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Item Open Access A Connectome Wide Functional Signature of Transdiagnostic Risk for Mental Illness(Biological Psychiatry, 2018-04-10) Elliott, ML; Romer, A; Knodt, AR; Hariri, ARBackground High rates of comorbidity, shared risk, and overlapping therapeutic mechanisms have led psychopathology research towards transdiagnostic dimensional investigations of clustered symptoms. One influential framework accounts for these transdiagnostic phenomena through a single general factor, sometimes referred to as the ‘p’ factor, associated with risk for all common forms of mental illness. Methods Here we build on past research identifying unique structural neural correlates of the p factor by conducting a data-driven analysis of connectome wide intrinsic functional connectivity (n = 605). Results We demonstrate that higher p factor scores and associated risk for common mental illness maps onto hyper-connectivity between visual association cortex and both frontoparietal and default mode networks. Conclusions These results provide initial evidence that the transdiagnostic risk for common forms of mental illness is associated with patterns of inefficient connectome wide intrinsic connectivity between visual association cortex and networks supporting executive control and self-referential processes, networks which are often impaired across categorical disorders.Item Open Access A Novel Experimental Method for Measuring Proactive and Reactive Responses to Threat and an Examination of Their Personality and Neural Correlates(2015) Gorka, AdamThe goal of this dissertation is to characterize goal directed proactive behavioral responses to threat as well as reactive responses to threat exposure, and to identify the neural and personality correlates of individual differences in these responses. Three specific studies are reported wherein participants completed a novel shock avoidance paradigm while concurrent measures of behavioral, muscular, and sympathetic autonomic activity were collected; self-report was used to measure mood and trait personality; and blood oxygen-level dependent functional magnetic resonance imaging (BOLD fMRI) was used to measure individual differences in threat-related amygdala reactivity and intrinsic connectivity within the corticolimbic circuit.
Results from Study 1 demonstrate that during threat exposure, participants exhibit increased avoidance behavior, faster reaction times, and increased muscular and sympathetic activity. Moreover, results demonstrate that two broad patterns characterize individual differences in how participants respond during avoidance: 1) a generalized tendency to exhibit magnified threat responses across domains; and 2) a tendency to respond either with proactive behavioral responses or reactive autonomic responses. Heightened state anxiety during the shock avoidance paradigm, and increased trait anxiety were both associated with the generalized tendency to exhibit magnified threat responses. However, gender moderated the relationship between trait anxiety and generalized increases in threat responses during avoidance, such that only male participants exhibited a positive relationship between these two factors. Study 2 demonstrates that intrinsic connectivity between the dorsomedial prefrontal cortex and centromedial region of the amygdala prospectively predicts whether participants will respond proactively or reactively during active avoidance. Finally, Study 3 provides evidence that responses to threat-related facial expressions within the centromedial region of the amygdala are associated with more reactive and less proactive responses during avoidance.
These results demonstrate that patterns observed in animal models of avoidance, specifically the competition between proactive and reactive responses to threat cues, extend to human participants. Moreover, our results suggest that while anxious mood during performance and heightened trait anxiety are associated with a generalized facilitation of threat responses across domains, measures of neural circuit function within the corticolimbic system predict whether individuals will exhibit increased proactive or reactive responses during active avoidance. In addition to facilitating the search for the neural processes underlying how the brain responds dynamically to threat, these results have the potential to aide researchers in characterizing the symptoms and neural processes underlying anxiety disorders.
