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Item Open Access Assessing Nutrient Retention of Restored Wetlands in North Carolina(2019-04-25) Bognar, Sebastian; Chen, Siying; Lanier, SarahWetlands are among the most productive and dynamic ecosystems in the world; biogeochemical cycling and storage processes are crucial for nutrient retention in wetland systems. This study aims to test if restored wetlands improve downstream water quality by reducing nutrient concentrations, to determine which variables are important for nutrient retention, and to analyze the temporal trend of wetland nutrient retention. We gathered water quality data from three locations in North Carolina, for a total of 13 restored and constructed wetlands. We compared nitrogen and phosphorous concentrations in the inflow and outflow of each wetland and determined the significance of other categorical and continuous variables. The results of our study can help ascertain the most important variables for choosing potential wetland restoration sites, and lead to a better understanding of how nutrient removal changes over time.Item Open Access Assessing the nonlinear association of environmental factors with antibiotic resistance genes (ARGs) in the Yangtze River Mouth, China.(Scientific reports, 2023-11) Miao, Jiazheng; Ling, Yikai; Chen, Xiaoyuan; Wu, Siyuan; Liu, Xinyue; Xu, Shixin; Umar, Sajid; Anderson, Benjamin DThe emergence of antibacterial resistance (ABR) is an urgent and complex public health challenge worldwide. Antibiotic resistant genes (ARGs) are considered as a new pollutant by the WHO because of their wide distribution and emerging prevalence. The role of environmental factors in developing ARGs in bacterial populations is still poorly understood. Therefore, the relationship between environmental factors and bacteria should be explored to combat ABR and propose more tailored solutions in a specific region. Here, we collected and analyzed surface water samples from Yangtze Delta, China during 2021, and assessed the nonlinear association of environmental factors with ARGs through a sigmoid model. A high abundance of ARGs was detected. Amoxicillin, phosphorus (P), chromium (Cr), manganese (Mn), calcium (Ca), and strontium (Sr) were found to be strongly associated with ARGs and identified as potential key contributors to ARG detection. Our findings suggest that the suppression of ARGs may be achieved by decreasing the concentration of phosphorus in surface water. Additionally, Group 2A light metals (e.g., magnesium and calcium) may be candidates for the development of eco-friendly reagents for controlling antibiotic resistance in the future.Item Open Access Differential nutrient limitation of soil microbial biomass and metabolic quotients (qCO2): is there a biological stoichiometry of soil microbes?(PLoS One, 2013) Hartman, Wyatt H; Richardson, Curtis JBACKGROUND: Variation in microbial metabolism poses one of the greatest current uncertainties in models of global carbon cycling, and is particularly poorly understood in soils. Biological Stoichiometry theory describes biochemical mechanisms linking metabolic rates with variation in the elemental composition of cells and organisms, and has been widely observed in animals, plants, and plankton. However, this theory has not been widely tested in microbes, which are considered to have fixed ratios of major elements in soils. METHODOLOGY/ PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: To determine whether Biological Stoichiometry underlies patterns of soil microbial metabolism, we compiled published data on microbial biomass carbon (C), nitrogen (N), and phosphorus (P) pools in soils spanning the global range of climate, vegetation, and land use types. We compared element ratios in microbial biomass pools to the metabolic quotient qCO2 (respiration per unit biomass), where soil C mineralization was simultaneously measured in controlled incubations. Although microbial C, N, and P stoichiometry appeared to follow somewhat constrained allometric relationships at the global scale, we found significant variation in the C∶N∶P ratios of soil microbes across land use and habitat types, and size-dependent scaling of microbial C∶N and C∶P (but not N∶P) ratios. Microbial stoichiometry and metabolic quotients were also weakly correlated as suggested by Biological Stoichiometry theory. Importantly, we found that while soil microbial biomass appeared constrained by soil N availability, microbial metabolic rates (qCO2) were most strongly associated with inorganic P availability. CONCLUSIONS/ SIGNIFICANCE: Our findings appear consistent with the model of cellular metabolism described by Biological Stoichiometry theory, where biomass is limited by N needed to build proteins, but rates of protein synthesis are limited by the high P demands of ribosomes. Incorporation of these physiological processes may improve models of carbon cycling and understanding of the effects of nutrient availability on soil C turnover across terrestrial and wetland habitats.Item Open Access IDENTIFYING POTENTIAL TIME LAG RESPONSES THROUGH LONG-TERM WATER QUALITY TRENDS IN A RESTORED RIPARIAN WETLAND STREAM COMPLEX IN THE PIEDMONT OF NORTH CAROLINA(2021-04-29) Dunn, AutumnRestoration of impaired ecosystems often experience hydrological and biogeochemical time lags between the restoration implementation and ecosystem recovery and water quality improvements, but there is a lack of long-term studies that have adequately evaluated completed projects to identify these time lags. Water quality is strongly tied to biogeochemical and hydrological functions, so one the best ways to see delayed responses of streams or rivers to nutrient and sediment changes is to assess data pre- and post- restoration. Duke’s SWAMP project has been monitoring pre- and post- construction responses, but water quality has not been fully analyzed since SWAMP’s initial five-year assessment in 2011. Since 2011, Duke campus has expanded