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Item Open Access A systems-level view of mammalian sex determination.(2010) Munger, Steven CarmenPathologies of sexual development are common in humans and reflect the precarious processes of sex determination and sexual differentiation. The gonad forms as a bipotential organ, and recent results from the Capel lab revealed that it is initially balanced between testis and ovarian fates by opposing and antagonistic signaling networks. In XY embryos, this balance is disrupted by the transient expression of the Y-linked gene, Sry, which activates genes that promote the testis pathway and oppose the ovarian pathway. While the roles of a few genes have been defined by mutation, current evidence suggests that the interactions of many genes and signaling pathways are involved in the establishment of sexual fate. For example, most cases of disorders of sexual development (DSDs) are unexplained by mutations in known sex determination genes. In addition, recent microarray studies in the mouse revealed that nearly half the transcriptome is expressed in the gonad at the time of sex determination (Embryonic day 11.5, or E11.5), and as many as 1,500 genes are expressed in a sexually dimorphic pattern at this early stage. Thus the sexual fate decision in the developing gonad likely depends on a complex network of interacting factors that converge on a critical threshold.
To begin to elucidate the transcription network topology underlying sex determination, we exploited two inbred mouse strains with well-characterized differences in sex reversal. The common inbred strain C57BL/6J (B6) is uniquely sensitive to XY male-to-female sex reversal in response to a number of genetic perturbations, while other strains, including 129S1/SvImJ (129S1) and DBA/2J (D2) are resistant to sex reversal. We hypothesized that these strain differences in gonad phenotype likely result from underlying expression differences in the gonad at the critical timepoint of E11.5. Using microarrays, we identified significant, reproducible differences in the transcriptome of the E11.5 XY gonad between B6 and 129S1 indicating that the reported sensitivity of B6 to sex reversal is consistent with a higher expression of a female-like transcriptome in B6 XY gonads. Surprisingly, a well-characterized master regulator of the testis pathway, Sox9, was found to be upregulated in the sensitive B6 background, which may serve as a compensatory mechanism to counteract the female-leaning transcriptome and activate the testis pathway in wild type B6 XY gonads.
We extended our expression analysis to a large set of F2 XY gonads from B6 and 129S1 intercrosses. From each pair of gonads, we analyzed the expression of 56 sex-associated genes by nanoliter-scale quantitative RT-PCR (qRT-PCR). The expression levels of most genes were highly variable across the F2 population, yet strong correlations among genes emerged. We employed a First-Order Conditional Independence (FOCI) algorithm to estimate the F2 coexpression network. From this unbiased analysis of XY expression data, we uncovered two subnetworks consisting of primarily male and female genes. Furthermore, we predicted roles for genes of unknown function based on their connectivity and position within the network.
To identify the genes responsible for these strain expression differences, we genotyped each F2 embryo at 128 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) located evenly throughout the 19 autosomes and X chromosome. We then employed linkage analysis to detect autosomal regions that control the expression of one or more of the 56 genes in the F2 population. These regions are termed expression quantitative trait loci, or eQTLs. We identified eQTLs for many sex-related genes, including Sry and Sox9, the key regulators of male sex determination. In addition, we identified multiple prominent trans-band eQTLs that controlled the expression of many genes. My work represents the first eQTL analysis of a developing vertebrate organ, the mouse gonad. This systems-level approach revealed the complex transcription architecture underlying sex determination, and provides a mechanistic explanation for sensitivity to sex reversal seen in some individuals.
Item Open Access Basal Ganglia Regulation of Motivated Behaviors(2015) Rossi, Mark AllenFinding and consuming food and water are among the most critical functions for an animal's survival. Food seeking (e.g., exploration and approach) and consummatory (e.g., licking, chewing, swallowing) behaviors are usually highly controlled, resulting in stable food intake, body mass, and fat stores in humans and laboratory animals. These variables are thought to be governed by homeostatic control systems that closely regulate many aspects of feeding behavior. However, the homeostatic mechanisms underlying these processes are often disrupted in humans, resulting in either hyperphagia or hypophagia. Despite many decades of investigations into the regulatory circuits of animals and humans, the neural circuits that underlie voluntary feeding are unclear. There have been considerable advances into understanding how the brain is able to broadly regulate food consumption (e.g., the role of circulating hormones on food intake and body weight). As much work has focused on hypothalamic mechanisms, relatively little is known about how other neural systems contribute to specific aspects of food seeking and consumption.
