Bebionic Prosthetic Design
The bebionic hand by RSLSteeper is a fully articulating myo-electric hand with multiple pre-programmed grip positions. Increased function and hand flexibility provides design engineers with challenges in maintaining reliability and meeting increasing user demands. This paper will discuss the technical attributes, key design elements and the philosophy of their selection and evolution, as well as thoughts for the future. Special attention will be paid to thumb and digit design, feedback loop, material and hardware selection. The hand is controlled in a similar way to other myo-electric hands by controlled muscle contraction. Electrodes measure electrical changes on the skin covering the control muscles, and instruct the five individual actuators within the hand to provide the desired movements. The hand incorporates five high speed/force motors and is designed for low power consumption. The naturally compliant fingers and thumb of the bebionic hand provide a secure platform to perform everyday tasks using common grip patterns.
Copyright 2002, 2005 and 2008, The University of New Brunswick.
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