Browsing by Subject "force spectroscopy"
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Item Open Access Development of a State-of-the-Art Atomic Force Microscope for Improved Force Spectroscopy(2008-11-19) Rivera, MonicaThis research describes the development of a state-of-the-art atomic force microscope (AFM) for improved force spectroscopy. Although the AFM has been used extensively in this field of research, the performance of the instrument has been limited by inefficient operation techniques, incorrect experimental assumptions, and inadequate controller design. This research focuses on overcoming these deficiencies by providing precise control over the instrument for specialized research in a manner that is conducive to the natural science researcher.
To facilitate this research, a custom, multi-axis AFM system was constructed. The instrument was designed primarily for AFM-based force spectroscopy and as a result a substantial amount of research focused on the development of a wide variety of approach/retraction methods for the instrument. Defining research in this area included the development of methods to minimize potentially damaging compressive forces, form polymer bridges at different tip-sample gap widths, produce clean, deconvoluted force-extension curves, and limit single molecule force spectroscopy pulling geometry errors. In an effort to increase the efficiency of the instrument, the programs developed during this research were fully automated, allowing autonomous operation of the instrument for long periods of time. To compliment the data collection programs, both manual and automated analysis programs with force-volume imaging capabilities were also developed.
By studying the AFM from a dynamic systems, measurements, and controls approach, the resulting controllers were tailored to meet the process requirements of the intended applications. In doing so, the sensitivity of the instrument was improved for applications of interest. By incorporating control over the environment, contact force, loading rate, and pulling angle, the research has increased the accuracy of the AFM such that molecules and receptor-ligand binding events can be investigated with greater detail. Furthermore, the incorporation of a graphical user interface and automated data collection and analysis tools has made the AFM a more user-friendly, efficient instrument for the natural science researcher.
Item Open Access Evaluation of Complex Biocatalysis in Aqueous Solution. Part I: Efforts Towards a Biophysical Perspective of the Cellulosome; Part II: Experimental Determination of Methonium Desolvation Thermodynamics(2014) King, Jason RyanThe intricate interplay of biomolecules acting together, rather than alone, provides insight into the most basic of cellular functions, such as cell signaling, metabolism, defense, and, ultimately, the creation of life. Inherent in each of these processes is an evolutionary tendency towards increased efficiency by means of biolgocial synergy-- the ability of individual elements of a system to produce a combined effect that is different and often greater than the sum of the effects of the parts. Modern biochemists are challenged to find model systems to characterize biological synergy.
We discuss the multicomponent, enzyme complex the cellulosome as a model system of biological synergy. Native cellulosomes comprise numerous carbohydrate-active binding proteins and enzymes designed for the efficient degradation of plant cell wall matrix polysaccharides, namely cellulose. Cellulosomes are modular enzyme complexes, comparable to enzyme "legos" that may be readily constructed into multiple geometries by synthetic design. Cellulosomal enzymes provide means to measure protein efficiency with altered complex geometry through assay of enzymatic activity as a function of geometry.
Cellulosomes are known to be highly efficient at cellulose depolymerization, and current debates on the molecular origins of this efficiency suggest two related effects provide this efficiency: i) substrate targeting, which argues that the localization of the enzyme complex at the interface of insoluble cell wall polysaccharides facilitates substrate depolymerization; and ii) proximity effects, which describe the implicit benefit for co-localizing multiple enzymes with divergent substrate preferences on the activity of the whole complex.
Substrate targeting can be traced to the activity of a single protein, the cellulosomal scaffoldin cellulose binding module CBM3a that is thought to uniquely bind highly crystalline, insoluble cellulose. We introduce methods to develop a molecular understanding of the substrate preferences for CBM3a on soluble and insoluble cellulosic substrates. Using pivaloylysis of cellulose triacetate, we obtain multiple soluble cello-oligosaccharides with increasing degree of glucose polymerization (DP) from glucose (DP1) to cellodecaose (DP10) in high yield. Using calorimetry and centrifugal titrations, cello-oligosacharides were shown to not bind Clostridial cellulolyticum CMB3a. We developed AFM cantilever functionalization protocols to immobilize CBM3a and then probe the interfacial binding between CBM3a and a cellulose nanocrystal thin film using force spectroscopy. Specific binding at the interface was demonstrated in reference to a control protein that does not bind cellulose. The results indicate that i) CBM3a specifically binds nanocrystalline cellulose and ii) specific interfacial binding may be probed by force spectroscopy with the proper introduction of controls and blocking agents.
The question of enzyme proximity effects in the cellulosome must be answered by assaying the activity of cellulosomal cellulases in response to cellulosome geometry. The kinetic characterization of cellulases requires robust and reproducible assays to quantify functional cellulase content of from recombinant enzyme preparations. To facilitate the real-time routine assay of cellulase activity, we developed a custom synthesis of a fluorogenic cellulase substrate based on the cellohexaoside of Driguez and co-workers (vide infra). Two routes to synthesize a key thiophenyl glycoside building block were presented, with the more concise route providing the disaccharide in four steps from a commercial starting material. The disaccharide building blocks were coupled by chemical activation to yield the fully protected cellohexaoside over additional six steps. Future work will include the elaboration of this compound into an underivatized FRET-paired hexasaccharide and its subsequent use in cellulase activity assays.