and SWAMP underwent two additional phases. Water collection and monitoring has been ongoing since 2000, providing enough time and data to identify lag times or water quality trends. This report analyzes SWAMP from 2008 to 2020 to determine water quality, ecosystem efficiency in retaining nutrients or sediments, and seasonal trends. The first section of the report is a site analysis of water quality variables at the SWAMP site that compares Pre-2008 and Post-2008 water quality based on the Richardson (2011) study. Results showed Pre-2008 and Post-2008 water quality was not statistically different, which may be evidence of a lag time in ecosystem response to nitrogen and phosphorus or a change in input concentrations. Comparing individual site mean differences indicate SWAMP may be receiving worse water quality inputs despite treating nutrients. The second section of the report is a water quality assessment for SWAMP. Fecal coliform and total suspended solids are greatly reduced in SWAMP, primarily due to the completion of Phase 5 built in 2014. Nitrogen and phosphorus have large loading rates which is negatively impacting the removal rate of nutrients. Nutrient sources for SWAMP are from inlet water from Duke campus, primarily athletic fields carrying stormwater and fertilizer. The third section of the report analyzes seasonal trends for water quality variables at the inflow and outflow of SWAMP. Total nitrogen had an increasing monotonic trend that was not significantly influenced by seasonality and Phase 3 was the main source of nitrogen. Phase 3 caries Duke Campus water, so it is likely runoff transported by rain events is the cause of nitrogen’s upward trend. Total phosphorus has a downward monotonic trend with seasonal influences likely due to rain events. Not all phosphorus trends were significant, because phosphorus concentrations have changed depending on stream flow and rain events. Ultimately, SWAMP water quality has improved. There has been significant storage of nitrogen and phosphorus in the restored wetlands and holding pond, but high loading rates prevent increased nutrient removal efficiency values. However, total suspended solids are being stored or deposited along SWAMP and SWAMP is effectively treating fecal coliform. After the construction of Phase 5 in 2014, fecal coliform and total suspended solids dramatically decreased, indicating no lag period. Phosphorus and nitrogen have complex cycles, so their response is unclear without flow data and mass nutrient budgets.Item Open Access Microbial Phosphorus Cycling and Community Assembly in Wetland Soils and Beyond(2010) Hartman, Wyatt H.Although microbes may strongly influence wetland phosphorus (P) cycling, specific microbial communities and P metabolic processes have not been characterized in wetlands, and microbial P cycling is poorly understood across global ecosystems, especially in soils. The goal of this work is to test the effects of stress and growth factors on microbial communities in wetlands, and on microbial P metabolism and P cycling at ecosystem scales in wetland soils and beyond. I conducted field and laboratory research experiments in wetland soils, which by definition lie along gradients between terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems, and I explicitly compared results in wetlands to adjacent ecosystems to improve inference and impact.
To test relationships between microbial communities, soil stress and resource supply, I compared the distribution and abundance of uncultured bacterial communities to environmental factors across a range of wetland soils including a well-characterized P enrichment gradient, and restoration sequences on organic soils across freshwater wetland types. The strongest predictor of bacterial community composition and diversity was soil pH, which also corresponded with the abundance of some bacterial taxa. Land use and restoration were also strong predictors of bacterial communities, diversity, and the relative abundance of some taxonomic groups. Results from wetland soils in this study were similar to both terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems in the relationship of pH to microbial communities. However, patterns of biogeography I observed in wetlands differed from aquatic systems in their poor relationships to nutrient availability, and from terrestrial ecosystems in the response of microbial diversity to ecosystem restoration.
Accumulation of inorganic polyphosphate (PolyP) is a critical factor in the survival of multiple environmental stresses by bacteria and fungi. This physiological mechanism is best characterized in pure cultures, wastewater, sediments, and I used 31P-NMR experiments to test whether similar processes influence microbial P cycling in wetland soils. I surveyed PolyP accumulation in soils from different wetland types, and observed PolyP dynamics with flooding and seasonal change in field soils and laboratory microcosms. I found PolyP accumulation only in isolated pocosin peatlands, similar to patterns in the published literature. I observed rapid degradation of PolyP with flooding and anerobic conditions in soils and microcosms, and I characterized the biological and intracellular origin of PolyP with soil cell lysis treatments and bacterial cultures. While degradation of PolyP with flooding and anaerobic conditions appeared consistent with processes in aquatic sediments, some seasonal patterns were inconsistent, and experimental shifts in aerobic and anaerobic conditions did not result in PolyP accumulation in soil slurry microcosms. Similar to patterns in wetlands, I found prior observations of PolyP accumulation in published 31P-NMR studies of terrestrial habitats were limited to acid organic soils, where PolyP accumulation is thought to be fungal in origin. Fungal accumulation of PolyP may be useful as an alternative model for PolyP accumulation in wetlands, although I did not test for fungal activity or PolyP metabolism.