The basal ganglia have been implicated in many aspects of motivated behavior including appetitive and consummatory processes. However, the precise role that basal ganglia pathways play in these motivated behaviors remain largely unknown. One reason for this is that the basal ganglia are functionally and anatomically heterogeneous, with distinct functional circuit elements being embedded within overlapping tissue. Until recently, tools permitting identification and manipulation of molecularly defined neuron populations were unavailable.
The following experiments were designed to assess the role of the basal ganglia in regulating appetitive and consummatory behavior in mice. The first experiment (Chapter 2) examines the relationship between neural activity in the substantia nigra¬, a¬ major output nucleus of the basal ganglia, and an animal's motivational state. Both dopaminergic and GABAergic neurons show bursts of action potentials in response to a cue that predicts a food reward in hungry mice. The magnitude of this burst response is bidirectionally modulated by the animal's motivational state. When mice are sated prior to testing, or when no pellets can be consumed, both motivational state and bidirectional modulation of the cue response are unchanging.
The second set of experiments (Chapter 3 and 4) utilizes a mouse model of hyperdopaminergia: Dopamine transporter knockout mice. These mice have persistently elevated synaptic dopamine. Consistent with a role of dopamine in motivation, hyperdopaminergic mice exhibit enhanced food seeking behavior that is dissociable from general hyperactivity. Lentiviral restoration of the dopamine transporter into either the dorsolateral striatum or the nucleus accumbens, but not the dorsomedial striatum, is sufficient to selectively reduce excessive food seeking. The dopamine transporter knockout model of hyperdopaminergia was then used to test the role of dopamine in consummatory processes, specifically, licking for sucrose solution. Hyperdopaminergic mice have higher rates of licking, which was due to increased perseveration of licking in a bout. By contrast, they have increased individual lick durations, and reduced inter-lick-intervals. During extinction, both knockout and control mice transiently increase variability in lick pattern generation while reducing licking rate. Yet they show very different behavioral patterns. Control mice gradually increase lick duration as well as variability in extinction. By contrast, dopamine transporter knockout mice exhibited more immediate (within 10 licks) adjustments--an immediate increase in lick duration variability, as well as more rapid extinction. These results suggest that the level of dopamine can modulate the persistence and pattern generation of a highly stereotyped consummatory behavior like licking, as well as new learning in response to changes in environmental feedback.
The final set of experiments was designed to test the relationship between consummatory behavior and the activity of GABAergic basal ganglia output neurons projecting from the substantia nigra pars reticulata to the superior colliculus, an area that has been implicated in regulating orofacial behavior. Electrophysiological recording from mice during voluntary drinking showed that activity of GABAergic output neurons of the substantia nigra pars reticulata reflect the microstructure of consummatory licking. These neurons exhibit oscillatory bursts of activity, which are usually in phase with the lick cycle, peaking near the time of tongue protrusion. Dopaminergic neurons, in contrast, did not reflect lick microstructure, but instead signaled the boundaries of a bout of licking. Neurons located in the lateral part of the superior colliculus, a region that receives direct input from GABAergic projection neurons in the substantia nigra pars reticulata, also reflected the microstructure of licking with rhythmic oscillations. These neurons, however, showed a generally opposing pattern of activity relative to the substantia nigra neurons, pausing their firing when the tongue is extended. To test whether perturbation of the nigrotectal pathway could influence licking behavior, channelrhodopsin-2 was selectively expressed in GABAergic neurons of the substantia nigra and the axon terminals within the superior colliculus were targeted with optic fibers. Activation of nigrotectal neurons disrupted licking in a frequency-dependent manner. Using optrode recordings, I demonstrate that nigrotectal activation inhibits neurons in the superior colliculus to disrupt the pattern of licking.
Taken together, these results demonstrate that the basal ganglia are involved in both appetitive and consummatory behaviors. The present data argue for a role of striatonigral dopamine in regulating general appetitive responding: persistence of food-seeking. Nigraltectal GABA neurons appear to be critical for consummatory orofacial motor output.
