Browsing by Subject "Eutrophication"
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Item Open Access A multilevel model of field-scale nitrogen export from agricultural areas(2010-04-27T00:00:30Z) Jones, PhillipAgricultural lands contribute significant nitrogen loads to surface waters. Excessive nitrogen input leads to eutrophication, the process by which aquatic ecosystems become nutrient rich. Eutrophication is associated with a wide range of undesirable changes, including shifts in physical and chemical states, changes in species composition, and the loss of ecosystem services. In agricultural areas, excessive nutrient loading is addressed through the implementation of Best Management Practices (BMPs). However, field-scale nutrient export is controlled by a complex array of interacting factors that operate at different spatial scales. Multilevel regression is a statistical technique that allows for the exploration of group-level factors that may explain variation in the overall model coefficients. In this study, multilevel regression models for dissolved and particulate nitrogen loading are fit to USDA agricultural data. The results indicate that the impact of management practice depends on the form of nitrogen as well as predictors such as soil texture that operate on large spatial scales. Specific management recommendations include soil nitrogen testing and the use of conservation measures that address water runoff. Management applications of the fitted models include load estimation as part of watershed leveling modeling efforts as well as the evaluation of proposed policy guidelines for nutrient control.Item Open Access Algal blooms and the nitrogen-enrichment hypothesis in Florida springs: evidence, alternatives, and adaptive management.(Ecol Appl, 2010-04) Heffernan, James B; Liebowitz, Dina M; Frazer, Thomas K; Evans, Jason M; Cohen, Matthew JContradictions between system-specific evidence and broader paradigms to explain ecosystem behavior present a challenge for natural resource management. In Florida (U.S.A.) springs, increasing nitrate (NO3-) concentrations have been implicated as the cause of algal overgrowth via alleviation of N-limitation. As such, policy and management efforts have centered heavily on reduction of nitrogen (N) loads. While the N-limitation hypothesis appears well founded on broadly supported aquatic eutrophication models, several observations from Florida springs are inconsistent with this hypothesis in its present simplified form. First, NO3- concentration is not correlated with algal abundance across the broad population of springs and is weakly negatively correlated with primary productivity. Second, within individual spring runs, algal mats are largely confined to the headwater reaches within 250 m of spring vents, while elevated NO3- concentrations persist for several kilometers or more. Third, historic observations suggest that establishment of macroalgal mats often lags behind observed increases in NO3- by more than a decade. Fourth, although microcosm experiments indicate high thresholds for N-limitation of algae, experiments in situ have demonstrated only minimal response to N enrichment. These muted responses may reflect large nutrient fluxes in springs, which were sufficient to satisfy present demand even at historic concentrations. New analyses of existing data indicate that dissolved oxygen (DO) has declined dramatically in many Florida springs over the past 30 years, and that DO and grazer abundance are better predictors of algal abundance in springs than are nutrient concentrations. Although a precautionary N-reduction strategy for Florida springs is warranted given demonstrable effects of nutrient enrichment in a broad suite of aquatic systems worldwide, the DO-grazer hypothesis and other potential mechanisms merit increased scientific scrutiny. This case study illustrates the importance of an adaptive approach that explicitly evaluates paradigms as hypotheses and actively seeks alternative explanations.Item Open Access An Evaluation of Water Quality Parameters and Flow Dynamics in High Rock Lake, North Carolina to Assist in the Development of Nutrient Criteria for Lakes and Reservoirs in the State(2018-04-26) Rudd, MorganHigh Rock Dam, located in Rowan and Davidson Counties in North Carolina, was constructed on the Yadkin River in 1927. High Rock Lake (HRL) is primarily fed by the Yadkin River and several smaller tributaries, draining a total area of 3974 square miles. HRL has been on the 303d list of impaired waters since 2004 due to elevated levels of turbidity, chlorophyll-a, and pH. North Carolina currently has surface water standards for chlorophyll-a (40 µg/L), turbidity (25 NTU- lakes), and pH (<6 or >9), but not for nutrients. NC DEQ chose HRL as a pilot study to help develop nutrient criteria for lakes throughout the state. There is a high degree of spatial variability in water quality in HRL. Turbidity, total nitrogen, and total phosphorus decrease with increasing proximity to the dam, whereas chlorophyll-a is most elevated within the mid-section of the lake. Phytoplankton taxonomic assemblage varies according to lake section, with the lower-section of the lake experiencing the most elevated levels of cyanobacteria. Riverine discharge appears to influence chlorophyll-a and biovolume, and future studies should aim to