Browsing by Subject "Wastewater treatment"
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Item Open Access Analysis of the Clean Development Mechanism As a Vehicle for Achieving Sanitation Objectives of the UN Millennium Goals(2009-04-24T01:12:52Z) Loken, LorraineThe UN Millennium Development Goals identified sanitation objectives as being fundamental to stopping the downward spiral of impoverished nations. This basic improvement is so important to quality of life that it is the foundation for protecting public health, the environment, and building economic stability. Climate change and its disproportionate impact on the poor make achieving the goals more elusive as poor nations struggle to adapt while limiting greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. The Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) provides market incentives for reducing GHG emissions while investing in sustainable development. This master’s project looks at the feasibility of applying the CDM to provide a financial incentive for improving wastewater treatment facilities in Durban, South Africa. Specifically, it looks at algae based wastewater treatment systems to create biofuel, fertilizers and other useful byproducts. Algae wastewater treatment enhances water quality through nutrient removal and can create certified emission reduction (CER) credits by replacing the secondary treatment process to eliminate N2O emissions and reduce energy and chemical operations costs. Algae research investment and venture capital have grown exponentially to create numerous partnership opportunities for financing. South Africa and eThekwini Municipality are competent in the CDM process, have experience with algae technology, and stand poised to leverage opportunities. A recent carbon market downturn and escalating administrative costs in the CDM make a weak cost-benefit ratio for smaller scale projects. A “Sectoral” approach to include the entire Water and Sanitation unit of eThekwini Municipality is recommended. CDM proposals should consider multiple algae wastewater treatment plant retrofits with production of algae biofuels. The biofuels should be used by the municipality to increase offsets and credits to be more cost effective. This would increase the volume of CERs that can be generated and therefore the economic incentive available to improve sanitation.Item Open Access Fate and Transformation of Metal-(Oxide) Nanoparticles in Wastewater Treatment(2014) Barton, Lauren ElizabethThe study and application of materials possessing size dimensions in the nano scale range and, as a result, unique properties have led to the birth of a new field; nanotechnology. Scientists and engineers have discovered and are exploiting the novel physicochemical characteristics of nanoparticles (NPs) to enhance consumer products and technologies in ways superior to their bulk counterparts. Escalating production and use of NPs will unavoidably lead to release and exposure to environmental systems. This introduction of emerging potential contaminant NPs will provide new and interesting challenges for exposure and risk forecasting as well as environmental endurance.
The ultimate goal of this research is to develop a framework that incorporates experimental and computational efforts to assess and better understand the exposure of metal and metal-oxide NPs released to wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) and further implications on land application units (LAUs) where biosolids can be applied. The foundation of the computational effort is comprised of Monte Carlo mass balance models that account for the unique processes affecting NP fate and transport through the different technical compartments of a WWTP and LAU. Functional assay and bioreactor experiments in environmental media were used to determine parameters capable of describing the critical processes that impact the fate of NPs in wastewater.
The results of this research indicate that a simplified, but still environmentally relevant nano-specific exposure assessment is possible through experimentation to parameterize adapted models. Black box modeling efforts, which have been shown in previous studies, show no disadvantage relative to discretization of technical compartments as long as all key transport and fate mechanisms are considered. The distribution coefficient (_), an experimentally determined, time-dependent parameter, can be used to predict the distribution of NPs between the liquid and solid phase in WWTPs. In addition, this parameter can be utilized a step further for the estimation of the more fundamental, time independent attachment efficiency between the NPs and the solids in wastewater. The NP core, size, and surface coating will influence the value of these parameters in addition to the background particle characteristics as the parameters are specific to the environmental system of study. For the metal and metal-oxide NPs studied, preferential overall association of approximately 90% or greater with the solid phase of wastewater was observed and predicted.
