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Item Open Access 1 Linking Land Use and Water Quality: Guiding Development Surrounding Durham County’s Drinking Watershed(2012-04-26) Levin, Katie RoseAbstract Linking Land Use and Water Quality: Guiding Development Surrounding Durham County’s Drinking Watershed By Katie Rose Levin May 2012 Cities and Counties have an obligation to provide water to their citizens in the quality and quantity necessary to support a viable existence. To meet these demands, in 1929 Durham City dammed the Flat River, creating the reservoir named “Lake Michie” in the far north eastern part of Durham County. Although located in a primarily rural area, there are signs that stormwater runoff is having detrimental effects on Lake Michie. The reservoir has already lost a quarter of its holding capacity to sedimentation, and was recently classified as Eutrophic by the USGS. Development pressure will only increase, as for the last ten years Durham County’s population has grown faster than the average across the state. To address development concerns, Durham county and city created the Unified Development Ordinance (UDO) which provides enhanced protection for the land in the Lake Michie Watershed. The UDO limits the amount of impervious surface allowed on any one parcel in the watershed to 6%, while allowing a transfer of development between parcels to discourage urban sprawl. In addition to the protection afforded by codes, Durham managers are interested in creating a unified conservation scheme, based on preserving parcels as forested areas. This Project provides information and maps that can be used for conservation planning. Through combining topography, soils, and land use, areas likely to have highest impact on water quality are highlighted. Using this information, parcels can be evaluated based on their relative impact on water quality. Likewise, parcels can be compared against each other for the relative impact they have on water quality, informing transfers of impervious surface areas to meet development code. By combining the scientific evaluation of land use effects with the political boundaries of parcel ownership officials can easily translate science into the politics of conservation and development. Just like the New Hope Creek and Eno River conservation maps, now Lake Michie has a scientifically based conservation map to help officials and land managers preserve water quality into the future. Adviser: Dr. Dean UrbanItem Open Access A Watershed Protection Audit of Development Policy in Raleigh, North Carolina(2008-04-22T01:10:44Z) Gottlieb, JessicaThe city of Raleigh, North Carolina, is growing by leaps and bounds. In July 2007, it became the 50th largest city in the country, and city planners estimate that the population of Raleigh may grow more than 70 percent by the year 2030. This growth has already begun impacting the environment, as air and water quality declines and water supply and wastewater treatment centers seek new ways to build capacity. Recent drought conditions have exacerbated water pollution and low water supply issues, and Raleigh is struggling to implement policies that address state-mandated pollution prevention. City planners are beginning to reconsider previous development patterns and policies. In August 2007, city managers kicked off the City of Raleigh Comprehensive Plan revision process, in order to create a new policy framework that fosters greater environmental protection. Watershed protection maintains environmental quality by filtering air and water pollutants, protecting wildlife habitat, mitigates flood hazards and reduces strain on treatment facilities. This project incorporates principles of smart growth and watershed management to develop a new auditing tool that evaluates how well development policies contribute to watershed protection. This tool uses a checklist, based on indicators or characteristics of watershed protection, to identify strengths and weaknesses in development policies. An analysis of Raleigh’s development policies, based on preliminary results from this watershed protection audit, indicates that current policies do not sufficiently address watershed protection. A more extensive analysis, completed by the city over a longer time period, would identify specific areas of concern and gaps in policy implementation or enforcement. This project also outlines steps for the future use of this tool in Raleigh, discusses the information necessary to implement this audit, and outlines the challenges that will need to be addressed during the audit and the implementation of new policies.Item Open Access Conserving the Cape Fear River Basin: A Watershed-Scale Parcel Prioritization(2023-04-28) Bruns, Andrea; Elias, ClaireThe Cape Fear River Basin (CFRB) spans over 9,000 square miles of North Carolina’s Piedmont and Coastal Plains, supporting a rapidly increasing human population and extensive agricultural operations. However, its communities and ecosystems are increasingly vulnerable to joint hydrological impacts of land use change, population growth, and climate change. Flooding and drought have become more frequent and extreme while polluted waters and riparian habitat fragmentation reduce biodiversity. The Nature Conservancy’s North Carolina Water Program (TNC) implements conservation and restoration projects to attenuate these threats. We streamlined project selection by using geospatial analysis to rank land parcels by their promotion of four objectives: 1. ecological resilience, 2. biodiversity, 3. social resilience to flooding, and 4. water quality. We adapted our geospatial analysis into a tool that TNC can use to rank parcels, isolate objectives, or alter their influence using a flexible weighting scheme.Item Open Access Private Water Utility Landholdings: Financial and Political Implications(2014-04-25) Vigliotti, TabithaEcosystem services research has led to policies favoring watershed land protection at the federal, state, local, and private