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Item Open Access Abnormal Adaptive Immunity in Bacterial Bladder Infections(2020) Wu, JianxuanBacterial bladder infection, also known as cystitis, is one type of urinary tract infections (UTIs). These infections typically initiate when uropathogens, especially uropathogenic E. coli (UPEC), invade into the bladder through the urethra. Those bacteria could attach to the uroepithelium of the bladder and invade into bladder epithelial cells (BECs). The bladder is critical for the control of these bacteria by activating BECs and recruiting immune cells. If bacteria are not promptly cleared in the bladder, they will further invade ureters and kidneys causing pyelonephritis, which is another common form of UTIs. Nowadays, bacterial bladder infection is one of the most common bacterial infections and a big clinical burden. Its annual incidence rate among human population was estimated to be around 3%-12.6% in female and 0.5%-3% in male. Besides the high incidence rate, the recurrence rate is also very high, up to 44%. As a comparison, the recurrence rate of bacterial infections in the respiratory tract is only around 10% and that rate in the gastrointestinal tract is about 1.5% to 12%. The high incidence rate and high recurrence rate pinpoint the inefficiency of immunity in bladder. However, it is unclear which component of the bladder immunity is inefficient in clearing bacteria and preventing recurrence. By using cutting edge models and techniques, such as genetic knock-out mice, newly developed cytokine reporter mice, optimized flow cytometry and microscopy, I identified that the bladder immunity, especially CD4 T cell mediated adaptive immunity, is focusing on repairing damaged uroepithelium rather than clearing UPEC. This response is modulated by antigen presenting cells (APCs) in bladder. This abnormal bladder immunity also leads to bladder dysfunction featured by urinary frequency. By applying a vaccination strategy, I successfully improved the anti-bacteria ability of CD4 mediated bladder adaptive immunity in mouse model. In summary, this study identified that an abnormal adaptive immunity induced by the uroepithelium-APC-T cell signaling axis is responsible for the suboptimal clearance of bacteria and infection recurrence in bladder. With proper vaccination, the adaptive immunity in bladder can be tuned to be protective against UPEC infections.
Item Open Access Acute Pathogenesis of Recombinant Vesicular Stomatitis Virus Vaccine Vectors is Linked to Interleukin-1(2011) Athearn, Kathleen ConstanceRecombinant vesicular stomatitis virus (rVSV) is a promising candidate viral vaccine vector for use in humans. VSV is highly immunogenic, pre-existing immunity to VSV is rare, and VSV is able to grow to high titers in cell lines approved for vaccine use. Its potential reactogenicity is a barrier to its use in humans, with small laboratory animals developing fever and losing up to 20% of their pre-immunization body weight in the first four days after administration [1, 2], and the one person to date that has received an experimental rVSV vaccine developed headache, fever, and muscle pain within 12 hours and transient VSV viremia was detected [3]. The underlying cause of these reactions has not yet been studied. Here, we have found that IL-1β and/or IL-1α contributes to rVSV pathology after intramuscular immunization in mice and that IL-1 production is not required for control of rVSV replication in vivo, or for the generation of protective immune responses to VSV antigens. Suppression of IL-1 may be a safe strategy to reduce vector reactogenicity without affecting immunogenicity. Utilizing mice deficient in either ASC or caspase-1, we have also found that production of mature IL-1β in response to rVSV might be independent of inflammasome activation or caspase-1 cleavage. The exact mechanism is yet to be determined, but might depend upon which cell types secrete mature IL-1β after immunization.
Item Embargo Aging Clocks: Circadian Factors Control Antiviral Immunity of the Skin(2024) Kirchner, StephenAs human skin ages, its ability to both repair wounds and protect them from infection declines. Several factors play major roles in this, including thinning of epidermis and loss of collagen leading to skin fragility, as well as the decline of innate immune function, though the latter has been less distinctly linked to skin aging. Given the rising aging population globally, understanding how the skin responds to injury across the life spectrum is increasingly important. This work attempts to understand specifically how innate antiviral immunity of the skin is downregulated in age. To do so, we leveraged a discovery where we determined that aging skin has a differential circadian clock, a known immunological regulator, compared to that of younger skin. The circadian rhythm is a biological clock that uses a transcriptional-translational feedback loop to set up patterns of activity throughout the body. This loop uses positive transcription factors BMAL1 and CLOCK, which set up their own repressors, including the PER and CRY family of proteins. This rhythm also influences biological functions throughout the body. In the scope of this work, we became interested in the fact that circadian rhythms were found to influence epithelial repair in injury, antiviral immunity and interferon stimulated genes. To begin our study, we asked whether the known repair and immune dysfunctions of aging skin could be possibly tied to a dysfunctional circadian rhythm. Using qRT-PCR, we found that aging murine skin has a decreased circadian transcription when compared to that of younger skin. Such a phenotype was replicated by human keratinocyte studies using serial passaging as an aging surrogate. Having determined that aging does indeed play a role in regulating cutaneous circadian rhythms, we set out to determine what immune mechanisms of the skin are regulated by this aging-circadian axis. Specifically, we tested circadian regulation of antiviral proteins. Antiviral proteins of distinct families and functions all protect the skin from pathogen invasion. Prior work by our lab had shown that antiviral proteins were induced by skin wounding in a pathway dependent on the cytokine IL-27. Using approaches including qRT-PCR, flow cytometry, and immunofluorescence, we determined that aging skin wounds not only have an attenuated antiviral protein response, but also contained reduced numbers of CD301b+ immune cells that produce IL-27. These distinct immune deficiencies lead to an unprotected skin wound microenvironment in aging skin. However, little is understood about the molecular mechanisms responsible for the antiviral immune deficiencies in the aging skin. To address this, we began by probing publicly available datasets, where we found that the expression of antiviral proteins had 24-hour rhythms of expression in murine skin. Similarly, we found that that rhythmic expression of antiviral proteins occurs in human keratinocytes that were synchronized in a circadian fashion. Additional support for a direct line of circadian regulation of antiviral proteins came from circadian siRNA studies, where we knocked down expression of circadian gene CLOCK and saw an associated downregulation in antiviral proteins within human keratinocytes. Further, we demonstrate via qRT-PCR that murine skin harvested at different time points have different antiviral protein mRNA levels. Subsequent computational analysis showed that Bmal1-/- murine skin is deficient in antiviral protein expression, establishing a direct link between circadian factors and antiviral proteins. In order to better understand the effect of circadian rhythms on wound immune responses, we made use of a number of experimental models, including both Bmal1-/- and ClockΔ19 mutant mice, as well as wild type animals. We wounded wild type animals at distinct time-of-day, and found that the level of antiviral proteins display time-of-day responses, peaking at 8pm. Using circadian mutant mice, we found that these animals have attenuated wound responses with respect to antiviral protein induction; specifically, wounded ClockΔ19 mice do not produce antiviral proteins to the same extent as wild type mice. We were able to tie this directly to IL-27 signaling in two distinct manners. Firstly, using flow cytometry, we found that the CD301b+ cells that produce IL-27 in response to wounding are reduced in number in circadian mutant mouse skin, and moreover, produce less IL-27 as measured by median fluorescence intensity. To determine the role of IL-27 in the time-of-day response of wound-induced antiviral protein expression, we wounded IL-27fl/fl-LysM-Cre mice at two distinct times-of-day and measured antiviral protein production. These mice lack IL-27 production from myeloid cell lineages, including CD301b+ cells. We found that loss of IL-27 diminished time-of-day differential expression of antiviral proteins in wounds, further suggesting that the link between circadian rhythms and antiviral proteins was in fact in part mediated by IL-27. To further our understanding of the cytokine milieu of circadian wounds, we also wounded mice that lacked Type I interferon receptor (IFNAR1) expression and found that loss of Type I interferon signaling also blunted time-of-day antiviral protein responses. These data support a role of both interferons and IL-27 in circadian antiviral protein induction. In order to provide a functional aspect to these findings, we infected wildtype and circadian disrupted keratinocytes and human skin with Herpes Simplex Virus Type I (HSV1). We measured HSV expression in the skin by both immunofluorescence and visual characterization as well by qPCR for viral component UL29. We found that circadian disruption of either BMAL1 or CLOCK sensitizes keratinocytes to HSV1 infection in vitro. On the other side of this spectrum, we questioned whether circadian enhancing drugs, including the compounds SR8278 and nobiletin, can activate circadian rhythms in skin cells and improve skin defense against HSV1 infection. Using a BMAL1:Luciferase reporter, we characterized both drugs as having a circadian augmenting effect in keratinocytes. Upon infection with HSV1, both SR8278 and nobiletin protected human skin from viral spread. Further, we found that SR8278’s antiviral effect was predicated on circadian