in the behavioral response to stress and reward. Together, these data implicate a novel role for pMeCP2 in depression-like behavior and the behavioral response to chronic antidepressant treatment.
Item Unknown Postmitotic Dynamics in Chromatin Modification and Regulatory Topology Underlie Cerebellar Granule Maturation(2023) Ramesh, VijyendraNeurons are remarkably long-lived cells that are born early on in development and maintained over the lifespan of an organism. Their birth is followed by their iterative maturation into functional neurons that can participate in CNS circuitry. This involves the temporally regulated programs of gene transcription enabling them to migrate, generate axons, dendrites, synapses, and spatial connections with other cells within their niche. This is mediated at least in part by dynamics in chromatin biology, as mutations in chromatin regulators are strongly implicated in the advent of neurodevelopmental and neuropsychiatric disorders. The mechanisms by which chromatin dynamics orchestrate neuronal maturation remain poorly understood. We find that the postnatal maturation of cerebellar granule neurons (CGNs) requires dynamic changes in the genomic distribution of histone H3 lysine 27 trimethylation (H3K27me3), demonstrating a causal function for this chromatin modification in gene regulation beyond its canonical role in cell fate specification. The developmental loss of H3K27me3 at promoters of genes that turn on as CGNs mature is facilitated by the lysine demethylase, and ASD-risk gene, Kdm6b, through its catalytic activity. Interestingly, inhibition of the H3K27 methyltransferase EZH2 in newborn CGNs not only blocks the repression of progenitor genes but also impairs the induction of mature CGN genes, showing the importance of bidirectional H3K27me3 regulation across the genome. We also find dynamics in regulatory chromatin topology to facilitate the interaction between cerebellar enhancers and their cognate genes during cerebellar maturation, that appears to be poised by H3K27me3. These data demonstrate that dynamics at the level of chromatin primary, secondary, and tertiary structures in developing postmitotic neurons regulate the temporal coordination of gene expression programs that underlie functional neuronal maturation.
Item Unknown Psychostimulant Regulated Epigenetic Plasticity in Interneurons of the Nucleus Accumbens(2019) Gallegos, DavidExposure to psychostimulant drugs of abuse exerts lasting influences on brain function via the regulation of immediate and persistent gene transcription. These changes in gene transcription drive the development of addictive-like behavior by inducing cellular and synaptic plasticities in neurons within brain reward circuits
including the nucleus accumbens (NAc). The long-lasting nature of addictive-like behaviors suggests they may be mediated by equally persistent mechanisms of transcriptional regulation such as epigenetic modifications of chromatin. However, an important limitation to testing this model using traditional methods for studying
chromatin is the fact that brain regions like the NAc are comprised of a variety of interacting cell types that differentially shape the region’s impact on the circuit, that are not resolved by biochemical methods. In this dissertation I will overcome this barrier by using varied targeted methods to study cell-type specific changes in chromatin
induced in the NAc by chronic amphetamine.
We have data showing that silencing of PV+ interneurons significantly diminishes the locomotor sensitization to chronic psychostimulant exposure, revealing for the first time a function for these interneurons in addictive-like behaviors. PV+ interneurons of the NAc show amphetamine-induced transcription of genes like Fos and with repeated drug exposure display transcriptional desensitization of Fos, a process that is thought to be epigenetically mediated. This and other cellular adaptations occurring in PV+ interneurons persist through extensive withdrawal periods, suggesting a specific and lasting means by which these regulatory shifts underlying the behavioral response are imprinted on this cell type. Taking these data together, I hypothesize that changes to chromatin structure and gene expression in PV+ interneurons of the NAc contribute to the addictive-like behavioral changes and cellular adaptations seen following psychostimulant use. To test this, I will make use of a novel isolation method to specifically purify the nuclei of PV+ interneurons from the NAc and assay the chromatin and gene expression changes that persist following psychostimulant exposure
and correlate with addictive-like behaviors. In this proposal I will identify the program of persistent amphetamine-regulated gene expression and chromatin remodeling genome-wide in PV+ interneurons of the NAc. I will subsequently use a variety of targeted bioinformatic analyses to survey the relationships between changes to the chromatin landscape genome-wide and lasting alterations in transcriptional regulation and cellular function. These studies will greatly propel our understanding of how epigenetic regulation of gene transcription can contribute to lasting changes in circuit function and behavioral output.