identify the impact of discharge on phytoplankton assemblage. An improved understanding of discharge-water quality relationships can help guide nutrient criteria development for the state’s reservoirs, particularly for reservoirs with short residence times (days-weeks).Item Open Access Assessing the effectiveness of the Neuse nitrogen TMDL program and its impacts on estuarine chlorophyll dynamics(2011) Alameddine, IbrahimCoastal eutrophication is a complex process that is caused largely by anthropogenic nutrient enrichment. Estuaries are particularly susceptible to nutrient impairment, owing to their intimate connection with the contributing watersheds. Estuaries experiencing accelerating eutrophication are subject to a loss of key ecological functions and services. This doctoral dissertation presents the development and implementation of an integrated approach toward assessing the water quality in the Neuse Estuary following the implementation of the total maximum daily load (TMDL) program in the Neuse River basin. In order to accomplish this task, I have developed a series of water quality models and modeling strategies that can be effectively used in assessing nutrient based eutrophication. Two watershed-level nutrient loading models that operate on a different temporal scale are developed and used to quantify nitrogen loading to the Neuse Estuary over time. The models are used to probabilistically assess the success of the adopted mitigation measures in achieving the 30 % load reduction goal stipulated by the TMDL. Additionally, a novel structure learning approach is adopted to develop a Bayesian Network (BN) model that describes chlorophyll dynamics in the Upper Neuse Estuary. The developed BN model is compared to pre-TMDL models to assess any changes in the role that nutrient loading and physical forcings play in modulating chlorophyll levels in that section of the estuary. Finally, a set of empirical models are developed to assess the water quality monitoring program in the estuary, while also exploring the possibility of incorporating remotely sensed satellite data in an effort to augment the existing in-situ monitoring programs.
Item Open Access Bayesian Statistical Analysis in Coastal Eutrophication Models: Challenges and Solutions(2014) Nojavan Asghari, FarnazEstuaries interfacing with the land, atmosphere and open oceans can be influenced in a variety of ways by anthropogenic activities. Centuries of overexploitation, habitat transformation, and pollution have degraded estuarine ecological health. Key concerns of public and environmental managers of estuaries include water quality, particularly the enrichment of nutrients, increased chlorophyll a concentrations, increased hypoxia/anoxia, and increased Harmful Algal Blooms (HABs). One reason for the increased nitrogen loading over the past two decades is the proliferation of concentrated animal feeding operations (CAFOs) in coastal areas. This dissertation documents a study of estuarine eutrophication modeling, including modeling of major source of nitrogen in the watershed, the use of the Bayesian Networks (BNs) for modeling eutrophication dynamics in an estuary, a documentation of potential problems of using BNs, and a continuous BN model for addressing these problems.
Environmental models have emerged as great tools to transform data into useful information for managers and policy makers. Environmental models contain uncertainty due to natural ecosystems variability, current knowledge of environmental processes, modeling structure, computational restrictions, and problems with data/observations due to measurement error or missingness. Many methodologies capable of quantifying uncertainty have been developed in the scientic literature. Examples of such methods are BNs, which utilize conditional probability tables to describe the relationships among variables. This doctoral dissertation demonstrates how BNs, as probabilistic models, can be used to model eutrophication in estuarine ecosystems and to explore the effects of plausible future climatic and nutrient pollution management scenarios on water quality indicators. The results show interaction among various predictors and their impact on ecosystem health. The synergistic eftects between nutrient concentrations and climate variability caution future management actions.
BNs have several distinct strengths such as the ability to update knowledge based on Bayes' theorem, modularity, accommodation of various knowledge sources and data types, suitability to both data-rich and data-poor systems, and incorporation of uncertainty. Further, BNs' graphical representation facilitates communicating models and results with environmental managers and decision-makers. However, BNs have certain drawbacks as well. For example, they can only handle continuous variables under severe restrictions (1- Each continuous variable be assigned a (linear) conditional Normal distribution; 2- No discrete variable have continuous parents). The solution, thus far, to address this constraint has been discretizing variables. I designed an experiment to evaluate and compare the impact of common discretization methods on BNs. The results indicate that the choice of discretization method severely impacts the model results; however, I was unable to provide any criteria to select an optimal discretization method.