activity, as BMAL1 and CLOCK siRNA knockdown in keratinocytes lessened the drugs effect. To determine mechanism of circadian drug’s antiviral activity, we tested whether our circadian drugs activate canonical antiviral signaling pathways, such as OAS and IFITM. We found that via qPCR, circadian drugs require the presence of these proteins to fight virus effectively. As a study of clinical relevance, we evaluated the role of acyclovir treatments alongside our circadian drugs. We found that circadian drugs SR8278 and nobiletin did not synergize their effects with acyclovir at a variety of doses tested. We found that acyclovir, as expected, broadly suppressed HSV1 activity at even low doses in keratinocytes, an effect that circadian augmentation was unable to potentiate. This could be due to a number of factors, including dosage optimization and viral susceptibility to drug. However, given the rise of acyclovir resistant HSV, our novel approach may be clinically viable. In particular, we believe this may be a viable treatment platform for aging skin infections; to this end, we tested the ability of SR8278 to suppress HSV1 infection in the skin of mice over a year of age. SR8278 significantly reduced viral spread in this model, suggesting that circadian augmentation may be a useful clinical adjunct in aging skin infections. To determine if these findings were applicable to other non-herpes family viruses that infect the skin, we turned to a model of West Nile Virus infection. West Nile Virus is a mosquito borne illness with increasing range and infection number in the United States. Moreover, it is inoculated through the skin before causing neurological infection, a pathway similar to herpes viruses. Also similar to herpes viruses, West Nile virus is a far more pressing clinical issue in aging populations, who fare worse with this viral infection. Most importantly, there are no currently specific treatments for West Nile Virus infections. Using our HSV infection data as a starting point, we found that circadian drug treatments suppressed West Nile Virus levels in infected keratinocytes. Other work conducted over the course of this PhD encompassed aspects of both circadian and IL-27 signaling in the skin. Using human keratinocytes, we endeavored to understand what environmental factors could drive altered circadian rhythms in the skin, for either elderly or younger tissue. While dogmatically, circadian rhythms are patterned from the brain to the whole body, we built on recent work showing a light dependent murine cutaneous clock by showing that mock sunlight can alter circadian expression in human keratinocytes, without other stimuli present. Further study is needed to understand how our skin’s clock responds to sun mechanistically. Overall, my work over the course of this PhD has established a link between aging, circadian rhythms, and antiviral immunity, and underpinned the important role of the cytokine IL-27 and type I interferon on cutaneous wound responses to a variety of pathogens. This work will provide possible therapeutic avenues, particularly for aging skin, in how to address skin wound care in safe, biologically relevant ways via circadian rhythm exploitation.
Item Open Access An Agonist CD27 Antibody for Brain Tumor Immunotherapy(2017) Riccione, KatherineGlioblastoma (GBM) is a uniformly lethal cancer with an overall survival of less than 15 months. Aggressive standard of care therapies fail to eradicate these tumors and are non-specific, resulting in incapacitating toxicities. In contrast to such therapies, by virtue of exploiting the inherent specificity and vigilance of the immune system, immunotherapy provides an exquisitely precise approach for safe and effective tumor treatment. Specifically, peptide vaccines offer a promising strategy for inducing potent cytotoxic glioma-specific immune responses. However, they are limited by various mechanisms of glioma-mediated immunosuppression, including low/dysfunctional antigen-presentation, an increased fraction of regulatory T cells, T cell inhibitory pathways, and cytokine dysregulation. Such challenges can be overcome by the combined use of immunomodulatory adjuvants to improve the setting in which T cells recognize and respond to glioma antigens. To this end, a clinically-relevant high-affinity human anti-human CD27 immunomodulatory antibody (αhCD27) that induces potent antitumor T cell responses through engagement of the CD27 T cell costimulatory pathway was recently developed. This antibody is efficacious as a monotherapy in preclinical tumor models and has given rise to significant clinical responses in early phase trials. Given the preliminary success of monotherapy αhCD27 in inducing endogenous antitumor immunity, the overall goal of this dissertation research was to develop a peptide vaccine platform that employs αhCD27 as a vaccine adjuvant for its translation as a novel brain tumor immunotherapeutic.
Chapter 1 provides an overview of brain tumor immunotherapy, including the evolution of the field to date, various genres of treatment modalities, and ongoing progress and challenges. Chapter 2 discusses the approach of T cell immunomodulation, an emerging field in cancer treatment, including the clinical development of various FDA-approved antibodies and their relevance to brain tumors, synergy with current brain tumor standard of care, and emerging immunomodulatory targets. Chapter 3 provides the rationale for targeting the CD27 costimulatory molecule in particular and includes preliminary data that serves as the basis for the preclinical development of αhCD27 as an immunotherapy for brain tumors. Chapter 4 shows the systematic approach for optimizing αhCD27 as a vaccine adjuvant in a murine model of intracranial melanoma alongside a vaccine targeting a model tumor antigen. Lastly, Chapter 5 explores the use of αhCD27 to combat tumor-mediated immunosuppression, an important aspect of its adjuvant activity and the basis for two upcoming phase I clinical trials for malignant glioma.
This dissertation comprises original research as well as figures and illustrations from previously published material used to exemplify distinct concepts in immunotherapy for cancer. These published examples were reproduced with permission in accordance with journal and publisher policies described in the Appendix.
In summary, this work 1) identifies costimulatory T cell immunomodulation as a promising strategy for brain tumor immunotherapy, 2) explores and optimizes the potential for an agonist CD27 to enhance the tumor immune response when combined with a vaccine, 3) has opened up a new line of investigation into the role of CD27 in tumor-mediated immunosuppression, and 4) provides future prospects of utilizing an agonist CD27 antibody as a vaccine adjuvant for the treatment of brain tumors. Together, these studies hold great promise to improve the clinical outlook for brain tumor patients.
Item Open Access Analysis of TCR Signaling and Erk Activation in T Cell Development and Autoimmunity(2012) Fuller, Deirdre MarieLAT is a transmembrane adaptor protein that is critical for the emanation of signals downstream of the TCR. Following TCR engagement, LAT is phosphorylated on multiple tyrosine residues, allowing it to serve as a scaffold for a multi-protein signaling complex. Mutation of tyrosine 136 on LAT abrogates binding of PLC-γ1. The disruption of this interaction has severe consequences on TCR-mediated calcium signaling and MAPK activation. Mice harboring a mutation at this tyrosine, LATY136F (LATm/m) mice, have drastically impaired thymocyte development; however, CD4+ T cells in the periphery rapidly expand and instigate a fatal lymphoproliferative syndrome. In order to bypass the severe developmental defects exhibited in LATm/m mice, our laboratory previously developed a conditional knock-in mouse line in which the mutated LAT allele is expressed in mature T cells following deletion of a floxed wildtype LAT allele (ERCre+LATf/m mice). LATf/m mice develop a similar lymphoproliferative syndrome as LATm/m mice. We used both of these mouse models to analyze the contribution of two other proteins that are essential for TCR-mediated signaling, RasGRP1 and Gads, in LAT-mediated autoimmunity.
Analysis of LATm/mRasGRP1-/- mice demonstrated that the additional deletion of RasGRP1 increased the thymocyte development block and, as a result, young mice contained markedly reduced T cell populations. However, by four months of age, a lymphoproliferative disease had developed in these mice. To bypass the severe developmental block, we analyzed LATf/mRasGRP1-/- mice and observed that they developed disease similarly to LATf/m mice. We also assessed the effect of Gads deletion in both mouse models of LAT disease. LATm/mGads-/- mice had an even more dramatic block in the DN stage of thymocyte development compared to LATm/m controls, although by four months of age CD4+ T cells had expanded. Following deletion of the wildtype LAT allele, LATf/mGads-/- mice also developed disease. Our results indicated that LAT-mediated autoimmunity can occur independently of the critical T cell signaling components RasGRP1 and Gads.
In addition, we more closely examined RasGRP1-mediated Erk activation in T cells. RasGRP1 is a Ras-guanyl nucleotide exchange factor that is required for positive selection of thymocytes, activation of T cells, and control of T cell mediated-autoimmunity. While the importance of various RasGRP1 structural domains has previously been explored, RasGRP1 also contains a tail domain of unknown function. To elucidate the physiological role of this domain, we generated knock-in mice expressing RasGRP1 without the tail domain, RasGRP1d/d mice. Analysis of these mice demonstrated that deletion of the tail domain led to impaired T cell development but, with age, CD4+ T cells expanded and auto-antibodies were produced. RasGRP1d/d thymocytes were unable to activate Erk and underwent aberrant thymic selection processes. Mechanistically, the tail-deleted form of RasGRP1 was not able to traffic to the cell membrane following stimulation, indicating a potential reason for its inability to activate Erk. While the DAG-binding C1 domain of RasGRP1 has long been recognized as an important factor mediating Erk activation, our data revealed the physiological relevance of the tail domain of RasGRP1 in the control of Erk signaling.