Item Open Access Age mediation of frontoparietal activation during visual feature search.(Neuroimage, 2014-11-15) Madden, David J; Parks, Emily L; Davis, Simon W; Diaz, Michele T; Potter, Guy G; Chou, Ying-hui; Chen, Nan-kuei; Cabeza, RobertoActivation of frontal and parietal brain regions is associated with attentional control during visual search. We used fMRI to characterize age-related differences in frontoparietal activation in a highly efficient feature search task, detection of a shape singleton. On half of the trials, a salient distractor (a color singleton) was present in the display. The hypothesis was that frontoparietal activation mediated the relation between age and attentional capture by the salient distractor. Participants were healthy, community-dwelling individuals, 21 younger adults (19-29 years of age) and 21 older adults (60-87 years of age). Top-down attention, in the form of target predictability, was associated with an improvement in search performance that was comparable for younger and older adults. The increase in search reaction time (RT) associated with the salient distractor (attentional capture), standardized to correct for generalized age-related slowing, was greater for older adults than for younger adults. On trials with a color singleton distractor, search RT increased as a function of increasing activation in frontal regions, for both age groups combined, suggesting increased task difficulty. Mediational analyses disconfirmed the hypothesized model, in which frontal activation mediated the age-related increase in attentional capture, but supported an alternative model in which age was a mediator of the relation between frontal activation and capture.Item Open Access Assessment of the Spatial and Temporal Distribution of Functional Connectivity in Resting-State BOLD fMRI(2016) Ball, Nicole MarieRecent research into resting-state functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) has shown that the brain is very active during rest. This thesis work utilizes blood oxygenation level dependent (BOLD) signals to investigate the spatial and temporal functional network information found within resting-state data, and aims to investigate the feasibility of extracting functional connectivity networks using different methods as well as the dynamic variability within some of the methods. Furthermore, this work looks into producing valid networks using a sparsely-sampled sub-set of the original data.
In this work we utilize four main methods: independent component analysis (ICA), principal component analysis (PCA), correlation, and a point-processing technique. Each method comes with unique assumptions, as well as strengths and limitations into exploring how the resting state components interact in space and time.
Correlation is perhaps the simplest technique. Using this technique, resting-state patterns can be identified based on how similar the time profile is to a seed region’s time profile. However, this method requires a seed region and can only identify one resting state network at a time. This simple correlation technique is able to reproduce the resting state network using subject data from one subject’s scan session as well as with 16 subjects.
Independent component analysis, the second technique, has established software programs that can be used to implement this technique. ICA can extract multiple components from a data set in a single analysis. The disadvantage is that the resting state networks it produces are all independent of each other, making the assumption that the spatial pattern of functional connectivity is the same across all the time points. ICA is successfully able to reproduce resting state connectivity patterns for both one subject and a 16 subject concatenated data set.
Using principal component analysis, the dimensionality of the data is compressed to find the directions in which the variance of the data is most significant. This method utilizes the same basic matrix math as ICA with a few important differences that will be outlined later in this text. Using this method, sometimes different functional connectivity patterns are identifiable but with a large amount of noise and variability.
To begin to investigate the dynamics of the functional connectivity, the correlation technique is used to compare the first and second halves of a scan session. Minor differences are discernable between the correlation results of the scan session halves. Further, a sliding window technique is implemented to study the correlation coefficients through different sizes of correlation windows throughout time. From this technique it is apparent that the correlation level with the seed region is not static throughout the scan length.
The last method introduced, a point processing method, is one of the more novel techniques because it does not require analysis of the continuous time points. Here, network information is extracted based on brief occurrences of high or low amplitude signals within a seed region. Because point processing utilizes less time points from the data, the statistical power of the results is lower. There are also larger variations in DMN patterns between subjects. In addition to boosted computational efficiency, the benefit of using a point-process method is that the patterns produced for different seed regions do not have to be independent of one another.
This work compares four unique methods of identifying functional connectivity patterns. ICA is a technique that is currently used by many scientists studying functional connectivity patterns. The PCA technique is not optimal for the level of noise and the distribution of the data sets. The correlation technique is simple and obtains good results, however a seed region is needed and the method assumes that the DMN regions is correlated throughout the entire scan. Looking at the more dynamic aspects of correlation changing patterns of correlation were evident. The last point-processing method produces a promising results of identifying functional connectivity networks using only low and high amplitude BOLD signals.