levels, notably at drinking water treatment facilities. A few researchers have connected land use and water utilities by estimating surface water treatment costs through raw water sediment load. However, more comprehensive cost-benefit research of private watershed land ownership is absent. In my research, I develop a distributional cash flow model to estimate the magnitude and timing of costs and benefits to a Connecticut private water company, the local community, and to the economy as a whole using Connecticut Public Utilities Regulatory Authority data, interviews, regulatory landscape, tax regime, and non-market valuation benefits transfer. The base case model predicts positive NPV to all parties in Connecticut: $3,828,432,329 to the economy from 2010 through 2025, where $1,461,824,087 of that is from benefits to the company and $2,366,608,242 is from benefits to the community. Sensitivity analysis implies these findings may be robust to systematic changes (+/- 10% and +/-20%) to input parameters. The distribution of costs and benefits lends itself to political economy considerations and future policy reflections.Item Open Access Setting the Landscape Context for Paired Watershed Studies in Western Oregon(2008-04-24T13:44:55Z) Bax, TylerPaired watershed studies provide valuable scientific understanding of the effects of disturbance on aquatic resources. Recently, the Watersheds Research Cooperative (WRC) in western Oregon initiated three paired watershed studies in order to investigate the effects of contemporary timber management practices on aquatic ecosystems. I use geographic information system (GIS) tools, combined with principal components and cluster analyses, to develop a landscape classification of forested headwater basins in order to support these paired watershed studies. Spatial and statistical analyses were applied to landform, geologic texture, forest cover, and climate variables that describe the biophysical and climatic setting of forested headwater catchments (300 – 58,000 km2) in western Oregon. Cluster analysis isolated 5 groups that account for major differences in environmental conditions across the landscape, but have a large ratio of among to within group dissimilarity. The first and second principal component axes correlate most strongly to differences in slope and elevation, and the percent coniferous tree cover and past harvest, respectively. Ultimately, results from clustering and principal components analysis are combined to identify areas on the landscape that are best represented by WRC study sites. Results show that the WRC sites are environmentally similar to the majority of forested areas in western Oregon, with notable exceptions. These results provide a landscape context for interpreting and extrapolating the findings of paired watershed studies and are useful for prioritizing site locations for future paired watershed studies in the region. Partners including the Bureau of Land Management, Oregon Department of Forestry, and private landowners will use this information to better understand the broader implications of contemporary timber harvest techniques on watershed processes and aquatic biota.Item Open Access Study of Land Use Impacts and Options for Innovative Stormwater Management in a Rapidly Changing Watershed: Richland Creek, Wake County, North Carolina(2023-04) Fischer, Atalie; Sheldon, Jessica; Jacob, Natasha; Jing, YikaiThe Blue Ridge Corridor (BRC) in northwest Raleigh, NC is currently being redeveloped through a partnership between the Blue Ridge Corridor Alliance (BCRA) and the City of Raleigh. However, the scope of this development is unprecedented within the region and larger watershed of Richland Creek. Rapid urbanization can degrade water quality and functionality of these ecosystems. Our team’s goal is to provide a baseline for water quality and quantity in the watershed, assess land cover changes, develop a stormwater case study, and create a green stormwater framework that would provide guidance and opportunity for ecologically minded development. We analyzed and modeled recent and projected future land use and land cover change. Development in the Richland Creek Watershed has increased by 9.22% in the past 22 years, and an additional 24% of the watershed will become urbanized in the next 20 years, largely at the expense of forested land. Accelerating urban land pressures will require well-designed development to maintain water quality and ecosystem health. The results of our water quality and quantity assessment reveal signatures of increased urban land covers in Richland and Crabtree Creeks. Although rainfall has been constant, stream flow has increased, a change that can be attributed to runoff from increased impervious surface. Additionally, we see increased total hardness attributable to the weathering of asphalt, and increased turbidity attributable to the rapid transport of urban runoff. Improved monitoring of Richland and Crabtree Creek will help assessment of the watershed under increasing development. We modeled replacement of impervious surface cover (ISC) with pervious surfaces to determine how runoff could be reduced in current and future development. Decreasing ISC for three points of interest (POI) had varying effects, but overall decreased peak flows in all storm events. Development should focus on areas where a change in land cover does not greatly impact peak flows and avoid hydrologically sensitive areas. We identified relevant examples of green stormwater infrastructure that could be implemented in the corridor, outlined their benefits, and identified possible funding programs for their construction and maintenance. A public StoryMap was a step in the final synthesis of the project, which was to create a framework for ecologically minded development in the BRC. Our ArcGIS online StoryMap provides context of the project, overview of methods, results, and recommendations. Environmental and economic success of the Blue Ridge Corridor development