Item Open Access Cell-Surface GRP78 and its Antibodies: Pathologic and Therapeutic Roles in Cancer(2010) de Ridder, Gustaaf GregoireThe chaperone protein GRP78 is primarily expressed in the endoplasmic reticulum, but it is also aberrantly expressed on the surface of cells under pathological conditions. One the cell membrane, GRP78 acts as a signaling molecule with unique properties. The amino-terminal domain acts as a growth factor receptor-like protein, while the carboxyl-terminal domain functions as a death-signaling receptor-like protein to extrinsically induce apoptosis. Autoantibodies that react with cell-surface GRP78 on many tumor cell lines occur in the sera of patients with prostate cancer, melanoma, and ovarian cancer. These autoantibodies are a negative prognostic factor in prostate cancer and melanoma, and when purified, stimulate tumor cell proliferation in vitro. It is unclear, however, whether these IgGs are merely a biomarker, or if they actually promote tumor growth in vivo. We immunized C57Bl/6 mice with recombinant GRP78 and then implanted the B16F1 murine melanoma cell line as flank tumors. We employed the antisera from these mice for in vitro cell signaling and proliferation assays. The immunodominant epitope in human cancer patients was well represented in the antibody repertoire of these immunized mice. We observed significantly accelerated tumor growth, as well as shortened survival in GRP78-immunized mice as compared to controls. Furthermore, antisera from these mice, as well as purified anti-GRP78 IgG from similarly immunized mice, stimulate Akt phosphorylation and proliferation in B16F1 and human DM6 melanoma cells in culture. These studies demonstrate a causal link between a humoral response to GRP78 and the progression of cancer in a murine melanoma model. They support the hypothesis that such autoantibodies are involved in the progression of human cancers and are not simply a biomarker. Because GRP78 is present on the surface of many types of cancer cells, this hypothesis has broad clinical and therapeutic implications.
We generated and characterized a panel of monoclonal murine antibodies (mAbs) against GRP78 with the goal of identifying therapeutic candidate IgGs. We developed three stable hybridomas that produce interesting antibodies. The N88 IgG reacts with the NH2-terminal domain and is an agonist. The C38 IgG reacts with the COOH-terminal domain and is an antagonist of NH2-terminal signaling. The C107 IgG binds the COOH-terminal domain and induces apoptosis.
We examined the effect of these three mAbs on the growth of B16 flank tumors. N88 accelerated and C107 slowed tumor growth, while C38 had no net effect. We are currently developing these antibodies and derivatives thereof as therapeutics for melanoma as well as for cancers of the brain, breast, ovary, and prostate. In fact, any tumor cell that over-expresses GRP78 on its surface is a potential therapeutic target for our future studies.
Item Open Access Cerebral Cavernous Malformations: From Two-Hit Mechanism to Developing a Targeted Therapy(2013) McDonald, David AndrewCerebral cavernous malformations (CCMs) are multicavernous vascular lesions affecting the central nervous system. Affected individuals have a lifetime risk of recurrent headaches, focal neurological deficits, seizures, and intracerebral hemorrhage leading to stroke. Patients tend to fall into two classes: familial cases with a known family history and multiple lesions, and; sporadic cases with no family history and single lesions. This epidemiological pattern suggests a two-hit mutational mechanism for CCM. While somatic mutations have been identified in lesions from familial patients, it is unknown if sporadic cases follow the same genetic mechanism. Using a next-generation sequencing strategy, I have identified somatic mutations from sporadic CCM lesions in the three known CCM genes, including one lesion bearing two independent mutations in CCM1. These data support a two-hit mutation mechanism in CCM for sporadic patients.
The mechanism of CCM pathogenesis (how mutations in one of the three CCM genes causes lesions to form and develop) is currently unknown. We developed mouse models that recapitulate the human disease. We have further shown that inhibition of Rho Kinase decreases the number of late-stage, multicavernous lesions. This is the first potential therapeutic strategy to specifically treat CCM, and suggests that the RhoA pathway is a central player in CCM pathogenesis.