Item Open Access Chasing Dreams or Avoiding Ruin: Neural Activation to Goal Priming in Low-Income vs. Control Adolescents(2021-04-09) Pandya, UrmiGoals are central to our identities. An important process related to goals is self-regulation: the process of pursuing goals despite internal and external forces that might disrupt it. Adolescents have been shown to struggle with self-regulation, particularly when environmental factors such as poverty interfere with successful goal pursuit. One theory of self-regulation is regulatory focus theory (RFT). RFT consists of promotion and prevention focus. An example of promotion focus is studying to do well on a test because it is an achievement (i.e., an ideal). An example of prevention focus is studying to do well on a test because it is one’s responsibility to do so (i.e., an ought). This exploratory study followed self-regulation as defined by RFT and centered on neural correlates of goal attainment in low-income adolescents. This study compared performance on a subliminal priming fMRI task between low-income and control adolescents. It was found that the low-income adolescents showed greater activation in the mPFC, linked to error-monitoring, for ideal goals that they were close to attaining and less activation in areas associated with self-focus for ideal goals that they were not close to attaining and ought goals that they were close to attaining. These results suggest a potential role of poverty-related stressors in shifting attention away from the self and instead towards vigilant management of external responsibilities. Even during ideal goal pursuit, low-income adolescents may be more focused on correcting errors rather than maximizing positive affect.Item Open Access Cognitive Neurostimulation: Learning to Volitionally Invigorate Mesolimbic Reward Network Activation(2015) MacInnes, JeffThe brain’s dopaminergic system is critical to adaptive behaviors, and is centrally implicated in various pathologies. For decades, research has aimed at better characterizing what drives the mesolimbic dopamine system and the resulting influence on brain physiology and behavior in both humans and animals. To date, the dominant modes of research have relied on extrinsic approaches: pharmacological manipulations, direct brain stimulation, or delivering behavioral incentives in laboratory tasks. A critical open question concerns whether individuals can modulate activation within this system volitionally. That is, can individuals use self-generated thoughts and imagery to invigorate this system on their own? This process can be referred to as “cognitive neurostimulation” -- a precise and non-invasive stimulation of neural systems via cognitive and behavioral strategies. And if not, can they be taught to do so? Recent technological advances make it feasible to present human participants with information about ongoing neural activations in a fast and spatially precise manner. Such feedback signals might enable individuals to eventually learn to control neural systems via fine-tuning of behavioral strategies. The studies described herein investigate whether individuals can learn to volitionally invigorate activation within the mesolimbic reward network. We demonstrate that under the right training context, individuals can successfully learn to generate cognitive states that elicit and sustain activation in the ventral tegmental area (VTA), the source of dopamine production within the mesolimbic network. Although participants were explicitly trained to increase VTA activation, multiple mesolimbic regions exhibited increased connectivity during and after training. Together, these findings suggest new frameworks for aligning psychological and biological perspectives, and for understanding and harnessing the power of neuromodulatory systems.
Item Open Access Component Neural Networks of Morality(2015) Ngo, LawrenceMoral cognition represents a foundational faculty of the human species. Our sense of morality develops beginning at a very young age, and its dysfunction can lead to devastating mental disorders. Given its central importance, it has fittingly garnered the attention of thinkers throughout the ages. For millennia, philosophers have pondered what it is to be right or wrong, good or bad, virtuous or vicious. For centuries, psychologists have elucidated how people acquire and act upon a sense of morality. More recently in the last decade, neuroscientists have embarked on a project to study how morality arises from computations in the brain. However, this latest project has been fragmented: researchers have largely studied various neural components of morality - including emotion, value, and mentalizing - in isolation. This has resulted in an informal and disjointed model for the neural mechanisms of morality. This dissertation is concerned with more formally identifying neural components and their influences on each other in the context of moral cognition.
In Chapter 2, I study how the component neural networks of moral cognition may be involved in distinct aspects of a single decision by employing a complex clinical decision making task involving the disclosure of conflicts of interest. I show that for a given decision, the magnitude of conflict of interest is tracked by mentalizing networks, while the degree of disclosure-induced behavioral change exhibited by participants is predicted by value networks. In Chapter 3, I move beyond the informal model of morality used in Chapter 2 and previous literature by devising a methodology to identify hierarchical ontologies of neural circuits; such an approach can have implications on further discussions of morality, and more generally, on other aspects of cognitive neuroscience. From this, I present the 50 elemental neural circuits that are fundamental to human cognition and explore how these elements can differentially combine to form emergent neural circuits. In Chapter 4, I use these advances to address morality, uncovering its relevant component neural networks in a data-driven way. I show that neural circuits important in supporting higher-level moral computations include mentalizing and taste. In Chapter 5, I demonstrate an important complexity in a compositional model of morality. I show that one of the components of moral cognition, mentalizing, can paradoxically be influenced by moral judgments themselves. To conclude, I highlight the implications of both theoretical and methodological advances. The hierarchical ontologies of neural circuits may be a profitable framework for the future characterization and study of mental disorders; and to effectively study these circuits, the use of moral judgment and decision-making paradigms will be effective experimental tasks, considering the centrality of moral cognition to who we are, whether in health or illness.
