Using multiple outcome measures to determine skill level in myoelectric prosthesis use
Most studies on prosthesis usage focus merely on one type of outcome measures, using questionnaires, functional tests, or kinematics. However, a combination of several outcome measures should provide a better picture on prosthesis use (Hill et al. 2009, Lindner et al. 2010, Wright 2009). Using both clinical and more fundamental measures (such as kinematics) would not only provide information about the skill level of a prosthesis user, but would also give insight in the processes from which the level of skill originates. To maximize the insight in the skill level of a prosthesis user the current study gauged a wide range of outcome measures. The aims of this study were 1) to describe prosthetic functioning at different levels of performance; 2) to relate the results of the clinical level to the more fundamental outcome measures; 3) to identify specific parameters in these measures that characterize the level of skill of a user.
Copyright 2002, 2005 and 2008, The University of New Brunswick.
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