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Item Open Access A Bayesian Approach to Inferring Rates of Selfing and Locus-Specific Mutation.(Genetics, 2015-11) Redelings, Benjamin D; Kumagai, Seiji; Tatarenkov, Andrey; Wang, Liuyang; Sakai, Ann K; Weller, Stephen G; Culley, Theresa M; Avise, John C; Uyenoyama, Marcy KWe present a Bayesian method for characterizing the mating system of populations reproducing through a mixture of self-fertilization and random outcrossing. Our method uses patterns of genetic variation across the genome as a basis for inference about reproduction under pure hermaphroditism, gynodioecy, and a model developed to describe the self-fertilizing killifish Kryptolebias marmoratus. We extend the standard coalescence model to accommodate these mating systems, accounting explicitly for multilocus identity disequilibrium, inbreeding depression, and variation in fertility among mating types. We incorporate the Ewens sampling formula (ESF) under the infinite-alleles model of mutation to obtain a novel expression for the likelihood of mating system parameters. Our Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) algorithm assigns locus-specific mutation rates, drawn from a common mutation rate distribution that is itself estimated from the data using a Dirichlet process prior model. Our sampler is designed to accommodate additional information, including observations pertaining to the sex ratio, the intensity of inbreeding depression, and other aspects of reproduction. It can provide joint posterior distributions for the population-wide proportion of uniparental individuals, locus-specific mutation rates, and the number of generations since the most recent outcrossing event for each sampled individual. Further, estimation of all basic parameters of a given model permits estimation of functions of those parameters, including the proportion of the gene pool contributed by each sex and relative effective numbers.Item Open Access A Collimator Setting Optimization Algorithm for Dual-Arc Volumetric Modulated Arc Therapy in Pancreas Stereotactic Body Radiation Therapy.(Technology in cancer research & treatment, 2019-01) Li, Xinyi; Wu, Jackie; Palta, Manisha; Zhang, You; Sheng, Yang; Zhang, Jiahan; Wang, ChunhaoPURPOSE:To optimize collimator setting to improve dosimetric quality of pancreas volumetric modulated arc therapy plan for stereotactic body radiation therapy. MATERIALS AND METHODS:Fifty-five volumetric modulated arc therapy cases in stereotactic body radiation therapy of pancreas were retrospectively included in this study with internal review board approval. Different from the routine practice of initializing collimator settings with a template, the proposed algorithm simultaneously optimizes the collimator angles and jaw positions that are customized to the patient geometry. Specifically, this algorithm includes 2 key steps: (1) an iterative optimization algorithm via simulated annealing that generates a set of potential collimator settings from 39 cases with pancreas stereotactic body radiation therapy, and (2) a multi-leaf collimator modulation scoring system that makes the final decision of the optimal collimator settings (collimator angles and jaw positions) based on organs at risk sparing criteria. For validation, the other 16 cases with pancreas stereotactic body radiation therapy were analyzed. Two plans were generated for each validation case, with one plan optimized using the proposed algorithm (Planopt) and the other plan with the template setting (Planconv). Each plan was optimized with 2 full arcs and the same set of constraints for the same case. Dosimetric results were analyzed and compared, including target dose coverage, conformity, organs at risk maximum dose, and modulation complexity score. All results were tested by Wilcoxon signed rank tests, and the statistical significance level was set to .05. RESULTS:Both plan groups had comparable target dose coverage and mean doses of all organs at risk. However, organs at risk (stomach, duodenum, large/small bowel) maximum dose sparing (D0.1 cc and D0.03 cc) was improved in Planopt compared to Planconv. Planopt also showed lower modulation complexity score, which suggests better capability of handling complex shape and sparing organs at risk . CONCLUSIONS:The proposed collimator settings optimization algorithm successfully improved dosimetric performance for dual-arc pancreas volumetric modulated arc therapy plans in stereotactic body radiation therapy of pancreas. This algorithm has the capability of immediate clinical application.Item Open Access A comprehensive lung CT landmark pair dataset for evaluating deformable image registration algorithms.(Medical physics, 2024-05) Criscuolo, Edward R; Fu, Yabo; Hao, Yao; Zhang, Zhendong; Yang, DeshanPurpose
Deformable image registration (DIR) is a key enabling technology in many diagnostic and therapeutic tasks, but often does not meet the required robustness and accuracy for supporting clinical tasks. This is in large part due to a lack of high-quality benchmark datasets by which new DIR algorithms can be evaluated. Our team was supported by the National Institute of Biomedical Imaging and Bioengineering to develop DIR benchmark dataset libraries for multiple anatomical sites, comprising of large numbers of highly accurate landmark pairs on matching blood vessel bifurcations. Here we introduce our lung CT DIR benchmark dataset library, which was developed to improve upon the number and distribution of landmark pairs in current public lung CT benchmark datasets.Acquisition and validation methods
