Browsing by Subject "Neurons, Afferent"
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Item Open Access Baroreceptor afferents modulate brain excitation and influence susceptibility to toxic effects of hyperbaric oxygen.(Journal of applied physiology (Bethesda, Md. : 1985), 2014-09) Demchenko, Ivan T; Gasier, Heath G; Zhilyaev, Sergei Yu; Moskvin, Alexander N; Krivchenko, Alexander I; Piantadosi, Claude A; Allen, Barry WUnexplained adjustments in baroreflex sensitivity occur in conjunction with exposures to potentially toxic levels of hyperbaric oxygen. To investigate this, we monitored central nervous system, autonomic and cardiovascular responses in conscious and anesthetized rats exposed to hyperbaric oxygen at 5 and 6 atmospheres absolute, respectively. We observed two contrasting phases associated with time-dependent alterations in the functional state of the arterial baroreflex. The first phase, which conferred protection against potentially neurotoxic doses of oxygen, was concurrent with an increase in baroreflex sensitivity and included decreases in cerebral blood flow, heart rate, cardiac output, and sympathetic drive. The second phase was characterized by baroreflex impairment, cerebral hyperemia, spiking on the electroencephalogram, increased sympathetic drive, parasympatholysis, and pulmonary injury. Complete arterial baroreceptor deafferentation abolished the initial protective response, whereas electrical stimulation of intact arterial baroreceptor afferents prolonged it. We concluded that increased afferent traffic attributable to arterial baroreflex activation delays the development of excessive central excitation and seizures. Baroreflex inactivation or impairment removes this protection, and seizures may follow. Finally, electrical stimulation of intact baroreceptor afferents extends the normal delay in seizure development. These findings reveal that the autonomic nervous system is a powerful determinant of susceptibility to sympathetic hyperactivation and seizures in hyperbaric oxygen and the ensuing neurogenic pulmonary injury.Item Open Access Composition and topographic organization of signals sent from the frontal eye field to the superior colliculus.(J Neurophysiol, 2000-04) Sommer, MA; Wurtz, RHThe frontal eye field (FEF) and superior colliculus (SC) contribute to saccadic eye movement generation, and much of the FEF's oculomotor influence may be mediated through the SC. The present study examined the composition and topographic organization of signals flowing from FEF to SC by recording from FEF neurons that were antidromically activated from rostral or caudal SC. The first and most general result was that, in a sample of 88 corticotectal neurons, the types of signals relayed from FEF to SC were highly diverse, reflecting the general population of signals within FEF rather than any specific subset of signals. Second, many neurons projecting from FEF to SC carried signals thought to reflect cognitive operations, namely tonic discharges during the delay period of a delayed-saccade task (delay signals), elevated discharges during the gap period of a gap task (gap increase signals), or both. Third, FEF neurons discharging during fixation were found to project to the SC, although they did not project preferentially to rostral SC, where similar fixation neurons are found. Neurons that did project preferentially to the rostral SC were those with foveal visual responses and those pausing during the gap period of the gap task. Many of the latter neurons also had foveal visual responses, presaccadic pauses in activity, and postsaccadic increases in activity. These two types of rostral-projecting neurons therefore may contribute to the activity of rostral SC fixation neurons. Fourth, conduction velocity was used as an indicator of cell size to correct for sampling bias. The outcome of this correction procedure suggested that among the most prevalent neurons in the FEF corticotectal population are those carrying putative cognitive-related signals, i.e., delay and gap increase signals, and among the least prevalent are those carrying presaccadic burst discharges but lacking peripheral visual responses. Fifth, corticotectal neurons carrying various signals were biased topographically across the FEF. Neurons with peripheral visual responses but lacking presaccadic burst discharges were biased laterally, neurons with presaccadic burst discharges but lacking peripheral visual responses were biased medially, and neurons carrying delay or gap increase signals were biased dorsally. Finally, corticotectal neurons were distributed within the FEF as a function of their visual or movement field eccentricity and projected to the SC such that eccentricity maps in both structures were closely aligned. We conclude that the FEF most likely influences the activity of SC neurons continuously from the start of fixation, through visual analysis and cognitive manipulations, until a saccade is generated and fixation begins anew. Furthermore, the projection from FEF to SC is highly topographically organized in terms of function at both its source and its termination.Item Open Access Corollary discharge across the animal kingdom.(Nat Rev Neurosci, 2008-08) Crapse, Trinity B; Sommer, Marc AOur movements can hinder our ability to sense the world. Movements can induce sensory input (for example, when you hit something) that is indistinguishable from the input that is caused by external agents (for example, when something hits you). It is critical for nervous systems to be able to differentiate between these two scenarios. A ubiquitous strategy is to route copies of movement commands to sensory structures. These signals, which are referred to as corollary discharge (CD), influence sensory processing in myriad ways. Here we review the CD circuits that have been uncovered by neurophysiological studies and suggest a functional taxonomic classification of CD across the animal kingdom. This broad understanding of CD circuits lays the groundwork for more challenging studies that combine neurophysiology and psychophysics to probe the role of CD in perception.Item Open Access Frontal eye field sends delay activity related to movement, memory, and vision to the superior colliculus.