Item Open Access CLARITY and PACT-based imaging of adult zebrafish and mouse for whole-animal analysis of infections.(Dis Model Mech, 2015-12) Cronan, Mark R; Rosenberg, Allison F; Oehlers, Stefan H; Saelens, Joseph W; Sisk, Dana M; Jurcic Smith, Kristen L; Lee, Sunhee; Tobin, David MVisualization of infection and the associated host response has been challenging in adult vertebrates. Owing to their transparency, zebrafish larvae have been used to directly observe infection in vivo; however, such larvae have not yet developed a functional adaptive immune system. Cells involved in adaptive immunity mature later and have therefore been difficult to access optically in intact animals. Thus, the study of many aspects of vertebrate infection requires dissection of adult organs or ex vivo isolation of immune cells. Recently, CLARITY and PACT (passive clarity technique) methodologies have enabled clearing and direct visualization of dissected organs. Here, we show that these techniques can be applied to image host-pathogen interactions directly in whole animals. CLARITY and PACT-based clearing of whole adult zebrafish and Mycobacterium tuberculosis-infected mouse lungs enables imaging of mycobacterial granulomas deep within tissue to a depth of more than 1 mm. Using established transgenic lines, we were able to image normal and pathogenic structures and their surrounding host context at high resolution. We identified the three-dimensional organization of granuloma-associated angiogenesis, an important feature of mycobacterial infection, and characterized the induction of the cytokine tumor necrosis factor (TNF) within the granuloma using an established fluorescent reporter line. We observed heterogeneity in TNF induction within granuloma macrophages, consistent with an evolving view of the tuberculous granuloma as a non-uniform, heterogeneous structure. Broad application of this technique will enable new understanding of host-pathogen interactions in situ.Item Open Access Contributions of mast cells and vasoactive products, leukotrienes and chymase, to dengue virus-induced vascular leakage.(Elife, 2013-04-30) St John, Ashley L; Rathore, Abhay PS; Raghavan, Bhuvanakantham; Ng, Mah-Lee; Abraham, Soman NDengue Virus (DENV), a flavivirus spread by mosquito vectors, can cause vascular leakage and hemorrhaging. However, the processes that underlie increased vascular permeability and pathological plasma leakage during viral hemorrhagic fevers are largely unknown. Mast cells (MCs) are activated in vivo during DENV infection, and we show that this elevates systemic levels of their vasoactive products, including chymase, and promotes vascular leakage. Treatment of infected animals with MC-stabilizing drugs or a leukotriene receptor antagonist restores vascular integrity during experimental DENV infection. Validation of these findings using human clinical samples revealed a direct correlation between MC activation and DENV disease severity. In humans, the MC-specific product, chymase, is a predictive biomarker distinguishing dengue fever (DF) and dengue hemorrhagic fever (DHF). Additionally, our findings reveal MCs as potential therapeutic targets to prevent DENV-induced vasculopathy, suggesting MC-stabilizing drugs should be evaluated for their effectiveness in improving disease outcomes during viral hemorrhagic fevers. DOI: Open Access Functional Analysis of the Cordon-bleu Protein in Mouse(2009) Custer, Laura MaryThe actin cytoskeleton is a fundamental component of the cell and is involved in many processes, including cell division, cell migration, vesicle trafficking and cell polarity. The actin cytoskeleton has a very important role in embryogenesis as the cells within developing tissues proliferate, migrate, interpret extracellular cues, and shape complex tissues. The molecules that help the cell to interpret their environment and turn those cues into morphological changes are of great interest. One protein which may be involved in this manner is Cordon-bleu (Cobl).
In mouse embryos, Cobl's expression pattern resembles that of important developmental genes, is restricted to distinct domains, and changes dynamically throughout development as tissues are formed. While it is known that Cobl expression is regulated by developmental signaling pathways such as Shh and BMP, its molecular function at the cellular level remains elusive. In this study, we have identified molecular functions of Cobl. Cobl has C-terminal Wasp Homology-2 (WH2) domains which bind actin and nucleate new actin filaments in in vitro polymerization assays. Using cultured cells, we have determined that Cobl is involved in cytoskeletal remodeling during neurite branching and epithelial cell migration. We also demonstrate that Cobl interacts with the Syndapin family of adaptor proteins that link endocytosis and vesicle trafficking. Cobl colocalizes with Sdp2 in cultured epithelial cells and similarly localizes with Sdp1 and Sdp2 in developing mouse embryos. The localization of Cobl or Sdp2 in cultured epithelial cells is dependent on the other, as demonstrated using shRNA knockdown.
Previous studies demonstrated that a hypomorphic allele of Cobl interacts genetically with Looptail, in midbrain neurulation. Looptail mutants are deficient in the gene Vangl2, a member of the planar cell polarity pathway that coordinates the morphogenesis of a sheet of cells. To discover other roles for Cobl in the developing mouse, we have generated a conditionally null allele of Cobl. We find that outbred Cobl homozygous mutants are viable, but that they have inner ear defects. Together, our studies demonstrate that Cobl is a tissue-specific actin nucleator whose localization is regulated by its interaction with Syndapins and which functions in the development of sensory epithelia.