Finally, I propose a continuous variable Bayesian Network methodology and demonstrate its application for water quality modeling in estuarine ecosystems. The proposed method retains advantageous characteristics of BNs, while it avoids the drawbacks of discretization by specifying the relationships among the nodes using statistical and conditional probability models. The Bayesian nature of the proposed model enables prompt investigation of observed patterns, as new conditions unfold. The network structure presents the underlying ecological ecosystem processes and provides a basis for science communication. I demonstrate model development and temporal updating using the New River Estuary, NC data set and spatial updating using the Neuse River Estuary, NC data set.
Item Open Access Drained coastal peatlands: A potential nitrogen source to marine ecosystems under prolonged drought and heavy storm events-A microcosm experiment.(Sci Total Environ, 2016-10-01) Wang, Hongjun; Richardson, Curtis J; Ho, Mengchi; Flanagan, NealOver the past several decades there has been a massive increase in coastal eutrophication, which is often caused by increased runoff input of nitrogen from landscape alterations. Peatlands, covering 3% of land area, have stored about 12-21% of global soil organic nitrogen (12-20Pg N) around rivers, lakes and coasts over millennia and are now often drained and farmed. Their huge nitrogen pools may be released by intensified climate driven hydrologic events-prolonged droughts followed by heavy storms-and later transported to marine ecosystems. In this study, we collected peat monoliths from drained, natural, and restored coastal peatlands in the Southeastern U.S., and conducted a microcosm experiment simulating coupled prolonged-drought and storm events to (1) test whether storms could trigger a pulse of nitrogen export from drought-stressed peatlands and (2) assess how differentially hydrologic managements through shifting plant communities affect nitrogen export by combining an experiment of nitrogen release from litter. During the drought phase, we observed a significant temporal variation in net nitrogen mineralization rate (NMR). NMR spiked in the third month and then decreased rapidly. This pattern indicates that drought duration significantly affects nitrogen mineralization in peat. NMR in the drained site reached up to 490±110kgha(-1)year(-1), about 5 times higher than in the restored site. After the 14-month drought phase, we simulated a heavy storm by bringing peat monoliths to saturation. In the discharge waters, concentrations of total dissolved nitrogen in the monoliths from the drained site (72.7±16.3mgL(-1)) was about ten times as high as from the restored site. Our results indicate that previously drained peatlands under prolonged drought are a potent source of nitrogen export. Moreover, drought-induced plant community shifts to herbaceous plants substantially raise nitrogen release with lasting effects by altering litter quality in peatlands.Item Open Access Load reduction and invasive mussel effects on eutrophication dynamics in Saginaw Bay, Lake Huron(2011) Cha, Yoon KyungPhosphorus load reduction and dreissenid invasion are the two most important factors that influence europhication dynamics in the Great Lakes. The 1978 amendments to the Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement (GLWQA) between the United States and Canada established target phosphorus loads for the lakes, leading to reductions in external phosphorus loading to the Great Lakes. With diminished phosphorus levels, further nutrient management was a minor concern until the proliferation of invasive dreissenid mussels. Dreissenid mussels were first documented in the Laurentian Great Lakes in the late 1980s. Zebra mussels (Dreissena polymorpha) spread quickly into shallow, hard-substrate areas; quagga mussels (Dreissena rostriformis bugensis) spread more slowly and are currently colonizing deep, offshore areas. These mussels have the potential to modify biogeochemical processes and food web structure, altering nutrient cycling and availability. Following the mussel invasion, cyanobacterial blooms and nuisance benthic algal growth have reappeared in many nearshore areas of the Great Lakes.