Item Open Access Antibody-mediated Immunotherapy of Brain Tumors(2017) Gedeon, Patrick ChristopherConventional therapy for malignant glioma (MG) fails to specifically target tumor cells. In contrast, immunotherapy offers an exquisitely precise approach, and substantial evidence indicates that if appropriately redirected, T cells can eradicate large, well-established tumors. Even the latest generation of redirected T cell therapies are limited, however, in that they require a centralized manufacturing infrastructure with heavily trained laboratory personnel to genetically modify each patient’s own T cells, use viral transduction which poses uncertain risks, are limited to the initial subset of T cells manipulated and infused, and still face uncertainty as to the optimal T cell phenotype to infuse. This dissertation reports the rational development and clinical translation of a fully-human, bispecific antibody (hEGFRvIII-CD3 bi-scFv) that overcomes these limitations through a recombinant antibody approach that effectively redirects any human T cell to lyse MG cells expressing a tumor-specific mutation of the epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFRvIII).
Chapters one, two and three provide an overview of T cell based immunotherapy of cancer and advances in antibody engineering. Also included is a discussion of the current standard-of-care therapy for MG, other immunotherapeutic approaches for MG, and relevant targets and their therapeutic potential for the treatment of MG.
Chapter four details the rational development of a fully-human, anti-human bispecific antibody, hEGFRvIII-CD3 bi-scFv, for immunotherapy of MG. By generating a panel of fully human bispecific single chain variable fragments (bi-scFvs) and testing their specificity through successive stages of screening and refinement, a highly-expressed and easily purified construct with high-affinity to both CD3 and EGFRvIII target antigens was obtained (hEGFRvIII-CD3 bi-scFv). In vitro, hEGFRvIII-CD3 bi-scFv re-directed naïve human T cells to upregulate cell surface activation markers, secrete pro-inflammatory cytokines, and proliferate in response to antigen-bearing targets. Each of these anti-tumor effects were robust and occurred exclusively in the presence of target antigen, illustrating the specificity of the approach. Using MG cell lines expressing EGFRvIII and patient derived MG with endogenous drivers and levels of EGFRvIII expression, bispecific antibody induced specific lysis was assessed. In each case, hEGFRvIII-CD3 bi-scFv was both potent and antigen-specific, mediating significant target-specific lysis at exceedingly low antibody concentrations. Tumor growth and survival was assessed in xenogenic subcutaneous and orthotopic models of human MG, respectively. In both these models, well-engrafted, patient-derived MG was effectively treated. Intravenous administration of hEGFRvIII-CD3 bi-scFv resulted in significant regression of tumor burden in the subcutaneous models and significantly extended survival in the orthotopic models.
Chapter five discusses challenges associated with intratumoral heterogeneity and details two mechanisms by which bispecific antibodies like hEGFRvIII-CD3 bi-scFv can induce epitope spreading, or an immunological response against tumor antigens other than those initially targeted. These mechanisms include: 1) re-activation of pre-existing T cell clones that have specificity for the tumor but fail to mount an immune response prior to bispecific antibody induced stimulation and 2) tumor cell death that results in release of tumor antigens and subsequent antigen uptake, processing and presentation by antigen presenting cells (APCs) leading to a secondary immune response. The chapter concludes with a discussion of a novel class of recombinant antibody molecules developed as part of this dissertation work, Bispecific Activators of Myeloid Cells (BAMs), that function to enhance phagocytosis and antigen presentation. BAM molecules may be useful in conjunction with other immunotherapeutic modalities to induce epitope spreading and combat intratumoral heterogeneity.
Chapter six describes research examining hEGFRvIII-CD3 bi-scFv in a unique human CD3 transgenic murine model. These studies have furthered the rationale for continued clinical translation of hEGFRvIII-CD3 bi-scFv as a safe and effective therapy for MG and have led to the discovery of a novel mechanism of drug delivery to brain tumors. The transgenic murine model was advantageous given that the CD3 binding portion of the fully-human bispecific antibody binds only to human CD3. Accordingly, the model provides a platform where the same molecule to be advanced to human studies can be tested pre-clinically in a pharmacologically responsive, fully-immunocompetent, syngeneic, murine glioma model. In vitro, hEGFRvIII-CD3 bi-scFv induced potent human CD3 transgenic T cell activation, pro-inflammatory cytokine secretion and proliferation exclusively in the presence of the highly-invasive and aggressive murine glioma, CT-2A, bearing EGFRvIII antigen (CT-2A-EGFRvIII). hEGFRvIII-CD3 bi-scFv mediated significant lysis of CT-2A-EGFRvIII at exceedingly low antibody concentrations. In vivo, hEGFRvIII-CD3 bi-scFv significantly reduced tumor growth in human CD3 transgenic mice with well-established, subcutaneous tumors and extended survival of human CD3 transgenic mice with well-established, orthotopic, MG. In the orthotopic setting, adoptive transfer of pre-activated human CD3 transgenic T cells significantly increased efficacy compared to human CD3 transgenic mice treated with hEGFRvIII-CD3 bi-scFv alone.
This led to the hypothesis that activated T cells, known to cross the blood-brain barrier (BBB) to perform routine immunosurveillance of the central nervous system (CNS), may bind to hEGFRvIII-CD3 bi-scFv intravascularly, via its CD3 receptor, and carry or “hitchhike” the large CD3 binding macromolecule to tumors located behind the BBB. Indeed, studies have revealed that adoptive transfer of activated T cells significantly increases the biodistribution of intravenously administered hEGFRvIII-CD3 bi-scFv to orthotopic glioma. Furthermore, blocking T cell extravasation, using natalizumab, for example, a drug used clinically to prevent the migration of T cells to the CNS in patients with multiple sclerosis, completely abrogates the increase in efficacy observed with the adoptive transfer of activated T cells. This newly uncovered hitchhiking mechanism of drug delivery to the CNS provides an important tool to enhance the immunotherapy of brain tumors and has potentially far-reaching consequences for the treatment of other CNS disorders, such as Alzheimer’s or Parkinson’s disease, where issues regarding drug delivery to the CNS are relevant. To begin to study this mechanism of drug delivery in disorders where the blood-brain barrier is intact, we have developed a novel transgenic murine model that expresses EGFRvIII at very low levels within neurons in the brain and have demonstrated that intravenously administered EGFRvIII-targeted recombinant antibody can accumulate in the CNS parenchyma, even in the presence of an intact BBB.
On the basis of these results, a series of clinical research development activities were conducted that have led to the initiation of a clinical study to test the hitchhiking mechanism of drug delivery in patients and ultimately to translate hEGFRvIII-CD3 bi-scFv therapy as a safe and effective treatment for patients with MG. These activities have resulted in a foundation in pre-clinical toxicology, clinical grade biologic manufacturing, clinical protocol development, and regulatory processes necessary to safely translate hEGFRvIII-CD3 bi-scFv therapy to the clinic.
This has involved conducing an extended single-dose toxicity study of hEGFRvIII-CD3 bi-scFv in animals to support studies in humans, the results of which are detailed in chapter seven. To assess for toxicity, human CD3 transgenic mice were administered hEGFRvIII-CD3 bi-scFv or vehicle as a control. Animals were observed for 14 days post-dosing with an interim necropsy on day two. Endpoints evaluated included clinical sings, body weights, feed consumption, clinical chemistries, hematology, urinalysis, and histopathology. There were no clinical observations, evidence of experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE), or change in body weight or feed consumption noted during the study that would be associated with toxicity. Furthermore, no statistical difference was observed between drug- and control-receiving cohorts in hematological parameters or urinalysis and no pathological findings related to EGFRvIII-CD3 bi-scFv administration were observed. Statistical differences were observed between drug-treated and control-treated cohorts for some of the clinical chemistries assessed, such as hematocrit, calcium and phosphorus among the female, 14-day analysis cohorts.
