Understanding the experiences and needs of Black students at Duke


Duke University Libraries (DUL) conducted discussion groups and Photovoice research with Black undergraduate and graduate students at Duke University in 2019. Assessment & User Experience (AUX) staff also analyzed the 2,800 student responses to the Libraries’ 2020 student satisfaction survey in light of what we learned from the fall discussion groups. We sought to understand students’ experiences in the Libraries and on campus to improve how all students interact with library services, facilities, and materials. We did not limit our discussions to library services and spaces, as it was important to explore Black students’ experience and use of the Libraries holistically.







Chapman, Joyce, Emily Daly, Anastasia Forte, Ira King, Brenda W. Yang and Pamela Zabala (2020). Understanding the experiences and needs of Black students at Duke. Retrieved from https://hdl.handle.net/10161/20753.