Item Unknown Structural, Functional, and Behavioral Outcomes of Stimulus-Dependent Transcription in Nucleus Accumbens Parvalbumin-Expressing Interneurons(2022) Hazlett, Mariah FaithLearning and memory are mediated by changes in synaptic and neuronal function within brain circuits, and is supported by dynamic waves of stimulus-dependent transcription in the nucleus of neurons. Stimulus-dependent transcription relies heavily on the epigenetic landscape of a given neuron, which is highly cell-type specific and can be further tuned by experience. Developments in genetic tools and methods to survey the entire transcriptome and epigenome have increased our ability to study stimulus-dependent transcription in diverse cell-types, including rare populations of interneurons. Application of these tools to addiction models, where long-lasting changes in behavior depend on stimulus-dependent transcription in diverse cell-types in multiple areas of the corticomesolimbic reward circuit, presents a particularly potent opportunity to increase our understanding of the functional consequences of stimulus-dependent transcription in diverse cell-types in a system that is highly relevant to human health. In the nucleus accumbens (NAc), parvalbumin-expressing (PV+) interneurons exert strong control over local circuit output and downstream behavior, including behavioral responses to drugs of abuse. Recent data from our lab suggest that perineuronal net (PNN) genes are a promising target for behaviorally-relevant, drug-dependent functional adaptations in this rare cell-type. In this dissertation, I use histological techniques in mouse tissue to validate in situ the heterogeneous transcriptional regulation of NAc PV+ interneurons and specific cell adhesion gene targets in response to psychostimulants, and explore the developmental and drug-dependent regulation of PNNs and the PNN gene Bcan. I use genetic and viral tools to specifically knockdown Bcan expression in NAc PV+ cells, and demonstrate that Bcan stabilizes their excitatory synaptic inputs even in adulthood and restricts the development of cocaine-context associations, showing that NAc PV+ interneurons and their PNNs play an important role in limiting the development of addiction-related behaviors. Finally, I use dCas9-mediated epigenetic editing to tune activity-dependent transcription of select rapid primary response genes, which are thought to interact with cell-type and cell-state dependent chromatin to coordinate later waves of stimulus-dependent transcription. I show that the fine details of activity-dependent transcription of rapid primary response genes resulting from chromatin state can lead to physiological changes in protein, and downstream neural physiology and behavior.
Item Unknown Systematic Examination of Epigenomic Regulation of Neuronal Plasticity(2022) Minto, Melyssa SThe epigenome underlies cell type and state and in post-mitotic neurons, and it regulates the ability for rapid response to activity. Since neurons exit the cell cycle early in development and are long lived, remodeling of brain function requires that neurons show transcriptional plasticity to let then change in function in response to stimuli including psychostimulants and developmental cues. This response is driven by the epigenomic regulation in a cell-type-specific manner. Many studies assessing experience driven genomic responses have been carried out in bulk tissues so cell-type-specific genomic responses to stimuli that drive neuronal plasticity remains poorly understood. To understand the epigenomic and transcriptomic mechanisms driving neuronal plasticity, here we study multi-omic genomic data from two contexts in the mouse brain: 1) psychostimulant responses in the nucleus accumbens and 2)the postnatal and postmitotic maturation of developing cerebellar granule neurons. In both systems, I implemented integrative bioinformatic approaches to predict transcription factor (TF) activity in regulating the transcriptome. I elucidated cell-type-specific amphetamine induced transcriptomic responses, identified canonical activity regulated transcription factors regulating those responses, and determined collaborators and developmental targets of the Zic family TFs, revealing novel roles of Zics regulating migration and synaptic maturation in CGN development. The studies reveal novel mechanistic insights into neuronal plasticity in different neuronal cell types by using integrative computational approaches to model chromatin topology, chromatin accessibility, gene expression, and TF binding.
