Comprehensive Arm Prosthesis And Rehabilitation Outcomes Questionnaire (CAPROQ)
Comprehensive Arm Prosthesis and Rehabilitation Outcomes Questionnaire (CAPROQ) is a questionnaire that is administered to Advanced Arm Dynamic (AAD) patients at various intervals during their prosthetic fitting experience and rehabilitation process. The CAPROQ questionnaire is intended to serve as an opportunity for the patient to provide information and feedback regarding the overall satisfaction they have with their prosthesis and rehabilitation, as well as the function of their prosthesis. The feedback provided is intended to help improve care for AAD patients, assist future prosthetic users and potentially provide feedback to prosthetic manufacturers. The CAPROQ questionnaire takes anywhere from 30 minutes to one hour to complete and is divided into seven sections which include the following: background and demographics, prosthetic history, primary prosthesis satisfaction and comfort, pain, rehabilitation services, ADL/IADL completion, and satisfaction with AAD staff. A historical overview of CAPROQ will be discussed, as well as how the administrative process works. A general view of the seven sections and results of over 100 questionnaires completed will also be provided.
Copyright 2002, 2005 and 2008, The University of New Brunswick.
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