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Item Unknown Development of a $^{83\mathrm{m}}$Kr source for the calibration of the CENNS-10 Liquid Argon Detector(Journal of Instrumentation, 2020-10-21) Collaboration, COHERENT; Akimov, D; An, P; Awe, C; Barbeau, PS; Becker, B; Belov, V; Bernardi, I; Blackston, MA; Blokland, L; Bolozdynya, A; Cabrera-Palmer, B; Chen, N; Chernyak, D; Conley, E; Daughhetee, J; Coello, M del Valle; Detwiler, JA; Durand, MR; Efremenko, Y; Elliott, SR; Fabris, L; Febbraro, M; Fox, W; Galindo-Uribarri, A; Rosso, A Gallo; Green, MP; Hansen, KS; Heath, MR; Hedges, S; Hughes, M; Johnson, T; Khromov, A; Konovalov, A; Kozlova, E; Kumpan, A; Li, L; Librande, JT; Link, JM; Liu, J; Mann, K; Markoff, DM; McGoldrick, O; Mueller, PE; Newby, J; Parno, DS; Pentilla, S; Pershey, D; Radford, D; Rapp, R; Ray, H; Raybern, J; Razuvaeva, O; Reyna, D; Rich, GC; Rudik, D; Runge, J; Salvat, DJ; Scholberg, K; Shakirov, A; Simakov, G; Snow, WM; Sosnovtsev, V; Suh, B; Tayloe, R; Tellez-Giron-Flores, K; Thornton, RT; Tolstukhin, I; Vanderwerp, J; Varner, RL; Venkataraman, R; Virtue, CJ; Visser, G; Wiseman, C; Wongjirad, T; Yang, J; Yen, Y-R; Yoo, J; Yu, C-H; Zettlemoyer, JWe report on the preparation of and calibration measurements with a $^{83\mathrm{m}}$Kr source for the CENNS-10 liquid argon detector. $^{83\mathrm{m}}$Kr atoms generated in the decay of a $^{83}$Rb source were introduced into the detector via injection into the Ar circulation loop. Scintillation light arising from the 9.4 keV and 32.1 keV conversion electrons in the decay of $^{83\mathrm{m}}$Kr in the detector volume were then observed. This calibration source allows the characterization of the low-energy response of the CENNS-10 detector and is applicable to other low-energy-threshold detectors. The energy resolution of the detector was measured to be 9$\%$ at the total $^{83\mathrm{m}}$Kr decay energy of 41.5 keV. We performed an analysis to separately calibrate the detector using the two conversion electrons at 9.4 keV and 32.1 keVItem Unknown LEGEND-1000 Preconceptual Design ReportCollaboration, LEGEND; Abgrall, N; Abt, I; Agostini, M; Alexander, A; Andreoiu, C; Araujo, GR; III, FT Avignone; Bae, W; Bakalyarov, A; Balata, M; Bantel, M; Barabanov, I; Barabash, AS; Barbeau, PS; Barton, CJ; Barton, PJ; Baudis, L; Bauer, C; Bernieri, E; Bezrukov, L; Bhimani, KH; Biancacci, V; Blalock, E; Bolozdynya, A; Borden, S; Bos, B; Bossio, E; Boston, A; Bothe, V; Bouabid, R; Boyd, S; Brugnera, R; Burlac, N; Busch, M; Caldwell, A; Caldwell, TS; Carney, R; Cattadori, C; Chan, Y-D; Chernogorov, A; Christofferson, CD; Chu, P-H; Clark, M; Cohen, T; Combs, D; Comellato, T; Cooper, RJ; Costa, IA; D'Andrea, V; Detwiler, JA; Giacinto, A Di; Marco, N Di; Dobson, J; Drobizhev, A; Durand, MR; Edzards, F; Efremenko, Yu; Elliott, SR; Engelhardt, A; Fajt, L; Faud, N; Febbraro, MT; Ferella, F; Fields, DE; Fischer, F; Fomina, M; Fox, H; Franchi, J; Gala, R; Galindo-Uribarri, A; Gangapshev, A; Garfagnini, A; Geraci, A; Gilbert, C; Gold, M; Gooch, C; Gradwohl, KP; Green, MP; Grinyer, GF; Grobov, A; Gruszko, J; Guinn, I; Guiseppe, VE; Gurentsov, V; Gurov, Y; Gusev, K; Hacket, B; Hagemann, F; Hakenmüeller, J; Haranczyk, M; Hauertmann, L; Haufe, CR; Hayward, C; Heffron, B; Henkes, F; Henning, R; Aguilar, D