Aquifer Parametrization and Evaluation of Dipole Flow in Recirculation Wells

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The dipole-flow test is a novel aquifer characterization technique that utilizes a single-borehole measurement system to yield the vertical hydraulic conductivity, horizontal hydraulic conductivity, and storativity within confined aquifers. The test implements a packer and a pump system that creates a hydraulic dipole flow pattern by pumping water at a constant rate thought a suction screen, transferring it within the well to a second chamber, and injecting it back into the aquifer. Various mathematical models have been developed to derive the drawdown in each chamber and estimating water flow parameters. This thesis derives and proposes a new mathematical model that deals with packers containing asymmetrical chamber lengths. It further tests this formula by implementing in on a particular aquifer of interest and contrasting the numerical findings with those obtained in field testing and simulations as described in a Johnson and Simmon 2007 publication.

In order to derive this equation we utilize the principles of superposition, the Taylor series, the Newton Raphson model, and the implementation of an error function. We also draw elements of the Hantush leaky well function and the infinity aquifer simplifications suggested by Zlotnik. The results obtain from this computation demonstrated that this developed hydrologic model yields accurate and rational measurements for drawdown and conductivity. We conclude that our modeled formulas surpass those proposed in the Johnson article, and provides experimenters with a valuable and efficient mathematical tool for aquifer characterization.





Embon, Michelle Natali (2015). Aquifer Parametrization and Evaluation of Dipole Flow in Recirculation Wells. Master's thesis, Duke University. Retrieved from


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