To evaluate relationships between microbial P metabolism and growth, I compared concentrations of P in soil microbial biomass with the soil metabolic quotient (qCO2) by compiling a large-scale dataset of the carbon (C), nitrogen (N) and P contents of soils and microbial biomass, along with C mineralization rates across global wetland and terrestrial ecosystems (358 observations). The ratios of these elements (stoichiometry) in biomass may reflect nutrient limitation (ecological stoichiometry), or be related to growth rates (Biological Stoichiometry). My results suggest that the growth of microbial biomass pools may be limited by N availability, while microbial metabolism was highly correlated to P availability, which suggests P limitation of microbial metabolism. This pattern may reflect cellular processes described by Biological Stoichiometry, although microbial stoichiometry was only indirectly related to respiration or metabolic rates. I found differences in the N:P ratios of soil microbial biomass among ecosystems and habitats, although high variation within habitats may be related to available inorganic P, season, metabolic states, or P and C rich energy storage compounds. Variation in microbial respiration and metabolic rates with soil pH suggests important influences of microbial communities and their responses to stress on metabolism and P cycling.
My dissertation research represents early contributions to the understanding of microbial communities and specific processes of microbial P metabolism in wetlands, including PolyP accumulation and Biological Stoichiometry, which underpin microbial cycling of P and C. Together, my research findings broadly indicate differences in microbial P metabolism among habitats in wetlands and other ecosystems, which suggests the prevailing paradigm of uniform P cycling by microbes will be inadequate to characterize the role of microbes in wetland P cycling and retention. While I observed some concomitant shifts in microbial communities, PolyP accumulation, and microbial stoichiometry with soil pH, land use, and habitat factors, relationships between specific microbial groups and their P metabolism is beyond the scope of this work, but represents an exciting frontier for future research studies.
Item Open Access Plant species' origin predicts dominance and response to nutrient enrichment and herbivores in global grasslands.(Nat Commun, 2015-07-15) Seabloom, Eric W; Borer, Elizabeth T; Buckley, Yvonne M; Cleland, Elsa E; Davies, Kendi F; Firn, Jennifer; Harpole, W Stanley; Hautier, Yann; Lind, Eric M; MacDougall, Andrew S; Orrock, John L; Prober, Suzanne M; Adler, Peter B; Anderson, T Michael; Bakker, Jonathan D; Biederman, Lori A; Blumenthal, Dana M; Brown, Cynthia S; Brudvig, Lars A; Cadotte, Marc; Chu, Chengjin; Cottingham, Kathryn L; Crawley, Michael J; Damschen, Ellen I; Dantonio, Carla M; DeCrappeo, Nicole M; Du, Guozhen; Fay, Philip A; Frater, Paul; Gruner, Daniel S; Hagenah, Nicole; Hector, Andy; Hillebrand, Helmut; Hofmockel, Kirsten S; Humphries, Hope C; Jin, Virginia L; Kay, Adam; Kirkman, Kevin P; Klein, Julia A; Knops, Johannes MH; La Pierre, Kimberly J; Ladwig, Laura; Lambrinos, John G; Li, Qi; Li, Wei; Marushia, Robin; McCulley, Rebecca L; Melbourne, Brett A; Mitchell, Charles E; Moore, Joslin L; Morgan, John; Mortensen, Brent; O'Halloran, Lydia R; Pyke, David A; Risch, Anita C; Sankaran, Mahesh; Schuetz, Martin; Simonsen, Anna; Smith, Melinda D; Stevens, Carly J; Sullivan, Lauren; Wolkovich, Elizabeth; Wragg, Peter D; Wright, Justin; Yang, LouieExotic species dominate many communities; however the functional significance of species' biogeographic origin remains highly contentious. This debate is fuelled in part by the lack of globally replicated, systematic data assessing the relationship between species provenance, function and response to perturbations. We examined the abundance of native and exotic plant species at 64 grasslands in 13 countries, and at a subset of the sites we experimentally tested native and exotic species responses to two fundamental drivers of invasion, mineral nutrient supplies and vertebrate herbivory. Exotic species are six times more likely to dominate communities than native species. Furthermore, while experimental nutrient addition increases the cover and richness of exotic species, nutrients decrease native diversity and cover. Native and exotic species also differ in their response to vertebrate consumer exclusion. These results suggest that species origin has functional significance, and that eutrophication will lead to increased exotic dominance in grasslands.