Browsing by Subject "Morphogenesis"
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Item Open Access A dual role for ErbB2 signaling in cardiac trabeculation.(Development, 2010-11) Liu, J; Bressan, M; Hassel, D; Huisken, J; Staudt, D; Kikuchi, K; Poss, KD; Mikawa, T; Stainier, DYCardiac trabeculation is a crucial morphogenetic process by which clusters of ventricular cardiomyocytes extrude and expand into the cardiac jelly to form sheet-like projections. Although it has been suggested that cardiac trabeculae enhance cardiac contractility and intra-ventricular conduction, their exact function in heart development has not been directly addressed. We found that in zebrafish erbb2 mutants, which we show completely lack cardiac trabeculae, cardiac function is significantly compromised, with mutant hearts exhibiting decreased fractional shortening and an immature conduction pattern. To begin to elucidate the cellular mechanisms of ErbB2 function in cardiac trabeculation, we analyzed erbb2 mutant hearts more closely and found that loss of ErbB2 activity resulted in a complete absence of cardiomyocyte proliferation during trabeculation stages. In addition, based on data obtained from proliferation, lineage tracing and transplantation studies, we propose that cardiac trabeculation is initiated by directional cardiomyocyte migration rather than oriented cell division, and that ErbB2 cell-autonomously regulates this process.Item Open Access An ultrathin membrane mediates tissue-specific morphogenesis and barrier function in a human kidney chip.(Science advances, 2024-06) Mou, Xingrui; Shah, Jessica; Roye, Yasmin; Du, Carolyn; Musah, SamiraOrgan-on-chip (OOC) systems are revolutionizing tissue engineering by providing dynamic models of tissue structure, organ-level function, and disease phenotypes using human cells. However, nonbiological components of OOC devices often limit the recapitulation of in vivo-like tissue-tissue cross-talk and morphogenesis. Here, we engineered a kidney glomerulus-on-a-chip that recapitulates glomerular morphogenesis and barrier function using a biomimetic ultrathin membrane and human-induced pluripotent stem cells. The resulting chip comprised a proximate epithelial-endothelial tissue interface, which reconstituted the selective molecular filtration function of healthy and diseased kidneys. In addition, fenestrated endothelium was successfully induced from human pluripotent stem cells in an OOC device, through in vivo-like paracrine signaling across the ultrathin membrane. Thus, this device provides a dynamic tissue engineering platform for modeling human kidney-specific morphogenesis and function, enabling mechanistic studies of stem cell differentiation, organ physiology, and pathophysiology.Item Open Access Analysis of crinkled Function in Drosophila melanogaster Hair and Bristle Morphogenesis(2012) Singh, VinayMutations in myosin VIIa (MyoVIIa), an unconventional myosin, have been shown to cause Usher Syndrome Type 1B in humans. Usher Syndrome Type 1B is characterized by congenital sensorineural deafness, vestibular dysfunction and pre-pubertal onset of retinitis pigmentosa. Mouse model studies show that sensorineural deafness and vestibular dysfunction in MyoVIIa mutants is caused by disruption in the structure of microvilli-like projections (stereocilia) of hair cells in the cochlea and vestibular organ. MyoVIIa has also been shown to affect adaptation of mechanoelectrical transduction channels in stereocilia.
In Drosophila melanogaster mutations in MyoVIIa encoded by crinkled (ck) cause defects in hair and bristle morphogenesis and deafness. Here we study the formation of bristles and hairs in Drosophila melanogaster to investigate the molecular basis of ck/MyoVIIa function and its regulation. We use live time-lapse confocal microscopy and genetic manipulations to investigate the requirement of ck/MyoVIIa function in various steps of morphogenesis of hairs and bristles. Here we show that null or near null mutations in ck/MyoVIIa lead to the formation of 8-10 short and thin hairs (split hairs) per epithelial cell that are likely the result of the failure of association of hair-actin bundles that in wild-type cells come together to form a single hair.
The myosin super family of motor proteins is divided into 17 classes by virtue of differences in the sequence of their motor domain, which presumably affect their physiological functions. In addition, substantial variety in the overall structure of their tail plays an important role in the differential regulation of myosin function. In this study we show that ck/MyoVIIa, that has two MyTH4 FERM domains in its tail separated by an SH3 domain, requires both MyTH4 FERM repeats for efficient association of hair-actin bundles to form hairs. We also show that the "multiple hair" phenotype of over-expression of ck/MyoVIIa requires both MyTH4 FERM domain function but not the tail-SH3 domain. We further demonstrate that the tail-SH3 domain of ck/MyoVIIa plays a role in keeping actin bundles, which run parallel to the length of the growing bristle, separate from each other. Our data also suggests that the tail-SH3 domain plays a role in the association of the actin filament bundles with the membrane and regulates F-actin levels in bristles.
