Use of biological detection methods to assess dioxin-like compounds in sediments of Bohai Bay, China.
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Bohai Bay, in the western region of northeastern China's Bohai Sea, receives water from large rivers containing various pollutants including dioxin-like compounds (DLCs). This study used the established zebrafish (Danio rerio) model, its known developmental toxicity endpoints and sensitive molecular analyses to evaluate sediments near and around an industrial effluent site in Bohai Bay. The primary objective was to assess the efficacy of rapid biological detection methods as an addition to chemical analyses. Embryos were exposed to various concentrations of sediment extracts as well as a 2, 3, 7, 8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (TCDD) positive control. Exposure to sediment extract nearest the discharge site (P1) resulted in the most severe- and highest rates of change in embryos and larvae, suggesting that DLC contaminated sediment probably did not occur much beyond it. P1 extract resulted in concentration dependent increases in mortality and pericardial edema. Its highest concentration caused up-regulation of P-450 (CYP)-1A1(CYP1A) mRNA expression at 72 h post fertilization (hpf), an increase in its expression in gill arches as observed by whole mount in situ hybridization, and an increased signal in the Tg(cyp1a: mCherry) transgenic line. The pattern and magnitude of response was very similar to that of TCDD and supported the presence of DLCs in these sediment samples. Follow-up chemical analysis confirmed this presence and identified H7CDF, O8CDF and O8CDD as the main components in P1 extract. This study validates the use of biological assays as a rapid, sensitive, and cost-effective method to evaluate DLCs and their effects in sediment samples. Additionally, it provides support for the conclusion that DLCs have limited remobilization capacity in marine sediments.
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Publication Info
Dong, Wenjing, Feng Wang, Mingliang Fang, Jie Wu, Shuaiyu Wang, Ming Li, Jingfeng Yang, Melissa Chernick, et al. (2019). Use of biological detection methods to assess dioxin-like compounds in sediments of Bohai Bay, China. Ecotoxicology and environmental safety, 173. pp. 339–346. 10.1016/j.ecoenv.2019.01.116 Retrieved from
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David E. Hinton
The Hinton laboratory focuses on mechanistic toxicity in all life stages of small, aquarium model fish and in selected species with particular environmental relevance (freshwater and marine). With the latter, investigations focus on stressor responses and include follow up studies after oil spills. Studies with the laboratory model fish take advantage of the compressed life cycle to improve understanding of organellar, cellular and tissues responses that arise after exposure and follow either a temporal and/or a concentration gradient. At the end of these serial examinations, we have pioneered the use of high resolution light and fluorescent microscopy and electron microscopy in these small fish species to better understand resultant phenotypes and to correlate structural alteration with molecular biological studies. In this way we are anchoring phenotypes with gene expression. In individual fish where specific genes have been mutated (Collaboration with Dr. Keith Cheng, Hershey Medical Center, Hershey, PA) or in individuals exposed to organic substances of known or expected toxicity, structural analysis at various levels of biological organization enables integration across all levels of biological organization enabling whole body phenomics. Special projects include The Duke Superfund Research Center, 2P42-ESO10356-10A2, supported by NIH/NIEHS. Studies investigate responses of fish to polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and include early life stages and multigenerational effects. Contaminated and reference sites are included in these investigations of feral fish. Also, we receive funding as part of theme 2 of the Center for Environmental Implications of Nano Technology (CEINT). Our studies seek to determine whether there are specific toxic consequences upon exposure to nano silver (Ag NPs) versus exposure to conventional silver. We hosted Na Zheng (Angie), Visiting Investigator, Associate Professor, Northeast Institute of Geography and Agricultural Ecology, Chinese Academy of Sciences. She was the recipient of a K.C. Wong award supporting her role as visiting investigator. Together, we investigated metals mixtures and embryo toxicity. We collaborate with Stella Marinakos, Pratt School and CEINT on the synthesis and refinement of nanoselenium. This complements work done over the past year with seleno-methionine and sodium selenite in parental and embryo exposures. We continue to investigate ways to assess whole body responses of aquarium model fish and to link phenotype to genotype. Collaboration with the Stapleton laboratory has investigated alterations in embryo and larval zebrafish exposed to flame retardant compounds and selected metabolites. Here our morphologic investigations have helped to differentiate between delayed development and toxicity in the developing eye.
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