Exploiting Multi-Look Information for Landmine Detection in Forward Looking Infrared Video
Forward Looking Infrared (FLIR) cameras have recently been studied as a sensing modality for use in landmine detection systems. FLIR-based detection systems benefit from larger standoff distances and faster rates of advance than other sensing modalities, but they also present significant challenges for detection algorithm design. FLIR video typically yields multiple looks at each object in the scene, each from a different camera perspective. As a result each object in the scene appears in multiple video frames, and each time at a different shape and size. This presents questions about how best to utilize such information. Evidence in the literature suggests such multi-look information can be exploited to improve detection performance but, to date, there has been no controlled investigation of multi-look information in detection. Any results are further confounded because no precise definition exists for what constitutes multi-look information. This thesis addresses these problems by developing a precise mathematical definition of "a look", and how to quantify the multi-look content of video data. Controlled experiments are conducted to assess the impact of multi-look information on FLIR detection using several popular detection algorithms. Based on these results two novel video processing techniques are presented, the plan-view framework and the FLRX algorithm, to better exploit multi-look information. The results show that multi-look information can have a positive or negative impact on detection performance depending on how it is used. The results also show that the novel algorithms presented here are effective techniques for analyzing video and exploiting any multi-look information to improve detection performance.
Malof, Jordan (2013). Exploiting Multi-Look Information for Landmine Detection in Forward Looking Infrared Video. Master's thesis, Duke University. Retrieved from https://hdl.handle.net/10161/7316.
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