We further demonstrate that over-expression of Quail (villin) can rescue the hair elongation defects seen in ck/MyoVIIa null or near null mutants but does not rescue the split hair defects. We show that over-expression of Alpha-actinin-GFP, another actin bundling protein, phenocopies the multiple hair phenotype of ck/MyoVIIa over-expression. Over-expression of Alpha-actinin-GFP in a ck/MyoVIIa null or near null background shows that Alpha-actinin-GFP cannot rescue the split or short hair phenotype of ck/MyoVIIa loss-of-function. However, cells over-expressing Alpha-actinin-GFP in a ck/MyoVIIa null or near null background have more than the normal 8-10 split hairs, suggesting that Alpha-actinin-GFP over-expression causes the formation of more than the normal complement of hair-actin bundles per cell, resulting in a multiple hair phenotype. We show that Twinfilin, an actin monomer sequestering protein implicated in negatively regulating F-actin bundle elongation in stereocilia in a MyoVIIa-dependent manner, is required for F-actin bundle stability.
In addition, we use yeast two-hybrid strategies to identify Slam as a protein that directly binds to ck/MyoVIIa. We show that Slam, a novel membrane-associated protein, likely functions to regulate ck/MyoVIIa function during hair and bristle morphogenesis. We show that over-expression of Slam and loss-of-function mutations in Slam phenocopy ck/MyoVIIa loss-of-function split and short hair phenotype. We also show that disruption of Slam and RhoGEF2 association causes split hair defects similar to ck/MyoVIIa loss-of-function phenotype suggesting that Slam probably regulates ck/MyoVIIa function via RhoGEF2.
Together our results show that ck/MyoVIIa plays an important role in regulating the actin cytoskeleton that underlies actin-based cellular protrusions like hairs and bristles.
Item Open Access Characterization of the Actin Nucleator Cordon-bleu in Zebrafish(2010) Ravanelli, Andrew MichaelThe means by which cells, tissues, and organisms undergo morphogenesis are variable and highly regulated, and the mechanisms that govern cellular changes in response to signaling cues are poorly understood. This study seeks to address the role of a newly characterized protein in zebrafish in translating signaling cues into physical changes within a cell.
The Cordon–bleu (Cobl) gene is widely conserved in vertebrates, with developmentally regulated axial and epithelial expression in mouse and chick embryos. In vitro, Cobl can bind monomeric actin and nucleate formation of unbranched actin filaments, while in cultured cells it can modulate the actin cytoskeleton. However, an essential role for Cobl in vivo has yet to be determined. We have identified the zebrafish cobl ortholog and have used zebrafish as a model to assess the requirements for Cobl in embryogenesis. We find that cobl shows enriched expression in ciliated epithelial tissues during zebrafish organogenesis. The utilization of antibodies developed against Cobl shows that the protein is concentrated along the apical domain of ciliated cells, in close proximity to the apical actin cap.
Reduction of cobl by antisense morpholinos reveals an essential role in embryonic morphogenesis and organ development. A requirement for Cobl was shown for the proper function of various and ciliated epithelial organs. Cobl appears to direct the elongation of motile cilia in organs such as Kupffer’s vesicle and the pronephros. In Kupffer’s vesicle, the reduction in Cobl coincides with a reduction in the amount of apical F-actin. Additionally, Cobl may play a role during gastrulation cell movements and convergence and extension morphogenesis during early embryonic development. Thus, Cobl may represent a molecular activity that couples developmental patterning signals with local intracellular cytoskeletal dynamics to support elongation of motile cilia and tissue morphogenesis.
Item Open Access Defects of prostate development and reproductive system in the estrogen receptor-alpha null male mice.(Endocrinology, 2009-01) Chen, Ming; Hsu, Iawen; Wolfe, Andrew; Radovick, Sally; Huang, KuoHsiang; Yu, Shengqiang; Chang, Chawnshang; Messing, Edward M; Yeh, ShuyuanThe estrogen receptor-alpha knockout (ERalphaKO, ERalpha-/-) mice were generated via the Cre-loxP system by mating floxed ERalpha mice with beta-actin (ACTB)-Cre mice. The impact of ERalpha gene deletion in the male reproductive system was investigated. The ACTB-Cre/ERalpha(-/-) male mice are infertile and have lost 90% of epididymal sperm when compared with wild-type mice. Serum testosterone levels in ACTB-Cre/ERalpha(-/-) male mice are 2-fold elevated. The ACTB-Cre/ERalpha(-/-) testes consist of atrophic and degenerating seminiferous tubules with less cellularity in the disorganized seminiferous epithelia. Furthermore, the ventral and dorsal-lateral prostates of ACTB-Cre/ERalpha(-/-) mice display reduced branching morphogenesis. Loss of ERalpha could also be responsible for the decreased fibroblast proliferation and changes in the stromal content. In addition, we found bone morphogenetic protein, a mesenchymal inhibitor of prostatic branching morphogenesis, is significantly up-regulated in the ACTB-Cre/ERalpha(-/-) prostates. Collectively, these results suggest that ERalpha is required for male fertility, acts through a paracrine mechanism to regulate prostatic branching morphogenesis, and is involved in the proliferation and differentiation of prostatic stromal compartment.Item Open Access Genetic, Genomic, and Biophysical Investigations on the Robust Nature of Morphogenesis: A Study of Drosophila Dorsal Closure(2020) Keeley, Stephanie Marie FogersonCell sheet morphogenesis