To produce hEGFRvIII-CD3 bi-scFv and autologous activated T cells to be administered to patients for clinical study, chemistry, manufacturing and control protocols for the production of clinical grade hEGFRvIII-CD3 bi-scFv and autologous activated T cells were developed and implemented. The data presented in chapter eight describe optimized manufacturing processes and rationale for the selection and implementation of in-process and release analytical methods. This work includes the generation of a stable Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cell line that expresses high levels of hEGFRvIII-CD3 bi-scFv, the generation and certification of a current Good Manufacturing Practice (cGMP) master cell bank (MCB), optimization and scale up of upstream and downstream manufacturing procedures, and development of standard operating procedures (SOPs) for the manufacture and assessment of clinical grade hEGFRvIII-CD3 bi-scFv and autologous activated T cells. Together, these have allowed for the production of clinical grade antibody and autologous patient derived cells within Duke University Medical Center. The production of recombinant antibodies for use in the clinic is a complex endeavor often performed in industry with teams of highly skilled scientists who test and optimize manufacturing protocols using a large, well-established manufacturing infrastructure. The successful production of clinical grade recombinant antibody at an academic center, therefore, represents a significant achievement and would likely be of interest to other academic-based researchers and clinicians embarking on similar clinical endeavors.
Chapter nine describes a clinical protocol for a phase 0 study of hEGFRvIII-CD3 bi-scFv in patients with recurrent EGFRvIII-positive glioblastoma (GBM). The protocol details intravenous administration of single doses of radiolabeled hEGFRvIII-CD3 bi-scFv with and without pre-administration of radiolabeled autologous activated T cells in a given patient. This will allow for imaging studies that will reveal the pharmacokinetics of the recombinant antibody both with and without adoptive transfer of autologous activated T cells. Endpoints include an assessment of the: intracerebral tumor localization of 124iodine (I)-labeled hEGFRvIII-CD3 bi-scFv with and without prior administration of 111indium (In)-labeled autologous T cells; percentage of patients with unacceptable toxicity; percentage of patients alive or alive without disease progression six months after study drug infusion; median progression-free survival; 111-In-autologous T cell intracerebral tumor localization; and percentage of patients who are EGFRvIII-positive at recurrence.
Chapter 10 concludes with a discussion of ongoing and anticipated future pre-clinical and clinical research. Together, these data presented in this dissertation have been submitted to the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in support of an Investigational New Drug (IND) application permit for clinical studies of hEGFRvIII-CD3 bi-scFv at Duke University Medical Center. This clinical study of the hitchhiking mechanism of drug delivery and the pharmacokinetics of hEGFRvIII-CD3 bi-scFv may have far reaching implications for disorders of the CNS where drug access past the BBB is relevant and will advance our understanding of hEGFRvIII-CD3 bi-scFv therapy in patients, guiding future clinical study of the molecule as a safe and effective form of immunotherapy for patients with EGFRvIII-positive GBM and other cancers.
Item Open Access Antibody-Redirected T-Cell Immunotherapy for Brain Tumors(2014) Choi, Bryan DaehahnThe most common primary malignant brain tumor, glioblastoma, is uniformly fatal. Current therapy provides only incremental benefits in survival and is often incapacitating owing to limits defined by nonspecific toxicity. By contrast, immunotherapy offers a particularly promising approach, and has the theoretical potential to target and eliminate malignant cells with unprecedented specificity. The goal of this dissertation is to apply recombinant technologies to develop a new immune-based therapy for patients with malignant glioma. This work will span the design, production, and preclinical testing of a novel bispecific antibody designed to redirect T cells against a tumor-specific mutant of the epidermal growth factor receptor, EGFRvIII.
Chapters 1 and 2 will provide an overview of broad topics in antitumor immunotherapy and immune biology, with special focus on concepts as they relate to tumors of the central nervous system. In addition, the history and current state of bispecific antibodies, particularly those of the bispecific T-cell engager (BiTE) subclass, as well as their potential role in the treatment of malignant disease, will be considered in detail. Data presented in Chapter 3 will describe our approach to generating novel bispecific tandem single-chain antibody reagents, while experiments in Chapter 4 will demonstrate the capacity of one of these molecules, an EGFRvIII-specific BiTE, to achieve antitumor efficacy both in vitro and in vivo using murine models of glioma. Addressing a major barrier to the translation of immune therapies for cancer, chapter 5 will establish a potential role for BiTEs in overcoming cell-mediated immune suppression associated with malignant disease. Lastly, Chapter 6 and 7 will report on emerging areas of study, including the use of syngeneic, transgenic murine systems, and strategies by which BiTEs may be propelled rapidly into early phase clinical trials.
In summary, separating BiTEs from other available immunotherapeutic approaches, our work in this field suggests that BiTEs are (1) highly-specific molecules that greatly reduce the risk of toxicity, (2) have the ability to penetrate the blood-brain barrier and accumulate in intracerebral tumors, and (3) may potentially overcome multiple mechanisms of immunosuppression present in patients with glioblastoma. Together, these studies have the potential to improve the clinical management of patients with glioblastoma through the generation of a novel therapeutic.
Item Open Access Antigen Drives Regulatory B10 Cell Development and Function(2016) Candando, KathleenB cells mediate immune responses via the secretion of antibody and interactions with other immune cell populations through antigen presentation, costimulation, and cytokine secretion. Although B cells are primarily believed to promote immune responses using the mechanisms described above, some unique regulatory B cell populations that negatively influence inflammation have also been described. Among these is a rare interleukin (IL)-10-producing B lymphocyte subset termed “B10 cells.” B cell-derived IL-10 can inhibit various arms of the immune system, including polarization of Th1/Th2 cell subsets, antigen presentation and cytokine production by monocytes and macrophages, and activation of regulatory T cells. Further studies in numerous autoimmune and inflammatory models of disease have confirmed the ability of B10 cells to negatively regulate inflammation in an IL-10-dependent manner. Although IL-10 is indispensable to the effector functions of B10 cells, how this specialized B cell population is selected in vivo to produce IL-10 is unknown. Some studies have demonstrated a link between B cell receptor (BCR)-derived signals and the acquisition of IL-10 competence. Additionally, whether antigen-BCR interactions are required for B cell IL-10 production during homeostasis as well as active immune responses is a matter of debate. Therefore, the goal of this thesis is to determine the importance of antigen-driven signals during B10 cell development in vivo and during B10 cell-mediated immunosuppression.
Chapter 3 of the dissertation explored the BCR repertoire of spleen and peritoneal cavity B10 cells using single-cell sequencing to lay the foundation for studies to understand the full range of antigens that may be involved in B10 cell selection. In both the spleen and peritoneal cavity B10 cells studied, BCR gene utilization was diverse, and the expressed BCR transcripts were largely unmutated. Thus, B10 cells are likely capable of responding to a wide range of foreign and self-antigens in vivo.
Studies in Chapter 4 determined the predominant antigens that drive B cell IL-10 secretion during homeostasis. A novel in vitro B cell expansion system was used to isolate B cells actively expressing IL-10 in vivo and probe the reactivities of their secreted monoclonal antibodies. B10 cells were found to produce polyreactive antibodies that bound multiple self-antigens. Therefore, in the absence of overarching active immune responses, B cell IL-10 is secreted following interactions with self-antigens.
Chapter 5 of this dissertation investigated whether foreign antigens are capable of driving B10 cell expansion and effector activity during an active immune response. In a model of contact-induced hypersensitivity, in vitro B cell expansion was again used to isolate antigen-specific B10 clones, which were required for optimal immunosuppression.
The studies described in this dissertation shed light on the relative contributions of BCR-derived signals during B10 cell development and effector function. Furthermore, these investigations demonstrate that B10 cells respond to both foreign and self-antigens, which has important implications for the potential manipulation of B10 cells for human therapy. Therefore, B10 cells represent a polyreactive B cell population that provides antigen-specific regulation of immune responses via the production of IL-10.
Item Open Access Antigen-Loaded Monocytes as a Novel Cancer Vaccine(2017) Huang, Min-NungDendritic cells (DC) have been the key elements in developing cancer vaccines to induce potent T cell responses to eradicate tumors. However, the common approach adopted in clinical trials using ex vivo generated DC loaded with tumor antigens (Ag) has been challenged by its limited clinical response, complexity, and quality of the manufacturing process. Alternative efforts focused on in vivo Ag loading on endogenous primary DC have not yet been well validated in their efficacy for cancer treatment, suggesting the efficiency of in vivo Ag transfer to endogenous DC from currently available Ag-delivering vehicles needs to be further improved. Here, I aim to develop an alternative cellular vaccine platform that can circumvent the aforementioned problems. I reason that classical Ly-6Chi monocytes (i.e. monocytes hereafter) can be a promising candidate to be loaded with tumor Ag and induce effective T cell responses. With advantages including easy-purification from human peripheral blood, monocytes evidently can present antigens directly via in vivo differentiation into bona fide DC or indirectly via antigen transfer to lymphoid resident DC to induce strong Th1 or cytotoxic T lymphocyte (CTL) responses. However, whether monocytes exploit favorably direct or indirect pathway to present the same Ag they are carrying to trigger effective immune responses remains unclear. Furthermore, how exactly monocytes or monocyte-derived cells transfer antigens to lymphoid resident DC has yet to be elucidated. I hypothesized that Ag-loaded monocytes can induce strong anti-tumor immunity and began the research by investigating the immune responses that can be induced by Ag-loaded monocytes. I then went on to determine the mechanisms that mediate monocyte-induced immune responses and evaluate anti-tumor efficacy of this monocyte vaccine.