will be more likely if engaged stakeholders possess a shared understanding of the development and how green infrastructure and low-impact design can reduce environmental costs and maximize environmental benefits throughout the project. This framework is achievable through the implementation of the following recommendations: (1) Maximize the use of green stormwater infrastructure throughout the BRC; (2) Regular monitoring of Richland Creek through placement of USGS gage; and, (3) Inform and engage stakeholders through creation of a publicly available StoryMap. These three steps address the findings, limitations, and next steps identified in the project. Incorporation of the framework into the BRC development plans is critical to the ecosystem health and resilience of the Richland Creek watershed.Item Open Access The Application of Extreme Stochastic Inputs to a Transport Model in the Context of Global Climate Change(2011) Haerer, DrewGlobal climate is predicted to have significant impacts on the chemical, biological, and physical characteristics of wetlands and the watersheds in which they are contained. In particular, climate prediction models suggest a significant increase in extreme precipitation events - both more frequent and more intense flood and drought occurrences. A wetland model that incorporates surfacewater-groundwater interactions (WETSAND2.0) was used to investigate the potential impacts of these stochastically generated extreme events on wetland flow regimes in an urban watershed. The results predict increases in streamflow and flooding as well as drought conditions on a near yearly basis. However, the model also shows that the impact on the Sandy Creek-Duke University watershed will not be as extreme as many suggest. Although flooding will occur, it will be relatively minor and comparable to historic flows. And although droughts are also predicted, the balance of wet and dry in this wetland watershed can actually be a positive for the environment. Therefore watersheds, no matter the spatial scale, must be analyzed individually. Although some comparisons can be made between similar regions, the effects of extreme precipitation events vary greatly depending on watershed characteristics.
Item Open Access Understanding Effects of Anthropogenic Activities on Element Cycling in Temperate Forest Watersheds(2011) Lutz, BrianHuman activities are increasingly altering the ways in which energy and elements cycle within and move between ecosystems. Through fossil fuel combustion and the use of synthetic fertilizers we continue to expose much of the biosphere to new rates and ratios of essential element supply. We are also shifting climate patterns on local, regional and global scales in ways that affect reaction rates and residence times of elements within ecosystems. Even the simplest ecosystems are usually too complex to predict many of the potential consequences that human activities will have on their sustained functioning. Because of this, we often monitor ecosystems as integrated wholes, looking to explain processes that account for important patterns observed across space and time. This dissertation consists of 3 data chapters, all of which use the small watershed ecosystem as the principal unit of study for understanding how human activities have altered element cycling in temperate forests in the southern Appalachian Mountains.
In Chapter 2, we present results from repeated synoptic surveys of streamwater chemistry for ~30 watersheds spanning one of the largest nitrogen (N) deposition gradients in North America, located within the Great Smoky Mountains National Park. We primarily focus on patterns in dissolved organic matter (DOM) concentrations and composition across the N gradient, with particular attention given to dissolved organic nitrogen (DON). DON dominates the global flux of N between terrestrial and aquatic systems, yet we have little understanding of how this prevailing N form responds to human N pollution. We found that DON concentrations often declined significantly with increasing catchment N loading and, through laboratory bioavailability assays, found that when N limitation is alleviated increased microbial demand for labile carbon (C) may drive this pattern. We use these findings to suggest a new hypothesis for the potential responses of DON to anthropogenic N pollution that accounts for the dual role that DON plays in both C and N cycles.
Chapter 3 is an extension of Chapter 2, in which we attempt to assess the role of DON as either a C or N source within an entire stream reach through a series of independent manipulations of labile C and inorganic N availabilities. In the second order reach of Walker Branch, a well-studied stream in eastern Tennessee, we performed a series of progressive (i.e., sequentially increasing concentrations), kinetic (i.e., very short duration), enrichments of acetate and nitrate on two successive days during April of 2009 before the tree canopy emerged and when in-stream algal production was high. In this system and on these short timescales, we were unable to elicit the same responses observed at sites across the chronic N deposition gradient in Chapter 2. We did, however, observe that DOM processing and composition was significantly altered. Using fluorescence characterization of DOM, we found that adding acetate displaced heterotrophic demand for terrestrially derived DOM. Conversely, nitrate additions stimulated production of highly bioavailable autochthonous DOM within the stream channel, which resulted in an indirect displacement of demand for terrestrially derived DOM. Understanding DOM dynamics in streams has long been a priority for stream ecologists because it represents an important energy and nutrient source fueling stream metabolism. Our results provide new insight into the processes controlling DOM concentrations and composition in Walker Branch, as well as demonstrate the potential of this method for future investigations of DOM in stream ecosystems.