is essential for metazoan development and homeostasis, contributing to key developmental stages such as neural tube closure as well as tissue maintenance through wound healing. Dorsal closure, a well-characterized stage in Drosophila embryogenesis, has emerged as a model for cell sheet morphogenesis. Closure is a remarkably robust process where coordination of conserved gene expression and signaling cascades regulate cellular movements that drive closure. While well-characterized, new ‘dorsal closure genes’ continue to be discovered due to advances in microscopy and genetics. Here, we use live imaging and a set of large deletions, deficiencies (Dfs), that together remove 98.9% of the genes on 2L in order to identify regions of the genome required for normal closure. We successfully screened 96.1% of the genes on 2L and identified diverse dorsal closure defects in embryos homozygous for 47 Dfs, 26 of which have no known dorsal closure gene located within the Df region. We have already identified pimples, odd-skipped, paired, and sloppy-paired 1 as dorsal closure genes on the 2L affecting lateral epidermal cell shapes, and anticipate we will continue to identify novel ‘dorsal closure genes’ with further analysis. We also investigate the changes in dorsal closure dynamics and forces in the even-skipped (eve) mutant, which has aberrant cell shapes and behaviors as well as reduced actin and myosin at the purse string, but completes closure. We find that loss of wg/wnt-1 signaling in eve causes the observed defects in closure and that crumbs, a regulator of actin and myosin, is mis-expressed. Additionally, laser microsurgery demonstrates that the eve or wg mutant embryos are under a global tension in the anterior-posterior direction. Lastly, we identify a lesion in echinoid that is responsible for the jagged purse string and ectopic zipping dorsal closure phenotype previously thought to be due to a lesion in Zasp52.
Item Open Access Identification of late larval stage developmental checkpoints in Caenorhabditis elegans regulated by insulin/IGF and steroid hormone signaling pathways.(PLoS Genet, 2014-06) Schindler, Adam J; Baugh, L Ryan; Sherwood, David ROrganisms in the wild develop with varying food availability. During periods of nutritional scarcity, development may slow or arrest until conditions improve. The ability to modulate developmental programs in response to poor nutritional conditions requires a means of sensing the changing nutritional environment and limiting tissue growth. The mechanisms by which organisms accomplish this adaptation are not well understood. We sought to study this question by examining the effects of nutrient deprivation on Caenorhabditis elegans development during the late larval stages, L3 and L4, a period of extensive tissue growth and morphogenesis. By removing animals from food at different times, we show here that specific checkpoints exist in the early L3 and early L4 stages that systemically arrest the development of diverse tissues and cellular processes. These checkpoints occur once in each larval stage after molting and prior to initiation of the subsequent molting cycle. DAF-2, the insulin/insulin-like growth factor receptor, regulates passage through the L3 and L4 checkpoints in response to nutrition. The FOXO transcription factor DAF-16, a major target of insulin-like signaling, functions cell-nonautonomously in the hypodermis (skin) to arrest developmental upon nutrient removal. The effects of DAF-16 on progression through the L3 and L4 stages are mediated by DAF-9, a cytochrome P450 ortholog involved in the production of C. elegans steroid hormones. Our results identify a novel mode of C. elegans growth in which development progresses from one checkpoint to the next. At each checkpoint, nutritional conditions determine whether animals remain arrested or continue development to the next checkpoint.Item Open Access Identifying Genetic Players in Cell Sheet Morphogenesis Using a Drosophila Deficiency Screen for Genes on Chromosome 2R involved in dorsal closure(2018) Mortensen, RichardCell sheet morphogenesis characterizes key developmental transitions throughout phylogeny. As such, it plays a crucial role in developmental milestones in vertebrate morphogenesis including gastrulation, neural tube formation, and palate formation. It also plays important roles in wound healing. Dorsal closure, a process during Drosophila embryogenesis, has emerged as a model for cell sheet morphogenesis due to the ability to image embryos in-vivo the genetic tractability of Drosophila. While 140 genes are currently published to affect dorsal closure, new genes are identified each year. In addition our understanding of dorsal closure is far from complete with many questions remaining regarding the molecular mechanisms involved in this complex process. To identify a more complete list of genes involved in dorsal closure, we used a set of large deletions (deficiencies), which collectively remove 98.5% of the genes on the right arm of the 2nd chromosome. Through two crosses, we unambiguously identified homozygous deficiencies and imaged them for the duration of dorsal closure. Images were then analyzed for defects in the cell shapes and morphogenesis. 48 deficiencies were identified to have notable defects on dorsal closure. We anticipate these deficiencies will lead to the identification of at least 31 novel dorsal closure genes. We expect the large number of novel dorsal closure will identify links to pathways already known to coordinate various aspects of closure in addition to new processes and pathways that are currently unidentified as involved in closure.