Thirty CT image pairs were acquired from several publicly available repositories as well as authors' institution with IRB approval. The data processing workflow included multiple steps: (1) The images were denoised. (2) Lungs, airways, and blood vessels were automatically segmented. (3) Bifurcations were directly detected on the skeleton of the segmented vessel tree. (4) Falsely identified bifurcations were filtered out using manually defined rules. (5) A DIR was used to project landmarks detected on the first image onto the second image of the image pair to form landmark pairs. (6) Landmark pairs were manually verified. This workflow resulted in an average of 1262 landmark pairs per image pair. Estimates of the landmark pair target registration error (TRE) using digital phantoms were 0.4 mm ± 0.3 mm.Data format and usage notes
The data is published in Zenodo at Instructions for use can be found at applications
The dataset library generated in this work is the largest of its kind to date and will provide researchers with a new and improved set of ground truth benchmarks for quantitatively validating DIR algorithms within the lung.Item Open Access A functional analysis of the spacer of V(D)J recombination signal sequences.(PLoS Biol, 2003-10) Lee, Alfred Ian; Fugmann, Sebastian D; Cowell, Lindsay G; Ptaszek, Leon M; Kelsoe, Garnett; Schatz, David GDuring lymphocyte development, V(D)J recombination assembles antigen receptor genes from component V, D, and J gene segments. These gene segments are flanked by a recombination signal sequence (RSS), which serves as the binding site for the recombination machinery. The murine Jbeta2.6 gene segment is a recombinationally inactive pseudogene, but examination of its RSS reveals no obvious reason for its failure to recombine. Mutagenesis of the Jbeta2.6 RSS demonstrates that the sequences of the heptamer, nonamer, and spacer are all important. Strikingly, changes solely in the spacer sequence can result in dramatic differences in the level of recombination. The subsequent analysis of a library of more than 4,000 spacer variants revealed that spacer residues of particular functional importance are correlated with their degree of conservation. Biochemical assays indicate distinct cooperation between the spacer and heptamer/nonamer along each step of the reaction pathway. The results suggest that the spacer serves not only to ensure the appropriate distance between the heptamer and nonamer but also regulates RSS activity by providing additional RAG:RSS interaction surfaces. We conclude that while RSSs are defined by a "digital" requirement for absolutely conserved nucleotides, the quality of RSS function is determined in an "analog" manner by numerous complex interactions between the RAG proteins and the less-well conserved nucleotides in the heptamer, the nonamer, and, importantly, the spacer. Those modulatory effects are accurately predicted by a new computational algorithm for "RSS information content." The interplay between such binary and multiplicative modes of interactions provides a general model for analyzing protein-DNA interactions in various biological systems.Item Open Access A latent factor linear mixed model for high-dimensional longitudinal data analysis.(Statistics in medicine, 2013-10) An, Xinming; Yang, Qing; Bentler, Peter MHigh-dimensional longitudinal data involving latent variables such as depression and anxiety that cannot be quantified directly are often encountered in biomedical and social sciences. Multiple responses are used to characterize these latent quantities, and repeated measures are collected to capture their trends over time. Furthermore, substantive research questions may concern issues such as interrelated trends among latent variables that can only be addressed by modeling them jointly. Although statistical analysis of univariate longitudinal data has been well developed, methods for modeling multivariate high-dimensional longitudinal data are still under development. In this paper, we propose a latent factor linear mixed model (LFLMM) for analyzing this type of data. This model is a combination of the factor analysis and multivariate linear mixed models. Under this modeling framework, we reduced the high-dimensional responses to low-dimensional latent factors by the factor analysis model, and then we used the multivariate linear mixed model to study the longitudinal trends of these latent factors. We developed an expectation-maximization algorithm to estimate the model. We used simulation studies to investigate the computational properties of the expectation-maximization algorithm and compare the LFLMM model with other approaches for high-dimensional longitudinal data analysis. We used a real data example to illustrate the practical usefulness of the model.Item Open Access A neural network-based method for spectral distortion correction in photon counting x-ray CT.