Furthermore, NP transformations including dissolution, redox reactions, and adsorption can potentially impact exposure. For example, experimental results showed that nano-CeO2 is reduced from Ce(IV) to Ce(III) when in contact with wastewater bacteria where Ce2S3 will likely govern the Ce(III) phase in biosolids. From the literature, similar transformations have been observed with Ag and ZnO NPs to Ag2S and ZnS. With respect to TiO2 NPs, studies indicated that due to high insolubility, these NPs would not undergo transformation in WWTPs. The distribution and transformation rate coefficients can then be used in fate models to predict the NP species exposed to aquatic and terrestrial systems and environmentally relevant concentrations released from WWTPs.
Upon completion of the WWTP model, the predicted concentrations of NPs and NP transformation byproducts released in effluent and biosolids were attainable. A simple mass balance model for NP fate in LAUs was then developed to use this output. Results indicate that NP loading on LAUs would be very low but that build up over time to steady state could result in mass concentrations on the order of the typical level for the background metal in soil. Transport processes of plant uptake and leaching were expected to greatly impact the solid phase concentration of the NPs remaining in the LAU, while rainfall did not impart a significant influence upon variation between low and high annual amounts. The significance of this research is the introduction of a method for NP exposure assessment in WWTPs and subsequently in LAUs. This work describes and quantifies the key processes that will impact Ag, TiO2, CeO2 and ZnO NP fate and transport, which can inform future studies, the modeling community and regulatory agencies.
Item Open Access Microbial Impacts of Selected Pharmaceutically Active Compounds Found in Domestic Wastewater Treatment Plants(2009) Wang, ShuyiLarge amounts of human pharmaceutical products are consumed worldwide. Many drugs and their metabolites, referred to as pharmaceutically active compounds (PhACs), are not fully metabolized prior to household discharge resulting in their common occurrence in wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs). In most instances, WWTPs present the first treatment opportunity for removing PhACs and preventing significant environmental exposure. Because most municipal WWTPs rely on the microbial component of the activated sludge process, there is a need to estimate the influence of PhACs in wastewater influent on the activated sludge microbial communities and the treatment performance of WWTPs. The objective of this dissertation was to determine the impact of selected PhACs (i.e., ketoprofen, naproxen, clofibric acid, carbamazepine and gemfibrozil) on activated sludge microorganisms and key individual microbial species in domestic wastewater treatment. Analyses were performed in batch reactors initially and then in laboratory-scale sequencing batch reactors (SBR) which mimic WWTP operations. Ammonia oxidizing bacteria (AOB) were selected as indicator organisms because of their importance in wastewater treatment and demonstrated sensitiveness to toxic compounds.
The batch experiments results suggested that microbial growth inhibition was correlated to organic loadings. In the presence of 0.2% (v/v) ethanol, significant inhibition, ranging from 34 to 43%, was observed for all PhACs other than clofibric acid.
Nitrification inhibition studies using Nitrosomonas europaea, a model AOB strain showed that ketoprofen, naproxen, carbamazepine and gemfibrozil inhibited nitrite production. The corresponding maximum nitrification inhibition rates were 25, 29, 22 and 26%, respectively. Inhibition was shown to increase with PhAC concentration for concentrations greater than 0.1 µM. Results from membrane integrity tests suggest that the inhibition may be due to the disturbance of the cell membrane by PhACs and such inhibition was shown to be irreversible.
Even though PhACs were shown to inhibit the nitrification rate in pure culture studies, the performance of SBRs exposed to individual PhACs was not adversely affected neither in terms of COD nor ammonia removal. Microbial fingerprinting for both total bacteria and AOB confirmed that no significant shifts occurred when microbial communities were exposed to PhACs. However, some PhACs introduced in binary mixture were found to both inhibit the nitrification of N. europaea as well as the performance of SBRs. The mixture composed of 0.5 μM ketoprofen and 0.5 μM naproxen showed significant inhibition (25%) on the nitrite production of N. europaea although neither 0.5 μM ketoprofen nor 0.5 μM naproxen had significant effect when presented alone. Similarly, both COD and ammonia removal were significantly impacted by binary mixtures of PhACs. These results suggest that mixture effects can play an important role in an overall treatment's nitrification potential and this phenomenon should be further investigated.