Item Open Access Contributions Of the Human Medial Prefrontal Cortex To Associative Recognition Memory: Evidence From Functional Neuroimaging(2016) Iyengar, VijethNeuroimaging studies of episodic memory, or memory of events from our personal past, have predominantly focused their attention on medial temporal lobe (MTL). There is growing acknowledgement however, from the cognitive neuroscience of memory literature, that regions outside the MTL can support episodic memory processes. The medial prefrontal cortex is one such region garnering increasing interest from researchers. Using behavioral and functional magnetic resonance imaging measures, over two studies, this thesis provides evidence of a mnemonic role of the medial PFC. In the first study, participants were scanned while judging the extent to which they agreed or disagreed with the sociopolitical views of unfamiliar individuals. Behavioral tests of associative recognition revealed that participants remembered with high confidence viewpoints previously linked with judgments of strong agreement/disagreement. Neurally, the medial PFC mediated the interaction between high-confidence associative recognition memory and beliefs associated with strong agree/disagree judgments. In an effort to generalize this finding to well-established associative information, in the second study, we investigated associative recognition memory for real-world concepts. Object-scene pairs congruent or incongruent with a preexisting schema were presented to participants in a cued-recall paradigm. Behavioral tests of conceptual and perceptual recognition revealed memory enhancements arising from strong resonance between presented pairs and preexisting schemas. Neurally, the medial PFC tracked increases in visual recall of schema-congruent pairs whereas the MTL tracked increases in visual recall of schema-incongruent pairs. Additionally, ventral areas of the medial PFC tracked conceptual components of visual recall specifically for schema-congruent pairs. These findings are consistent with a recent theoretical proposal of medial PFC contributions to memory for schema-related content. Collectively, these studies provide evidence of a role for the medial PFC in associative recognition memory persisting for associative information deployed in our daily social interactions and for those associations formed over multiple learning episodes. Additionally, this set of findings advance our understanding of the cognitive contributions of the medial PFC beyond its canonical role in processes underlying social cognition.
Item Open Access Cumulative stress in childhood is associated with blunted reward-related brain activity in adulthood.(Soc Cogn Affect Neurosci, 2016-03) Hanson, JL; Albert, WD; Iselin, AR; Carré, JM; Dodge, KA; Hariri, AREarly life stress (ELS) is strongly associated with negative outcomes in adulthood, including reduced motivation and increased negative mood. The mechanisms mediating these relations, however, are poorly understood. We examined the relation between exposure to ELS and reward-related brain activity, which is known to predict motivation and mood, at age 26, in a sample followed since kindergarten with annual assessments. Using functional neuroimaging, we assayed individual differences in the activity of the ventral striatum (VS) during the processing of monetary rewards associated with a simple card-guessing task, in a sample of 72 male participants. We examined associations between a cumulative measure of ELS exposure and VS activity in adulthood. We found that greater levels of cumulative stress during childhood and adolescence predicted lower reward-related VS activity in adulthood. Extending this general developmental pattern, we found that exposure to stress early in development (between kindergarten and grade 3) was significantly associated with variability in adult VS activity. Our results provide an important demonstration that cumulative life stress, especially during this childhood period, is associated with blunted reward-related VS activity in adulthood. These differences suggest neurobiological pathways through which a history of ELS may contribute to reduced motivation and increased negative mood.Item Open Access Dissociable Influence of Reward and Punishment Motivation on Declarative Memory Encoding and its Underlying Neurophysiology(2012) Murty, Vishnu PradeepMemories are not veridical representations of the environment. Rather, an individual's goals can influence how the surrounding environment is represented in long-term memory. The present dissertation aims to delineate the influence of reward and punishment motivation on human declarative memory encoding and its underlying neural circuitry. Chapter 1 provides a theoretical framework for investigating motivation's influence on declarative memory. This chapter will review the animal and human literatures on declarative memory encoding, reward and punishment motivation, and motivation's influence on learning and memory. Chapter 2 presents a study examining the behavioral effects of reward and punishment motivation on declarative memory encoding. Chapter 3 presents a study examining the neural circuitry underlying punishment-motivated declarative encoding using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), and compares these findings to previous studies of reward-motivated declarative encoding. Chapter 4 presents a study examining the influence of reward and punishment motivation on neural sensitivity to and declarative memory for unexpected events encountered during goal pursuit using fMRI. Finally, Chapter 5 synthesizes these results and proposes a model of how and why motivational valence has distinct influences on declarative memory encoding. Results indicated that behaviorally, reward motivation resulted in more enriched representations of the environment compared to punishment motivation. Neurally, these motivational states engaged distinct neuromodulatory systems and medial temporal lobe (MTL) targets during encoding. Specifically, results indicated that reward motivation supports interactions between the ventral tegmental area and the hippocampus, whereas, punishment motivation supports interactions between the amygdala and parahippocampal cortex. Together, these findings suggest that reward and punishment engage distinct systems of encoding and result in the storage of qualitatively different representations of the environment into long-term memory.