(Physics in medicine and biology, 2016-08) Touch, Mengheng; Clark, Darin P; Barber, William; Badea, Cristian TSpectral CT using a photon counting x-ray detector (PCXD) shows great potential for measuring material composition based on energy dependent x-ray attenuation. Spectral CT is especially suited for imaging with K-edge contrast agents to address the otherwise limited contrast in soft tissues. We have developed a micro-CT system based on a PCXD. This system enables both 4 energy bins acquisition, as well as full-spectrum mode in which the energy thresholds of the PCXD are swept to sample the full energy spectrum for each detector element and projection angle. Measurements provided by the PCXD, however, are distorted due to undesirable physical effects in the detector and can be very noisy due to photon starvation in narrow energy bins. To address spectral distortions, we propose and demonstrate a novel artificial neural network (ANN)-based spectral distortion correction mechanism, which learns to undo the distortion in spectral CT, resulting in improved material decomposition accuracy. To address noise, post-reconstruction denoising based on bilateral filtration, which jointly enforces intensity gradient sparsity between spectral samples, is used to further improve the robustness of ANN training and material decomposition accuracy. Our ANN-based distortion correction method is calibrated using 3D-printed phantoms and a model of our spectral CT system. To enable realistic simulations and validation of our method, we first modeled the spectral distortions using experimental data acquired from (109)Cd and (133)Ba radioactive sources measured with our PCXD. Next, we trained an ANN to learn the relationship between the distorted spectral CT projections and the ideal, distortion-free projections in a calibration step. This required knowledge of the ground truth, distortion-free spectral CT projections, which were obtained by simulating a spectral CT scan of the digital version of a 3D-printed phantom. Once the training was completed, the trained ANN was used to perform distortion correction on any subsequent scans of the same system with the same parameters. We used joint bilateral filtration to perform noise reduction by jointly enforcing intensity gradient sparsity between the reconstructed images for each energy bin. Following reconstruction and denoising, the CT data was spectrally decomposed using the photoelectric effect, Compton scattering, and a K-edge material (i.e. iodine). The ANN-based distortion correction approach was tested using both simulations and experimental data acquired in phantoms and a mouse with our PCXD-based micro-CT system for 4 bins and full-spectrum acquisition modes. The iodine detectability and decomposition accuracy were assessed using the contrast-to-noise ratio and relative error in iodine concentration estimation metrics in images with and without distortion correction. In simulation, the material decomposition accuracy in the reconstructed data was vastly improved following distortion correction and denoising, with 50% and 20% reductions in material concentration measurement error in full-spectrum and 4 energy bins cases, respectively. Overall, experimental data confirms that full-spectrum mode provides superior results to 4-energy mode when the distortion corrections are applied. The material decomposition accuracy in the reconstructed data was vastly improved following distortion correction and denoising, with as much as a 41% reduction in material concentration measurement error for full-spectrum mode, while also bringing the iodine detectability to 4-6 mg ml(-1). Distortion correction also improved the 4 bins mode data, but to a lesser extent. The results demonstrate the experimental feasibility and potential advantages of ANN-based distortion correction and joint bilateral filtration-based denoising for accurate K-edge imaging with a PCXD. Given the computational efficiency with which the ANN can be applied to projection data, the proposed scheme can be readily integrated into existing CT reconstruction pipelines.Item Open Access A new algorithm for predicting time to disease endpoints in Alzheimer's disease patients.(J Alzheimers Dis, 2014) Razlighi, Qolamreza R; Stallard, Eric; Brandt, Jason; Blacker, Deborah; Albert, Marilyn; Scarmeas, Nikolaos; Kinosian, Bruce; Yashin, Anatoliy I; Stern, YaakovBACKGROUND: The ability to predict the length of time to death and institutionalization has strong implications for Alzheimer's disease patients and caregivers, health policy, economics, and the design of intervention studies. OBJECTIVE: To develop and validate a prediction algorithm that uses data from a single visit to estimate time to important disease endpoints for individual Alzheimer's disease patients. METHOD: Two separate study cohorts (Predictors 1, N = 252; Predictors 2, N = 254), all initially with mild Alzheimer's disease, were followed for 10 years at three research centers with semiannual assessments that included cognition, functional capacity, and medical, psychiatric, and neurologic information. The prediction algorithm was based on a longitudinal Grade of Membership model developed using the complete series of semiannually-collected Predictors 1 data. The algorithm was validated on the Predictors 2 data using data only from the initial assessment to predict separate survival curves for three outcomes. RESULTS: For each of the three outcome measures, the predicted survival curves fell well within the 95% confidence intervals of the observed survival curves. Patients were also divided into quintiles for each endpoint to assess the calibration of the algorithm for extreme patient profiles. In all cases, the actual and predicted survival curves were statistically equivalent. Predictive accuracy was maintained even when key baseline variables were excluded, demonstrating the high resilience of the algorithm to missing data. CONCLUSION: The new prediction algorithm accurately predicts time to death, institutionalization, and need for full-time care in individual Alzheimer's disease patients; it can be readily adapted to predict other important disease endpoints. The algorithm will serve an unmet clinical, research, and public health need.Item Open Access A new fully automated approach for aligning and comparing shapes.