This dissertation also covers an experimental system for the evaluation of methonium desolvation thermodynamics. Methonium (-N+Me3, Am) is an organic cation widely distributed in biological systems. The appearance of methonium in biological transmitters and receptors seems at odds with the large unfavorable desolvation free energy reported for tetramethylammonium (TMA+), a frequently utilized surrogate of methonium. We report an experimental system that facilitates incremental internalization of methonium within the molecular cavity of cucurbit[7]uril (CB[7]).
Using a combination of experimental and computational studies we show that the transfer of methonium from bulk water to the CB[7] cavity is accompanied by a remarkably small desolvation enthalpy of just 0.5±0.3 kcal*mol-1, a value significantly less endothermic than those values suggested from gas-phase model studies (+49.3 kcal*mol-1). More surprisingly, the incremental withdrawal of methonium surface from water produces a non- monotonic response in desolvation enthalpy. A partially desolvated state exists, in which a portion of the methonium group remains exposed to solvent. This structure incurs an increased enthalpic penalty of ~3 kcal*mol-1 compared to other solvation states. We attribute this observation to the pre- encapsulation de-wetting of the methonium surface. Together, our results offer a rationale for the wide biological distribution of methonium and suggest limitations to computational estimates of binding affinities based on simple parameterization of solvent-accessible surface area.
Item Open Access Mechanochemistry for Active Materials and Devices(2016) Gossweiler, Gregory RobertThe coupling of mechanical stress fields in polymers to covalent chemistry (polymer mechanochemistry) has provided access to previously unattainable chemical reactions and polymer transformations. In the bulk, mechanochemical activation has been used as the basis for new classes of stress-responsive polymers that demonstrate stress/strain sensing, shear-induced intermolecular reactivity for molecular level remodeling and self-strengthening, and the release of acids and other small molecules that are potentially capable of triggering further chemical response. The potential utility of polymer mechanochemistry in functional materials is limited, however, by the fact that to date, all reported covalent activation in the bulk occurs in concert with plastic yield and deformation, so that the structure of the activated object is vastly different from its nascent form. Mechanochemically activated materials have thus been limited to “single use” demonstrations, rather than as multi-functional materials for structural and/or device applications. Here, we report that filled polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) elastomers provide a robust elastic substrate into which mechanophores can be embedded and activated under conditions from which the sample regains its original shape and properties. Fabrication is straightforward and easily accessible, providing access for the first time to objects and devices that either release or reversibly activate chemical functionality over hundreds of loading cycles.
While the mechanically accelerated ring-opening reaction of spiropyran to merocyanine and associated color change provides a useful method by which to image the molecular scale stress/strain distribution within a polymer, the magnitude of the forces necessary for activation had yet to be quantified. Here, we report single molecule force spectroscopy studies of two spiropyran isomers. Ring opening on the timescale of tens of milliseconds is found to require forces of ~240 pN, well below that of previously characterized covalent mechanophores. The lower threshold force is a combination of a low force-free activation energy and the fact that the change in rate with force (activation length) of each isomer is greater than that inferred in other systems. Importantly, quantifying the magnitude of forces required to activate individual spiropyran-based force-probes enables the probe behave as a “scout” of molecular forces in materials; the observed behavior of which can be extrapolated to predict the reactivity of potential mechanophores within a given material and deformation.
We subsequently translated the design platform to existing dynamic soft technologies to fabricate the first mechanochemically responsive devices; first, by remotely inducing dielectric patterning of an elastic substrate to produce assorted fluorescent patterns in concert with topological changes; and second, by adopting a soft robotic platform to produce a color change from the strains inherent to pneumatically actuated robotic motion. Shown herein, covalent polymer mechanochemistry provides a viable mechanism to convert the same mechanical potential energy used for actuation into value-added, constructive covalent chemical responses. The color change associated with actuation suggests opportunities for not only new color changing or camouflaging strategies, but also the possibility for simultaneous activation of latent chemistry (e.g., release of small molecules, change in mechanical properties, activation of catalysts, etc.) in soft robots. In addition, mechanochromic stress mapping in a functional actuating device might provide a useful design and optimization tool, revealing spatial and temporal force evolution within the actuator in a way that might also be coupled to feedback loops that allow autonomous, self-regulation of activity.
In the future, both the specific material and the general approach should be useful in enriching the responsive functionality of soft elastomeric materials and devices. We anticipate the development of new mechanophores that, like the materials, are reversibly and repeatedly activated, expanding the capabilities of soft, active devices and further permitting dynamic control over chemical reactivity that is otherwise inaccessible, each in response to a single remote signal.