In the first part of this study, I characterized the immune responses induced by Ag-loaded monocytes. By using negative selection via magnetic-activated cell sorting (MACS) columns, I was able to purify monocytes from bone marrow (BM) cells and determined that these monocytes could be successfully loaded with Ag in the forms of proteins, peptides and mRNA. I found that intravenously (IV) injected Ag-loaded monocytes induced robust Ag-specific CD4+ and CD8+ T cell responses in mice without triggering antibody responses. This vaccine activity of Ag-loaded monocytes appeared to be dose-dependent and required live monocytes with no need of ex vivo stimulation. I found that Ag-specific CD8+ T cells induced by Ag-loaded monocytes were functionally more robust than those induced by protein Ag emulsified in a traditional adjuvant CFA.
In the second part of this study, I investigated how IV injected Ag-loaded monocytes stimulate T cell responses. I identified that the spleen is the primary immune niche for Ag-loaded monocytes to induce T cell responses. I found that Ag-loaded monocytes mainly retain in the spleen where they begin to differentiate into phenotypic DC. Surprisingly, major histocompatibility complex (MHC)-deficient monocytes maintain full capacity to stimulate T cell responses, suggesting that Ag-loaded monocytes do not present Ag by themselves. I determined that endogenous splenic DC is absolutely required for monocyte-induced T cell responses. Therefore, Ag-loaded monocytes induce T cell responses indirectly via transferring Ag to splenic DC even they do differentiate into phenotypic DC in the spleen. I elucidated that this monocyte-to-DC Ag transfer occurs via gap junctions for CD8+ T cell responses and via macrophages for CD4+ T cell responses.
In the final part of this study, I demonstrated that IV injected Ag-loaded monocytes have robust anti-tumor efficacy targeting both model and validated tumor Ag in prophylactic, memory and therapeutic murine SQ melanoma models. The anti-tumor efficacy is superior to that seen with traditional adjuvants or RNA-pulsed DC vaccines, and can be combined with checkpoint blockade to increase their efficacy. Furthermore, I demonstrated that Ag-loaded monocytes have a clear anti-tumor efficacy in an intracranial glioblastoma (GBM) model targeting against mutant isocitrate dehydrogenase 1-R132H (mIDH1-R132H), a validated tumor Ag of GBM.
In conclusion, IV injection of unactivated Ag-loaded monocytes without adjuvants induces highly efficacious anti-tumor T cell responses via dual independent and efficient Ag transfer pathways to splenic DC. These findings revise the paradigm that monocytes have to be activated ex vivo to achieve optimal vaccine efficacy and reveal unappreciated cell-associated Ag acquiring pathways of splenic DCs that can be specifically manipulated for future vaccine design in the treatment of human cancers.
Item Open Access Apoptotic Signaling Clears Engineered Salmonella in an Organ-Specific Manner(2023) Abele, Taylor JanePyroptosis and apoptosis are two forms of regulated cell death that can defend against intracellular infection. Although pyroptosis and apoptosis have distinct signaling pathways, when a cell fails to complete pyroptosis, backup pathways will initiate apoptosis. Here, we investigated the utility of apoptosis compared to pyroptosis in defense against an intracellular bacterial infection. We previously engineered Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium to persistently express flagellin, and thereby activate NLRC4 during systemic infection in mice. The resulting pyroptosis clears this flagellin-engineered strain. We now show that infection of caspase-1 or gasdermin D deficient macrophages by this flagellin-engineered S. Typhimurium induces apoptosis in vitro. Additionally, we also now engineer S. Typhimurium to translocate the pro-apoptotic BH3 domain of BID, which also triggers apoptosis in macrophages in vitro. In both engineered strains, apoptosis occurred somewhat slower than pyroptosis. During mouse infection, the apoptotic pathway successfully cleared these engineered S. Typhimurium from the intestinal niche, but failed to clear the bacteria from the myeloid niche in the spleen or lymph nodes. In contrast, the pyroptotic pathway was beneficial in defense of both niches. In order to clear an infection, distinct cell types may have specific tasks that they must complete before they die. In some cells, either apoptotic or pyroptotic signaling may initiate the same tasks, whereas in other cell types these modes of cell death may lead to different tasks that may not be identical in defense against infection. We recently suggested that such diverse tasks can be considered as different cellular “bucket lists” to be accomplished before a cell dies. As demonstrated here, engineering pathogens is a useful method for discovering new details of microbial pathogenesis and host defense. However, engineering can result in off-target effects. We engineer S. Typhimurium to overexpress the secretion signal of the type 3 secretion system effector SspH1 fused with domains of other proteins as cargo. Such engineering had no virulence cost to the bacteria for the first 48 hours post infection in mice. However, after 48 hours the engineered bacteria manifest an attenuation that correlates with the quantity of the SspH1 translocation signal expressed. In IFNg-deficient mice this attenuation was weakened. Conversely, the attenuation was accelerated in the context of a pre-existing infection. We speculate that inflammatory signals change aspects of the target cell’s physiology that make host cells less permissive to S. Typhimurium infection. This increased degree of difficulty requires the bacteria to utilize its T3SS at peak efficiency, which can be disrupted by engineered effectors.
Item Open Access B cells and the Antibody-Dependent Immune Response in Cancer and Infection(2015) Lykken, JacquelynB cells and humoral immunity are critical components of an effective immune response. However, B cells are also a significant driver of a variety of autoimmune diseases and can also become malignant. Antibody-mediated B cell depletion is now regularly used in the clinic to treat both B cell-derived cancers and B-cell driven autoimmunity, and while depletion itself is effective in some patients, removal of B cells is not often curative for patients and may present additional, unforeseen risks. The overall goal of this dissertation was therefore to determine the impact of B cell depletion on T cell homeostasis and function during infection and to elucidate the genetic factors that determine the effectiveness of antibody-mediated therapy.
In Chapter 3 of this dissertation, the role of B cells in promoting T cell homeostasis was investigated by depleting mature B cells using CD20 monoclonal antibody (mAb). Acute B cell depletion in adult mice significantly reduced spleen and lymph node T cell numbers, including naïve, activated, and cytokine-producing cells, as well as Foxp3+ regulatory T cells, whereas chronic B cell depletion in aged mice resulted in a profound decrease in activated and cytokineproducing T cell numbers. To determine the significance of this finding, B cell-depleted adult mice were infected with acute lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus (LCMV). Despite their expansion, activated and cytokine-producing T cell numbers were still significantly reduced one week later. Moreover, viral peptide-specific T cell numbers and effector cell development were significantly reduced in mice lacking B cells, while LCMV titers were dramatically increased. Thus, B cells are required for optimal T cell homeostasis, activation, and effector development in vivo, particularly during acute viral infection.
In Chapter 4 of this dissertation, lymphoma genetic changes that conferred either sensitivity or resistance to CD20 mAb therapy were examined in a preclinical mouse lymphoma model. An examination of primary lymphomas and extensive lymphoma families demonstrated that sensitivity to CD20 mAb was not regulated by differences in CD20 expression, prior exposure to CD20 mAb, nor serial in vivo passage. An unbiased forward genetic screen of CD20 mAb-resistant and -sensitive lymphomas identified galectin-1 as a significant factor driving CD20 mAb therapy resistance. As lymphomas acquired therapy resistance following serial in vivo passage, galectin-1 expression also increased. Furthermore, inducing lymphoma galectin-1 expression within the tumor microenvironment ablated lymphoma sensitivity to CD20 mAb. Therefore, lymphoma acquisition of galectin-1 expression confers CD20 mAb therapy resistance.