Item Open Access Dopaminergic mechanisms of individual differences in the discounting and subjective value of rewards(2022) Castrellon, JaimeEveryday, animals make decisions that require balancing tradeoffs like time delays, uncertainty, and physical effort demands with the prospect of rewards like food or money. The tendency to devalue rewards according to these tradeoffs is also known as discounting and depends on how much subjective value an animal places on a reward. These discounting decisions are supported by different neural systems. The influence of dopamine signaling is well-characterized as a modulator of motivation and decision making. However, the role of dopamine as a marker of interindividual differences of reward sensitivity and valuation is less clearly understood. Using a combination of neuroimaging techniques (functional magnetic resonance imaging and positron emission tomography), behavioral experiments, and meta-analyses, this dissertation identifies how trait-like variation in dopamine function explains the way people differ in their preferences and neural computations of value. Overall, the findings indicate that while dopamine may exert acute influence over reward discounting behavior, these associations may not extend to trait-like differences. Specifically, individual differences in dopamine receptor availability are related to discounting behavior in clinical populations but not healthy adults. Nevertheless, individual differences in dopamine are related to functional brain activation associated with the subjective valuation of rewards—the input to choice behavior. These results highlight that interindividual variation in dopamine is more directly linked to neural computations than observed behaviors and that dopamine-mediated psychopathology does not precisely map on to acute pharmacodynamics.
Item Open Access Effect of Repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation on the Structural and Functional Connectome in Patients with Major Depressive Disorder(2017-05-08) Asturias, GabrielaThrough this whole-brain exploratory analysis, our aim is to study the effect of repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) on the structural and functional connectivity of patients with major depressive disorder. Twenty-five currently depressed patients (age 21–68) participated in the study. Patients received daily 10-Hz rTMS over the left dlPFC five days/week for five weeks. Treatment response was assessed using the 24-item Hamilton Rating Scale for Depression (HAMD-24) at baseline and after the course of TMS. MRIs were acquired within seven days prior to starting rTMS and within three days after the end of treatment. Using diffusion tensor images and resting-state fMRI data we computed the whole-brain functional and structural connectomes. We used graph theory techniques to characterize brain architecture to identify potential biomarkers for depression severity and response to treatment. The frontal pole, part of the midline core in the default mode network (DMN) and the exteroception compartment of the depression network (DN), was identified as a potential biomarker for depression severity. The intracalcarine cortex and lateral occipital cortex, neither part of the default mode network and depression network, were defined as potential biomarkers for treatment response. The subcallosal cortex, orbitofrontal cortex, and supramarginal gyrus were identified as potential biomarkers for treatment response and their change across the treatment protocol could explain the simultaneous effect of rTMS on structural and functional connectivity. Ultimately, the goal is to articulate specific hypotheses that will inform treatment strategies for patients with major depressive disorder.Item Open Access Effects of HIV infection and cocaine dependence on brain activity during risky and ambiguous decision making(2017-06-17) Hartley, BennettHIV infection can be characterized as a brain disease with 47 percent of infected patients experiencing neurocognitive disorders. MRI studies of HIV patients reveal alterations in gray and white matter. Individuals addicted to stimulant drug use like cocaine are at high risk for engaging in sexual behaviors that contribute to acquisition of HIV. Cocaine dependence and HIV infections each disrupt neural circuits that regulate executive functions involved in decision making. The present study investigated the effects of cocaine dependence and HIV infection on neural activity in response to the valuation of potential gains in the context of unknown and known risks. The study looked at 76 participants across four groups varying in HIV status and cocaine dependence. In an fMRI scanner, participants were presented with pairs of gambles and were required to choose their preference. The behavioral results show that there were no significant differences between groups in their likelihood to select uncertain choices and their reaction times. Imaging results demonstrate increased activation for ambiguous > risky decisions throughout the lingual gyrus and occipital cortex for all four groups. There is bilateral activation in the inferior (IFG) and middle frontal gyrus (MFG) for the control group, which is not seen in either cocaine-dependent or HIV-positive groups. Both cocaine-dependent groups show only left IFG and MFG activity, and the non-cocaine-using HIV-positive group shows no activation in the IFG or MFG. The control group seems overall to have broader activation than the other groups, demonstrated by increased cluster sizes. Analysis of group effects should be conducted