Evaluating Viability of Community Solar Microgrids for Resilience in Puerto Rico


Hurricane Maria, which hit the Caribbean two weeks after Hurricane Irma in September 2017, caused the largest electricity blackout in U.S. history. After the hurricanes, Toro Negro, a rural community nestled into the mountains of Puerto Rico went without electricity for a staggering 8 months. This experience led the community to build and manage Puerto Rico’s first fully operational community solar microgrid to gain electricity reliability and resilience. The aim of this project is to develop an effective management strategy for community solar microgrid systems in Puerto Rico. Our team established a price rate at which the residents of Toro Negro can pay for their electricity and an operations and maintenance plan to ensure the microgrid remains economically feasible for the lifetime of the system. Additionally, we have established a common governance strategy and policy recommendations for microgrids in Puerto Rico. Our project can serve as a blueprint for other communities looking to transition to clean energy and increase storm resiliency.





Deng, Simeng, Asger Victor Hansen, Galen Hiltbrand, Sean Maddex and Santiago Sinclair Lecaros (2019). Evaluating Viability of Community Solar Microgrids for Resilience in Puerto Rico. Master's project, Duke University. Retrieved from https://hdl.handle.net/10161/18460.

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