The United Nations After 75: Assessing Current Understandings, Charting Fruitful Research Agendas
Published Version (Please cite this version)
Publication Info
Mahmood, Z, K Beardsley, C Newton, C Roy, JD Kathman, C Tucker, WG Nomikos, DN Villa, et al. (n.d.). The United Nations After 75: Assessing Current Understandings, Charting Fruitful Research Agendas. International Peacekeeping. pp. 1–73. 10.1080/13533312.2022.2098650 Retrieved from
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Kyle Beardsley
Kyle Beardsley (Ph.D., UCSD, 2006) is Professor of Political Science. He is co-director of the International Crisis Behavior data project, and the Director of the Triangle Institute of Security Studies (TISS). His research focuses on the quantitative study of international conflict and peace processes. He is particularly interested in questions related to the role of third parties in shaping conflict dynamics, the interdependence of networks of conflict and cooperation, the links between armed conflict and gender power imbalances, and the impact of nuclear weapons on international crisis behavior.
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