to evaluate potential statistical differences between groups.Item Open Access Encoding-Retrieval Relationships in Episodic Memory: A Functional Neuroimaging Perspective(2015) Wing, ErikThe ability to re-experience the past is a defining feature of episodic memory. Yet we know that even the most detailed memories are distinct from the initial experiences to which they refer. This relationship between the initial encoding and subsequent retrieval of information is central to our understanding of memory and its capacity to connect us to the past. Past research has shown that neural signatures present during perception are reactivated during later memory, but the correspondence between this reactivation and various aspects of memory function remains unclear. This dissertation attempts to connect behavioral measures of memory to the reinstatement and modification of neural information that takes place when memories are retrieved. In the first two studies reported, functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) is used to assess event-specific cortical patterns from encoding that are reinstated during retrieval (encoding-retrieval similarity, ERS). Increases in this fine-grained of reinstatement are found in occipitotemporal cortex (OTC) during detailed memory for scenes (Study 1), and in the medial temporal lobes (MTL) for the recovery of relational information (Study 2). In addition to reflecting encoding-related content, retrieval is also found to strengthen previously encoded information via hippocampally-mediated mechanisms in Study 3. Together, these studies demonstrate the detailed nature of information that is recovered across varying degrees of memory and show how retrieval can also alter stored representations, emphasizing the interactive nature of memory processes.
Item Open Access Frontoparietal activation during visual conjunction search: Effects of bottom-up guidance and adult age.(Hum Brain Mapp, 2017-04) Madden, David J; Parks, Emily L; Tallman, Catherine W; Boylan, Maria A; Hoagey, David A; Cocjin, Sally B; Johnson, Micah A; Chou, Ying-Hui; Potter, Guy G; Chen, Nan-Kuei; Packard, Lauren E; Siciliano, Rachel E; Monge, Zachary A; Diaz, Michele TWe conducted functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) with a visual search paradigm to test the hypothesis that aging is associated with increased frontoparietal involvement in both target detection and bottom-up attentional guidance (featural salience). Participants were 68 healthy adults, distributed continuously across 19 to 78 years of age. Frontoparietal regions of interest (ROIs) were defined from resting-state scans obtained prior to task-related fMRI. The search target was defined by a conjunction of color and orientation. Each display contained one item that was larger than the others (i.e., a size singleton) but was not informative regarding target identity. Analyses of search reaction time (RT) indicated that bottom-up attentional guidance from the size singleton (when coincident with the target) was relatively constant as a function of age. Frontoparietal fMRI activation related to target detection was constant as a function of age, as was the reduction in activation associated with salient targets. However, for individuals 35 years of age and older, engagement of the left frontal eye field (FEF) in bottom-up guidance was more prominent than for younger individuals. Further, the age-related differences in left FEF activation were a consequence of decreasing resting-state functional connectivity in visual sensory regions. These findings indicate that age-related compensatory effects may be expressed in the relation between activation and behavior, rather than in the magnitude of activation, and that relevant changes in the activation-RT relation may begin at a relatively early point in adulthood. Hum Brain Mapp 38:2128-2149, 2017. © 2017 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.Item Open Access Functional Brain Networks Underlying Anticipation in Motivated Behavior(2018) Vu, Mai-Anh ThiAnticipation is a state of expectancy for something that will happen, and it allows us to use past learning to prepare for and make predictions about the future. Studies have shown that anticipation influences behavioral performance, learning, and memory, and studies implicate reward-related brain circuitry. However, few studies have investigated the neural underpinnings of anticipation on a brain-wide network scale . In this set of experiments, I take an interdisciplinary cross-species approach, using in-vivo electrophysiology in mice and functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) in humans, to investigate brain networks underlying anticipation in motivated behavior. Using a data-driven machine learning approach, I characterize the anticipatory network in mice running through a T-maze, and show how it is affected by behavioral perturbation in the form of a task reversal, and circuit perturbation in the form of a genetic mutant mouse line. I also validate this network in a separate cohort of mice in a variation of the T-maze task that varies in difficulty, and show how activity in this network is modulated by task difficulty and intermediate instrumental goals. Finally, I investigate this network using fMRI in human subjects performing a trivia-based task to show how this network links curiosity, a more intrinsic form of motivation, to memory. The findings from these studies provide evidence at multiple levels and across multiple species for an anticipatory network that links motivational state to cognitive performance.