Item Open Access Mammalian molar complexity follows simple, predictable patterns.(Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 2021-01) Selig, Keegan R; Khalid, Waqqas; Silcox, Mary TIdentifying developmental explanations for the evolution of complex structures like mammalian molars is fundamental to studying phenotypic variation. Previous study showed that a "morphogenetic gradient" of molar proportions was explained by a balance between inhibiting/activating activity from earlier developing molars, termed the inhibitory cascade model (ICM). Although this model provides an explanation for variation in molar proportions, what remains poorly understood is if molar shape, or specifically complexity (i.e., the number of cusps, crests), can be explained by the same developmental model. Here, we show that molar complexity conforms to the ICM, following a linear, morphogenetic gradient along the molar row. Moreover, differing levels of inhibiting/activating activity produce contrasting patterns of molar complexity depending on diet. This study corroborates a model for the evolution of molar complexity that is developmentally simple, where only small-scale developmental changes need to occur to produce change across the entire molar row, with this process being mediated by an animal's ecology. The ICM therefore provides a developmental framework for explaining variation in molar complexity and a means for testing developmental hypotheses in the broader context of mammalian evolution.Item Open Access Molecular Control of Morphogenesis in the Sea Urchin Embryo(2015) Martik, Megan LeeGene regulatory networks (GRNs) provide a systems-level orchestration of an organism’s genome encoded anatomy. As biological networks are revealed, they continue to answer many questions including knowledge of how GRNs control morphogenetic movements and how GRNs evolve. Morphogenesis is a complex orchestration of movements by cells that are specified early in development.
The activation of an upstream GRN is crucial in order to orchestrate downstream morphogenetic events. In the sea urchin, activation of the endomesoderm GRN occurs after the asymmetric 4th cleavage. Embryonic asymmetric cell divisions often are accompanied by differential segregation of fate-determinants into one of two daughter cells. That asymmetric cleavage of the sea urchin micromeres leads to a differential animal-vegetal (A/V) nuclear accumulation of cell fate determinants, β-Catenin and SoxB1. Β-Catenin protein is localized into the nuclei of micromeres and activates the endomesoderm gene regulatory network, while SoxB1 is excluded from micromeres and enters the nucleus of the macromeres, the large progeny of the unequal 4th cleavage. Although nuclear localization of β-Catenin and SoxB1 shows dependence on the asymmetric cleavage, the mechanics behind the asymmetrical division has not been demonstrated. In Chapter 3, we show that micromere formation requires the small RhoGTPase, Cdc42 by directing the apical/basal orientation of the mitotic spindle at the apical cortex. By attenuating or augmenting sea urchin Cdc42 function, micromere divisions became defective and failed to correctly localize asymmetrically distributed determinants. As a consequence, cell fates were altered and multiple A/V axes were produced resulting in a “Siamese-twinning” phenotype that occurred with increasing frequency depending on the quantitative level of perturbation. Our findings show that Cdc42 plays a pivotal role in the asymmetric division of the micromeres, endomesoderm fate-determinant segregation, and A/V axis formation.
This dissertation also characterizes, at high resolution, the repertoire of cellular movements contributing to three different morphogenetic processes of sea urchin development: the elongation of gut, the formation of the primary mouth, and the migration of the small micromeres (the presumptive primordial germ cells) in the sea urchin, Lytechinus variegatus. Descriptive studies of the cellular processes during the different morphogenetic movements allow us to begin investigating their molecular control.
In Chapter 4, we dissected the series of complex events that coordinate gut and mouth morphogenesis. Until now, it was thought that lateral rearrangement of endoderm cells by convergent extension was the main contributor to sea urchin archenteron elongation and that cell divisions were minimal during elongation. We performed cell transplantations to live image and analyze a subset of labeled endoderm cells at high-resolution in the optically clear sea urchin embryo. We found that the endomesoderm cells that initially invaginate into the sea urchin blastocoel remained contiguous throughout extension, so that, if convergent extension were present, it was not a major contributor to elongation. We also found a prevalence of cell divisions throughout archenteron elongation that increased the number of cells within the gut linearly over time; however, we showed that the proliferation did not contribute to growth, and their spindle orientations were randomized during divisions and therefore did not selectively contribute to the final gut length. When cell divisions were inhibited, we saw no difference in the ability of the cells within the gut to migrate in order to elongate. Also in Chapter 4, we describe our observations of the cell biological processes underlying primary mouth formation at the end of gastrulation. Using time-lapse microscopy, photo-convertible Kaede, and an assay of the basement membrane remodeling, we describe a sequential orchestration of events that leads to the fusion of the oral ectoderm and the foregut endoderm. Our work characterizes, at higher resolution than previously recorded, the temporal sequence and repertoire of the cellular movements contributing to the length of the sea urchin larval gut and tissue fusion with the larval primary mouth.