Item Open Access Investigating the Anatomical Basis for Streams in the Mouse Visual Cortex(2017-05-04) Hoffman, GaryExamining the organization of the visual cortex can help show how visual processing is accomplished. For instance, a major organizational property of the primate visual cortex is the division of the higher visual areas (HVAs) into separate streams with high connectivity and similar functional properties. These streams allow for parallel processing of functionally distinct visual phenomena, with the ventral stream focusing on object recognition and the dorsal stream on localization and movement coordination. While some mechanisms for the segregation of streams from primary visual cortex (V1) to the HVAs are known, such as the clustering of neurons feeding into separate streams within specialized layers, the architecture at the level of single cells is not known. Understanding this anatomical organization is important for predicting how information is distributed, and shared, among the HVAs. In the mouse, studies examining the reciprocal connectivity between visual areas, especially Burkhalter (Wang, Sporns, & Burkhalter, 2012), have suggested a stream organization similar to that seen in primates. Modern genetic techniques in the mouse present an opportunity to study the anatomical organization and functional specializations that contribute to parallel processing in streams. Towards this goal, we set out to understand which neuronal populations in mouse V1 might participate in each stream and their degree of anatomical segregation. Here we tested the hypothesis that there is anatomical specificity, at the level of both laminar populations and individual neurons, in the makeup of streams originating in V1. Anatomical specificity was assessed by quantifying the number of neurons in each V1 lamina projecting to each HVA and by finding the probability that V1 neurons project to multiple HVAs. Although laminar specificity did not differ among the HVAs, there was a trend of V1 neurons with multiple projection targets synapsing onto HVAs in a preferred stream. Though these findings do not reveal the anatomical basis for streams seen in the primate cortex, they reveal a mechanism for sharing information among streams that could be crucial to understanding these modules’ role in visual processing. Future studies could investigate the functional properties of neurons with multiple projections to HVAs in a certain visual stream and determine physiological aspects that could contribute to sharing of information among streams with different response properties. These studies will ultimately reveal how the visual system distributes information into streams made up of highly interconnected HVAs, and how these networks are used to guide behavior.Item Open Access Mammalian genes induce partially reprogrammed pluripotent stem cells in non-mammalian vertebrate and invertebrate species.(Elife, 2013-09-03) Rosselló, Ricardo Antonio; Chen, Chun-Chun; Dai, Rui; Howard, Jason T; Hochgeschwender, Ute; Jarvis, Erich DCells are fundamental units of life, but little is known about evolution of cell states. Induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) are once differentiated cells that have been re-programmed to an embryonic stem cell-like state, providing a powerful platform for biology and medicine. However, they have been limited to a few mammalian species. Here we found that a set of four mammalian transcription factor genes used to generate iPSCs in mouse and humans can induce a partially reprogrammed pluripotent stem cell (PRPSCs) state in vertebrate and invertebrate model organisms, in mammals, birds, fish, and fly, which span 550 million years from a common ancestor. These findings are one of the first to show cross-lineage stem cell-like induction, and to generate pluripotent-like cells for several of these species with in vivo chimeras. We suggest that the stem-cell state may be highly conserved across a wide phylogenetic range. DOI: Open Access Of Mice, Birds, and Men: The Mouse Ultrasonic Song System and Vocal Behavior(2011) Arriaga, GustavoMice produce many ultrasonic vocalizations (USVs) in the 30 - 100 kHz range including pup isolation calls and adult male songs. These USVs are often used as behavioral readouts of internal states, to measure effects of social and pharmacological manipulations, and for behavioral phenotyping of mouse models for neuropsychiatric and neurodegenerative disorders; however, little is known about the biophysical and neurophysiological mechanisms of USV production in rodents. This lack of knowledge restricts the interpretation of data from vocalization-related experiments on mouse models of communication disorders and vocal medical conditions. Meanwhile, there has been increased interest in the social communication aspect of neural disorders such as autism, in addition to the common disorders involving motor control of the larynx: stroke, Parkinson's disease, laryngeal tremor, and spasmodic dysphonia. Therefore, it is timely and critical to begin assessing the neural substrate of vocal production in order to better understand the neuro-laryngeal deficits underlying communication problems.
Additionally, mouse models may generate new insight into the molecular basis of vocal learning. Traditionally, songbirds have been used as a model for speech learning in humans; however, the model is strongly limited by a lack of techniques for manipulating avian genetics. Accordingly, there has long been strong interest in finding a mammalian model for vocal learning studies. The characteristic features of accepted vocal learning species include programming of phonation by forebrain motor areas, a direct cortical projection to brainstem vocal motoneurons, and dependence on auditory feedback to develop and maintain vocalizations. Unfortunately, these features have not been observed in non-human primates or in birds that do not learn songs. Thus, in addition to elucidating vocal brain pathways it is also critical to determine the extent of any vocal learning capabilities present in the mouse USV system.