This dissertation characterizes long-term patterns of phosphorus loading and mussel populations for Saginaw Bay, and estimates the effects of load reductions and dreissenid invasion on several aspects of pelagic water quality, focusing on phosphorus flux and cycling in Saginaw Bay. Bayesian approaches were used to quantify the impacts of load reduction and mussel invasion, while at the same time addressing model parameter uncertainty and prediction uncertainty associated with long-term observational data. Annual total phosphorus load estimates suggest a decreasing trend until the late 1970s to early 1980s, reflecting the effectiveness of point source controls implemented pursuant to GLWQA. Despite the decrease, however, the annual loads have not likely met the 440 tonne yr-1 target established for Saginaw Bay. In 1990 zebra mussels were discovered in the bay and by 1992 they were widespread and peaked with densities of >30,000 m-2. Following the peak, mean densities dropped and modeling results predict that the density will reach equilibria at ~600 m-2. When mussels appeared, the proportion of tributary phosphorus retained in Saginaw Bay increased from ~0.5 to ~0.7, reducing phosphorus export to the main body of Lake Huron. The combined effects of increased phosphorus retention and decreased phosphorus loading have caused an ~60% decrease in phosphorus export from Saginaw Bay to Lake Huron. The analysis of long-term patterns of pelagic water quality highlights the sustained effects of mussel invasion on altering water quality parameters in Saginaw Bay; there was a consistent decrease in chlorophyll concentrations by ~46%, and total phosphorus concentrations by ~25%, and an increase in secchi depths by ~15% over ~20 year invasion of mussels. A comparison of chlorophyll-phospohrus relationship between pre- and post-invasion periods suggest the reduced chlorophyll yield for a given phosphorus concentration after the mussel invasion. Further, decreases in both total phosphorus and chlorophyll concentrations were found in the majority of 24 mussel-invaded US lakes in addition to Saginaw Bay, and modeling results predict less chlorophyll yields per unit phosphorus level that ranges from oligo- to mesotrophic conditions. All lines of evidence presented in the dissertation point to the important roles of load reductions and invasive mussels affecting eutrophication dynamics in lake ecosystems.
Item Open Access Naturally Cleaning the Waters of the Snake River(2020-04-21) Allred, WadeThe degraded water quality of the Snake River is the result of generations of farming, but it can be improved by continuing to study and implement better management practices. Several water quality projects have been completed across the Upper Snake Rock Subbasin, with mixed impact. In order to maximize the use of resources, a single plan has been developed to guide the implementation of future projects. Existing literature and completed studies have shown the results of eutrophication, likely sources of nutrients, and the impact of management practices, but none have been combined into one report that can be used to guide what types of projects should be implemented where within the subbasin. This MP has attempted to simplify and consolidate the information to enable parties to best implement effective projects. It includes a description of a myriad of best management practices and their efficacy. By using this plan, conservationists in Southern Idaho will best use the meager resources available to rebuild the Snake River.Item Open Access Plant species' origin predicts dominance and response to nutrient enrichment and herbivores in global grasslands.(Nat Commun, 2015-07-15) Seabloom, Eric W; Borer, Elizabeth T; Buckley, Yvonne M; Cleland, Elsa E; Davies, Kendi F; Firn, Jennifer; Harpole, W Stanley; Hautier, Yann; Lind, Eric M; MacDougall, Andrew S; Orrock, John L; Prober, Suzanne M; Adler, Peter B; Anderson, T Michael; Bakker, Jonathan D; Biederman, Lori A; Blumenthal, Dana M; Brown, Cynthia S; Brudvig, Lars A; Cadotte, Marc; Chu, Chengjin; Cottingham, Kathryn L; Crawley, Michael J; Damschen, Ellen I; Dantonio, Carla M; DeCrappeo, Nicole M; Du, Guozhen; Fay, Philip A; Frater, Paul; Gruner, Daniel S; Hagenah, Nicole; Hector, Andy; Hillebrand, Helmut; Hofmockel, Kirsten S; Humphries, Hope C; Jin, Virginia L; Kay, Adam; Kirkman, Kevin P; Klein, Julia A; Knops, Johannes MH; La Pierre, Kimberly J; Ladwig, Laura; Lambrinos, John G; Li, Qi; Li, Wei; Marushia, Robin; McCulley, Rebecca L; Melbourne, Brett A; Mitchell, Charles E; Moore, Joslin L; Morgan, John; Mortensen, Brent; O'Halloran, Lydia R; Pyke, David A; Risch, Anita C; Sankaran, Mahesh; Schuetz, Martin; Simonsen, Anna; Smith, Melinda D; Stevens, Carly J; Sullivan, Lauren; Wolkovich, Elizabeth; Wragg, Peter D; Wright, Justin; Yang, LouieExotic species dominate many communities; however the functional significance of species' biogeographic origin remains highly contentious. This debate is fuelled in part by the lack of globally replicated, systematic data assessing the relationship between species provenance, function and response to perturbations. We examined the abundance of native and exotic plant species at 64 grasslands in 13 countries, and at a subset of the sites we experimentally tested