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Item Open Access A Brief Review and Analysis of Spectrum Auctions in Canada(2017-05-08) MartinezCid, Ricardo; Jiao, WenfeiWe begin by explaining the importance of efficient spectrum allocation and reviewing Canada’s recent spectrum allocation history. We then use a dataset covering more than 1,200 licenses auctioned from 2001 to 2015 that seeks to account for each auction’s particular rules. Our results confirm that measures of demand such as population covered, income levels, frequency levels, bandwidth, etc. indeed drive license valuation. We also quantify the negative impact on price of setting aside particular license auctions for new entrants, suggesting that the set-aside provision constitutes an implicit subsidy for those firms.Item Open Access Fluidity in Women's Sexuality(2016-08-09) Johonnot, KarliSexual fluidity has been proposed as a key component of women’s sexuality. However, not all women acknowledge or experience fluidity in their sexual attractions and behaviors. Because this is the case, what proportion of women are experiencing sexual fluidity? Research has concluded that a “sizeable minority” of women are experiencing sexual fluidity, with the highest levels found among those that identify as a sexual minority. Furthermore, certain individual differences have been found to be associated with a heightened (or weakened) likelihood of experiencing or embracing sexual fluidity. Through extensive literature reviews on women’s sexuality and sexual fluidity, it has been concluded that sexual orientation identity status, as well as psychological, biological, and social factors, all play roles in the expression or degree of sexual fluidity experienced. This means that certain personal and environmental factors have the ability to both hinder and/or nurture fluidity in a woman’s sexual attractions, behaviors, and experiences. Accepting that women’s sexuality is fluid and teaching about the variability sometimes observed in women’s sexuality allows us to not only see that experiencing same-sex attractions, desires, or experiences is not necessarily abnormal, but also that it may be more common than originally assumed, which has the potential to reduce societal stigma associated with homosexuality.Item Open Access Spatial Spectrum Estimation with a Maneuverable Sensor Array in a Dynamic Environment(2011) Odom, Jonathan LawrenceEstimation of a time-varying field is essential for situational awareness in many subject areas. Adaptive processing often assumes both the field is stationary and the array is fixed for multiple observation windows. For passive sonar, highly dynamic scenarios such as high bearing rate sources or underwater maneuvers severely limit the utilization of multiple snapshots. Several models are considered for time-varying fields, and a broadband maximum-likelihood estimator is introduced that is solved with an expectation maximization algorithm using as few as one snapshot. The number of estimated parameters can be reduced for broadband data when information, such as shape, is known about the source temporal spectrum. Cramér-Rao bound analysis is used to understand the effects of temporal spectrum knowledge on broadband processing. An example is given for the flat spectrum case to compare with conventional processing. Another feature of dynamic environments is array motion. Since underwater arrays are often subject to motion, the estimate must consider arbitrary, dynamic array shapes. Platforms such as autonomous underwater vehicles provide mobility but constrain the number of sensors. Exploiting a maneuverable linear array with the new estimate allows for left-right or front-back disambiguation and suppression of spatial grating lobes. Multi-source simulations are used to demonstrate the ability of a short, maneuvering array to reduce array backlobes as well as operate in the spatial grating lobe region.
Item Open Access The Evolution of U.S. Spectrum Values Over Time(Economic Research Initiatives at Duke (ERID) Working Paper, 2018-02-12) Connolly, Michelle P; Sá, Nelson; Zaman, Azeem; Roark, Christopher; Trivedi, AkshayaItem Open Access The Impact of Spectrum Quality on Wireless Telecom Competition(2012-04-16) Zhu, StephenThis paper explores the metrics used by FCC and others for evaluating competition between wireless telecom carriers. It focuses on the impact of wireless spectrum quality on the results of FCC spectrum auctions and the estimated market shares of wireless carriers. In this case, it is revealed that quality is affected by the physical attributes of and the policies that are imposed at auction. Further, accounting for quality can lead to changes in the perception of concentration in local markets. The findings here give insights that can be used to better evaluate the competitive landscape of telecom in the future.