US Patent 6159345 - A Method and Apparatus for Recovering and/or Recycling Solvents
A method and apparatus for recycling and recovering potentially explosive solvents includes providing a contaminated solvent to a distillation tank, vaporizing the solvent in the distillation tank, thereby producing solvent vapor, condensing the solvent vapor, and adding a free radical scavenger substance to the distillation tank during the heating step. The vapor is then condensed and collected in a clean solvent tank where additional free radical scavenger substance is added to the clean solvent tank. Preferably, contaminated solvent is introduced into the solvent recovery system by providing contaminated solvent into contaminated solvent tank which is connected to the distillation tank, and an oxygen displacer substance is provided to the contaminated solvent tank and the clean solvent tank so as to minimize the amount of free oxygen in the tanks.
Grune, Guerry, Gregory A Frick, Kenneth L Marsh and John C Donnelly (2000). US Patent 6159345 - A Method and Apparatus for Recovering and/or Recycling Solvents. Retrieved from
Guerry Grune
Guerry has authored over 50 publications and technical disclosures, as well as over 100 U.S. and international patents either pending or granted listing him as either sole or joint inventor. In 2004, Guerry began full-time activities as the Principal of, and since then has provided full Intellectual Property development for NC State University (in their Tech Transfer Office), additional Fortune 500 companies including Solvay, Praxair (now Linde), and Exponent and was appointed IP director for Cable Components Group, Ennis-Flint (formerly Flint Trading), AG Essence, and others.
In addition, US Patents 8,326,851 and 10,262,028 were granted to Dr. Grune that describe a portion of his teaching methodology on patent valuation.
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