In Chapter 5, the migration of the small micromeres to the coelomic pouches in the sea urchin embryo provides an exceptional model for understanding the genomic regulatory control of morphogenesis. An assay using the robust homing potential of these cells reveals a “coherent feed-forward” transcriptional subcircuit composed of Pax6, Six3, Eya, and Dach1 that is responsible for the directed homing mechanism of these multipotent progenitors. The linkages of that circuit are strikingly similar to a circuit involved in retinal specification in Drosophila suggesting that systems-level tasks can be highly conserved even though the tasks drive unrelated processes in different animals.
The sea urchin gene regulatory network (GRN) describes the cell fate specification of the developing embryo; however, the GRN does not describe specific cell biological events driving the three distinct sequences of cell movements. Our ability to connect the GRN to the morphogenetic events of gastrulation, primary mouth formation, and small micromere migration will provide a framework for characterizing these remarkable sequences of cell movements in the simplest of deuterostome models at an unprecedented scale.
Item Open Access Molecular Mechanisms of Synaptic Assembly by Cortical Astrocytes(2017) Stogsdill, Jeffrey AlanThe brain, the source of human cognition, is composed of numerous cell types and a staggering number (over 1 quadrillion) of specialized connections called synapses. Each central nervous system (CNS) synapse is a complex entity organized as a presynaptic axon terminal and a postsynaptic dendritic structure, which pass chemical signals from one neuron to the next. How does each synapse form and how do synapses assemble into organized networks that permit cognition?
Research from the past two decades have identified that glial cells, predominantly astrocytes, regulate the formation and function of CNS synapses. Astrocytes are morphologically complex cells that interact with and ensheathe synapses through fine perisynaptic astrocyte processes. However, the molecular mechanisms of astrocyte development lay largely unknown. Furthermore, it is unclear how the morphology of the astrocyte is linked to its function as a regulator of synapse formation and function. Notwithstanding, more than a dozen astrocyte-secreted factors have been discovered that govern synaptogenesis, including proteins such as thrombospondins, glypicans, and hevin.
Here, I examine the molecular mechanism of astrocyte-synapse interactions and how excitatory synapses are assembled in the CNS using the mouse as a model system. First, I investigated the mechanism of hevin-induced thalamocortical excitatory synapse formation. I find that hevin trans-synaptically binds to two neuronal cell adhesion molecules, neurexin-1 and neuroligin-1B and that this molecular bridge is critical for the formation and plasticity of thalamocortical synapses in the cerebral cortex. Second, I uncover that astrocytes express a family of cell adhesion molecules, the neuroligins, which are critical for governing the developmental morphogenesis of astrocytes. Furthermore, I discover that astrocytic neuroligins are essential to establish the proper balance between synaptic excitation and inhibition in the brain.
Taken together, the data presented here detail two mechanisms of how astrocytes control the assembly of CNS synapses. Moreover, they highlight how bidirectional signals between astrocytes and neurons properly form the brain and its specialized connections. The research performed herein is of high importance to the clinical neuroscience community, because the genes investigated (neuroligins, neurexins, and hevin) are linked to neurological disorders such as autism and schizophrenia. By understanding of how these cells communicate in development and disease, the neuroscience field will hopefully be able to design therapeutics aimed at restoring cognition for patients afflicted with neurological impairments.
Item Open Access Nociceptor-Enriched Genes Required for Normal Thermal Nociception.(Cell reports, 2016-07) Honjo, Ken; Mauthner, Stephanie E; Wang, Yu; Skene, JH Pate; Tracey, W DanielHere, we describe a targeted reverse genetic screen for thermal nociception genes in Drosophila larvae. Using laser capture microdissection and microarray analyses of nociceptive and non-nociceptive neurons, we identified 275 nociceptor-enriched genes. We then tested the function of the enriched genes with nociceptor-specific RNAi and thermal nociception assays. Tissue-specific RNAi targeted against 14 genes caused insensitive thermal nociception while targeting of 22 genes caused hypersensitive thermal nociception. Previously uncategorized genes were named for heat resistance (i.e., boilerman, fire dancer, oven mitt, trivet, thawb, and bunker gear) or heat sensitivity (firelighter, black match, eucalyptus, primacord, jet fuel, detonator, gasoline, smoke alarm, and jetboil). Insensitive nociception phenotypes were often associated with severely reduced branching of nociceptor neurites and hyperbranched dendrites were seen in two of the hypersensitive cases. Many genes that we identified are conserved in mammals.Item Open Access Ras1-mediated Morphogenesis in the Human Fungal Pathogen Cryptococcus Neoformans(2012) Ballou, Elizabeth RipleyCryptococcus neoformans pathogenesis results from the proliferation of yeast-phase fungal cells within the human host. The Ras1 signal transduction cascade is a major regulator of C. neoformans yeast and hyphal-phase morphogenesis, thermotolerance, and pathogenesis. Previous work identified the conserved Rho-GTPases Cdc42 and Rac1 as potential downstream targets of Ras1. In this work, we identify the duplicate Cdc42 and Rac paralogs, Cdc42 and Cdc420, and Rac1 and Rac2, as major effectors of Ras1-mediated thermotolerance and polarized growth, respectively. Using genetic and molecular biology techniques, including mutant analyses and over-expression studies, we determine the separate and overlapping roles of the four Rho-GTPases in Ras1-mediated morphogenesis. The Cdc42 paralogs are non-essential but are required for thermotolerance and pathogenesis. Ras1 acts through the Cdc42 paralogs to regulate cytokinesis via the organization of septin proteins. The major paralog, Cdc42, and the minor paralog, Cdc420, exhibit functional differences that are primarily dictated by transcriptional regulation. Additionally, CDC42 transcription is induced by exposure to temperature stress conditions. In contrast, Ras1 acts through the equivalently transcribed RAC paralogs to regulate polarized growth during both yeast and hyphal-phase morphogenesis. Rac1 and Rac2 are individually dispensable and appear to be functionally redundant but are synthetically required for yeast phase growth and spore development. The sub-cellular localization of the Rac paralogs is dependent on both Ras1 and post-translational modification by prenyl transferases. The identification and characterization of the conserved elements of the Ras1 signal transduction cascade presented here constitute an important contribution towards the design of anti-fungal agents that are based on existing Ras-pathway inhibitors.