Hervas; Hinton, J; Hodak, R; Hoffmann, H; Hofmann, W; Hostiuc, A; Huang, J; Hult, M; Mirza, M Ibrahim; Jochum, J; Jones, R; Judson, D; Junker, M; Kaizer, J; Kazalov, V; Kermaïdic, Y; Khushbakht, H; Kidd, M; Kihm, T; Kilgus, K; Kim, I; Klimenko, A; Knöpfle, KT; Kochetov, O; Konovalov, SI; Kontul, I; Kool, K; Kormos, LL; Kornoukhov, VN; Korosec, M; Krause, P; Kuzminov, VV; López-Castaño, JM; Lang, K; Laubenstein, M; León, E; Lehnert, B; Leonhardt, A; Li, A; Lindner, M; Lippi, I; Liu, X; Liu, J; Loomba, D; Lubashevskiy, A; Lubsandorzhiev, B; Lusardi, N; Müller, Y; Macko, M; Macolino, C; Majorovits, B; Mamedov, F; Maneschg, W; Manzanillas, L; Marshall, G; Martin, RD; Martin, EL; Massarczyk, R; Mei, D; Meijer, SJ; Mertens, S; Misiaszek, M; Mondragon, E; Morella, M; Morgan, B; Mroz, T; Muenstermann, D; Nave, CJ; Nemchenok, I; Neuberger, M; Oli, TK; Gann, G Orebi; Othman, G; Palušova, V; Panth, R; Papp, L; Paudel, LS; Pelczar, K; Perez, J Perez; Pertoldi, L; Pettus, W; Piseri, P; Poon, AWP; Povinec, P; Pullia, A; Radford, DC; Ramachers, YA; Ransom, C; Rauscher, L; Redchuk, M; Reine, AL; Riboldi, S; Rielage, K; Rozov, S; Rukhadze, E; Rumyantseva, N; Runge, J; Ruof, NW; Saakyan, R; Sailer, S; Salamanna, G; Salamida, F; Salvat, DJ; Sandukovsky, V; Schönert, S; Schültz, A; Schütt, M; Schaper, DC; Schreiner, J; Schulz, O; Schuster, M; Schwarz, M; Schwingenheuer, B; Selivanenko, O; Shafiee, M; Shevchik, E; Shirchenko, M; Shitov, Y; Simgen, H; Simkovic, F; Skorokhvatov, M; Slavickova, M; Smolek, K; Smolnikov, A; Solomon, JA; Song, G; Starosta, K; Stekl, I; Stommel, M; Stukov, D; Sumathi, RR; Sweigart, DA; Szczepaniec, K; Taffarello, L; Tagnani, D; Tayloe, R; Tedeschi, D; Turqueti, M; Varner, RL; Vasilyev, S; Veresnikova, A; Vetter, K; Vignoli, C; Vogl, C; Sturm, K von; Waters, D; Waters, JC; Wei, W; Wiesinger, C; Wilkerson, JF; Willers, M; Wiseman, C; Wojcik, M; Wu, VH-S; Xu, W; Yakushev, E; Ye, T; Yu, C-H; Yumatov, V; Zaretski, N; Zeman, J; Zhitnikov, I; Zinatulina, D; Zschocke, A-K; Zsigmond, AJ; Zuber, K; Zuzel, GWe propose the construction of LEGEND-1000, the ton-scale Large Enriched Germanium Experiment for Neutrinoless $\beta \beta$ Decay. This international experiment is designed to answer one of the highest priority questions in fundamental physics. It consists of 1000 kg of Ge detectors enriched to more than 90% in the $^{76}$Ge isotope operated in a liquid argon active shield at a deep underground laboratory. By combining the lowest background levels with the best energy resolution in the field, LEGEND-1000 will perform a quasi-background-free search and can make an unambiguous discovery of neutrinoless double-beta decay with just a handful of counts at the decay $Q$ value. The experiment is designed to probe this decay with a 99.7%-CL discovery sensitivity in the $^{76}$Ge half-life of $1.3\times10^{28}$ years, corresponding to an effective Majorana mass upper limit in the range of 9-21 meV, to cover the inverted-ordering neutrino mass