Task Force for Diversity in Recruitment Report
The Task Force for Diversity in Recruitment (DRTF) was charged in August 2017 to review current Duke University Libraries (DUL) search processes and to make recommendations that would help better embody the DUL principle Diversity Strengthens Us through successful recruitment of a diverse workforce. The following report includes recommendations for the DUL’s Executive Group, Library Human Resources, and DUL staff serving on search committees. The DRTF was informed by current literature on recruitment of underrepresented groups, documentation of DUL recruitment processes, conversations with key members of the Duke community, interviews with a sample of recent search committee members, and open meetings with DUL staff. A common theme among these sources is the need for intentional recruitment. Intentional recruitment extends beyond the boundaries of an individual search. It encompasses building an inclusive community in the DUL and communicating that culture to potential applicants. Building an inclusive community involves ongoing conversations and investment in development, mentoring, and retention of previously recruited staff. With active intentional recruitment, search committees should be able to identify candidates through previously built relationships with underrepresented groups. Our inclusive community should be an asset that attracts candidates to seek employment at DUL. As a search progresses, the search committee should have access to best practices learned from previous searches and campus partners. Fostering an inclusive community is ongoing, full-time work. In order to fully embrace the ideal of an inclusive community, the DRTF recommends the following: DUL’s Executive Group exhibit a visible commitment to, and adopt an official position statement regarding diversity and inclusion; DUL’s Executive Group form an implementation task force to evaluate and implement recommendations found in the ‘Building an Inclusive Community’ section of this report; Library Human Resources work closely with offices around campus to implement recommendations in ‘The Search Process’ section of this report; Additional staff be allocated to Library Human Resources to support staff engagement and development, including diversity and inclusion initiatives; A standing committee on Implicit and Unconscious Bias be charged under the auspices of the DUL Librarians’ Assembly to undertake regular training and provide trained committee members to search committees. There is much work to be done to increase representation of underrepresented groups at DUL. Some changes can be implemented in the near term, while others, such as building relationships between DUL and underrepresented groups and supporting the growth of an engaged and committed workforce, will require a long-term commitment of both human and financial capital.
Henningsen, Katie, Winston Atkins, Fouzia El Gargouri, Jack Hill, Heather Martin, Sierra Moore and Teresa Tillman (2018). Task Force for Diversity in Recruitment Report. Retrieved from https://hdl.handle.net/10161/22451.