In Chapter 5 of this dissertation, the distinct germline components that control the efficacy of host CD20 mAb-dependent B cell and lymphoma depletion were evaluated using genetically distinct lab mouse strains. Variations in B cell depletion by CD20 mAb among several lab mouse strains were observed, where 129 mice had significantly impaired mAb-dependent depletion of endogenous B cells and primary lymphomas relative to B6 mice. An unbiased forward genetic screen of mice revealed that a 1.5 Mbp region of Chromosome 12 that contains mycn significantly altered CD20 mAb-dependent lymphoma depletion. Elevated mycn expression enhanced mAb-dependent B cell depletion and lymphoma phagocytosis and correlated with higher macrophage numbers. Thus, host genetic variations in mycn expression in macrophages alter the outcome of Ab-dependent depletion of endogenous and malignant cells.
These studies collectively demonstrate that B cells are required for effective cellular immune responses during infection and identified factors that alter the effectiveness of mAb-dependent B cell depletion. This research also established and validated an unbiased forward genetics approach to identify the totality of host and tumor-intrinsic factors that influence mAb therapy in vivo. The findings of these studies ultimately urge careful consideration in the clinical application of B cell depletion therapies.
Item Open Access Bench to bedside: A Bispecific Antibody for treating Brain Tumors(2019) Schaller, Teilo HMalignant gliomas are the most common primary brain tumor in adults, with an incidence of five cases per 100,000 persons per year. Grade IV glioblastoma is the most aggressive form and prognosis remains poor despite the current gold-standard first-line treatment – maximal safe resection and combination of radiotherapy with temozolomide chemotherapy – resulting in a median survival of approximately 20 months. Tumor recurrence occurs in virtually all glioblastoma patients, and there currently exists no accepted treatment for these patients. Recent advances in novel directed therapeutics are showing efficacy and have entered clinical trials. This work spans the pre-clinical and clinical development of a bispecific antibody – EGFRvIII:CD3 bi-scFv – for the treatment of malignant gliomas.
Chapter 1 reviews current front-line immunotherapy research in the fields of antibodies, including BiTEs and checkpoint inhibitors, and tumor vaccinations, including peptide and dendritic cell vaccinations. Furthermore, challenges specific to high-grade gliomas as well as opportunities for combination therapies are discussed. Chapter 2 introduces the architecture of the novel bispecific antibody EGFRvIII:CD3 bi-scFv and provides an overview of the molecule’s efficacy in various models. EGFRvIII:CD3 bi-scFv is a truncated antibody with dual specificity. One arm targets the epidermal growth factor receptor mutation variant III (EGFRvIII), a tumor-specific antigen found on glioblastoma. The other arm targets the human CD3 receptor on T cells. As an obligate bispecific antibody, simultaneous binding of both receptors by multiple EGFRvIII:CD3 bi-scFv’s results in the crosslinking of CD3 receptor, activation of T cells, and release of perforin/granzyme which lyses the proximal EGFRvIII-expressing tumor cells. EGFRvIII:CD3 bi-scFv effectively treats orthotopic patient-derived malignant glioma and syngeneic glioblastoma.
Chapter 3 outlines the in-house development of a scalable clinical production process using a WAVE (GE) bioreactor and describes the cGMP-compliant clinical production of EGFRvIII:CD3 bi-scFv. The 250-liter cGMP-production run yielded more than four grams of clinical drug material.
Chapter 4 demonstrates that EGFRvIII:CD3 bi-scFv produced using the cGMP development process is efficacious in both in vitro and in vivo models of glioblastoma. The chapter also describes the approach used to calculate the starting dose for the upcoming first-in-human clinical trial. First-in-human clinical trials require careful selection of a safe yet biologically relevant starting dose. Typically, such starting doses are selected based on toxicity studies in a pharmacologically relevant animal model. However, with the advent of target-specific and highly active immunotherapeutics, both the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the European Medicines Agency (EMA) have provided guidance that recommend determining a safe starting dose based on a minimum anticipated biological effect level (MABEL) approach. In order to establish a first-in-human dose, as advised by the FDA for bispecific antibodies, this work uses a MABEL approach to select a safe starting dose for EGFRvIII:CD3 bi-scFv, based on a combination of in vitro data, in vivo animal studies, and theoretical human receptor occupancy modeling. Using the most conservative approach to the MABEL assessment, a dose of 57.4 ng EGFRvIII:CD3 bi-scFv/kg body weight was selected as a safe starting dose for a first-in-human clinical study.
Chapter 5 describes the pharmacokinetic properties of EGFRvIII:CD3 bi-scFv, a necessary step in the drug development process. Using microflow liquid chromatography coupled to high resolution parallel reaction monitoring mass spectrometry, and data analysis in Skyline, the chapter first describes the development of a bottom-up proteomic assay for quantification of EGFRvIII:CD3 bi-scFv in both plasma and whole blood. Importantly, a protein calibrator, along with stable isotope-labeled EGFRvIII:CD3 bi-scFv protein, was used for absolute quantification. A PK analysis in a CD3 humanized mouse revealed that EGFRvIII:CD3 bi-scFv in plasma and whole blood has an initial half-life of ~8 minutes and a terminal half-life of ~2.5 hours. These results establish a sensitive, high-throughput assay for direct quantification of EGFRvIII:CD3 bi-scFv without the need for immunoaffinity enrichment. Moreover, these pharmacokinetic parameters will guide drug optimization and dosing regimens in future IND-enabling and Phase I studies of EGFRvIII:CD3 bi-scFv.
Finally, Chapter 6 provides an outlook of the future development of cancer therapeutics for treating malignant gliomas.
Item Open Access BZIP Transcription Factors BATF and c-Maf are Essential for Type-2 Inflammation(2016) Bao, KatherineHelminth exposure, allergy and asthma each induce cellular responses in lymphoid and peripheral tissues that give rise to type-2 inflammation. Essential molecular mediators of this response are type-2 cytokines interleukin(IL)-4 and IL-13 derived from various subsets of immune cells. In lymphoid tissues, CD4+ Tfh cells make IL-4 to elicit IgE and high-affinity IgG1 production. In peripheral sites of infection, group 2 innate lymphoid (ILC2) cells make IL-13 and Th2 cells make both IL-13 and IL-4. Together, these cells mediate smooth muscle contraction, mucus production and recruitment of other innate effector cells, all of which are hallmarks of type-2 inflammation. As central mediators of type-2 inflammation, understanding the cell-specific expression and molecular regulation of type-2 cytokines in CD4+ T cells and ILC2 cells may lead to new therapies that ameliorate allergic disease and helminth infections.
The AP-1 factor basic leucine zipper transcription factor ATF-like (BATF) has been identified as a pioneer factor in in vitro-generated Th17 cells. BATF facilitates chromatin remodeling at the IL-17 locus as well as loci of key Th17-associated lineage specifying factors. It has also been deemed essential to the generation of functional humoral immunity through the development of follicular helper T (Tfh) cells and germinal center B cells. However, the role of BATF in the development and function of other CD4+ T helper subsets and innate immune cells in vivo has remained unclear. I show here that mice deficient in BATF do not develop type-2 inflammation after exposure to the parasitic helminth Nippostongylus brasiliensis. Since type-2 cytokine expression by Th2 and ILC2 cells is essential for expedient helminth expulsion, I hypothesized that BATF likely has a role in the development and/or induction of cytokine expression in CD4+ Th2 cells and ILC2 cells. Consistent with this hypothesis, I found that BATF utilizes a novel mechanism to control Th2 cytokine expression in Th2 cells. Specifically, BATF promotes permissive epigenetic modifications to alter the chromatin landscape early during Th2 cell differentiation. In addition, my data show that BATF deficiency inhibits the activation of ILC2 cells, preventing ILC2-mediated helminth clearance.
In addition to uncovering BATF-mediated regulations of type-2 inflammation, my work has revealed new insight into the role of a second bZIP transcription factor, cMaf, during type-2 immunity. As mentioned above, helminth exposure elicits IL-4 production by both CD4+ Tfh and Th2 cells. Although type-2 cytokine transcription has been well characterized in Th2 cells, Tfh cell-mediated IL-4 production has yet to be fully defined. Importantly, I show that IL-4 production by Tfh cells is sustained upon deletion of classical IL-4 regulatory factors signal transducer and activator of transcription 6 (STAT6) and STAT5 and is not dependent on high GATA-3 expression. In sum, Tfh-driven IL-4 production is induced independent of classical pathways in Th2 cells.
Presently, the non-canonical transcription factors involved in IL-4 production by Tfh cells remain unclear. C-Maf works with BCL6, the master regulator of Tfh cells, to elicit Tfh formation. However, the precise role of c-Maf in Tfh cell fate and function remains unclear. So far, it has been shown that in Th2 cells, c-Maf binds to the IL-4 promoter and in Tfh cells, c-Maf binds to the CNS2 enhancer of the IL-4 locus to regulate IL-4 expression. Therefore, I hypothesized that c-Maf is important in non-canonical, GATA-3-independent IL-4 production by Tfh cells.