scale with 10 yr of live time.Item Unknown Measurement of Proton Quenching in a Plastic Scintillator Detector(Journal of Instrumentation, 2020-11-22) Awe, Connor; Barbeau, Phillip; Haghighat, Alireza; Hedges, Sam; Johnson, Tyler; Li, Shengchao; Link, Jonathan M; Mascolino, Valerio; Runge, Jay; Steenis, Jacob; Subedi, Tulasi; Walkup, KeeganThe non-linear energy response of the plastic scintillator EJ-260 is measured with the MicroCHANDLER detector, using neutron beams of energy 5 to 27 MeV at the Triangle Universities Nuclear Laboratory. The first and second order Birks' constants are extracted from the data, and found to be $k_B = (8.70 \pm 0.93)\times 10^{-3}\ {\rm g/cm^2/MeV}$ and $k_C = (1.42 \pm 1.00) \times 10^{-5}\ {\rm (g/cm^2/MeV)^2}$. This result covers a unique energy range that is of direct relevance for fast neutron backgrounds in reactor inverse beta decay detectors. These measurements will improve the energy non-linearity modeling of plastic scintillator detectors. In particular, the updated energy response model will lead to an improvement of fast neutron modeling for detectors based on the CHANDLER reactor neutrino detector technology.Item Open Access Measurement of scintillation response of CsI[Na] to low-energy nuclear recoils by COHERENTAkimov, D; An, P; Awe, C; Barbeau, PS; Becker, B; Belov, V; Bernardi, I; Blackston, MA; Bock, C; Bolozdynya, A; Browning, J; Cabrera-Palmer, B; Chernyak, D; Conley, E; Daughhetee, J; Detwiler, J; Ding, K; Durand, MR; Efremenko, Y; Elliott, SR; Fabris, L; Febbraro, M; Rosso, A Gallo; Galindo-Uribarri, A; Green, MP; Heath, MR; Hedges, S; Hoang, D; Hughes, M; Johnson, T; Khromov, A; Konovalov, A; Kozlova, E; Kumpan, A; Li, L; Link, JM; Liu, J; Mann, K; Markoff, DM; Mastroberti, J; Melikyan, YA; Mueller, PE; Newby, J; Parno, DS; Penttila, SI; Pershey, D; Rapp, R; Ray, H; Raybern, J; Razuvaeva, O; Reyna, D; Rich, GC; Ross, J; Rudik, D; Runge, J; Salvat, DJ; Salyapongse, AM; Scholberg, K; Shakirov, A; Simakov, G; Sinev, G; Snow, WM; Sosnovstsev, V; Suh, B; Tayloe, R; Tellez-Giron-Flores, K; Tolstukhin, I; Ujah, E; Vanderwerp, J; Varner, RL; Virtue, CJ; Visser, G; Wongjirad, T; Yen, Y-R; Yoo, J; Yu, C-H; Zettlemoyer, JWe present results of several measurements of CsI[Na] scintillation response to 3-60 keV energy nuclear recoils performed by the COHERENT collaboration using tagged neutron elastic scattering experiments and an endpoint technique. Earlier results, used to estimate the coherent elastic neutrino-nucleus scattering (CEvNS) event rate for the first observation of this process achieved by COHERENT at the Spallation Neutron Source (SNS), have been reassessed. We discuss corrections for the identified systematic effects and update the respective uncertainty values. The impact of updated results on future precision tests of CEvNS is estimated. We scrutinize potential systematic effects that could affect each measurement. In particular we confirm the response of the H11934-200 Hamamatsu photomultiplier tube (PMT) used for the measurements presented in this study to be linear in the relevant signal scale region.Item Open Access Monitoring the SNS