(Anatomical record (Hoboken, N.J. : 2007), 2015-01) Boyer, Doug M; Puente, Jesus; Gladman, Justin T; Glynn, Chris; Mukherjee, Sayan; Yapuncich, Gabriel S; Daubechies, IngridThree-dimensional geometric morphometric (3DGM) methods for placing landmarks on digitized bones have become increasingly sophisticated in the last 20 years, including greater degrees of automation. One aspect shared by all 3DGM methods is that the researcher must designate initial landmarks. Thus, researcher interpretations of homology and correspondence are required for and influence representations of shape. We present an algorithm allowing fully automatic placement of correspondence points on samples of 3D digital models representing bones of different individuals/species, which can then be input into standard 3DGM software and analyzed with dimension reduction techniques. We test this algorithm against several samples, primarily a dataset of 106 primate calcanei represented by 1,024 correspondence points per bone. Results of our automated analysis of these samples are compared to a published study using a traditional 3DGM approach with 27 landmarks on each bone. Data were analyzed with morphologika(2.5) and PAST. Our analyses returned strong correlations between principal component scores, similar variance partitioning among components, and similarities between the shape spaces generated by the automatic and traditional methods. While cluster analyses of both automatically generated and traditional datasets produced broadly similar patterns, there were also differences. Overall these results suggest to us that automatic quantifications can lead to shape spaces that are as meaningful as those based on observer landmarks, thereby presenting potential to save time in data collection, increase completeness of morphological quantification, eliminate observer error, and allow comparisons of shape diversity between different types of bones. We provide an R package for implementing this analysis.Item Open Access A new open-access platform for measuring and sharing mTBI data.(Scientific reports, 2021-04) Domel, August G; Raymond, Samuel J; Giordano, Chiara; Liu, Yuzhe; Yousefsani, Seyed Abdolmajid; Fanton, Michael; Cecchi, Nicholas J; Vovk, Olga; Pirozzi, Ileana; Kight, Ali; Avery, Brett; Boumis, Athanasia; Fetters, Tyler; Jandu, Simran; Mehring, William M; Monga, Sam; Mouchawar, Nicole; Rangel, India; Rice, Eli; Roy, Pritha; Sami, Sohrab; Singh, Heer; Wu, Lyndia; Kuo, Calvin; Zeineh, Michael; Grant, Gerald; Camarillo, David BDespite numerous research efforts, the precise mechanisms of concussion have yet to be fully uncovered. Clinical studies on high-risk populations, such as contact sports athletes, have become more common and give insight on the link between impact severity and brain injury risk through the use of wearable sensors and neurological testing. However, as the number of institutions operating these studies grows, there is a growing need for a platform to share these data to facilitate our understanding of concussion mechanisms and aid in the development of suitable diagnostic tools. To that end, this paper puts forth two contributions: (1) a centralized, open-access platform for storing and sharing head impact data, in collaboration with the Federal Interagency Traumatic Brain Injury Research informatics system (FITBIR), and (2) a deep learning impact detection algorithm (MiGNet) to differentiate between true head impacts and false positives for the previously biomechanically validated instrumented mouthguard sensor (MiG2.0), all of which easily interfaces with FITBIR. We report 96% accuracy using MiGNet, based on a neural network model, improving on previous work based on Support Vector Machines achieving 91% accuracy, on an out of sample dataset of high school and collegiate football head impacts. The integrated MiG2.0 and FITBIR system serve as a collaborative research tool to be disseminated across multiple institutions towards creating a standardized dataset for furthering the knowledge of concussion biomechanics.Item Open Access A Three-Threshold Learning Rule Approaches the Maximal Capacity of Recurrent Neural Networks.