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Item Open Access Does generic entry always increase consumer welfare?(Food Drug Law J, 2012) Grabowski, Henry; Lewis, Tracy; Guha, Rahul; Ivanova, Zoya; Salgado, Maria; Woodhouse, SallyThis article examines how the nature of competition between brands in a therapeutic category changes after generic entry and provide a framework for analyzing the effect of generic entry on consumer welfare that takes into account the generic free riding problem. It demonstrates that changes in competition along dimensions other than retail price--such as competition in research and development efforts and in promotional activities--may, in certain situations, result in generic entry having an overall negative impact on consumer welfare.Item Open Access Economic return of clinical trials performed under the pediatric exclusivity program.(JAMA, 2007-02-07) Li, Jennifer; Eisenstein, Eric; Reid, Elizabeth; Mangum, Barry; Schulman, Kevin; Goldsmith, John; Murphy, M Dianne; Califf, Robert; Benjamin, Daniel; JrCONTEXT: In 1997, Congress authorized the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to grant 6-month extensions of marketing rights through the Pediatric Exclusivity Program if industry sponsors complete FDA-requested pediatric trials. The program has been praised for creating incentives for studies in children and has been criticized as a "windfall" to the innovator drug industry. This critique has been a substantial part of congressional debate on the program, which is due to expire in 2007. OBJECTIVE: To quantify the economic return to industry for completing pediatric exclusivity trials. DESIGN AND SETTING: A cohort study of programs conducted for pediatric exclusivity. Nine drugs that were granted pediatric exclusivity were selected. From the final study reports submitted to the FDA (2002-2004), key elements of the clinical trial design and study operations were obtained, and the cost of performing each study was estimated and converted into estimates of after-tax cash outflows. Three-year market sales were obtained and converted into estimates of after-tax cash inflows based on 6 months of additional market protection. Net economic return (cash inflows minus outflows) and net return-to-costs ratio (net economic return divided by cash outflows) for each product were then calculated. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Net economic return and net return-to-cost ratio. RESULTS: The indications studied reflect a broad representation of the program: asthma, tumors, attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder, hypertension, depression/generalized anxiety disorder, diabetes mellitus, gastroesophageal reflux, bacterial infection, and bone mineralization. The distribution of net economic return for 6 months of exclusivity varied substantially among products (net economic return ranged from -$8.9 million to $507.9 million and net return-to-cost ratio ranged from -0.68 to 73.63). CONCLUSIONS: The economic return for pediatric exclusivity is variable. As an incentive to complete much-needed clinical trials in children, pediatric exclusivity can generate lucrative returns or produce more modest returns on investment.Item Open Access Economics of new oncology drug development.(J Clin Oncol, 2007-01-10) DiMasi, Joseph A; Grabowski, Henry GPURPOSE: Review existing studies and provide new results on the development, regulatory, and market aspects of new oncology drug development. METHODS: We utilized data from the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA), company surveys, and publicly available commercial business intelligence databases on new oncology drugs approved in the United States and on investigational oncology drugs to estimate average development and regulatory approval times, clinical approval success rates, first-in-class status, and global market diffusion. RESULTS: We found that approved new oncology drugs to have a disproportionately high share of FDA priority review ratings, of orphan drug designations at approval, and of drugs that were granted inclusion in at least one of the FDA's expedited access programs. US regulatory approval times were shorter, on average, for oncology drugs (0.5 years), but US clinical development times were longer on average (1.5 years). Clinical approval success rates were similar for oncology and other drugs, but proportionately more of the oncology failures reached expensive late-stage clinical testing before being abandoned. In relation to other drugs, new oncology drug approvals were more often first-in-class and diffused more widely across important international markets. CONCLUSION: The market success of oncology drugs has induced a substantial amount of investment in oncology drug development in the last decade or so. However, given the great need for further progress, the extent to which efforts to develop new oncology drugs will grow depends on future public-sector investment in basic research, developments in translational medicine, and regulatory reforms that advance drug-development science.Item Open Access Improving rational use of ACTs through diagnosis-dependent subsidies: Evidence from a cluster-randomized controlled trial in western Kenya.