Here, I show that Tfh cells lacking canonical Th2 pathways for IL-4 expression express high levels of c-Maf and IL-4 transcript. Deletion of c-Maf in CD4+ T cells resulted in normal induction of BCL6 expression. Thus the initial stages of Tfh cell generation were induced. However, cMaf-deficient CD4+ T cells did not express important molecules associated with Tfh cell migration. Immunohistochemistry also confirmed that c-Maf deficiency inhibited CD4+ T cell migration from the paracortex into the B cell follicle.
These defects did not inhibit cMaf-deficient CD4+ T cells from making IL-4 transcript; however, IL-4 protein production was significantly impaired. Together, these results demonstrate that c-Maf is essential for Tfh cell-mediated immunity by promoting CD4+ T cell migration to the B cell follicles and the production of IL-4 protein in the germinal centers.
Collectively, the objective of my thesis research is to define the roles of the bZIP transcription factors BATF and c-Maf in type-2 inflammation. My data demonstrate that BATF is essential for the differentiation and function of Tfh, Th2, and ILC2 cells during helminth infection. Additionally, I have shown that c-Maf is required for Tfh function and CD4+ T cell migration to the B cell follicle. Thus, BATF and c-Maf are central to the development of humoral and peripheral type-2 inflammatory responses against helminth infection. Given the wide spectrum of disorders associated with type-2 inflammation, the identification of factors relevant to the development and function of Th2-, ILC2- and Tfh-driven allergic pathologies is broadly relevant. A comprehensive characterization of core factors like BATF and c-Maf provide new avenues in which to explore novel therapies to modulate type-2 inflammatory responses.
Item Open Access CAR T-cell Immunotherapy for Brain Tumors(2017) Suryadevara, CarterGlioblastoma (GBM) is the most common and deadly primary malignant brain tumor. Despite an aggressive multimodal standard of care, prognoses and patient quality of life remain exceptionally poor, due in part to the non-specific and toxic nature of conventional treatment options. By contrast, adoptive cell transfer of T cells genetically modified to express tumor-specific chimeric antigen receptors (CARs) has emerged as a promising approach to targeting brain tumors, given that T cells have migratory capacity within the brain parenchyma, a mechanism to discriminate between normal and neoplastic tissue, and can develop immunological memory. This work spans the development of an effective CAR T-cell immunotherapy strategy targeting the tumor-specific driver mutation, EGFRvIII, which is expressed exclusively by GBM and other cancers but not normal tissue.
Chapters 1 and 2 provide an overview of GBM and the current clinical standard of care, the role of the immune system as it relates to the development and eradication of cancer, and an introduction to various immunotherapy platforms under active preclinical and clinical investigation. Chapter 3 details the historical context of adoptive T-cell immunotherapy and its evolution to present day, detailing our early proof-of-principle studies that led to the inception of the original research described herein. Data presented in Chapter 4 summarizes our translational objectives in implementing CAR T-cell immunotherapy clinically for patients with newly-diagnosed GBM. Chapter 5 addresses a perennial limitation to the immunotherapy of solid tumors by demonstrating an ability of modified CARs to circumvent intratumoral immunosuppression mediated by regulatory T cells. In Chapter 6, we present data that demonstrate, for the first time, a novel role for host lymphodepletion in cellular immunotherapy delivered directly into the brain. Lastly, Chapter 7 contains concluding remarks on the current state of CAR technology and important future directions.
In summary, our work here demonstrates that CAR T cell immunotherapy 1) has curative potential against highly established, orthotopic and syngeneic murine GBM, 2) can be strategically implemented within the current clinical treatment paradigm for GBM, and 3) can overcome a major mechanism of immunosuppression, demonstrating the versatility of gene-modified T cells for the treatment of malignant brain tumors. Together, these studies have paved way for the rationale design of two phase I clinical trials in patients with newly-diagnosed and recurrent EGFRvIII-positive GBM at Duke University.
Item Open Access Cell Wall Lipids Promoting Host Angiogenesis During Mycobacterial Infection(2018) Walton, Eric MichaelMycobacterial infection leads to the formation of characteristic immune cell aggregates called granulomas. In humans and animal models, tuberculous granuloma formation is accompanied by dramatic remodeling of host vasculature which ultimately benefits the infecting mycobacteria, suggesting the bacteria may actively drive this host process. First, we sought to identify bacterial factors that promote granuloma vascularization. Using Mycobacterium marinum transposon mutants in a zebrafish infection model, we revealed the enzyme Proximal Cyclopropane Synthase of alpha-Mycolates (PcaA) as an important bacterial determinant of host angiogenesis. We found that PcaA-modified trehalose dimycolate, an abundant glycolipid in the mycobacterial cell wall, drives activation of host VEGF signaling and subsequent granuloma vascularization. To facilitate our continuing investigation of granuloma dynamics, we next sought to expand and improve upon the transgenic tools for studying macrophages in the zebrafish model. I describe two such tools: i) the macrophage-specific zebrafish mfap4 promoter, which allows long-term in vivo visualization and manipulation of macrophages during mycobacterial infection, and ii) the first zebrafish transgenic line with constitutive, ubiquitous Cas9 expression, as well as a transgene design capable of generating sgRNAs using macrophage-specific promoters. These tools allow CRISPR/Cas9 gene editing in vivo in the zebrafish in a macrophage-restricted manner.
Item Open Access Cellular and Molecular Mediators of Bronchiolitis Obliterans-like Pathological Changes in a Murine Model of Chlorine Gas Inhalation(2013) O'Koren, Emily GraceBronchiolitis Obliterans (BO) is a major cause of chronic airway dysfunction after toxic chemical inhalation. The pathophysiology of BO is not well understood, but epithelial cell injury has been closely associated with the development of fibrotic lesions in human studies and in animal models of both toxin- and transplant-induced BO. However, while almost all cases and models of BO include epithelial injury, not all instances of epithelial injury result in BO, suggesting that epithelial damage per se is not the critical event leading to the development of BO. In this dissertation, we describe a model of chlorine (Cl2)-induced BO in which mice develop tracheal and large airway obliterative lesions within 10 days of exposure to high (350 ppm), but not low (200 ppm), concentrations of Cl2 gas. Lesions develop in a series of well-demarcated pathological changes that include epithelial denudation, inflammatory cell infiltration by day 2 after exposure, fibroblast infiltration and collagen deposition by day 5, and in-growth of blood vessels by day 7, ultimately leading to lethal airway obstruction by days 9-12. Using this model, we were able to test our hypothesis that loss of epithelial progenitor cells is a critical factor leading to the development of obliterative airway lesions after chemical inhalation. Indeed, these lesions arise only under conditions and in areas in which basal cells, the resident progenitor cells for large airway epithelium, are eliminated by Cl2 exposure.
The molecular pathways contributing to BO development are not well understood. Mechanisms of epithelial injury differ across BO models, but we hypothesized that after the inciting injury, BO models share common pathways. We compared microarray analysis from day 5 non-BO- and BO-inducing chemical injuries and subsequently identified biological pathways that may contribute to BO pathogenesis. Our findings add support to pathways previously implicated in BO development and more importantly, suggest potential new pathways and molecular mediators of BO. Furthermore, we evaluated the efficacy of therapeutic inhibition of neovascularization or inflammation to prevent Cl2-induced BO. To date, our therapeutic interventions were ineffective. Nonetheless, our findings suggest that in the context of Cl2-induced BO, vascular endothelial growth factor receptor 2 (a mediator of neovascularization) and inducible nitric oxide synthase (a mediator of inflammation) are not critical in BO pathogenesis.
In sum, our work introduces and characterizes a novel Cl2-induced murine model of BO. Using this model we demonstrated that in the absence of basal cells, epithelial regeneration does not occur and regions of epithelial denudation persist from which an aberrant repair process is initiated, leading to obliterative airway lesions. Our findings suggest that, irrespective of the cause, loss of epithelial progenitor cells may be a critical factor leading to the development of BO. Furthermore, our gene expression analysis implicates novel mediators and signaling pathways in the development of BO. Our analysis lays the foundation for more rigorous exploration of these targets in the pathogenesis of BO.