(PLoS Comput Biol, 2015-08) Alemi, Alireza; Baldassi, Carlo; Brunel, Nicolas; Zecchina, RiccardoUnderstanding the theoretical foundations of how memories are encoded and retrieved in neural populations is a central challenge in neuroscience. A popular theoretical scenario for modeling memory function is the attractor neural network scenario, whose prototype is the Hopfield model. The model simplicity and the locality of the synaptic update rules come at the cost of a poor storage capacity, compared with the capacity achieved with perceptron learning algorithms. Here, by transforming the perceptron learning rule, we present an online learning rule for a recurrent neural network that achieves near-maximal storage capacity without an explicit supervisory error signal, relying only upon locally accessible information. The fully-connected network consists of excitatory binary neurons with plastic recurrent connections and non-plastic inhibitory feedback stabilizing the network dynamics; the memory patterns to be memorized are presented online as strong afferent currents, producing a bimodal distribution for the neuron synaptic inputs. Synapses corresponding to active inputs are modified as a function of the value of the local fields with respect to three thresholds. Above the highest threshold, and below the lowest threshold, no plasticity occurs. In between these two thresholds, potentiation/depression occurs when the local field is above/below an intermediate threshold. We simulated and analyzed a network of binary neurons implementing this rule and measured its storage capacity for different sizes of the basins of attraction. The storage capacity obtained through numerical simulations is shown to be close to the value predicted by analytical calculations. We also measured the dependence of capacity on the strength of external inputs. Finally, we quantified the statistics of the resulting synaptic connectivity matrix, and found that both the fraction of zero weight synapses and the degree of symmetry of the weight matrix increase with the number of stored patterns.Item Open Access Advances to Bayesian network inference for generating causal networks from observational biological data.(Bioinformatics, 2004-12-12) Yu, Jing; Smith, V Anne; Wang, Paul P; Hartemink, Alexander J; Jarvis, Erich DMOTIVATION: Network inference algorithms are powerful computational tools for identifying putative causal interactions among variables from observational data. Bayesian network inference algorithms hold particular promise in that they can capture linear, non-linear, combinatorial, stochastic and other types of relationships among variables across multiple levels of biological organization. However, challenges remain when applying these algorithms to limited quantities of experimental data collected from biological systems. Here, we use a simulation approach to make advances in our dynamic Bayesian network (DBN) inference algorithm, especially in the context of limited quantities of biological data. RESULTS: We test a range of scoring metrics and search heuristics to find an effective algorithm configuration for evaluating our methodological advances. We also identify sampling intervals and levels of data discretization that allow the best recovery of the simulated networks. We develop a novel influence score for DBNs that attempts to estimate both the sign (activation or repression) and relative magnitude of interactions among variables. When faced with limited quantities of observational data, combining our influence score with moderate data interpolation reduces a significant portion of false positive interactions in the recovered networks. Together, our advances allow DBN inference algorithms to be more effective in recovering biological networks from experimentally collected data. AVAILABILITY: Source code and simulated data are available upon request. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Open Access Algorithm for the early diagnosis and treatment of patients with cross reactive immunologic material-negative classic infantile pompe disease: a step towards improving the efficacy of ERT.(PLoS One, 2013) Banugaria, Suhrad G; Prater, Sean N; Patel, Trusha T; Dearmey, Stephanie M; Milleson, Christie; Sheets, Kathryn B; Bali, Deeksha S; Rehder, Catherine W; Raiman, Julian AJ; Wang, Raymond A; Labarthe, Francois; Charrow, Joel; Harmatz, Paul; Chakraborty, Pranesh; Rosenberg, Amy S; Kishnani, Priya SOBJECTIVE: Although enzyme replacement therapy (ERT) is a highly effective therapy, CRIM-negative (CN) infantile Pompe disease (IPD) patients typically mount a strong immune response which abrogates the efficacy of ERT, resulting in clinical decline and death. This study was designed to demonstrate that immune tolerance induction (ITI) prevents or diminishes the development of antibody titers, resulting in a better clinical outcome compared to CN IPD patients treated with ERT monotherapy. METHODS: We evaluated the safety, efficacy and feasibility of a clinical algorithm designed to accurately identify CN IPD patients and minimize delays between CRIM status determination and initiation of an ITI regimen (combination of rituximab, methotrexate and IVIG) concurrent with ERT. Clinical and laboratory data including measures of efficacy analysis for response to ERT were analyzed and compared to CN IPD patients treated with ERT monotherapy. RESULTS: Seven CN IPD patients were identified and started on the ITI regimen concurrent with ERT. Median time from diagnosis of CN status to commencement of ERT and ITI was 0.5 months (range: 0.1-1.6 months). At baseline, all patients had significant cardiomyopathy and all but one required respiratory support. The ITI regimen was safely tolerated in all seven cases. Four patients never seroconverted and remained antibody-free. One patient died from respiratory failure. Two patients required another course of the ITI regimen. In addition to their clinical improvement, the antibody titers observed in these patients were much lower than those seen in ERT monotherapy treated CN patients. CONCLUSIONS: The ITI regimen appears safe and efficacious