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Item Open Access Brett Van Ort: Minescape(2013-04-24) Ort, Brett VanA Texan photographer who divides his time between London and Los Angeles, Brett Van Ort started out as a camera assistant and operator working on various films, documentaries, commercials and television shows. He has always been fascinated by land and how we use it to both our benefit and detriment. Minescape documents the legacy of land warfare on the social and natural landscape in Bosnia that continues to render many portions of the country impassable. "These pieces show the regenerative power of nature and human beings' insatiable appetite to expand, explore, conquer and transform nature into civility," Van Ort states. The photographs range from images of the mines themselves, set on stark white backgrounds, to landscapes that are unusable until meticulously cleared and images of prosthetic limbs. In Minescape, Van Ort portrays human technology as an agent that maims or heals, while the natural world remains edenic.Item Open Access Century World's fair book for boys and girls(1893) Jenks, TudorItem Open Access City 2.0: The Habitat of the Future and How to Get There(2013-04-24)The world’s cities are on pace to balloon from 3.6 billion inhabitants today to more than 6 billion by mid-century. As a result, we face both a dire emergency and a tremendous opportunity. At their best, our modern cities are hubs of human connection, fountains of creativity, and exemplars of green living. Yet at the same time, they still suffer the symptoms of industrial urbanization: pollution, crowding, crime, social fragmentation, and dehumanization. Now is the time to envision what cities can be and to transform them. This book, produced in partnership with the Atlantic Cities, celebrates 12 promising, provocative responses to this challenge, in realms ranging from transportation to food to art. It asks and begins to answer: How can we transform cities to be sustainable, efficient, beautiful, and invigorating to the human soul? And practically speaking, how do we get from here to there?Item Open Access David Lazzaretti(1885) Barzellotti, Giacomo, 1768-1839.Item Open Access Eugenical sterilization in the United States(1922) Laughlin, Harry HamiltonItem Open Access Keystone XL: Down the Line(2013-04-24) Mufson, StevenThe proposed Keystone XL pipeline has enflamed the bitter fight over America's energy future. Opponents of the 1,700-mile pipeline, which is designed to bring oil extracted from Canadian tar sands down to the US, say it represents a furthering of a dead-end oil-based energy policy that is unsustainable and poisonous, and have turned the permit requests to build the pipeline into an environmental litmus test for President Barack Obama. Supporters of the Keystone XL say it represents a step toward America's energy independence. Beyond the Beltway, the real story of this pipeline is one about American frontiers - the lengths to which we go for oil and the intrusive effects that quest causes all the way down the line. Steve Mufson, a reporter for The Washington Post, journeyed by car along the length of the proposed pipeline to see what this policy debate looks like at the ground level. Each segment of his trip touched on different issues: climate change and the oil sands; the U.S. energy trade with Canada; the North Dakota shale boom and its woes; prairie populism in Nebraska and pipeline politics; the Ogallala aquifer and the threat of leaks; Native Americans and their desire to protect land, water and burial sites along the old Trail of Tears; the fight of ranchers and farmers against a Canadian company’s right to eminent domain; and why both oil sands producers and Texas refiners want to see the pipeline completed. As long as the world relies on fossil fuels for transportation and industry, we will face unappealing choices. The Keystone XL pipeline serves as a larger metaphor, illuminating the vast energy infrastructure it takes to sustain the American lifestyle and the debatable choices we must make in pursuit of short-term comfort. Which risks, now and in the future, are we willing to take?Item Open Access Messiah : an oratorio(1741) Handel, George Frideric, 1685-1759.Item Open Access Radical Openness: Four Unexpected Principles for Success(2013-04-24) Williams, AnthonyAll over the world, the way people connect and collaborate is undergoing an astonishing transformation. Smart organizations are shunning their old, secretive practices and embracing transparency. Companies are widely sharing intellectual property and releasing patents. And movements for freedom and justice are exploding everywhere as organizations like Wikileaks spread information faster than every before. Though these movements may differ, they all share one idea: radical openness. In 'Radical Openness: Four Unexpected Principles for Success', Don Tapscott and Anthony D. Williams show how this revolutionary new philosophy is affecting every facet of our society, from the way we do business to whom we chose to govern us. But while radical openness promises many exciting transformations, it also comes with new risks and responsibilities. How much information should we share and with whom? What are the consequences of disclosing the intimate details of our business and personal lives?Item Open Access Save Our Science: How to Inspire a New Generation of Scientists(2013-04-24) Ramirez, AinissaIn Save Our Science: How to Inspire a New Generation of Scientists, long time Yale professor Ainissa Ramirez makes an impassioned call for a recommitment to improve science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) education in our schools and throughout our society. She describes what habits we need to change to make STEM fun again, as well as a plan for how to increase every child's participation in these disciplines. The 21st century requires a new kind of learner -- not someone who can simply churn out answers by rote, as has been done in the past, but a student who can think expansively and solve problems resourcefully. In order to solve the complex problems of tomorrow, the traditional academic skills of reading, 'riting, and 'rithmetic must be replaced with