native and exotic species responses to two fundamental drivers of invasion, mineral nutrient supplies and vertebrate herbivory. Exotic species are six times more likely to dominate communities than native species. Furthermore, while experimental nutrient addition increases the cover and richness of exotic species, nutrients decrease native diversity and cover. Native and exotic species also differ in their response to vertebrate consumer exclusion. These results suggest that species origin has functional significance, and that eutrophication will lead to increased exotic dominance in grasslands.Item Open Access Spatial and Temporal Analysis of Long-Term Water Quality Data for the Pamlico River Estuary, North Carolina(2015-04-24) Ludwig-Monty, SarahEXECUTIVE SUMMARY North Carolina has experienced significant growth in population, development, and industrial farming that are responsible for delivering unprecedented amounts of pollutants into its freshwater and coastal waterways. The Pamlico River Estuary has experienced reports of consistent fish kills since the 1970’s which are identified to be a result of eutrophic conditions caused by excessive nutrient loading. East coast commercial and recreational fishing is largely dependent upon this system’s ability to provide habitat for the breeding, refuge, and feeding for a large variety of aquatic species. In 1989 the estuary was designated as a nutrient sensitive waterway which prompted the N.C. Division of Water Quality to develop a Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) for nitrogen and phosphorous. The TMDL was approved in 1995 and called for a 30% reduction of instream total nitrogen loading and no increase in total phosphorous loading in order to prevent 90% of the chlorophyll a standard exceedances within the estuary. Nearly twenty years into the state's nutrient reduction program, the goals of the TMDL have yet to be met. This project uses a previously un-evaluated data set of water quality parameters over a 25-year period in the Pamlico River Estuary to understand the patterns and causes of continued impairment in that ecosystem. Analysis of chlorophyll a and nitrogen concentrations produced the following main results: Key Findings of Chlorophyll a Analysis: • Majority of chlorophyll a impairment occurs within the middle to upper regions of the estuary. • Chlorophyll a standard exceedance was determined to occur in equal magnitude year round. • Chlorophyll a concentrations are inversely correlated with incoming river discharge in the upper regions of the estuary. Key Findings of Nitrogen Analysis: • Trend analysis identified significant decreasing trends in ammonium and nitrate and significant increasing trends in dissolved organic nitrogen. • Total nitrogen composition dominance shifted from nitrate to dissolved organic nitrogen in the early 2000s. • Nitrogen concentrations are significantly influenced by both season and incoming river discharge. Chlorophyll a impairment is still prevalent throughout the estuary despite the adoption of nutrient reduction strategies in the 1990s. The observed shifts in total nitrogen composition could have ecological impacts on phytoplankton population composition, as well as effects of higher trophic levels and nutrient cycling within the estuary. The nitrogen reduction goals of the Tar-Pamlico TMDL have likely not been achieved due to the increases observed in dissolved organic nitrogen concentrations potentially coupled with inadequate decreases in nitrate and ammonium in order to produce decreasing trends in total nitrogen. Greater implementation and stricter enforcement of non-point source nutrient reduction programs are needed, with specific regard to poultry and hog industrial livestock operations. Research into the forms of dissolved organic nitrogen that are present within the estuary are needed to understand the nitrogen cycling and ecological dynamics that occur as well as to provide insight into potential sources responsible for increasing concentrations within the estuary. North Carolina regulators need to address the inability for current nutrient reduction programs to adequately reduce nutrient loading in order to improve conditions within the Pamlico River Estuary and protect the natural resources this ecosystem provides.Item Open Access Temperature Consideration in the Shallow Lake Model and Its Policy Implications for Eutrophication Governance(2024-04-26) Zhao, YangEutrophication is a significant environmental issue affecting shallow lakes and is closely related to human activities. The shallow lake model serves as an environmental economic model for studying this problem. In this study, we first reviewed the scientific rationale of this economic model, subsequently, analyzed the original shallow lake model proposed by Mäler et al., discussing market failure issues in static optimization based on previous research. We then introduced the factor of temperature to enable the model to consider the effects of seasonal temperature changes and long-term climate warming on eutrophication processes. We conducted an analysis of the shallow lake model incorporating temperature. Analysis of the state equation indicated that temperature variation significantly influences the internal phosphorus release