Item Open Access Regulation of Morphogenetic Events in Saccharomyces cerevisiae(2018) Lai, Hung-HsuehTip growth in fungi involves highly polarized secretion and modification of the cell wall at the growing tip. The genetic requirements for initiating polarized growth are perhaps best understood for the model budding yeast, Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Once the cell is committed to enter the cell cycle by activation of G1 cyclin/cyclin-dependent kinase (CDK) complexes, the polarity regulator Cdc42 becomes concentrated at the presumptive bud site, actin cables are oriented towards that site, and septin filaments assemble into a ring around the polarity site. Several minutes later, the bud emerges. Here, we investigated the mechanisms that regulate the timing of these events at the single cell level and the role of polarisome during pheromone-induced polarized growth. We employed genetics and live cell microscopy to characterize cellular events. Septin recruitment was delayed relative to polarity establishment, and our findings suggest that a CDK-dependent septin “priming” facilitates septin recruitment by Cdc42. Bud emergence was delayed relative to the initiation of polarized secretion, and our findings suggest that the delay reflects the time needed to weaken the cell wall sufficiently to bud. Rho1 activation by Rom2 occurred at around the time of bud emergence, perhaps in response to local cell wall weakening. This report reveals regulatory mechanisms underlying the morphogenetic events in the budding yeast.
Item Open Access Reinterpreting the organizing principles of sex determination and gonadogenesis in the mouse(2021) Bunce, Corey MichaelThe mouse gonad begins its development as a bipotential primordia, capable of developing into a testis or ovary depending on the presence of the sex-determining gene, Sry. In the XY gonad, opposing pro-testis and pro-ovary pathways compete in gonadal supporting cells. While the individual cellular decision process is well understood, the higher-level process of coordination of cell fates across the gonad remains to be explained. The testis and ovary exhibit distinct patterns of differentiation, suggesting that either development of each organ requires a particular organizing principle or bipotentiality requires regional separation for fate specification or stabilization. The overall goal of this work is to improve characterizations of the spatiotemporal features of sex determination and gonadogenesis, including cell fate organization, morphogenic processes, and system context.Though several hypotheses have connected gonad morphogenesis to sex determination, the morphogenic processes that occur in the gonad have not been sufficiently characterized for formulating testable hypotheses. To capture and analyze the complexity of genital ridge morphogenesis, we generated a 3-dimensional time course of gonad development in native form and context using whole embryo tissue clearing and light sheet microscopy. Analysis revealed that the early gonad exhibits anterior-to-posterior patterns as well as increased rates of growth, rotation, and separation in the central domain. In extending characterization to the neighboring nephric ducts, we found a close alignment of gonad and mesonephric duct movements as well as delayed duct development in Cbx2 mutants, which undergo XY sex reversal and gonad dysgenesis. These data support mechanical integration of gonad and mesonephric duct morphogenesis. In investigating the mechanisms underlying the center-to-pole pattern of testis differentiation, we performed anteroposterior axis analyses and ex vivo gonad reconstruction cultures. These experiments allowed us to rule out two commonly accepted theories in the field: paracrine relay and center-first Sry expression. After searching for patterns in other cellular processes during gonadogenesis, including cell cycle arrest and coelomic epithelium proliferation, we uncovered a center-biased pattern of supporting cell precursor ingression. The updated model indicates that differences between the patterns of differentiation in the testis and ovary are due to features of their respective regulatory networks connecting their fate dynamics to different general gonadal organizing principles acting upstream of supporting cell differentiation. Following recent work on the rete testis and rete ovarii suggesting these structures contribute to gonadal supporting cell populations, we characterized early development of the rete and adjacent tissues in both sexes. Comparison of the GATA4+/PAX8+ presumptive rete with mesonephric and gonadal cells led to the identification of undescribed patterns in mesonephros development which may play a role in sexual dimorphism of the rete. Cells of the rete may derive from mesonephric condensates in a process similar to kidney nephron development. Cell cycle analysis revealed the mesonephric tubules and early rete to be a largely non-proliferating population of cells, suggesting expansion through recruitment of new cells. These results were used to establish preliminary theories for lineage relationships in early urogenital development. Initial attempts at lineage tracing to test the theory were unsuccessful. The findings presented here contribute to a more comprehensive and systems level understanding of sex determination and gonad development. In particular, the incorporation of high-resolution spatial information into theories of sex determination serves to connect individual cell fate decisions to organ level patterns of differentiation in space and time. These results will be useful for novel hypothesis generation as well as for designing more detailed models and simulations of sex determination and gonadogenesis.
