Research consultations survey - spring 2015

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Chapman, Joyce

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In November 2014, the Assessment Core Team planned and piloted two efforts to gather feedback on Duke University Libraries’ research consultations. These efforts were repeated during the spring 2015 semester. The first effort was a brief, ongoing survey to be offered to each student at the end of a research consultation. Only three students were offered the survey before the end of the fall 2014 semester; 16 students completed the rolling survey in spring 2015. The second effort was an end-of-semester survey distributed to library users who had participated in a research consultation over the course of the previous semester. In order to create a list of everyone who had registered for a research consultation, data was exported from LibCal and Qualtrics, and public services staff were asked to compile records of everyone they had arranged consultations with via email during the semester. These were entered into a Qualtrics panel, and the survey was sent out to 187 people after the close of the fall 2014 semester and to 146 after the close of spring 2015. 2 The end-of-semester surveys ran for three weeks and included a raffle for an Amazon gift certificate as an incentive.






Chapman, Joyce (2015). Research consultations survey - spring 2015. Retrieved from