It is generally assumed that mice lack a forebrain system for vocal modification and that their USVs are innate; however, these basic assumptions have not been experimentally tested. I investigated the mouse song system to determine if male mouse song behavior and the supporting brain circuits resemble those of known vocal learning species. By visualizing activity-dependent immediate early gene expression as a marker of global activity patterns, I discovered that the song system includes motor cortex and striatal regions active during singing. Retrograde and anterograde tracing with pseudorabies virus and biodextran amines, respectively, revealed that the motor cortical region projects directly to the brainstem phonatory motor nucleus ambiguus. Chemical lesions in this region showed that it is not critical for producing innate templates of song syllables, but is required for producing more stereotyped acoustic features of syllables. To test for the basic components of adaptive learning I recorded the songs of mechanically and genetically deaf mice and found that male mice depend on auditory feedback to develop and maintain normal ultrasonic songs. Moreover, male mice that display natural strain specific song features may use auditory experience to copy the pitch of another strain when housed together and stimulated to compete sexually. I conclude that male mice have neuroanatomical and behavioral features thought to be unique to humans and song learning birds, suggesting that mice are capable of adaptive modification of the spectral features of their songs.
Item Open Access Separable codes for read-out of mouse primary visual cortex across attentional states(2019) Wilson, Ashley MarieAttentional modulation of neuronal activity in sensory cortex could alter perception by enhancing the local representation of attended stimuli or its behavioral read-out downstream. We tested these hypotheses using a task in which mice are cued on interleaved trials to attend visual or auditory targets. Neurons in primary visual cortex (V1) that encode task stimuli have larger visually-evoked responses when attention is directed toward vision. To determine whether the attention-dependent changes in V1 reflect changes in representation or read-out, we decoded task stimuli and choices from population activity. Surprisingly, both visual and auditory choices can be decoded from V1, but decoding takes advantage of unique activity patterns across modalities. Furthermore, decoding of choices, but not stimuli, is impaired when attention is directed toward the opposite modality. The specific effect on choice suggests behavioral improvements with attention are largely due to targeted read-out of the most informative V1 neurons.
Item Embargo The Exon-junction Complex Component EIF4A3 is Essential for Mouse and Human Cortical Progenitor Mitosis and Neurogenesis(2023) Lupan, Bianca MarieMutations in components of the exon junction complex (EJC) are associated with neurodevelopment and disease. In particular, reduced levels of the RNA helicase EIF4A3 cause Richieri-Costa-Pereira Syndrome (RCPS) and CNVs are linked to intellectual disability. Consistent with this, Eif4a3 haploinsufficient mice are microcephalic. Altogether, this implicates EIF4A3 in cortical development; however, the underlying mechanisms are poorly understood. Here, we use mouse and human models to demonstrate that EIF4A3 promotes cortical development by controlling progenitor mitosis, cell fate, and survival. Eif4a3 haploinsufficiency in mice causes extensive cell death and impairs neurogenesis. Using Eif4a3;p53 compound mice, we show that apoptosis is most impactful for early neurogenesis, while additional p53-independent mechanisms contribute to later stages. Live imaging of mouse and human neural progenitors reveals Eif4a3 controls mitosis length, which influences progeny fate and viability. These phenotypes are conserved as cortical organoids derived from RCPS iPSCs exhibit aberrant neurogenesis. Finally, using rescue experiments we show that EIF4A3 controls neuron generation via the EJC. Altogether, our study demonstrates that EIF4A3 mediates neurogenesis by controlling mitosis duration and cell survival, implicating new mechanisms underlying EJC-mediated disorders.Next, we focus on the function of EIF4A3 in neurons. We unexpectedly discovered that that Eif4a3 – but not Magoh or Rbm8a – is required for neuronal maturation and development of the axonal tract using genetic mouse models. Here we use neuronal cultures, super resolution imaging, and biochemical assays and show that EIF4A3 controls neurite outgrowth in an EJC-independent manner and binds directly to microtubules. Additionally, we perform quantitative proteomics to ask whether other interactors of EIF4A3 vary across progenitors and neurons in the developing brain, finding an enrichment of cell cycle regulators during early neurogenesis and cytoskeletal regulators in later neurogenesis. Altogether, these data argue that EIF4A3 has cell-type specific functions and controls brain development through multiple mechanisms.