Item Open Access Functional Neuroimaging Investigations of Human Memory: Comparisons of Successful Encoding and Retrieval for Relational and Item Information(2007-05-10T14:55:10Z) Prince, Steven EricMemory is a complex and multifaceted entity. Cognitive psychology has adopted terminology to help simplify the study of memory. For example, one can consider the cognitive process the brain is engaged in, such as encoding versus retrieval. Similarly, one can consider the content of information, such as words, faces, or scenes. Content and process can also interact such as with instructions to view a face that happens to be situated next to a house (item memory) versus instructions to evaluate whether the face 'belongs' in the house (relational memory). Although neuropsychology, animal lesion studies, and cognitive neuroscience have identified brain structures that are consistently associated with memory performance, such as the medial temporal lobes (MTL) and prefrontal cortex (PFC), the specifics of when and why such regions participate in memory is still largely unexplored. Theoretical standpoints are often at odds about whether regions such as the MTL operate as a functional unit, supporting memory in general, or whether subregions within the MTL support specific types of memory (e.g. item versus relational memory). To investigate how memory processes might recruit unique and common brain regions, three functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) studies were conducted. Each study involved comparisons of successful encoding (trials later remembered versus forgotten) and successful retrieval (hits versus misses). Experiment 1, using semantic and perceptual word pairs, found unique contributions for subregions in the MTL and PFC, dependent on memory phase and stimulus class. One region in the left hippocampus was associated with memory success, regardless of either memory phase or stimulus class. Experiment 2, using faces and scenes, found unique contributions for 'stimulus sensitive' subregions of the fusiform gyrus and parahippocampal gyrus, as well as for the PFC, and MTL that were dependent on content-process interactions, or independent of content and process. Experiment 3, using faces, scenes, and face-scene pairings, found unique contributions for subregions of the MTL and PFC based on item versus relational processing and memory phase. Together, the results of the three experiments provide support for dichotomies in brain structures based on specific processes, specific content, or process-content interactions.Item Open Access Individual differences in regulatory focus predict neural response to reward.(Soc Neurosci, 2016-04-30) Scult, Matthew A; Knodt, Annchen R; Hanson, Jamie L; Ryoo, Minyoung; Adcock, R Alison; Hariri, Ahmad R; Strauman, Timothy JAlthough goal pursuit is related to both functioning of the brain's reward circuits and psychological factors, the literatures surrounding these concepts have often been separate. Here, we use the psychological construct of regulatory focus to investigate individual differences in neural response to reward. Regulatory focus theory proposes two motivational orientations for personal goal pursuit: (1) promotion, associated with sensitivity to potential gain, and (2) prevention, associated with sensitivity to potential loss. The monetary incentive delay task was used to manipulate reward circuit function, along with instructional framing corresponding to promotion and prevention in a within-subject design. We observed that the more promotion oriented an individual was, the lower their ventral striatum response to gain cues. Follow-up analyses revealed that greater promotion orientation was associated with decreased ventral striatum response even to no-value cues, suggesting that promotion orientation may be associated with relatively hypoactive reward system function. The findings are also likely to represent an interaction between the cognitive and motivational characteristics of the promotion system with the task demands. Prevention orientation did not correlate with ventral striatum response to gain cues, supporting the discriminant validity of regulatory focus theory. The results highlight a dynamic association between individual differences in self-regulation and reward system function.Item Open Access Integrated Parallel Reception, Excitation, and Shimming (iPRES) Head Coils: Application to Functional MRI and Development of a Battery Powered System(2018) Willey, Devin AnnaIn MRI, magnetic susceptibility differences at air/tissue interfaces result in main magnetic field (B0) inhomogeneities, which in turn cause artifacts such as distortions and signal loss, especially in gradient-echo echo-planar imaging (EPI). Because of the air cavities in the sinuses and ear canals, these artifacts are most prominent in the inferior frontal and temporal brain regions, and hinder our ability to accurately assess brain structure and function. Existing shimming techniques can correct for these artifacts by applying additional magnetic fields that compensate for the B0 inhomogeneities. However, passive shimming has limited flexibility and patient comfort, whereas spherical harmonic shimming cannot shim localized B0 inhomogeneities.