and holds promise in altering the natural history of CN IPD by increasing ERT efficacy. An algorithm such as this substantiates the benefits of accelerated diagnosis and management of CN IPD patients, thus, further supporting the importance of early identification and treatment initiation with newborn screening for IPD.Item Embargo Algorithmic Dispossession: Automating Warfare in Israel and Palestine(2024) Goodfriend, Sophia LouiseThis dissertation offers an anthropological portrait of how algorithms are transforming what it means to wage and live with war across Israel and Palestine. My findings emerge from three years of ethnographic research with Israeli intelligence veterans, Palestinian advocates and influencers, and ordinary civilians living at the cross-hairs of regional conflict. I begin in the early 2000s, as Israel’s surveillance apparatus across Palestine proliferated amidst the violence of the Second Intifada and receding visions of regional peace. I conclude more than two decades later, as AI-powered surveillance and weapons systems intensify warfare across the region. I argue that the imperatives of a globalized information economy tangle with violent forms of dispossession across the occupied Palestinian territories to entrench warfare, a process I call algorithmic dispossession. Bringing critical algorithm studies to bear on an anthropological portrait of warfare in Israel and Palestine, I show how the buildup of algorithmic systems embedded the Israeli army into the most intimate domains of Palestinians’ lives. As new technologies drove up arrests, displacement, and death for Palestinians, the economic value placed on algorithmic development cleaved Israeli soldiers and military strategy writ large off from the imperatives of reducing bloodshed, ensuring warfare continued at a profound human cost to Israelis and Palestinians across the region. By placing ethnographic evidence gathered through years of fieldwork in Israel/Palestine alongside urgent debates surrounding the ethics and impact of new technologies, this dissertation ultimately foregrounds the iterative relationship between war and automation today.
Item Open Access Algorithmic handwriting analysis of the Samaria inscriptions illuminates bureaucratic apparatus in biblical Israel.(PloS one, 2020-01) Faigenbaum-Golovin, Shira; Shaus, Arie; Sober, Barak; Turkel, Eli; Piasetzky, Eli; Finkelstein, IsraelPast excavations in Samaria, capital of biblical Israel, yielded a corpus of Hebrew ink on clay inscriptions (ostraca) that documents wine and oil shipments to the palace from surrounding localities. Many questions regarding these early 8th century BCE texts, in particular the location of their composition, have been debated. Authorship in countryside villages or estates would attest to widespread literacy in a relatively early phase of ancient Israel's history. Here we report an algorithmic investigation of 31 of the inscriptions. Our study establishes that they were most likely written by two scribes who recorded the shipments in Samaria. We achieved our results through a method comprised of image processing and newly developed statistical learning techniques. These outcomes contrast with our previous results, which indicated widespread literacy in the kingdom of Judah a century and half to two centuries later, ca. 600 BCE.Item Open Access Algorithms for Networks With Uncertainty(2019) Haney, Samuel MitchellIn this dissertation, we study algorithmic problems motivated by the optimization of networks under uncertainty.
We summarize our contributions:
\item \textbf{Subset $k$-server:} We propose and give algorithms for the \emph{all-or-one $k$-server}, a generalization of classical $k$-server problem.
$k$-server is an example of a problem in an \emph{online setting}: the algorithm must make irrevocable decisions without knowledge of future inputs.
In the all-or-one $k$-server generalization, clients can make a request for a particular server, or they can submit a general request that may be served by any server.
We give an $O(\log k)$-competitive randomized algorithm for this problem on a uniform metric.
We additionally study other, similar generalizations of $k$-server.
\item \textbf{Retraction:} Motivated by the problem of deploying distributed applications in the cloud, we initiate the algorithmic study of \emph{graph retraction} to a cycle, which seeks a mapping of a graph to a cycle in the graph so as to minimize the maximum stretch of any edge, subject to the constraint that each vertex in the cycle is mapped to itself.
Our main results are an $O(\min\{k, \sqrt{n}\})$-approximation for retracting any graph on $n$ nodes to a cycle with $k$ nodes, and an optimal algorithm when the graph is planar.
\item \textbf{Symmetric Interdiction:} We study the symmetric matching interdiction problem. This problem can be simply stated as follows: find a matching whose removal minimizes the size of the maximum matching in the remaining graph. We show that this problem is APX-hard, and obtain a $3/2$-approximation algorithm. We additionally introduce symmetric interdiction as a general model.
We give a general framework that relates optimization to symmetric interdiction for a broad class of optimization problems.
We are motivated by applications in traffic engineering, where a network operator wishes to route traffic in a datacenter, but cannot distinguish between malicious and legitimate traffic.