Item Open Access SoxNeuro and Shavenbaby act cooperatively to shape denticles in the embryonic epidermis of Drosophila.(Development, 2017-06-15) Rizzo, Nicholas P; Bejsovec, AmyDuring development, extracellular signals are integrated by cells to induce the transcriptional circuitry that controls morphogenesis. In the fly epidermis, Wingless (Wg)/Wnt signaling directs cells to produce either a distinctly shaped denticle or no denticle, resulting in a segmental pattern of denticle belts separated by smooth, or 'naked', cuticle. Naked cuticle results from Wg repression of shavenbaby (svb), which encodes a transcription factor required for denticle construction. We have discovered that although the svb promoter responds differentially to altered Wg levels, Svb alone cannot produce the morphological diversity of denticles found in wild-type belts. Instead, a second Wg-responsive transcription factor, SoxNeuro (SoxN), cooperates with Svb to shape the denticles. Co-expressing ectopic SoxN with svb rescued diverse denticle morphologies. Conversely, removing SoxN activity eliminated the residual denticles found in svb mutant embryos. Furthermore, several known Svb target genes are also activated by SoxN, and we have discovered two novel target genes of SoxN that are expressed in denticle-producing cells and that are regulated independently of Svb. We conclude that proper denticle morphogenesis requires transcriptional regulation by both SoxN and Svb.Item Open Access The Hsp90 co-chaperone Sgt1 governs Candida albicans morphogenesis and drug resistance.(PLoS One, 2012) Shapiro, Rebecca S; Zaas, Aimee K; Betancourt-Quiroz, Marisol; Perfect, John R; Cowen, Leah EThe molecular chaperone Hsp90 orchestrates regulatory circuitry governing fungal morphogenesis, biofilm development, drug resistance, and virulence. Hsp90 functions in concert with co-chaperones to regulate stability and activation of client proteins, many of which are signal transducers. Here, we characterize the first Hsp90 co-chaperone in the leading human fungal pathogen, Candida albicans. We demonstrate that Sgt1 physically interacts with Hsp90, and that it governs C. albicans morphogenesis and drug resistance. Genetic depletion of Sgt1 phenocopies depletion of Hsp90, inducing yeast to filament morphogenesis and invasive growth. Sgt1 governs these traits by bridging two morphogenetic regulators: Hsp90 and the adenylyl cyclase of the cAMP-PKA signaling cascade, Cyr1. Sgt1 physically interacts with Cyr1, and depletion of either Sgt1 or Hsp90 activates cAMP-PKA signaling, revealing the elusive link between Hsp90 and the PKA signaling cascade. Sgt1 also mediates tolerance and resistance to the two most widely deployed classes of antifungal drugs, azoles and echinocandins. Depletion of Sgt1 abrogates basal tolerance and acquired resistance to azoles, which target the cell membrane. Depletion of Sgt1 also abrogates tolerance and resistance to echinocandins, which target the cell wall, and renders echinocandins fungicidal. Though Sgt1 and Hsp90 have a conserved impact on drug resistance, the underlying mechanisms are distinct. Depletion of Hsp90 destabilizes the client protein calcineurin, thereby blocking crucial responses to drug-induced stress; in contrast, depletion of Sgt1 does not destabilize calcineurin, but blocks calcineurin activation in response to drug-induced stress. Sgt1 influences not only morphogenesis and drug resistance, but also virulence, as genetic depletion of C. albicans Sgt1 leads to reduced kidney fungal burden in a murine model of systemic infection. Thus, our characterization of the first Hsp90 co-chaperone in a fungal pathogen establishes C. albicans Sgt1 as a global regulator of morphogenesis and drug resistance, providing a new target for treatment of life-threatening fungal infections.Item Open Access The Physiological Basis of Developmental Plasticity(2019) McKenna, Kenneth ZacheryOrganismal form emerges from the relative growth of the body and its parts. In this dissertation, I address how developmental processes produce the size relationships between body parts that shape the characteristic morphologies of animals and plants. Specifically, I study the nutrition-dependent growth of wings in butterflies and moths to determine the developmental physiological mechanisms underlying morphological scaling relationships. Additionally, I dive into how form within a tissue is established by studying the mechanism that patterns growth of butterfly wings. Using an extensive data set from rats fed on a low protein diet, I analyze how different bones respond to nutritional variation and its effect on morphological integration. Finally, I end with a theoretical chapter discussing the ways in which development can be plastic and how that shapes both genetic and phenotypic evolution. I find that developmental plasticity emerges from changes in the concentration of systemic hormones in response to environmental stimuli. Hormones, in turn, interact with every developing part. This interaction is characterized by character-specific gene regulatory networks that affect their sensitivity to hormones. Thus, developmental plasticity emerges from the interplay between the organism sensing the environment that tunes the strength of a systemic signal that moderates development, and character-specific use of molecular networks that defines the range of character states in response to signal variation.