Chapter 4 deviates from the preceding chapters' focus on N availability and ecosystem DOM dynamics, instead assessing the role of climate change on long-term streamwater concentrations and fluxes from the West Fork of the Walker Branch watershed. At this site, mean annual temperatures have increased by ~2˚C, while mean annual precipitation and runoff have declined by ~20% and >40%, respectively, since 1989. We use weekly streamwater samples to assess trends in concentrations and fluxes for 9 different solutes over this period and, using wet deposition data, also evaluate changes in approximate watershed input-output budgets. The observed change in runoff was accompanied by a change in the proportional contributions of different soil flowpaths to streamflow generation through time, with deep groundwater playing an increasingly important role in recent years. Solutes that increase in concentration deeper in the soil profile exhibited significant increases in streamwater concentrations through time, while solutes with higher concentrations in soil solution in the upper profile decreased in concentration. Nutrient solutes, which exhibit much less variation across soil flowpaths, typically display large seasonal patterns in streamwater concentrations that are driven by in-stream biological uptake. However, most nutrient solutes exhibited little or no trend in concentrations through time, indicating that the biological controls on these solutes have remained relatively unaltered by the observed changes in climate over the 20-year period. On shorter timescales, changes in the frequency or severity of multi-year droughts, as well as changes in the frequency or intensity of storms that disrupt in-stream uptake, can have large impacts on watershed input-output budgets of nutrient solutes even if the effects do not manifest as linear trends through time. Our results demonstrate the important role that changing climates can have on watershed element cycles, illustrating that climate effects can manifest through either changes in hydrologic regime or through changing biogeochemical process rates.
Taken together, these chapters illustrate that human activities are indirectly but substantially changing biogeochemical cycles in temperate forests throughout the Southern Appalachians. Ecosystem structure and function depends on the ways in which energy and elements move within and between ecosystems. We rely on the sustained integrity of ecosystems for their many services and, because of this, it is essential that we understand ecosystem responses to current and future human impacts.
Item Open Access Watershed Payments for Ecosystem Services and Climate Change Adaptation(2008-04-21T19:29:37Z) Willetts, ElizabethA majority of East African nations rely heavily on hydropower for their energy supply. Climate change experts predict significant changes to total precipitation and seasonal weather patterns in this area in the near future. Consequently, these nations should expect hydrologic stress across all watershed scales. Resilience of East Africa’s energy sector to these climate change impacts will rely on coordinated environmental and economic policy. It will depend on the ability of governments to quickly improve management of important ecosystems and water basins. However, effective decision-making must balance the watershed needs of local livelihoods, such as subsistence agriculture, with national energy needs, such as expansion of electricity infrastructure. Environmental policy increasingly leans to economic mechanisms to find resolutions to ecosystem dependency conflicts. Payments for Ecosystems Services (PES) is one environmental economic mechanism that could effectively and rapidly improve environmental management in this region. This paper investigates the feasibility for using local PES schemes in a major Rwanda watershed as both a tool for community vulnerability reduction and for energy sector resilience to climate change impacts. Payments for Ecosystem Services in developing countries involves local-level environmental negotiations between the public and private sectors. The mechanism has two goals. Primarily, it gives physical value to specific resource improvements. Secondly, PES reorganizes funding streams towards particular environmental objectives using positive incentives. In effect, it can develop a sustainable, locally-driven, conservation funding mechanism. PES most strongly emerged as a conservation tool in the early 1990’s in Latin America. Uncertainty in its ability to achieve restoration targets and questions about its ability to achieve financial independence does not deter PES’ popularity. PES schemes and informational networks now exist in Latin America, Asia, Africa, and Oceania. The first portion of this paper looks at the capacity-building potential of PES mechanisms. It relates these to adaptive capacity needs for climate change given by the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). The second portion of this paper organizes key literature describing different feasibility criteria for PES implementation in the Rwandan context. To verify whether watershed PES is plausible, the paper then investigates the political, social, and environmental context of Rwanda’s major watershed and compares these to fourteen international PES case study sites. The final portion of the paper links potential PES scheme designs in the Rugezi area to specific capacity building potential and then to climate change adaptation objectives. Successful implementation of watershed PES in Rwanda will depend on careful scheme design and persistent trust-building in order to harmonize wetland inhabitant and electric utility needs. Existence of contextually parallel projects in Indonesia, South Africa, and Columbia, gives evidence that these challenges can be creatively overcome. Findings show that Rwandan decision-makers will need more hydrologic data to make ecologically informed and efficient decisions and also to set targets. With several necessary conditions in place, watershed PES in Rugezi may be a feasible tool for climate change adaptation and energy sector resilience. However, there is need for cost-benefit analysis to clarify short term, long term, and distributive costs and benefits of such a project.