(PLoS medicine, 2018-07-17) Prudhomme O'Meara, Wendy; Menya, Diana; Laktabai, Jeremiah; Platt, Alyssa; Saran, Indrani; Maffioli, Elisa; Kipkoech, Joseph; Mohanan, Manoj; Turner, Elizabeth LBACKGROUND:More than half of artemisinin combination therapies (ACTs) consumed globally are dispensed in the retail sector, where diagnostic testing is uncommon, leading to overconsumption and poor targeting. In many malaria-endemic countries, ACTs sold over the counter are available at heavily subsidized prices, further contributing to their misuse. Inappropriate use of ACTs can have serious implications for the spread of drug resistance and leads to poor outcomes for nonmalaria patients treated with incorrect drugs. We evaluated the public health impact of an innovative strategy that targets ACT subsidies to confirmed malaria cases by coupling free diagnostic testing with a diagnosis-dependent ACT subsidy. METHODS AND FINDINGS:We conducted a cluster-randomized controlled trial in 32 community clusters in western Kenya (population approximately 160,000). Eligible clusters had retail outlets selling ACTs and existing community health worker (CHW) programs and were randomly assigned 1:1 to control and intervention arms. In intervention areas, CHWs were available in their villages to perform malaria rapid diagnostic tests (RDTs) on demand for any individual >1 year of age experiencing a malaria-like illness. Malaria RDT-positive individuals received a voucher for a discount on a quality-assured ACT, redeemable at a participating retail medicine outlet. In control areas, CHWs offered a standard package of health education, prevention, and referral services. We conducted 4 population-based surveys-at baseline, 6 months, 12 months, and 18 months-of a random sample of households with fever in the last 4 weeks to evaluate predefined, individual-level outcomes. The primary outcome was uptake of malaria diagnostic testing at 12 months. The main secondary outcome was rational ACT use, defined as the proportion of ACTs used by test-positive individuals. Analyses followed the intention-to-treat principle using generalized estimating equations (GEEs) to account for clustering with prespecified adjustment for gender, age, education, and wealth. All descriptive statistics and regressions were weighted to account for sampling design. Between July 2015 and May 2017, 32,404 participants were tested for malaria, and 10,870 vouchers were issued. A total of 7,416 randomly selected participants with recent fever from all 32 clusters were surveyed. The majority of recent fevers were in children under 18 years (62.9%, n = 4,653). The gender of enrolled participants was balanced in children (49.8%, n = 2,318 boys versus 50.2%, n = 2,335 girls), but more adult women were enrolled than men (78.0%, n = 2,139 versus 22.0%, n = 604). At baseline, 67.6% (n = 1,362) of participants took an ACT for their illness, and 40.3% (n = 810) of all participants took an ACT purchased from a retail outlet. At 12 months, 50.5% (n = 454) in the intervention arm and 43.4% (n = 389) in the control arm had a malaria diagnostic test for their recent fever (adjusted risk difference [RD] = 9 percentage points [pp]; 95% CI 2-15 pp; p = 0.015; adjusted risk ratio [RR] = 1.20; 95% CI 1.05-1.38; p = 0.015). By 18 months, the ARR had increased to 1.25 (95% CI 1.09-1.44; p = 0.005). Rational use of ACTs in the intervention area increased from 41.7% (n = 279) at baseline to 59.6% (n = 403) and was 40% higher in the intervention arm at 18 months (ARR 1.40; 95% CI 1.19-1.64; p < 0.001). While intervention effects increased between 12 and 18 months, we were not able to estimate longer-term impact of the intervention and could not independently evaluate the effects of the free testing and the voucher on uptake of testing. CONCLUSIONS:Diagnosis-dependent ACT subsidies and community-based interventions that include the private sector can have an important impact on diagnostic testing and population-wide rational use of ACTs. Targeting of the ACT subsidy itself to those with a positive malaria diagnostic test may also improve sustainability and reduce the cost of retail-sector ACT subsidies. TRIAL NCT02461628.Item Open Access Ingredients of successful interventions to improve medication adherence.(JAMA, 2013-12) Zullig, Leah L; Peterson, Eric D; Bosworth, Hayden BItem Open Access Lifetime cost-effectiveness analysis of ticagrelor in patients with acute coronary syndromes based on the PLATO trial: a Singapore healthcare perspective.(Singapore medical journal, 2013-03) Chin, Chee Tang; Mellstrom, Carl; Chua, Terrance Siang Jin; Matchar, David BruceIntroduction
Ticagrelor is a novel antiplatelet drug developed to reduce atherothrombosis. The PLATO trial compared ticagrelor and aspirin to clopidogrel and aspirin in patients with acute coronary syndromes (ACS). Ticagrelor was found to be superior in the primary composite endpoint of cardiovascular death, myocardial infarction or stroke, without increasing major bleeding events. The current study estimates the lifetime cost-effectiveness of ticagrelor relative to generic clopidogrel from a Singapore public healthcare perspective.Methods
