Browsing by Subject "Nesting Behavior"
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Item Open Access Hosts of avian brood parasites have evolved egg signatures with elevated information content.(Proc Biol Sci, 2015-07-07) Caves, Eleanor M; Stevens, Martin; Iversen, Edwin S; Spottiswoode, Claire NHosts of brood-parasitic birds must distinguish their own eggs from parasitic mimics, or pay the cost of mistakenly raising a foreign chick. Egg discrimination is easier when different host females of the same species each lay visually distinctive eggs (egg 'signatures'), which helps to foil mimicry by parasites. Here, we ask whether brood parasitism is associated with lower levels of correlation between different egg traits in hosts, making individual host signatures more distinctive and informative. We used entropy as an index of the potential information content encoded by nine aspects of colour, pattern and luminance of eggs of different species in two African bird families (Cisticolidae parasitized by cuckoo finches Anomalospiza imberbis, and Ploceidae by diederik cuckoos Chrysococcyx caprius). Parasitized species showed consistently higher entropy in egg traits than did related, unparasitized species. Decomposing entropy into two variation components revealed that this was mainly driven by parasitized species having lower levels of correlation between different egg traits, rather than higher overall levels of variation in each individual egg trait. This suggests that irrespective of the constraints that might operate on individual egg traits, hosts can further improve their defensive 'signatures' by arranging suites of egg traits into unpredictable combinations.Item Open Access Nesting strategy shapes territorial aggression but not testosterone: A comparative approach in female and male birds.(Hormones and behavior, 2021-07) Lipshutz, Sara E; Rosvall, Kimberly AOur understanding of the proximate and ultimate mechanisms shaping competitive reproductive phenotypes primarily stems from research on male-male competition for mates, even though competition is widespread in both sexes. We evaluate the hypothesis that the restricted nature of a resource required for reproduction, i.e. nest site, is a key variable driving territorial competition and testosterone secretion in female and male birds. Obligate secondary cavity-nesting has evolved repeatedly across avian lineages, providing a useful comparative context to explore how competition over limited nest cavities shapes aggression and its underlying mechanisms across species. Although evidence from one or another cavity-nesting species suggests that territorial aggression is adaptive in both females and males, this has not yet been tested in a comparative framework. We predicted that cavity-nesting generates more robust territorial aggression, in comparison to close relatives with less restrictive nesting strategies. Our focal species were two obligate secondary cavity-nesting species and two related species with more flexible nesting strategies in the same avian family: tree swallow (Tachycineta bicolor) vs. barn swallow (Hirundo rustica); Eastern bluebird (Sialia sialis) vs. American robin (Turdus migratorius). We assayed conspecific aggression using simulated territorial intrusion and found that cavity-nesting species displayed greater territorial aggression than their close relatives. This pattern held for both females and males. Because territorial aggression is often associated with elevated testosterone, we also hypothesized that cavity-nesting species would exhibit higher testosterone levels in circulation. However, cavity-nesting species did not have higher testosterone in circulation for either sex, despite some correlative evidence that testosterone is associated with higher rates of physical attack in female tree swallows. Our focus on a context that is relevant to both sexes - competition over essential breeding resources - provides a useful framework for co-consideration of proximate and ultimate drivers of reproductive competition in females and males.