Item Open Access The H3K27 Histone Demethylase Kdm6b (Jmjd3) is Induced by Neuronal Activity and Contributes to Neuronal Survival and Differentiation(2012) Wijayatunge, RanjulaChanges in gene transcription driven by the activation of intracellular calcium signaling pathways play an important role in neural development and plasticity. A growing body of evidence suggests that stimulus-driven modulation of histone modifications play an important role in the regulation of neuronal activity-regulated gene transcription. However, the histone modifying enzymes that are targets of activity-regulated signaling cascades in neurons remain to be identified. The histone demethylases (HDMs) are a large family of enzymes that have selective catalytic activity against specific sites of histone methylation. To identify HDMs that may be important for activity-regulated gene transcription in neurons, we induced seizures in mice and screened for HDMs whose expression is induced in the hippocampus. Among the few HDMs that changed expression, Kdm6b showed the highest induction. Kdm6B is a histone H3K27-specific HDM whose enzymatic activity leads to transcriptionally permissive chromatin environments. In situ hybridization analysis revealed that Kdm6b is highly induced in post-mitotic neurons of the dentate gyrus region of the hippocampus. We can recapitulate the activity-dependent induction of Kdm6b expression in cultured hippocampal neurons by application of Bicuculline, a GABAA receptor antagonist that leads to synaptic NMDA receptor activation and calcium influx. Kdm6b expression is also induced following application of BDNF, a neurotrophic factor that is upregulated in the seized hippocampus. To investigate possible functions of Kdm6b in neuronal development, we performed in situ hybridization analysis that allows for the identification of regions with high Kdm6b expression that could be sites of potential function in the developing mouse brain. We found high levels of Kdm6b expression in the inner layer of the external granule layer of the cerebellum, a region where pre-migratory immature neurons reside and a site of significant apoptosis. On the basis of this data and the fact that intracellular calcium signaling arising from synaptic firing supports neuronal survival, we explored the necessity for Kdm6b in the survival of cultured cerebellar granule cells. Knock down of Kdm6b by RNAi increases cell death, demonstrating that Kdm6b contributes to neuronal survival. Ongoing experiments are addressing the role of Kdm6b in neuronal differentiation. Overall these data raise the possibility that stimulus-dependent regulation of Kdm6b, and perhaps regulation of H3K27 methylation mediated by Kdm6b, may contribute to the regulation of gene expression in neurons and thus to their proper development and plasticity.
Item Open Access The NMDA receptor subunit GluN3A regulates synaptic activity-induced and myocyte enhancer factor 2C (MEF2C)-dependent transcription.(The Journal of biological chemistry, 2020-05-11) Chen, Liang-Fu; Lyons, Michelle R; Liu, Fang; Green, Matthew V; Hedrick, Nathan G; Williams, Ashley B; Narayanan, Arthy; Yasuda, Ryohei; West, Anne EN-methyl-D-aspartate type glutamate receptors (NMDARs) are key mediators of synaptic activity-regulated gene transcription in neurons, both during development and in the adult brain. Developmental differences in the glutamate receptor ionotropic NMDA 2 (GluN2) subunit composition of NMDARs determines whether they activate the transcription factor cAMP-responsive element-binding protein 1 (CREB). However, whether the developmentally regulated GluN3A subunit also modulates NMDAR-induced transcription is unknown. Here, using an array of techniques, including quantitative real-time PCR, immunostaining, reporter gene assays, RNA sequencing, and two-photon glutamate uncaging with calcium imaging, we show that knocking down GluN3A in rat hippocampal neurons promotes the inducible transcription of a subset of NMDAR-sensitive genes. We found that this enhancement is mediated by the accumulation of phosphorylated p38 mitogen-activated protein (MAP) kinase in the nucleus, which drives the activation of the transcription factor myocyte enhancer factor 2C (MEF2C) and promotes the transcription of a subset of synaptic activity-induced genes, including brain-derived neurotrophic factor (Bdnf) and activity-regulated cytoskeleton-associated protein (Arc). Our evidence that GluN3A regulates MEF2C-dependent transcription