Item Open Access Tissue self-organization underlies morphogenesis of the notochord.(Philosophical transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series B, Biological sciences, 2018-09) Norman, James; Sorrell, Emma L; Hu, Yi; Siripurapu, Vaishnavi; Garcia, Jamie; Bagwell, Jennifer; Charbonneau, Patrick; Lubkin, Sharon R; Bagnat, MichelThe notochord is a conserved axial structure that in vertebrates serves as a hydrostatic scaffold for embryonic axis elongation and, later on, for proper spine assembly. It consists of a core of large fluid-filled vacuolated cells surrounded by an epithelial sheath that is encased in extracellular matrix. During morphogenesis, the vacuolated cells inflate their vacuole and arrange in a stereotypical staircase pattern. We investigated the origin of this pattern and found that it can be achieved purely by simple physical principles. We are able to model the arrangement of vacuolated cells within the zebrafish notochord using a physical model composed of silicone tubes and water-absorbing polymer beads. The biological structure and the physical model can be accurately described by the theory developed for the packing of spheres and foams in cylinders. Our experiments with physical models and numerical simulations generated several predictions on key features of notochord organization that we documented and tested experimentally in zebrafish. Altogether, our data reveal that the organization of the vertebrate notochord is governed by the density of the osmotically swelling vacuolated cells and the aspect ratio of the notochord rod. We therefore conclude that self-organization underlies morphogenesis of the vertebrate notochord.This article is part of the Theo Murphy meeting issue on 'Mechanics of development'.Item Open Access Tor Signaling in the Fungal Kingdom(2009) Bastidas, Robert JosephFungal cells sense the amount and quality of external nutrients through multiple interconnected signaling networks, which allow them to adjust their metabolism, transcriptional profiles and developmental programs to adapt readily and appropriately to changing nutritional states. In organisms ranging from yeasts to humans, the Tor signaling pathway responds to nutrient-derived signals and orchestrates cell growth. While in the baker's yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae Tor responds to nutrient-derived signals and orchestrates cell growth and proliferation, in Schizosaccharomyces pombe Tor signaling modulates sexual differentiation in response to nutritional cues. Thus, these differences provide a framework to consider the roles of Tor in other fungal organisms, in particular those that are pathogens of humans.
In this dissertation, I demonstrate that in the human fungal pathogen Candida albicans, Tor signaling also functions to promote growth. This study also uncovered a novel role for the Tor molecular pathway in promoting hyphal growth of C. albicans on semi-solid surfaces and in controlling cell-cell adherence. Gene expression analysis and genetic manipulations identified several transcriptional regulators (Bcr1, Efg1, Nrg1, and Tup1) that together with Tor compose a regulatory network governing adhesin gene expression and cellular adhesion. While the Tor kinases are broadly conserved, these studies further demonstrate the contrasting strategies employed by fungal organism in utilizing the Tor signaling cascade.
While extensive studies have focused on elucidating functions for the Tor signaling cascades among ascomycetes, little is known about the pathway in basal fungal lineages, in particular among zygomycetes and chytrids. Moreover, given that the Tor pathway is the target of several small molecule inhibitors including rapamycin, a versatile pharmacological drug used in medicine, there is considerable interest in Tor signaling pathways and their function. Capitalizing on emerging genome sequences now available for several basal fungal species, we show a remarkable pattern of conservation, duplication, and loss of the Tor signaling cascade among basal fungal lineages. Targeting the pathway with rapamycin results in growth arrest of several zygomycete species, indicating a conserved role for this pathway in regulating fungal growth. In addition, we show a potential therapeutic advantage of using rapamycin in a heterologous model of zygomycosis. Taken together, the Tor signaling cascade and its inhibitors provide robust platforms from which to develop novel antimicrobial therapies, which may include less immunosuppressive rapamycin analogs.