basement neutron background with the MARS detector(JINST, 2021-12-05) Collaboration, COHERENT; Akimov, D; An, P; Awe, C; Barbeau, PS; Becker, B; Belov, V; Bernardi, I; Blackston, MA; Bock, C; Bolozdynya, A; Browning, J; Cabrera-Palmer, B; Chernyak, D; Conley, E; Daughhetee, J; Detwiler, J; Ding, K; Durand, MR; Efremenko, Y; Elliott, SR; Fabris, L; Febbraro, M; Rosso, A Gallo; Galindo-Uribarri, A; Green, MP; Heath, MR; Hedges, S; Hoang, D; Hughes, M; Johnson, BA; Johnson, T; Khromov, A; Konovalov, A; Kozlova, E; Kumpan, A; Li, L; Link, JM; Liu, J; Mann, K; Markoff, DM; Mastroberti, J; Mueller, PE; Newby, J; Parno, DS; Penttila, SI; Pershey, D; Rapp, R; Ray, H; Raybern, J; Razuvaeva, O; Reyna, D; Rich, GC; Ross, J; Rudik, D; Runge, J; Salvat, DJ; Salyapongse, AM; Scholberg, K; Shakirov, A; Simakov, G; Sinev, G; Snow, WM; Sosnovstsev, V; Suh, B; Tayloe, R; Tellez-Giron-Flores, K; Tolstukhin, I; Ujah, E; Vanderwerp, J; Varner, RL; Virtue, CJ; Visser, G; Wongjirad, T; Yen, Y-R; Yoo, J; Yu, C-H; Zettlemoyer, JWe present the analysis and results of the first dataset collected with the MARS neutron detector deployed at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory Spallation Neutron Source (SNS) for the purpose of monitoring and characterizing the beam-related neutron (BRN) background for the COHERENT collaboration. MARS was positioned next to the COH-CsI coherent elastic neutrino-nucleus scattering detector in the SNS basement corridor. This is the basement location of closest proximity to the SNS target and thus, of highest neutrino flux, but it is also well shielded from the BRN flux by infill concrete and gravel. These data show the detector registered roughly one BRN per day. Using MARS' measured detection efficiency, the incoming BRN flux is estimated to be $1.20~\pm~0.56~\text{neutrons}/\text{m}^2/\text{MWh}$ for neutron energies above $\sim3.5$ MeV and up to a few tens of MeV. We compare our results with previous BRN measurements in the SNS basement corridor reported by other neutron detectors.Item Open Access Quenching factor measurements of neon nuclei in neon gasBalogh, L; Beaufort, C; Brossard, A; Caron, J-F; Chapellier, M; Coquillat, J-M; Corcoran, EC; Crawford, S; Fard, A Dastgheibi; Deng, Y; Dering, K; Durnford, D; Garrah, C; Gerbier, G; Giomataris, I; Giroux, G; Gorel, P; Gros, M; Gros, P; Guillaudin, O; Hoppe, EW; Katsioulas, I; Kelly, F; Knights, P; Kwon, L; Langrock, S; Lautridou, P; Martin, RD; Manthos, I; Matthews, J; Mols, J-P; Muraz, J-F; Neep, T; Nikolopoulos, K; O'Brien, P; Piro, M-C; Samuleev, P; Santos, D; Savvidis, G; Savvidis, I; Fernandez, F Vazquez de Sola; Vidal, M; Ward, R; Zampaolo, M; An, P; Awe, C; Barbeau, P; Hedges, S; Li, L; Runge, JThe NEWS-G collaboration uses Spherical Proportional Counters (SPCs) to search for weakly interacting massive particles (WIMPs). In this paper, we report the first measurements of the nuclear quenching factor in neon gas at \SI{2}{bar} using an SPC deployed in a neutron beam at the TUNL facility. The energy-dependence of the nuclear quenching factor is modelled using a simple power law: $\alpha$E$_{nr}^{\beta}$; we determine