reveals a novel mechanism by which NMDAR subunit composition confers specificity to the program of synaptic activity-regulated gene transcription in developing neurons.Item Open Access Using Shank3 Model Mice to Probe the Neuroanatomic Basis of Autism(2017) Bey, Alexandra LyndonAutism spectrum disorders (ASDs) are increasingly prevalent, and the costs associated with caring for affected patients across the lifespan are immense. However, the pathophysiology and brain regions involved in characteristic behavioral impairments remain poorly defined, which hinders progress towards targeted therapeutic development. Different brain regions have been suggested from human neuroimaging studies but the circuit mechanism is not known and cannot be easily defined in human studies. Genetic studies indicate that SHANK3, a gene encoding a scaffolding protein at the postsynaptic density, is a strong ASD causative gene. Studies of various isoform-specific knockout mice support these mice as valid models to dissect the pathophysiology of ASDs and implicate differential involvement of brain regions such as hippocampus and striatum. However, none of these mice recapitulate the most frequent SHANK-related mutation found in ASD patients: a deletion of the entire SHANK3 gene.
For this reason, we have created conventional complete knockout mice by deleting almost the entire coding region of exons 4 to 22, Shank3 Δe4-22, and performed a thorough characterization of their behavioral phenotypes. Their abnormalities in complex social and communication behaviors in addition to their profound display of repetitive and restrictive behaviors in combination with comorbid anxiety, locomotor, and learning phenotypes support them as a mouse model for SHANK3-causing autism with good construct and face validity. Additional studies by collaborators identified a striatal-centered model of circuit and synaptic dysfunction. Manipulation of metabotropic glutamate receptor 5 (mGluR5) activity attenuated the excessive grooming and instrumental learning differentially in Δe4-22-/- mice. These findings show that deficiency of the autism-associated Shank3 gene can impair mGluR5-Homer scaffolding, resulting in cortico-striatal circuit abnormalities which underlie deficits in learning and ASD-like behaviors. These data suggest causal links between genetic, molecular, and circuit mechanisms underlying the pathophysiology of ASDs.
However, because these and other existing Shank3 mutant mice are not region specific, causality between different brain regions and ASD-like behaviors cannot be firmly established. In order to define anatomic regions implicated in behavioral manifestations of ASD, conditional knockout mice lacking Shank3 proteins in different brain regions including forebrain excitatory neurons (NEX-Cre) and striatal inhibitory neurons (Dlx5/6-Cre), as well as distinct cell populations including direct (D1-Cre) and indirect (D2-Cre) medium spiny neurons, were generated and subjected to behavioral phenotyping. Different autism-relevant behaviors as well as comorbid behaviors were recapitulated by targeting Shank3 deletion to different brain regions or cell types. Electrophysiological and biochemical studies further identified synaptic defects resulting from region- or cell-autonomous loss of Shank3, with different biochemical pathways implicated when Shank3 deletion was targeted to the cortex and hippocampus versus the basal ganglia. This study demonstrates the impact of specific brain regions in modulating ASD-related behavior and identifies key molecular defects which are restricted to specific brain regions in SHANK3-deficient ASD, thus providing future therapeutic targets.
Lastly, as one of the major advantages of modeling ASDs in mice is their amenability for pre-clinical studies of interventions, we have tested two different cellular therapies hypothesized to modulate neuronal circuit function either through direct differentiation of stem cells into brain cells including neurons, glia, and microglia or through indirect effects on neuro-immune modulation. While neither perinatal nor young adulthood treatment with human umbilical cord blood derived stem cells affected significant improvements in the behaviors of Shank3 knockout mice, these experiments underscored the robust, reliable behavioral phenotypes of this animal model as well as supported the safety and tolerability of these treatments in a rodent pre-clinical model with a relevant genetic construct.