Integrated parallel reception, excitation, and shimming (iPRES) is a novel technology that allows radio-frequency and direct currents (DC) to flow in the same coil simultaneously, enabling image acquisition and localized B0 shimming, respectively. By using a single coil array placed close to the subject, iPRES saves valuable space in the magnet bore and maximizes both the signal-to-noise ratio and shimming performance. Two advancements to this technology are proposed in this thesis: (1) a method to effectively recover signal loss in functional MRI (fMRI) and (2) a plug-and-play battery- powered iPRES head coil array.
Previously, iPRES has been used to correct for distortions in EPI images. In this work, we propose to use it to recover signal loss in fMRI. Three types of approaches were simulated: modifications of the coil geometry, adjustments to the volume shimmed, and redefinition of the cost function used in the shim optimization. The simulation results from the modified cost function were the most promising and showed that there was a tradeoff between reduction in B0 inhomogeneity and signal loss, which could be adjusted by using a weight.
The shimming performance was further assessed in in vivo fMRI experiments by acquiring B0 maps and EPI images during a breathholding task, before and after shimming with the optimal weight. The results confirmed that the proposed method could effectively recover signal loss in fMRI, while also reducing the B0 inhomogeneity.
Existing iPRES coil arrays use a multi-channel DC power supply, which allows the DC currents to be optimized to shim individual subjects and/or slices, giving the best shimming performance. However, this implementation requires many cables and filters between the coil array and the machine room. Additionally, subject-specific shimming involves the acquisition of a B0 map and a DC current optimization for each subject, which requires additional time and technical expertise, and may not be practical for clinical applications.
In this work, an MR-compatible battery pack was developed to power an iPRES head coil array, eliminating the external DC power supply, cables, and filters, and reducing the cost and complexity of the system. The battery pack was designed to deliver fixed DC currents to a subset of iPRES coil elements, which were optimized in advance to shim an average subject’s brain, thus eliminating the subject-specific shim optimization.
The system was validated through bench-top measurements and MRI experiments to verify that the shim currents were accurate and remained stable within the operating time. B0 maps and EPI images acquired in vivo before and after shimming with the battery- powered iPRES head coil array showed that it could reduce the B0 inhomogeneity and geometric distortion. While it does not offer the flexibility to shim individual subjects or slices, this stand-alone, plug-and-play system is expected to enable a wider adoption of iPRES in clinical applications.
Item Open Access Interoceptive Contributions to Motivational and Affective Modulators of Memory Formation(2015) Rainey, CourtneaBiological drives such as hunger, thirst, and sexual reproduction are potent motivators of behavior. Extrinsic rewards in the environment (i.e. food, drink, money) are also important behavioral and cognitive motivators. In addition to the relevance of an extrinsic reward in meeting the needs of biological drives, an individual’s sensitivity to the physiological state of their body (interoceptive awareness) would also be expected to mediate motivation for these extrinsic primary rewards (i.e. food, drink). Importantly, a better characterization of the predicted behavioral and neural interactions between interoception, motivation, and memory systems can highlight novel targets for interventions to facilitate motivation and memory for adaptive behaviors and/or impede motivation and memory for maladaptive behaviors (i.e. addiction, relapse, overeating).
The present dissertation examines how individual differences in interoceptive awareness may modulate motivated memory formation via motivational and affective mechanisms. Specifically, interoceptive accuracy is associated with increased motivation for relevant primary rewards and enhanced encoding for these rewards. However, anxiety, negatively predicted by interoceptive accuracy, negatively predicts memory the next day. Furthermore, memory for relevant primary rewards was negatively predicted by insula-parahippocampal and ventral tegmental area-hippocampal background connectivity.
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