Browsing by Subject "FOREST SOILS"
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Item Open Access Mercury Sourcing and Sequestration in Weathering Profiles at Six Critical Zone Observatories(Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 2018-10-01) Richardson, JB; Aguirre, AA; Buss, HL; Toby O'Geen, A; Gu, X; Rempe, DM; Richter, DDB©2018. American Geophysical Union. All Rights Reserved. Mercury sequestration in regolith (soils + weathered bedrock) is an important ecosystem service of the critical zone. This has largely remained unexplored, due to the difficulty of sample collection and the assumption that Hg is predominantly sequestered within surface soils (here we define as 0–0.3 m). We measured Hg concentrations and inventories in weathering profiles at six Critical Zone Observatories (CZOs): Boulder Creek in the Front Range of Colorado, Calhoun in the South Carolina Piedmont, Eel River in coastal northern California, Luquillo in the tropical montane forest of Puerto Rico, Shale Hills of the valley and ridges of central Pennsylvania, and Southern Sierra in the Sierra Nevada range of California. Surface soils had higher Hg concentrations than the deepest regolith samples, except for Eel River, which had lower Hg concentrations in surface soils compared to regolith. Using Ti normalization, CZOs with <12% rock-derived Hg (Boulder Creek, Calhoun, and Southern Sierra) had Hg peaks between 1.5 and 8.0 m in depth. At CZOs with >50% rock-derived Hg, Eel River Hg concentrations and pools were greatest at >4.0 m in the weathering profile, while Luquillo and Shale Hills had peaks at the surface that diminished within 1.0 m of the surface. Hg and total organic C were only significantly correlated in regolith at Luquillo and Shale Hills CZOs, suggesting that Hg sorption to organic matter may be less dominant than clays or Fe(II) sulfides in deeper regolith. Our results demonstrate the importance of Hg sequestration in deep regolith, below typical soil sampling depths.Item Open Access Persistent anthropogenic legacies structure depth dependence of regenerating rooting systems and their functions(Biogeochemistry, 2020-02-01) Hauser, E; Richter, DD; Markewitz, D; Brecheisen, Z; Billings, SA© 2020, Springer Nature Switzerland AG. Biotically-mediated weathering helps to shape Earth’s surface. For example, plants expend carbon (C) to mobilize nutrients in forms whose relative abundances vary with depth. It thus is likely that trees’ nutrient acquisition strategies—their investment in rooting systems and exudates—may function differently following disturbance-induced changes in depth of rooting zones and soil nutrient stocks. These changes may persist across centuries. We test the hypothesis that plant C allocation for nutrient acquisition is depth dependent as a function of rooting system development and relative abundances of organic vs. mineral nutrient stocks. We further posit that patterns of belowground C allocation to nutrient acquisition reveal anthropogenic signatures through many decades of forest regeneration. To test this idea, we examined fine root abundances and rooting system C in organic acid exudates and exo-enzymes in tandem with depth distributions of organically- and mineral-bound P stocks. Our design permitted us to estimate C tradeoffs between organic vs. mineral nutrient benefits in paired forests with many similar aboveground traits but different ages: post-agricultural mixed-pine forests and older reference hardwoods. Fine roots were more abundant throughout the upper 2 m in reference forest soils than in regenerating stands. Rooting systems in all forests exhibited depth-dependent C allocations to nutrient acquisition reflecting relative abundances of organic vs. mineral bound P stocks. Further, organic vs. mineral stocks underwent redistribution with historic land use, producing distinct ecosystem nutritional economies. In reference forests, rooting systems are allocating C to relatively deep fine roots and low-C exudation strategies that can increase mobility of mineral-bound P stocks. Regenerating forests exhibit relatively shallower fine root distributions and more diverse exudation strategies reflecting more variable nutrient stocks. We observed these disparities in rooting systems’ depth and nutritional mechanisms even though the regenerating forests have attained aboveground biomass stocks similar to those in reference hardwood forests. These distinctions offer plausible belowground mechanisms for observations of continued C sink strength in relatively old forests, and have implications for soil C fates and soil development on timescales relevant to human lifetimes. As such, depth-dependent nutrient returns on plant C investments represent a subtle but consequential signal of the Anthropocene.