Quality improvement initiative to improve infant safe sleep practices in the newborn nursery.
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The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that healthcare professionals model their safe infant sleeping environment recommendations, yet adherence to safe sleep practices within our community hospital mother-baby unit was low. We used quality improvement (QI) methodology to increase adherence to infant safe sleep practices, with a goal to improve the proportion of infants sleeping in an environment that would be considered 'perfect sleep' to 70% within a 1-year period. The project occurred while the hospital was preparing for Baby Friendly certification, with increased emphasis on rooming in and skin to skin at the same time.Multiple Plan-Do-Study-Act cycles were performed. Initial cycles targeted nurse and parental education, while later cycles focused on providing sleep sacks/wearable blankets for the infants.While we did not meet our goal, the percentage of infants with 'perfect sleep' increased from a baseline of 41.9% to 67.3%, and we also saw improvement in each of the individual components that contribute to this composite measure. Improvements were sustained over 12 months later, suggesting that QI interventions targeting infant safe sleep in this inpatient setting can have long-lasting results. This project also suggests that infant safe sleep QI initiatives and preparation towards Baby Friendly Hospital Certification can be complementary.
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Publication Info
Shaikh, Sophie Kay, Lauren Chamberlain, Kristina Marie Nazareth-Pidgeon and Joel C Boggan (2022). Quality improvement initiative to improve infant safe sleep practices in the newborn nursery. BMJ open quality, 11(3). p. e001834. 10.1136/bmjoq-2022-001834 Retrieved from https://hdl.handle.net/10161/25627.
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Sophie Kay Shaikh

Kristina Marie Nazareth-Pidgeon

Joel Boggan
I am a hospital medicine physician interested in quality improvement, patient safety, and medical education across the UME and GME environments. My current projects include work on readmissions, inpatient quality and patient experience measures, appropriate utilization of inpatient resources, systematic reviews of topics related to healthcare quality, and artificial intelligence in medical education. Alongside this work, I serve as the lead mentor for our Durham VA Chief Resident in Quality and Safety within the Department of Medicine and the Program Director for the Duke University Hospital CRQS.
As Associate Program Director for Quality Improvement and Patient Safety in the Duke Internal Medicine Residency Program, I oversee QI and safety education and projects for our residents and help co-lead our Residency Patient Safety and Quality Council. Additionally, I supervise housestaff and students on our general medicine wards, precept housestaff evidence-based medicine resident reports, and serve as a small group leader for our second-year medical student Clinical Skills Course. Finally, I lead our Innovation Sciences thread as part of the ongoing School of Medicine Curriculum Innovation Initiative and serve as a co-course director for our QMDM II (Biostatistics) course.
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