creativity, curiosity, critical thinking, problem solving, and collaboration skills -- skills inherent in scientific research. About the Author Ainissa Ramirez, Ph.D., (@blkgrlphd) is a science evangelist who is passionate about getting the general public excited about science. Before taking on this calling, she was an associate professor of mechanical engineering and materials science at Yale University. Technology Review, the magazine of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), named her as one of the world's 100 Top Young Innovators for her contributions in transforming technology. She has been profiled by the New York Times, Discover and, Fortune magazines, ESPN, CNN, and numerous scientific magazines (Scientific American, R&D Magazine, Materials Today, and Chemical & Engineering News). Ramirez received her training in materials science and engineering from Brown University (Sc.B.) and Stanford University (Ph.D.). Prior to working at Yale, she was a research scientist at Bell Laboratories, Lucent Technologies, in Murray Hill, N.J., where she did award-winning research. She has lectured at the California Institute of Technology (Caltech), MIT, and Harvard, Columbia, Cornell, Princeton, Northwestern, and Stanford universities. A staunch advocate for improving the public's understanding of science, her talk at TED on the importance of science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) education generated widespread enthusiasm. At Yale, she was the director of the award-winning science lecture series for children called Science Saturdays, and she hosts two popular-science video series called Material Marvels and Science Xplained. She speaks nationally on the importance of making science fun and has served as a science advisor to the American Film Institute, WGBH's Nova, and several science museums. She has written as a science correspondent for Time magazine's Washington, D.C., bureau. Currently, she is co-authoring a book with Allen St. John on the science behind football, called Newton's Football, for Random House.Item Open Access Item Open Access Tell Them I Built This: Transforming Schools, Communities, and Lives With Design-Based Education(2013-04-24) Pilloton, Emily'Tell Them I Built This' dramatically shows how creativity, critical thinking, citizenship, and dirt-under-your-fingernails construction can radically transform both high school education and the local community where the students live. This is the story of Studio H, the design/build program that author Emily Pilloton and her partner Matthew Miller launched in rural North Carolina. Through the eyes of her students, Pilloton tells the story of the group’s hopes, failures, triumphs, and the power of design-driven education. According to Pilloton, we can dramatically revamp vocational education and build the change we wish to see in the world. And she should know: ultimately her students were given the key to the city by their mayor for initiating, designing, and building three public chicken coops and a 2000-square-foot public farmer’s market structure. In 'Tell Them I Built This', Pilloton offers tools for building change in communities, tips for turning a vision into meaningful work, and clear and inspiring directions on how to get it done.Item Open Access The Upstream Doctors(2013-06-24) Manchanda, RishiWe all think we know what good medicine looks like: smart doctors, stethoscopes, imaging machines, high-tech tests, and the best prescriptions and procedures money can buy. But that picture is vastly incomplete, perhaps fatally so. In this eye-opening book, physician Rishi Manchanda says that our health may depend even more on our social and environmental settings than it does on our most cutting-edge medical care. Manchanda strongly argues that that the future of our health, and our health care system, depends on growing and supporting a new generation of health care practitioners who look upstream for the sources of our problems, rather than simply go for quick-hit symptomatic relief. These upstreamists, as he calls them, are doctors and nurses on the frontlines of medicine who see that health (like sickness) is more than a chemical equation that can be balanced with pills and procedures administered within clinic walls. They see, rather, that health begins in our everyday lives, in the places where we live, work, eat, and play. Upstreamists know that asthma can start in the air around us or in the mold in the walls of our homes. They understand that obesity, diabetes, and heart disease partly originate in our busy modern schedules, in the unhealthy food choices available in our stores, and even in the way our neighborhoods are designed. They recognize that depression, anxiety, and high blood pressure can arise from chronically stressful conditions at work and home, and that such conditions can even affect our DNA. And, just as important, these medical innovators understand how to translate this knowledge into meaningful action. If our high-cost, sick-care system is to become a high-value, health care system, the upstreamists will show us the way. Review "Rishi Manchanda’s TED Book about upstreamists breaks a lot of new ground. His is a novel and compelling vision that moves prevention front and center in medical care by moving the doctor upstream — upstream to where the problems begin and where a little insight and foresight can convert an oncoming medical disaster into a preventable problem." — Fitzhugh Mullan, MD , Murdock Head Professor of Medicine and Health Policy, George Washington University School of Public Health, and Clinical Professor of Pediatrics at the George Washington University School of Medicine "This book is fabulous. As an upstreamist, Dr. Manchanda knows that without addressing the social ills that are the source (the upstream causes) of the patients' medical problems, those problems will never be adequately solved. In his book, and in his work, Dr. Manchanda presents an uplifting and necessary journey for any of us who think narrowly as downstreamists." — Thomas S. Bodenheimer, MD, MPH professor, Department of Family and Community Medicine, and director, Center for Excellence in Primary Care, University of California at San Francisco