\item \textbf{Multicast Games:}
We study the effect of strategic behavior on network design.
In \emph{multicast} and \emph{broadcast} games, agents in a graph attempt to connect to a \emph{root node} at minimum cost to themselves, sharing the cost of each edge along their path to the root equally with the other agents using the edge.
Such games can have many Nash equilibria, and networks formed dynamically by these agents could end up in any one of these equilibria, and may be very expensive.
The main open problem in this field has been to bound the ratio of least expensive Nash equilibrium to the least expensive network, called the price of stability (PoS).
We make progress towards a better price of stability bound for multicast games.
In particular, we show a constant upper bound on the PoS of multicast games for quasi-bipartite graphs. These are
graphs where all edges are between two terminals (as in broadcast games) or between a terminal and a
nonterminal, but there is no edge between nonterminals. This represents a natural class of intermediate
generality between broadcast and multicast games.
Item Open Access Algorithms for the Reeb Graph and Related Concepts(2014) Parsa, SalmanThis thesis is concerned with a structure called the Reeb graph. There are three main problems considered. The first is devising an efficient algorithm for comnstructing the Reeb graph of a simplicial complex with respect to a generic simplex-wise linear real-valued function. We present an algorithm that builds the Reeb graph in almost optimal worst-case deterministic time. This was the first deterministic algorithm with the time bound which is linear up to a logarithmic factor. Without loss of generality, the complex is assumed to be 2-dimensional. The algorithm works by sweeping the function values and maintaining a spanning forest for the preimage, or the level-set, of the value. Using the observation that the operations that change the level-sets are off-line, we was able to achieve the above bound.
The second topic is the dynamic Reeb graphs. As the function changes its values, the Reeb graph also changes. We are interested in updating the Reeb graph. We reduce this problem to a graph problem that we call retroactive graph connectivity. We obtain algorithms for dynamic Reeb graphs, by using data structures that solve the graph problem.
The third topic is an argument regarding the complexity of computing Betti numbers. This problem is also related to the Reeb graph by means of the vertical Homology classes. The problem considered here is whether the realization of a simplicial complex in the Euclidean 4-space can result in an algorithm for computing its Homology groups faster than the usual matrix reduction methods. Using the observation that the vertical Betti numbers can always be computed more efficiently using the Reeb graph, we show that the answer to this question is in general negative. For instance, given a square matrix over the field with two elements, we construct a simplicial complex in linear time, realized in euclidean 4-space and a function on it, such that its Horizontal homology group, over the same field, is isomorphic with the null-space of the matrix. It follows that the Betti number computation for complexes realized in the 4-space is as hard as computing the rank for a sparse matrix.
Item Open Access Algorithms For Treatment of Major Depressive Disorder: Efficacy and Cost-Effectiveness.(Pharmacopsychiatry, 2019-03) Bauer, Michael; Rush, A John; Ricken, Roland; Pilhatsch, Maximilian; Adli, MazdaIn spite of multiple new treatment options, chronic and treatment refractory courses still are a major challenge in the treatment of depression. Providing algorithm-guided antidepressant treatments is considered an important strategy to optimize treatment delivery and avoid or overcome treatment-resistant courses of major depressive disorder (MDD). The clinical benefits of algorithms in the treatment of inpatients with MDD have been investigated in large-scale, randomized controlled trials. Results showed that a stepwise treatment regimen (algorithm) with critical decision points at the end of each treatment step based on standardized and systematic measurements of response and an algorithm-guided decision-making process increases the chances of achieving remission and optimizes prescription behaviors for antidepressants. In conclusion, research in MDD revealed that systematic and structured treatment procedures, the diligent assessment of response at critical decision points, and timely dose and treatment type adjustments make the substantial difference in treatment outcomes between algorithm-guided treatment and treatment as usual.Item Open Access Ambush on Black Veterans: Foreign Disinformation Swayed the 2016 U.S. Presidential Election by Targeting Black Voters(2023-04-19) Jackson, Chandlee A. IVA Russian-orchestrated influence campaign spread disinformation using social media during the 2016 United States (U.S.) presidential election. Digital evidence shows that Russian operatives developed presumptions about differing identity groups and tailored their interactions to sow strife between groups. The inferred intent was to influence and negatively impact African Americans’ voting practices during the 2016 election campaign. Russian influence agents targeted the Black community more heavily than any other identity group. Influence operations also targeted veterans and veteran-adjacent communities; therefore, African American veterans (Black Vets) received twice the indoctrination because of their dual identity. The online impersonations of Black people and veterans on social