its parameters by simultaneously fitting the data collected with the detector over a range of energies. We measured the following parameters in Ne:CH$_{4}$ at \SI{2}{bar}: $\alpha$ = 0.2801 $\pm$ 0.0050 (fit) $\pm$ 0.0045 (sys) and $\beta$ = 0.0867 $\pm$ 0.020 (fit) $\pm$ 0.006(sys). Our measurements do not agree with expected values from SRIM or Lindhard theory. We demonstrated the feasibility of performing quenching factor measurements at sub-keV energies in gases using SPCs and a neutron beam.Item Open Access The EXO-200 detector, part II: Auxiliary SystemsAckerman, N; Albert, J; Auger, M; Auty, DJ; Badhrees, I; Barbeau, PS; Bartoszek, L; Baussan, E; Belov, V; Benitez-Medina, C; Bhatta, T; Breidenbach, M; Brunner, T; Cao, GF; Cen, WR; Chambers, C; Cleveland, B; Conley, R; Cook, S; Coon, M; Craddock, W; Craycraft, A; Cree, W; Daniels, T; Darroch, L; Daugherty, SJ; Daughhetee, J; Davis, CG; Davis, J; Delaquis, S; Mesrobian-Kabakian, A Der; deVoe, R; Didberidze, T; Dilling, J; Dobi, A; Dolgolenko, AG; Dolinski, MJ; Dunford, M; Echevers, J; Espic, L; Jr, W Fairbank; Fairbank, D; Farine, J; Feldmeier, W; Feyzbakhsh, S; Fierlinger, P; Fouts, K; Franco, D; Freytag, D; Fudenberg, D; Gautam, P; Giroux, G; Gornea, R; Graham, K; Gratta, G; Hagemann, C; Hall, C; Hall, K; Haller, G; Hansen, EV; Hargrove, C; Herbst, R; Herrin, S; Hodgson, J; Hughes, M; Iverson, A; Jamil, A; Jessiman, C; Jewell, MJ; Johnson, A; Johnson, TN; Johnston, S; Karelin, A; Kaufman, LJ; Killick, R; Koffas, T; Kravitz, S; Krücken, R; Kuchenkov, A; Kumar, KS; Lan, Y; Larson, A; Leonard, DS; Leonard, F; LePort, F; Li, GS; Li, S; Li, Z; Licciardi, C; Lin, YH; Mackay, D; MacLellan, R; Marino, M; Martin, J-M; Martin, Y; McElroy, T; McFarlane, K; Michel, T; Mong, B; Moore, DC; Murray, K; Neilson, R; Njoya, O; Nusair, O; O'Sullivan, K; Odian, A; Ostrovskiy, I; Ouellet, C; Piepke, A; Pocar, A; Prescott, CY; Pushkin, K; Retiere, F; Rivas, A; Robinson, AL; Rollin, E; Rowson, PC; Rozo, MP; Runge, J; Russell, JJ; Schmidt, S; Schubert, A; Sinclair, D; Skarpaas, K; Slutsky, S; Smith, E; Soma, AK; Stekhanov, V; Strickland, V; Swift, M; Tarka, M; Todd, J; Tolba, T; Tosi, D; Totev, TI; Tsang, R; Twelker, K; Veenstra, B; Veeraraghavan, V; Vuilleumier, J-L; Vuilleumier, J-M; Wagenpfeil, M; Waite, A; Walton, J; Walton, T; Wamba, K; Watkins, J; Weber, M; Wen, LJ; Wichoski, U; Wittgen, M; Wodin, J; Wood, J; Wrede, G; Wu, SX; Xia, Q; Yang, L; Yen, Y-R; Zeldovich, O Ya; Ziegler, TThe EXO-200 experiment searched for neutrinoless double-beta decay of $^{136}$Xe with a single-phase liquid xenon detector. It used an active mass of 110 kg of 80.6%-enriched liquid xenon in an ultra-low background time projection chamber with ionization and scintillation detection and readout. This paper describes the design and performance of the various support systems necessary for detector operation, including cryogenics, xenon handling, and controls. Novel features of the system were driven by the need to protect the thin-walled detector chamber containing the liquid xenon, to achieve high chemical purity of the Xe, and to maintain thermal uniformity across the detector.