This study used a two-part cost-effectiveness model. The first part was a 12-month decision tree (using PLATO trial data) to estimate the rates of major cardiovascular events, healthcare costs and health-related quality of life. The second part was a Markov model estimating lifetime quality-adjusted survival and costs conditional on events during the initial 12 months. Daily drug costs applied were SGD 1.05 (generic clopidogrel) and SGD 6.00 (ticagrelor). Cost per quality-adjusted life years (QALY) was estimated from a Singapore public healthcare perspective using life tables and short-term costs from Singapore, and long-term costs from South Korea. Deterministic and probabilistic sensitivity analyses were performed.Results
Ticagrelor was associated with a lifetime QALY gain of 0.13, primarily driven by lower mortality. The resulting incremental cost per QALY gained was SGD 10,136.00. Probabilistic sensitivity analysis indicated that ticagrelor had a > 99% probability of being cost-effective, given the lower recommended WHO willingness-to-pay threshold of one GDP/capita per QALY.Conclusion
Based on PLATO trial data, one-year treatment with ticagrelor versus generic clopidogrel in patients with ACS, relative to WHO reference standards, is cost-effective from a Singapore public healthcare perspective.Item Open Access Medication adherence: a call for action.(American heart journal, 2011-09) Bosworth, Hayden B; Granger, Bradi B; Mendys, Phil; Brindis, Ralph; Burkholder, Rebecca; Czajkowski, Susan M; Daniel, Jodi G; Ekman, Inger; Ho, Michael; Johnson, Mimi; Kimmel, Stephen E; Liu, Larry Z; Musaus, John; Shrank, William H; Whalley Buono, Elizabeth; Weiss, Karen; Granger, Christopher BPoor adherence to efficacious cardiovascular-related medications has led to considerable morbidity, mortality, and avoidable health care costs. This article provides results of a recent think-tank meeting in which various stakeholder groups representing key experts from consumers, community health providers, the academic community, decision-making government officials (Food and Drug Administration, National Institutes of Health, etc), and industry scientists met to evaluate the current status of medication adherence and provide recommendations for improving outcomes. Below, we review the magnitude of the problem of medication adherence, prevalence, impact, and cost. We then summarize proven effective approaches and conclude with a discussion of recommendations to address this growing and significant public health issue of medication nonadherence.Item Open Access Potential impact of pharmaceutical industry rebates on medication adherence.(The American journal of managed care, 2019-05) Zullig, Leah L; Granger, Bradi B; Vilme, Helene; Oakes, Megan M; Bosworth, Hayden BMany patients struggle to take their prescription medications as prescribed. Multiple interacting factors influence medication nonadherence. The cost of medications, particularly a patient's out-of-pocket cost, spans several of these domains. One proposed option for reducing a patient's out-of-pocket cost involves directly sharing manufacturer rebates with patients to lower their out-of-pocket costs at the pharmacy counter. Rebates are widely used across industries (eg, pharmaceutical manufacturers, tourism taxes, automobile manufacturers) in negotiations between sellers and buyers for a particular product. Medication rebates play an important role in the current US pharmaceutical marketplace. However, rebate contract terms are not publicly reported, so it is difficult for patients to determine if, and how, a rebate is reflected in their out-of-pocket costs. This commentary addresses the role of rebates in the current US healthcare landscape and their relationship with medication adherence.Item Open Access Regulatory and cost barriers are likely to limit biosimilar development and expected savings in the near future.(Health Aff (Millwood), 2014-06) Grabowski, Henry G; Guha, Rahul; Salgado, MariaIn March 2010 Congress established an abbreviated Food and Drug Administration approval pathway for biosimilars-drugs that are very similar but not identical to a reference biological product and cost less. Because bringing biosimilars to the market currently requires large investments of money, fewer biosimilars are expected to enter the biologics market than has been the case with generic drugs entering the small-molecule drug market. Additionally, given the high regulatory hurdles to obtaining interchangeability-which would allow pharmacists to substitute a biosimilar for its reference product, subject to evolving state substitution laws-most biosimilars will likely compete as therapeutic alternatives instead of as therapeutic equivalents. In other words, biosimilars will need to compete with their reference product on the basis of quality; price; and manufacturer's reputation with physicians, insurers, and patient groups. Biosimilars also will face dynamic competition from new biologics in the same therapeutic class-including "biobetters," which offer incremental improvements on reference products, such as extended duration of action. The prospects for significant cost savings from the use of biosimilars appear to be limited for the next several years, but their use should increase over time because of both demand- and supply-side factors.Item Open Access Should the patent system for new medicines be abolished?(Clin Pharmacol Ther, 2007-11) DiMasi, JA; Grabowski, HGItem Open Access The cost of drug development.(N Engl J Med, 2015-05-14) DiMasi, Joseph A; Grabowski, Henry G; Hansen, Ronald W