Item Open Access Cellular Signaling Mechanisms Underlying the Angiogenic Response to Mycobacterial Infection(2022) Brewer, William JaredPathological angiogenesis is a widespread biological phenomenon that influences the progression of various diseases, including autoimmune conditions, cancers, and microbial infections. One infection in particular, tuberculosis, is associated with the induction of a potent pro-angiogenic signaling cascade that facilitates bacterial growth and accelerates disease progression. A synthesis of early studies on bacterial factors that drive host angiogenesis with modern genetic findings identified the mycobacterial glycolipid trehalose 6-6'-dimycolate (TDM) as a critical factor driving vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGFA) production and angiogenesis during mycobacterial infection. Despite these recent findings, many of the underlying host response mechanisms remain unknown. The introductory chapter will serve to introduce the reader to the major concepts addressed in this work: Mycobacterium tuberculosis and the disease it causes, the role of macrophages in health and disease, the function of pattern recognition receptors in detecting microbial ligands, the specific downstream intracellular signaling pathway of interest for this work (mediated by the transcription factor, nuclear factor of activated T cells, NFAT), the contributions of angiogenesis to diverse contexts and pathologies, and the promise of host-directed therapies to overcome challenges associated with traditional treatment approaches in infectious disease. Chapter 2 describes the new and existing methodological approaches that were required to complete this work. This work utilizes the zebrafish-Mycobacterium marinum model of tuberculosis infection to facilitate in depth in vivo observation and quantitation of these phenomena. Using this model in tandem with human macrophage cell culture, I was able to model major aspects of the host-pathogen interface, enabling me to identify a critical role for a macrophage-C-type lectin receptor-NFATC2-VEGFA signaling axis required for the angiogenic response to mycobacterial infection and TDM, findings that comprise the core of this work and are detailed at length in Chapter 3. The analysis of the large amounts of data generated in this work required creative approaches to data processing and analysis. To this end, I have developed a set of novel processing modalities in Python and R that are capable of the rapid and reproducible processing of images as well as certain aspects of automated data collection therefrom. These macros, many written for the FIJI/ImageJ programming environment, serve as the infrastructure on which the rest of this work has been built. These will be detailed in Chapter 4. Finally, this body of work leaves many questions as yet unanswered. While it is clear that NFAT signaling is required for VEGFA production, the precise mechanism by which this may work is unclear and could be mediated by either direct DNA binding or indirect activation or cooperative binding with some other transcriptional activator. There also exist a variety of other potential NFAT- and angiogenesis-related phenotypes worthy of exploring using the tools and approaches I have developed. It is my hope that the findings herein stimulate further study on the contributions of NFAT signaling to the host immune response to mycobacterial infection and evaluation of the potential of NFAT inhibition as host-directed therapy to tuberculosis.
Item Open Access Cellular Trafficking and Activation within Lymph Nodes: Contributions to Immunity and Pathogenic or Therapeutic Implications(2010) St. John, Ashley LaurenLymph nodes are organs of efficiency. Once activated, they essentially function to optimize and accelerate the production of the adaptive immune response, which has the potential to determine survival of the host during an initial infection and protect against repeated infections, should specific and appropriate immunological memory be sufficiently induced. We now have an understanding of the fundamental structure of lymph nodes and many of the interactions that occur within them throughout this process. Yet, lymph nodes are dynamic and malleable organs and much remains to be investigated with regards to their responses to various types of challenges. In this work, we examined multiple inflammatory scenarios and sought to understand the complex ways that lymph nodes can be externally targeted to impact immunity. First, we outline a novel mechanism of cellular communication, where cytokine messages from the periphery are delivered to draining lymph nodes during inflammation. These signals are sent as particles, released by mast cells, and demonstrate the ability of the infected tissue to communicate to lymph nodes and shape their responses. Based on these interactions, we also explored the ability to therapeutically or prophylactically modulate lymph node function, using bioengineered particles based on mast cell granules, containing encapsulated cytokines. When we used these particles as a vaccine adjuvant, we were able to polarize adaptive immune responses, such as to promote a Th1 phenotype, or enhance a specific attribute of the immune response, such as the production of high avidity antibodies. We then explore three examples of lymph node-targeting pathogens: Salmonella typhimurium, Yersinia pestis and Dengue virus. Each of these pathogens has a well-characterized lifecycle including colonization of draining lymph node tissue. In the case of S. typhimurim, we report that the virulence this pathogen depends on a specific shut down of the chemotactic signals in the lymph node that are required to maintain appropriate cellular localization within it. Our results demonstrate that these architecture changes allow S. typhimurim to target the adaptive immune process in lymph nodes and contribute to its spread in vivo and lethality to the host. With Y. pestis, similar targeting of cellular trafficking pathways occurs through the modulation of chemokine expression. Y. pestis appears to use the host's cellular trafficking pathways to spread to lymph nodes in two distinct waves, first exploiting dendritic cell movement to lymph nodes and then enhancing monocyte chemoattractants to replicate within monocytes in draining lymph nodes. These processes also promote bacterial spread in vivo and we further demonstrate that blocking monocyte chemotaxis can prolong the host's survival. In the third example of pathogen challenge, we report for the first time that mast cells can contribute functionally to immunosurveillance for viral pathogen, here, promoting cellular trafficking of innate immune cells, including NK cells, and limiting the spread of virus to draining lymph nodes. For each of these three examples of lymph node targeting by microbial pathogens, we provide data that modulation of cellular trafficking to and within lymph nodes can drastically influence the nature of the adaptive immune response and, therefore, the appropriateness of that response for meeting a unique infectious challenge. Cumulatively this work highlights that a balance exists between host and pathogen-driven modulation of lymph nodes, a key aspect of which is movement of cells within and into this organ. Cytokine and chemokine pathways are an area of vulnerability for the host when faced with host-adapted pathogens, yet the lymph node's underlying plasticity and the observation that slight modulations can be beneficial or detrimental to immunity also suggests the targeting of these pathways with therapeutic intentions and during vaccine design.
Item Open Access Characterization of Blast-Induced Activation of Human Immune Cells(2012) Garrett, Joel FrederickBlast related injuries have become a common occurrence among soldiers and civilians serving in Iraq and Afghanistan, and minor traumatic brain injuries associated with such incidents have increased correspondingly. Advances in protection and treatment have allowed many individuals to survive what would have previously been deadly blasts but there is a concern that there are additional negative side effects associated with such exposure. This study hypothesizes that human T leukocytes and promyelocytes respond to blasts by initiating cell death processes and releasing microparticles that could lead to further systemic inflammation. It was found that there was a significant (p<0.05) increase in lactase dehydrogenase activity and microparticle release in HL-60 cells blasted using a shock tube (with an incident blast overpressure of either 1000 or 1300 kPA and a duration of 2 ms) compared to control populations after 24 hours. There were no corresponding increases in Jurkat cells exposed to similar conditions.
Item Open Access Characterizing and Arresting Bone Marrow T-cell Sequestration in the Setting of Glioblastoma and Other Intracranial Tumors(2020) Chongsathidkiet, PakawatInitiation and maintenance of a productive anti-tumor immune response requires a functional T-cell repertoire. Disruptions to T-cell function contribute to tumor immune escape, and to failure of the anti-tumor immune response in cancer patients. T-cell dysfunction is particularly severe in certain types of cancers such as glioblastoma (GBM), which is the most common primary malignant brain tumor in adults and is extremely lethal. Despite near universal confinement to the intracranial compartment, GBM frequently depletes both the number and function of systemic T-cells. A lack of understanding of the mechanisms underlying T-cell dysfunction poses challenges to the goal of developing appropriate and meaningful therapeutic platforms. Currently available treatments, including immunotherapies, for GBM and other intracranial diseases have proven ineffective in part because of underlying T-cell dysfunction. Thus, there is an unmet need for therapies that effectively address T-cell dysfunction. In this dissertation, we explore bone marrow T-cell sequestration, a novel mode of T-cell dysfunction present in GBM and other intracranial tumors.
Chapter 1 provides a comprehensive review of the epidemiology, clinical manifestation and diagnosis, and current standard of care for GBM. Chapter 2 outlines immunotherapeutic strategies under investigation for GBM. Chapter 3 describes the fading notion of traditional brain immune privilege but provides the current understanding of how the brain remains immunologically distinct. In Chapter 4, we explore bone marrow T-cell sequestration, and how this mechanism is usurped by GBM and other intracranial tumors to prevent anti-tumor efficacy of T-cell based immunotherapeutic modalities. In Chapter 5, we propose β-arrestin 2 (BARR2) depletion as a strategy to overcome bone marrow T-cell sequestration. In summary, this original work provides encouraging insights for the development of strategies to enhance anti-tumor efficacy of T-cell based immunotherapy for GBM, reversal of bone marrow T-cell sequestration.