(J Neurophysiol, 2001-04) Sommer, MA; Wurtz, RHMany neurons within prefrontal cortex exhibit a tonic discharge between visual stimulation and motor response. This delay activity may contribute to movement, memory, and vision. We studied delay activity sent from the frontal eye field (FEF) in prefrontal cortex to the superior colliculus (SC). We evaluated whether this efferent delay activity was related to movement, memory, or vision, to establish its possible functions. Using antidromic stimulation, we identified 66 FEF neurons projecting to the SC and we recorded from them while monkeys performed a Go/Nogo task. Early in every trial, a monkey was instructed as to whether it would have to make a saccade (Go) or not (Nogo) to a target location, which permitted identification of delay activity related to movement. In half of the trials (memory trials), the target disappeared, which permitted identification of delay activity related to memory. In the remaining trials (visual trials), the target remained visible, which permitted identification of delay activity related to vision. We found that 77% (51/66) of the FEF output neurons had delay activity. In 53% (27/51) of these neurons, delay activity was modulated by Go/Nogo instructions. The modulation preceded saccades made into only part of the visual field, indicating that the modulation was movement-related. In some neurons, delay activity was modulated by Go/Nogo instructions in both memory and visual trials and seemed to represent where to move in general. In other neurons, delay activity was modulated by Go/Nogo instructions only in memory trials, which suggested that it was a correlate of working memory, or only in visual trials, which suggested that it was a correlate of visual attention. In 47% (24/51) of FEF output neurons, delay activity was unaffected by Go/Nogo instructions, which indicated that the activity was related to the visual stimulus. In some of these neurons, delay activity occurred in both memory and visual trials and seemed to represent a coordinate in visual space. In others, delay activity occurred only in memory trials and seemed to represent transient visual memory. In the remainder, delay activity occurred only in visual trials and seemed to be a tonic visual response. In conclusion, the FEF sends diverse delay activity signals related to movement, memory, and vision to the SC, where the signals may be used for saccade generation. Downstream transmission of various delay activity signals may be an important, general way in which the prefrontal cortex contributes to the control of movement.Item Open Access Monoclonal antibodies reveal receptor specificity among G-protein-coupled receptor kinases.(Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A, 1996-07-23) Oppermann, M; Diversé-Pierluissi, M; Drazner, MH; Dyer, SL; Freedman, NJ; Peppel, KC; Lefkowitz, RJGuanine nucleotide-binding regulatory protein (G protein)-coupled receptor kinases (GRKs) constitute a family of serine/threonine kinases that play a major role in the agonist-induced phosphorylation and desensitization of G-protein-coupled receptors. Herein we describe the generation of monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) that specifically react with GRK2 and GRK3 or with GRK4, GRK5, and GRK6. They are used in several different receptor systems to identify the kinases that are responsible for receptor phosphorylation and desensitization. The ability of these reagents to inhibit GRK- mediated receptor phosphorylation is demonstrated in permeabilized 293 cells that overexpress individual GRKs and the type 1A angiotensin II receptor. We also use this approach to identify the endogenous GRKs that are responsible for the agonist-induced phosphorylation of epitope-tagged beta2- adrenergic receptors (beta2ARs) overexpressed in rabbit ventricular myocytes that are infected with a recombinant adenovirus. In these myocytes, anti-GRK2/3 mAbs inhibit isoproterenol-induced receptor phosphorylation by 77%, while GRK4-6-specific mAbs have no effect. Consistent with the operation of a betaAR kinase-mediated mechanism, GRK2 is identified by immunoblot analysis as well as in a functional assay as the predominant GRK expressed in these cells. Microinjection of GRK2/3-specific mAbs into chicken sensory neurons, which have been shown to express a GRK3-like protein, abolishes desensitization of the alpha2AR-mediated calcium current inhibition. The intracellular inhibition of endogenous GRKs by mAbs represents a novel approach to the study of receptor specificities among GRKs that should be widely applicable to many G-protein-coupled receptors.Item Open Access The dusp1 immediate early gene is regulated by natural stimuli predominantly in sensory input neurons.(J Comp Neurol, 2010-07-15) Horita, Haruhito; Wada, Kazuhiro; Rivas, Miriam V; Hara, Erina; Jarvis, Erich DMany immediate early genes (IEGs) have activity-dependent induction in a subset of brain subdivisions or neuron types. However, none have been reported yet with regulation specific to thalamic-recipient sensory neurons of the telencephalon or in the thalamic sensory input neurons themselves. Here, we report the first such gene, dual specificity phosphatase 1 (dusp1). Dusp1 is an inactivator of mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK), and MAPK activates expression of egr1, one of the most commonly studied IEGs, as determined in cultured cells. We found that in the brain of naturally behaving songbirds and other avian species, hearing song, seeing visual stimuli, or performing motor behavior caused high dusp1 upregulation, respectively, in auditory, visual, and somatosensory input cell populations of the thalamus and thalamic-recipient sensory neurons of the telencephalic pallium, whereas high egr1 upregulation occurred only in subsequently connected secondary and tertiary sensory neuronal populations of these same pathways. Motor behavior did not induce high levels of dusp1 expression in the motor-associated areas adjacent to song nuclei, where egr1 is upregulated in response to movement. Our analysis of dusp1 expression in mouse brain suggests similar regulation in the sensory input neurons of the thalamus and thalamic-recipient layer IV and VI neurons of the cortex. These findings suggest that dusp1 has specialized regulation to sensory input neurons of the thalamus and telencephalon; they further suggest that this regulation may serve to attenuate stimulus-induced expression of egr1 and other IEGs, leading to unique molecular properties of forebrain sensory input neurons.