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Item Open Access A complete knot invariant from contact homologyEkholm, T; Ng, L; Shende, VWe construct an enhanced version of knot contact homology, and show that we can deduce from it the group ring of the knot group together with the peripheral subgroup. In particular, it completely determines a knot up to smooth isotopy. The enhancement consists of the (fully noncommutative) Legendrian contact homology associated to the union of the conormal torus of the knot and a disjoint cotangent fiber sphere, along with a product on a filtered part of this homology. As a corollary, we obtain a new, holomorphic-curve proof of a result of the third author that the Legendrian isotopy class of the conormal torus is a complete knot invariant. Furthermore, we relate the holomorphic and sheaf approaches via calculations of partially wrapped Floer homology in the spirit of [BEE12].Item Open Access A topological introduction to knot contact homology(Bolyai Society Mathematical Studies, 2014-01-01) Ng, LThis is a survey of knot contact homology, with an emphasis on topological, algebraic, and combinatorial aspects.Item Open Access Augmentations are SheavesNg, L; Rutherford, D; Shende, V; Sivek, S; Zaslow, EWe show that the set of augmentations of the Chekanov-Eliashberg algebra of a Legendrian link underlies the structure of a unital A-infinity category. This differs from the non-unital category constructed in [BC], but is related to it in the same way that cohomology is related to compactly supported cohomology. The existence of such a category was predicted by [STZ], who moreover conjectured its equivalence to a category of sheaves on the front plane with singular support meeting infinity in the knot. After showing that the augmentation category forms a sheaf over the x-line, we are able to prove this conjecture by calculating both categories on thin slices of the front plane. In particular, we conclude that every augmentation comes from geometry.Item Open Access Braid Loops with infinite monodromy on the Legendrian contact DGA(2021-01-06) Casals, Roger; Ng, LenhardWe present the first examples of elements in the fundamental group of the space of Legendrian links in the standard contact 3-sphere whose action on the Legendrian contact DGA is of infinite order. This allows us to construct the first families of Legendrian links that can be shown to admit infinitely many Lagrangian fillings by Floer-theoretic techniques. These families include the first known Legendrian links with infinitely many fillings that are not rainbow closures of positive braids, and the smallest Legendrian link with infinitely many fillings known to date. We discuss how to use our examples to construct other links with infinitely many fillings, in particular giving the first Floer-theoretic proof that Legendrian (n,m) torus links have infinitely many Lagrangian fillings, if n is greater than 3 and m greater than 6, or (n,m)=(4,4),(4,5). In addition, for any given higher genus, we construct a Weinstein 4-manifold homotopic to the 2-sphere whose wrapped Fukaya category can distinguish infinitely many exact closed Lagrangian surfaces of that genus. A key technical ingredient behind our results is a new combinatorial formula for decomposable cobordism maps between Legendrian contact DGAs with integer (group ring) coefficients.Item Open Access Higher genus knot contact homology and recursion for colored HOMFLY-PT polynomialsEkholm, Tobias; Ng, LenhardWe sketch a construction of Legendrian Symplectic Field Theory (SFT) for conormal tori of knots and links. Using large $N$ duality and Witten's connection between open Gromov-Witten invariants and Chern-Simons gauge theory, we relate the SFT of a link conormal to the colored HOMFLY-PT polynomials of the link. We present an argument that the HOMFLY-PT wave function is determined from SFT by induction on Euler characteristic, and also show how to, more directly, extract its recursion relation by elimination theory applied to finitely many noncommutative equations. The latter can be viewed as the higher genus counterpart of the relation between the augmentation variety and Gromov-Witten disk potentials established by Aganagic, Vafa, and the authors, and, from this perspective, our results can be seen as an SFT approach to quantizing the augmentation variety.Item Open Access Knot contact homology, string topology, and the cord algebra(Journal de l’École polytechnique — Mathématiques, 2017) Cieliebak, K; Ekholm, T; Latschev, J; Ng, LThe conormal Lagrangian LKof a knot K in R3is the submanifold of the cotangent bundle T∗R3consisting of covectors along K that annihilate tangent vectors to K. By intersecting with the unit cotangent bundle S∗R3, one obtains the unit conormal ΛK, and the Legendrian contact homology of ΛKis a knot invariant of K, known as knot contact homology. We define a version of string topology for strings in R3∪ LKand prove that this is isomorphic in degree 0 to knot contact homology. The string topology perspective gives a topological derivation of the cord algebra (also isomorphic to degree 0 knot contact homology) and relates it to the knot group. Together with the isomorphism this gives a new proof that knot contact homology detects the unknot. Our techniques involve a detailed analysis of certain moduli spaces of holomorphic disks in T∗R3with boundary on R3∪ LK.Item Open Access Legendrian contact homology in R^3Etnyre, John B; Ng, Lenhard LThis is an introduction to Legendrian contact homology and the Chekanov-Eliashberg differential graded algebra, with a focus on the setting of Legendrian knots in $\mathbb{R}^3$.Item Open Access Legendrian contact homology in the boundary of a subcritical Weinstein 4-manifold(Journal of Differential Geometry, 2015-09) Ekholm, T; Ng, LWe give a combinatorial description of the Legendrian contact homology algebra associated to a Legendrian link in S1× S2or any connected sum #k(S1×S2), viewed as the contact boundary of the Weinstein manifold obtained by attaching 1-handles to the 4-ball. In view of the surgery formula for symplectic homology [5], this gives a combinatorial description of the symplectic homology of any 4-dimensional Weinstein manifold (and of the linearized contact homology of its boundary). We also study examples and discuss the invariance of the Legendrian homology algebra under deformations, from both the combinatorial and the analytical perspectives.Item Open Access On the Stein framing number of a knotMark, Thomas E; Piccirillo, Lisa; Vafaee, FaramarzFor an integer $n$, write $X_n(K)$ for the 4-manifold obtained by attaching a 2-handle to the 4-ball along the knot $K\subset S^3$ with framing $n$. It is known that if $n< \overline{\text{tb}}(K)$, then $X_n(K)$ admits the structure of a Stein domain, and moreover the adjunction inequality implies there is an upper bound on the value of $n$ such that $X_n(K)$ is Stein. We provide examples of knots $K$ and integers $n\geq \overline{\text{tb}}(K)$ for which $X_n(K)$ is Stein, answering an open question in the field. In fact, our family of examples shows that the largest framing such that the manifold $X_n(K)$ admits a Stein structure can be arbitrarily larger than $\overline{\text{tb}}(K)$. We also provide an upper bound on the Stein framings for $K$ that is typically stronger than that coming from the adjunction inequality.Item Open Access Representations, sheaves, and Legendrian $(2,m)$ torus linksChantraine, Baptiste; Ng, Lenhard; Sivek, StevenWe study an $A_\infty$ category associated to Legendrian links in $\mathbb{R}^3$ whose objects are $n$-dimensional representations of the Chekanov-Eliashberg differential graded algebra of the link. This representation category generalizes the positive augmentation category and we conjecture that it is equivalent to a category of sheaves of microlocal rank $n$ constructed by Shende, Treumann, and Zaslow. We establish the cohomological version of this conjecture for a family of Legendrian $(2,m)$ torus links.