in the water body, with increased temperature leading to the transition of the shallow lake to hysteresis or irreversible states. Analysis of the static optimization problem of shallow lake utility revealed that temperature increase makes it more likely for utility maximization to occur in states with high phosphorus content. Additionally, we explored the existence of emission control strategies under temperature variation scenarios. Finally, based on our study of this environmental economic model, practical policy implications were provided.Item Open Access Temporal and Spatial Analysis of Water Quality and Landscape Characteristics for Albemarle Sound, North Carolina(2014-04-23) Locklier, Katie; McGee, Heather; Zhang, HanAlbemarle Sound, a lagoonal estuarine system on the North Carolina coast, has experienced a large decline in recreational and commercial fisheries over the years and managers are concerned about water quality, including the impacts of nutrient enrichment, or eutrophication. In an effort to help the United States Geological Survey improve its water quality monitoring network, this report compiles and analyzes over 40 years of historic data for the sound using three approaches. Based on the current monitoring program and available historic data collected, five chemical and biological water quality parameters were chosen to characterize the water quality in Albemarle Sound: chlorophyll-a (Chl-a), dissolved oxygen (DO), turbidity, inorganic nitrogen (nitrate and nitrate) as N and phosphate-phosphorus as P. This project 1) statistically analyzes the relationships between water quality parameters within and among sub-sections of the Sound; 2) combines multiple sources of LULC data into sub-sections to better understand water quality drivers; 3) develops a GIS-based user interactive toolkit to identify the sensitive location(s). Statistical and geospatial analyses show: 1) Overall, water quality in Albemarle Sound is good over time. 2) Seasonal effects may influence parameter values in some parts of the sound. 3) In light of inorganic nitrogen and phosphate-phosphorus levels, we may pay more attention to the North and South sections, as these two sections were more vulnerable to nutrient problems in history. 4) There are major differences in landscape characteristics between sections, offering some explanation for differences in water quality, and 5) There are some signals in the average concentrations of the five water quality parameters from 2006-2013, indicating that terrestrial drivers such as CAFO animal density and percent cultivated area could be important for water quality in the Albemarle Sound. This report provides fundamental guidance that can be used to inform both management plans and future studies in Albemarle Sound.Item Open Access Which Nutrient Criteria Should States and Tribes Choose to Determine Waterbody Impairment?: Using Science and Judgments to Inform Decision-making(2007-12-12) Kenney, Melissa ANutrients are the number one water pollution problem for U.S. lakes, reservoirs, and ponds. Excessive nutrients, such as nitrogen and phosphorus, lead to eutrophication, a condition that can include low oxygen levels, noxious algal blooms, and fish kills. Since eutrophication is a condition that manifests itself differently in different systems, there is not a criterion variable with a clear threshold that can be used to set the criterion level. This dissertation presents an approach to address the question: How should States and Tribes choose nutrient criteria to determine eutrophication-related impairments of the designated use? To address this question I used a combination of water quality modeling and decision analysis to determine the optimal nutrient criterion variables and levels. To choose criterion variables that are predictive of the designated use, I utilized statistical models (structural equation models, multiple regression, and binomial regression model) to link the measured water quality variables to expert elicited categories of eutrophication and the designated uses. These models were applied successfully to single waterbodies, the Kissimmee Chain-of-Lakes region, and the State of North Carolina to assess which candidate criterion variables were the most predictive. Additionally, the models indicated that the variables that were most predictive of eutrophication were also the most predictive of the designated use. Using the predictive nutrient criteria variables, I applied a decision-analytic approach to nutrient criteria setting in North Carolina. I developed a nutrient criteria value model that included two submodels, a water quality model and a multiattribute value model. The submodels were parameterized using a combination of water quality data, expert elicitation data, and utility assessments. The outcome of the nutrient criteria value model is the overall expected value for a criterion level choice; the optimal criterion level would be the choice that maximized the expected value. Using the preferences of North Carolina environmental decision-makers and a total phosphorus criterion variable, the optimal criterion level was between 0.03 mg/L and 0.07 mg/L. Ultimately, I hope this research will establish methodology used to set appropriate water quality criteria.