media platforms was problematic for a myriad of reasons, but the Russian leadership’s facilitation of disinformation represents adversarial exploitation of protection gaps uncovered in the Digital Age. Currently the First Amendment inhibits the U.S. government and social media platforms from performing the desired protective measures to maintain a healthy online environment that nurtures an informed citizenry. For Black Vets in particular, foreign entities suppressed the voting power of their ethnic group and sought to instigate members of their profession to join domestic violent extremist groups. The following project will propose that the U.S. government ought to change its approach in teaching digital media literacy competencies so that vulnerable populations receive the care and skills necessary to reduce their potential of becoming radicalized. Russian disinformation on social media and how the U.S. will embrace an identity-centric approach to educating digital media literacy is a matter of U.S. national security.Item Open Access An active learning approach for rapid characterization of endothelial cells in human tumors.(PLoS One, 2014) Padmanabhan, Raghav K; Somasundar, Vinay H; Griffith, Sandra D; Zhu, Jianliang; Samoyedny, Drew; Tan, Kay See; Hu, Jiahao; Liao, Xuejun; Carin, Lawrence; Yoon, Sam S; Flaherty, Keith T; Dipaola, Robert S; Heitjan, Daniel F; Lal, Priti; Feldman, Michael D; Roysam, Badrinath; Lee, William MFCurrently, no available pathological or molecular measures of tumor angiogenesis predict response to antiangiogenic therapies used in clinical practice. Recognizing that tumor endothelial cells (EC) and EC activation and survival signaling are the direct targets of these therapies, we sought to develop an automated platform for quantifying activity of critical signaling pathways and other biological events in EC of patient tumors by histopathology. Computer image analysis of EC in highly heterogeneous human tumors by a statistical classifier trained using examples selected by human experts performed poorly due to subjectivity and selection bias. We hypothesized that the analysis can be optimized by a more active process to aid experts in identifying informative training examples. To test this hypothesis, we incorporated a novel active learning (AL) algorithm into FARSIGHT image analysis software that aids the expert by seeking out informative examples for the operator to label. The resulting FARSIGHT-AL system identified EC with specificity and sensitivity consistently greater than 0.9 and outperformed traditional supervised classification algorithms. The system modeled individual operator preferences and generated reproducible results. Using the results of EC classification, we also quantified proliferation (Ki67) and activity in important signal transduction pathways (MAP kinase, STAT3) in immunostained human clear cell renal cell carcinoma and other tumors. FARSIGHT-AL enables characterization of EC in conventionally preserved human tumors in a more automated process suitable for testing and validating in clinical trials. The results of our study support a unique opportunity for quantifying angiogenesis in a manner that can now be tested for its ability to identify novel predictive and response biomarkers.Item Open Access An age-structured extension to the vectorial capacity model.(PLoS One, 2012) Novoseltsev, Vasiliy N; Michalski, Anatoli I; Novoseltseva, Janna A; Yashin, Anatoliy I; Carey, James R; Ellis, Alicia MBACKGROUND: Vectorial capacity and the basic reproductive number (R(0)) have been instrumental in structuring thinking about vector-borne pathogen transmission and how best to prevent the diseases they cause. One of the more important simplifying assumptions of these models is age-independent vector mortality. A growing body of evidence indicates that insect vectors exhibit age-dependent mortality, which can have strong and varied affects on pathogen transmission dynamics and strategies for disease prevention. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: Based on survival analysis we derived new equations for vectorial capacity and R(0) that are valid for any pattern of age-dependent (or age-independent) vector mortality and explore the behavior of the models across various mortality patterns. The framework we present (1) lays the groundwork for an extension and refinement of the vectorial capacity paradigm by introducing an age-structured extension to the model, (2) encourages further research on the actuarial dynamics of vectors in particular and the relationship of vector mortality to pathogen transmission in general, and (3) provides a detailed quantitative basis for understanding the relative impact of reductions in vector longevity compared to other vector-borne disease prevention strategies. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: Accounting for age-dependent vector mortality in estimates of vectorial capacity and R(0) was most important when (1) vector densities are relatively low and the pattern of mortality can determine whether pathogen transmission will persist; i.e., determines whether R(0) is above or below 1, (2) vector population growth rate is relatively low and there are complex interactions between birth and death that differ fundamentally from birth-death relationships with age-independent mortality, and (3) the vector exhibits complex patterns of age-dependent mortality and R(0) ∼ 1. A limiting factor in the construction and evaluation of new age-dependent mortality models is the paucity of data characterizing vector mortality patterns, particularly for free ranging vectors in the field.